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Post birds, appreciate birds
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Anyone have that pic with a confused looking falcon with a "え?" next to it?
Here, have a sanderling pic from my last visit to the beach.
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My new local friend
Yes I feed him, no I won't stop
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A barrel roll?
He laughs at you behind your back, you know.
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Dog gang here. Birds are inferior.
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That's a fine feathered friend you have.
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I see your Eastern Bluebird and raise you a Mountain Bluebird.
console warrior faggot detected
hide those posts don't engage
That dog only fetched the shot bird. A noble task to prevent wastage and provide a meal for their family.

A cat kills with unrelenting joy and commits the act of murder with little to no thought. More often than not the cat will kill simply because it enjoys killing. Animals cannot commit acts of evil, but the sheer joy a cat experiences while killing endangered song birds come suspiciously close.
Cats are not special in that regard. Every predator delights in killing, a single loose dog can destroy an entire flock of sheep for fun. A fox in a henhouse will kill and maim every single hen so will a weasel. Crows and magpies also destroy whole nests of songbirds but they are universaly loved for some reason.
A cat is special in only one regard. How remarkably unspecial it truly is.
They are remarkable in making great pets.

If you want a truly evil incarnate, it has to be the crow that carves out the eyes of ewes as they lay giving birth.
I would say that they are more like living furniture and occasionally a bed warmer.

The crows are eating the lambs. Cats have made hundreds if not thousands of species of birds and reptiles go extinct merely for the thrill of the hunt.
less than 70 total species can be (partialy) blamed on cats
4 billion birds and 22 billion mammals annually in the US.

They're basically the nazis of the animal kingdom.
Some of those estimates exceed actual bird populations. Enviromentalists love to exaggerate.
I forgot to say up to, but I could believe it. I think it was 1.2 billion to 4 billion for birds.
desu I can believe it too there being 80 million cats
there are just too many damn cats, a single outdoor cat only kills something like 10-20 birds a year
not realy super bloodthirsty predator numbers
30 birds and 250 mammals. Close to one kill per day. They would kill so much more if only they could.
>1 tiny animal per day
meanwhile actual bloodthirsty predators:
Cats are inferior to just about every living animal and yet they cause so much pain and destruction.
Cats don’t. Cats are not conscious actors. They are dumber than bricks. Only a low IQ ape would blame a dog for killing some dumb chickens, after all. I would never harm a dog over chickens. I am a human who knows better. Chickens are fucking free. Dogs have emotional value. I don’t care what animals do to each other, i care about what HUMANS do to prevent it or not and whether or not they repay me.

The culpable parties are
>people who do not spay and neuter cats
>people who argue that not letting cats out is abusive or inviting a rat plague or other dumb shit
>people who casually let cats out to avoid taking care of them properly
All of these people owe the owners of wildlife (states) significant compensation.
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they are just a dumb small predator
blame humans for letting them out

dogs turn small animals and fledgelings into chew toys with just as much delight, except people keep them contained better, so they only kill the birds in their own yards
>no they're not other animals do that
repeat ad nauseam, do you get tired of being so retarded? why not just admit you hate cats because you're a mentally ill pajeet instead of giving it a pseudo-rational whiny pretense
oh boy it's the deboonker schizo
fighting the good fight against the aryan cat gods while gritting your teeth to larp as a sane person without a deep seated vendetta against an animal?

all of you are niggers and your barneyfag-tier obsession with cats has derailed this entire board, much like the you say cats should the mentally ill should be fed to large birds and the humans responsible (the immense faggots pretending to be our mod team) beaten for not dealing with you lesser beings. It's all so tiresome
It’s a catfag false flagging
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I love birds so much man I'm very thankful to have lots of beautiful birds here in Australia. One of the things I actually like about it here.
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More of my shots
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What are some of your happiness birds? Birds that always puts a smile on your face when you see them.
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For me, it's the Eurasian Bullfinch. Love seeing these lil round guys.
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forgot pic
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Question. When it's cold, about freezing point, birds shit ALL over the fucking place. I can't walk anywhere before stepping in some loogy. Why is this? It's mostly corvidae in a city.
No one asked, anti cat schizo
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>seethes at week old post
lol 4chan equivalent of beta males who speak their minds hours later in an empty room
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Why is he so fat
I nursed a bird back to life once.
Yeah it's mad alright
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another potato quality contribution
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Crow, or Raven? Crow?
everyone look at my birb climbing a rope

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i will never understand how pigeon "people" exist. dozens of native birds in every locale, and some jamokes pick pigeons.
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the noble rockdove is the horse and shepherd dog and barnyard cat of the bort world

loyal and loving and friendly to humans, they live in our cities, because we domesticated them. they hang out with us, are cute, and fat, and kind of stupid.

they were the first telephones dingus.
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is it possible that there's so many birds left undiscovered or at least unnamed? I lived in a tropical country and I've seen birds that I can't find anywhere in books and in internet.

pic related. I've seen this one several times before and I can't identify it. it's tail is almost 4 times longer than its body.
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Bearded reedling
Goddamn I love birds
killed my budgie of 10 years the other day because im a fuck up.
now you can kill yourself
retard, budgies are ridiculously easy to take care of
yeah probably

it was the pellet transition over the course of 6 weeks. i saw her eating the pellets. idk anymore.
It's probably unrelated to the diet, the budgie was old, could have been any number of organ failure.

Sorry for your loss.
thanks, she was my oldest friend.
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nuthatches are the cutest and I love seeing them hanging and running upside down. One gutsy nuthatch likes to come close to me and yap at me when I refill the feeders.
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saw a white throated dipper today
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Theres a Peregrin that hangs around my neighborhood, everyone calls him Sarge.
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Croven, or Ravow?
Merlin was telling me it was a Raven, but I'm not sure.
>don't go to the bird bath tomorrow
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Is this really a turkey vulture?

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ofc the day I hear an owl is also the day I'm very busy and was on the way home.. didn't have camera or even binos with me so whatever
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due to where i work i see pigeons every day and closely, they are always just chill if you are too close to their eggs they give you a cute grunt. found a baby a few months ago who had fallen out of a nest about 30ft into a stairwell his leg was busted and he was stuck so i picked him up and took him on my rounds with me he just sat there quietly and ate a few seeds from my hand. took him home the local bird woman wasnt taking anymore birds so he stayed with me till his leg was better. now he just hangs out with me all day, goes for a fly comes back sleeps on my shoulder hes really great.
Snowy owl swooped by me while I was shovelling at night, I think it thought my fur hood was it's next meal. Sorry owl bro.
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Just saw this roadrunner this morning
I had those bluebirds all over where I grew up, they were really nice to listen to and watch. A lot of times blue jays would just seemingly get jealous of them having a nice time and start trying to chase them off to different trees
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