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File: soiladon.jpg (56 KB, 953x618)
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Megalodon fanboys really expect you to believe their bullshit that the soiladon weighed 100+ tons when the only fossils of the shark are tooth and fragments. I guess they're trying to make sure that the Livyachad doesn't mog their favorite fish.
>19 foot great white shark weighs 4,400 pounds
>false killer whale of a similar length weighs 5,100 pounds
>11 foot lemon shark weighs 400 pounds
>11 foot pygmy sperm whale weighs 880 pounds
the assumption that a shark would be more dense than a whale of a similar length is pretty odd. length estimates for megalodon have always fluctuated, but i expect the weight estimates to plummet and pop science articles to ragebait about how megalodon wasn't as cool as you thought it was. it'll be the shrunk dunk all over again.

Livyatan has the biggest teeth of any animal that ever existed.
>when the only fossils of the shark are tooth and fragments
They’ve got vertebrae as well, including complete spinal columns
I think it’s because reconstructions like the one OP posted give it a very robust body, but there’s new evidence to suggest it was longer and more slender. Not sure whether or not that changes the weight at all
Sharcucks refuse to see the truth and prefer their big sharky delusions.

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