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How do you feel about macaques /an?
i like seeing them getting tortured with pliers and a car battery
I'm a primate supremacist so I love all monkeys and apes.
I love these lil niggas.
It's a real pity all their threads are just shitflinging now. Leave the shitflinging to the actual monkes.
Will the abuse of these little animals ever stop? I still see thousands of baby monkey videos on youtube.
I pity them
>would love to have a monkey bro
>keeping them as pets is unethical and makes them sad because they don't have a troop
>they don't understand the concept of day jobs so they freak out if you leave them alone
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The only way to have a real monkey friend would be probably to befriend a wild one. But would a monkey like to befriend a human?
>The only way to have a real monkey friend would be probably to befriend a wild one
Pretty much
He knows.
they're kawaii
that's super cool
Words can't express how much i wish they were good pets, but alas, twasn't meant to be
they bite and break my bones and poopoo peepee everywhere
dont like em
I guess it's like corvids. Their intelligence, mischievousness and strong family bonds and complex social structures that make them cool also makes them impossible pets.
I hate them but I didn't want them to get hurt. I just want them to stay the hell out of my bins.
Was thinking of writing the Total macaqueshit death pitypasta buy i dont feel like it
I would love tò befriend a primate, I Always wondered of they realize that we are related tò them like we do
I really want to hug a monki so bad bros
The babies look like tiny old men and it makes me laugh
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Ever since I started reading jttw I've gained more interest in monkeys, especially macaques, there's something charming about them. Id like to pet either a Japanese or Barbary macaque they look cuddly.
Sadly now I get recommended pity videos on yt because I went on a spree of watching monkey videos one day
I'm sure monkeys look at us as weird, huge monkeys with no fur or tails.
Might have to take an opposite approach and become the monkey's pet in the wild.
>it’s a real pity
Dammit anon
If you made a pile of all the pitied monkeys how big would it be?
I'm not sure, there was a time where pity channels were changing monkeys on almost a monthly basis
I wonder why baby monkeys and apes have wrinkly faces but human babies have lots of fat around their faces

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