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File: bear pool party.webm (2.89 MB, 848x848)
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these dudes have the creepiest call
picture this but half a dozen of them all slightly out of tune with one another, at 4am and all distant and echoey
Clean it up janny
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Your thoughts on Muntjacs?

They're a type of deer

The moving parts on their faces are scent glands
I want to stick my finger in it
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I want to stick my penises in it
Has he been trained to do that? Surely a dog would have no reason to do that unless it has been trained to do that.
>t. has never had a dog
They're not instinct robots. They're conscious thinkers and actually do stuff on their own.

They also look at their owners constantly which causes joyless bug people to say "this is a trained trick!" as if people making one whole youtube video and nothing else are going to spend 4 weeks training their dog to do that
I love interspecies animal frens videos!
>They also look at their owners constantly
That makes sense, dogs have been bred to be quite social, and they're descended from wolves who are pack animals, and owners provide food for dogs.

But I just didn't think that dogs would know that fish need water. And also, why would a dog help a fish? Maybe it's to do with fetching behaviour or something.
dogs like dropping things in water for fun

this dog figured out that fish move when dropped in water which adds to the fun
Fair enough, maybe that's it
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I think it's popcorn
Crazy that there are animals in the world that I have never seen or heard of
>They're not instinct robots
Ever heard of a tree porcupine? They look like regular porcupines except they have long, unquilled tails that are instead, covered in soft fur. They can hang from tree limbs with their tails like opossums and also have paws better suited to grasping rather than digging.
They sound like Mickey Mouse.
I think they're neat
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Is rolling around in sand really that comfy?
It is, you should try it.
If dogs are instinct robots so are humans.
Touch sand, loser.
Lol, bro never had a chance. That smug bitch isn't even sprinting
Where can I buy a cat like that?
>That smug bitch isn't even sprinting
it just need to follow the deer to be there when it will become too week from poisonous bite, that's their way of hunting
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Like the other anon said, if the deer is even scratched it's fucked. Komodo dragons also have an excellent sense of smell so septic wounds will lead them to any escaped prey. It's so good that menstruating women aren't brought to see Komodos since they can smell the period blood.
well its a good thing he wasnt sprinting either
that smugness probably got him nipped, now its all over
it's a mixture of both rotten saliva and venom produced by it's gland located in the cheeck. heard they want to check if crocs got it too. never heard of it again
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why'd ya post the tiktok version ?
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Some retards think they could fight this.
If sully had a baby with an arthropod
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Someone I knew back in high school figured out the technique
>>No means no
Is this them also periodically dissecting the meat for inspection, or is the rot literally causing it to explode outward?
do not grab the anus!
Wait, did Matt bite the deer too?
are foxes dangerous? pretty sure i saw one during a hike last month.
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Probably not unless it's rabid
They might nip if they think they can't run but they aren't aggressive towards anything human-sized.
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This among us game is hard. Don't know who the imposter is with all this shape shifting
can a dog write a symphony?
Can you?
Why did it get so mad?
Humans can.
im guessing the latter
whats the idea here?
Proof that toxoplasmosis is real in cats
some humans can. you can not. and you will never. i guess you're an instinct robot.
Unless it's a rabid one, they're harmless. They're much smaller than they look and not aggressive at all. Worst that could happen is having your finger nibbled if you're trying to hand feed one (they tend to go for quick chomps rather than sniffs like with a dog).
All wild animals are dangerous to humans insofar as they'll attack if they're threatened and think they can't flee.
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>Buy? You can only submit.
Low IQ post.
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this sound will make birds land on the ground in front of them and just accept their deaths
Only to chickens, and even then a mean rooster will beat a fox 9 times out of 10. Cats easily beat up foxes despite being half the size. Any dog will chase off a fox.
mad cuz bad.
>that shit stamina
no wonder humans won
you're retarded
kill yourself
yes extremely. you're lucky to be alive anon
big one looks like david schwimmer
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THAT'S why it looked so familiar. Fucking Schwimmer
Why do some zoomer memes start with "not"? I don't quite parse this one.
Zoomer meme or not, it looks like a typo to me. Probably meant to say "note".
These idiots must be feeding their cats literally like once a day.
You can usually spot where they started typing something decided it wasn't funny enough deleted half the text then started typing again. It leaves a lot mixed tenses and unnatural linkages. In their head it makes sense but they don't proof read anything.
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ya seething?
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>neverending story theme starts playing
>fuck off we're full
>don't proof read
Nor can they. Give it 6 months and the AI voice will be writing the captions too.
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He looks like he wants to give me a free assault rifle and encourage me to finish my manifesto
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Adult swim time
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36M-NwEFSOc this played in my head
There are lots of foxes around my suburban area, I see them pretty often, and they've never been dangerous to me. I walked past one in the evening a couple weeks ago, just a couple metres away, and it just stood there looking at me.

I guess the main worry in a suburban area with foxes is to make sure your bin has a lid on it. Otherwise they will tear open your bin bags all over the road because they want the food scraps inside.

There was a fox that was recently making a lot of noise in my local area. One evening it stood in the road, just outside our house, and was just shouting over and over. I don't think it's breeding season (when they often make noise) so perhaps it was just shouting to warn off other foxes from its territory. I read that this can be a reason they shout.
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I have similiar issues with boars in my country side
Anyone got that clip of the tiny horse in the fish tank in that chinese lab? It 404'd before I could save it.
Interesting that they dont eat the bug. Evolution probably programmed us to avoid the bugs and see them as nuisance rather than food
He simply does not wish to live in ze pod.
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aw nah he shit ees self
pussy magnet
Holy fuck you people are old.
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Goddamn cute
almost like, mama bear afraid cubs would break the pool by sitting on edge
good lord, that's a handsome smile
I think it has to do with good ol' stupidity. He saw that written in another video he found funny, so he has to do it the exact same way. Like those " X but is Y" video titles.
>Bears training camp
It's popcorn anon
>pretty sure i saw one during a hike last month
They can smell fish.
Oh, is *this* why American coffee tastes the way it does?
Yes, Europeans usually use falcon shit but it's just not the same.
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guy mustve felt great for a solid week after
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>I love you all, please send me animal pictures on discord my discord is collectorzani
>LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! I like pretending to be you it is fun, I think I'll have to just live with this voice, this half-consciousness being within me, I don't think it's able to ever depart, I think I create it I may be able to transform it into someone else or something else, I can make it whatever I want, it is not ALL the time bad, I just need to find others who have this voice speaking back to them, LOVE! Well when the voice is nice I then apologize, do I give into the voice or do I suppress it, I don't know I genuinely am unable to "talk to myself" I just have this feeling that I'm never alone like I just say thoughts to the voice
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This is just animal abuse
That's actually playing in some theaters this weekend... 40th anniversary.
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Maybe it's not Karen
This never gets old. Rekt. I hate birds so much.
lmao stupid duck
How did they get up there in the first place? Doesn't seem like the kind of site a duck would pick to nest. I'd immediately assume foul play if he wasn't white.
meds now
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what are you?
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some 50yo dude with that look isn't making viral bait
Damn it, Schroedinger got another one...
One of the signs of the apocalypse
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No, ducks nest on the ground.
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It's funny because he says it's not that but it actually is
>"look at her hanging there. She looks like a giant tea bag"
>giant tea bag
Contemplate the flavour.
She did it on purpose, didn't she?
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>spare me and I'll show you where the others are sleeping
>cats all look fine, healthy

The idiot is you.
Verification not required
Zoomzoom faggot detected
Brownoid hands typed this post
Eric threw them up there
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If these were Pitbull puppies it would've been a very different story
>no one:
>nobody on this site:
>not a single person alive:
>not even Homer Simpson:
>redditors: WHAT ABOUT THE SHITBULLS!?!?!!!??
What causes this behaviour?
What causes zoomers to type like fucking retards?
Probably the fact that they're fucking retards.
>Surprise workout kids!
What a champ that guy was!
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>4channer: fuck pitbulls
>4channer: yeah kill them all
>4channer: they're not dogs, they're vermin
>redditor: hello my fellow 4channers. pitbulls sure are rage comic epic right? only redditors hate sweet little velvet hippos. go back! us real 4channers love pitties!
>4CHADner: N
Paleoschizo newfag's favorite webm

Why is he so obsessed with this specific pitbull attack
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>Archive schizo out of nowhere
What the fuck is his problem?
Anon that image has been posted for years. If you think it's localized to one schizo, you may be the newfag.
MD5 search localizes it to one degraded, resaved copy probably from imgur/reddit.
haha but enough about your obsession
it's probably like watching one of those AI videos where things just morph into other things and if you didn't pay close attention to the exact transformation happening you might have been like "wasn't there a.... what the fuck? where is it now?"
why zoomers feel the need to put a caption that adds nothing to the video
>"its bussin fr no cap"
>Leave it, fatty.
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I'm not paleoschizo, dude. I've had that webm for years and completely forgot about it. You seriously might want to spend some time off of this site, go talk to actual people in real life.
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I also feel the need to state that I'm more of a dog person, both because I have a severe allergy to cats and every dog I've ever met has been extremely friendly to me. I just thought it was a funny vid so I saved it
oh wow I know the person who posted that, now that's something I wasn't expecting to see here
thank you for highlighting it, grim stuff
>looks like food
>smells like food
>can't eat it for some reason????
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What the fuck is this shit
>Runch to go!
>they see me rollin'
The faggiest of animals: The Zoomer (Homo Sexualis)
it's a manul, they're exceedingly rare and endangered. You can see one at a zoo, though.
Kek, why did he do that?
NOOOOOOOOOO you can't just say the one forbidden word to completely annihilate me!!! out of spite I will shove heavy fireworks up the ass of the first pitty I see to annihilate them
>I will shove heavy fireworks up the ass of the first pitty I see to annihilate them
Based ngl
>well-trained dog
>doesn't flinch when petted
how is this possible???
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>return pre contact
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No fucking way thats real
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you'd be surprised....
>bro [X]
fuck off black to tiktok with that zoomerspeak
thats a lot of cum
So what he just hard lands on top of his dog?
what did he mean by this
You don't shrimple as
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The forbidden banana juice
why bother with these dumb machines if you are at home
who fed nuclear juice to that thing lol
They speak like niggers, who are retarded
Because cats puke if they cant get 4 meals a day including one in the middle of the night
its like that famous Deep Purple song you know, "it ain`t me".
The cutest .webm currently on this site.
They are all rescued in the full video, nigger. Kill yourself.
She is just ensuring only the strongest remain
this must have been in Key West. I've heard chickens roam freely down there
Wow, you found yourself a meme
I've never fed my cats more than three meals per day. Breakfast, dinner and once before I go to sleep. In between is just a snack every now and then
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>it actually was real all this time
holy fuck
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idk but they can sing in a choir
dog looks drugged out of his mind
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