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What are some of your favorite vidya animals?
I always summon for this one boss because I'm not fucking waiting 5 minutes between phases for it to get close enough for me to hit it with my sword.
A lot of ARK animals are way cooler if you consider them 100% fictional species
yeah need a nigga with magic to ice that fool. and fuck getting magic Im just not that kinda guy you get me. my nigga logan went cuckoo aint touching that shit
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I like cats.
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Most of the Monster Hunter roster, but there are some standouts:
Barroth is a brute wyvern with a large bony structure called a crown that makes its head look like a ship's prow. It lives in hot, arid climes and, like an elephant, uses mud as sunblock. Its an ambush predator that hides in water, using the holes in the top of its crown to breathe as it waits for prey. In a fight on dry land, a barroth is covered in dry mud that acts as armour and must be chipped away to do any damage, but in water the mud becomes viscous and can be flung at the player to trap them or left as a hazard.
Ahtal-Ka is a neopteron (insect monster) that resembles a praying mantis with a sarcophagus motif. It uses silk strands to hurl objects at the hunter and, when sufficiently damaged, assembles a fucking mech from nearby scrap.
Glavenus is another brute wyvern, one that inhabits several biomes. It is your typical theropod, except that it has a metallic blade growing out of the underside of its tail. As it attacks, the tail generates friction, starts to glow orange, deals fire damage, and becomes blunt. Then glavenus takes its tail in its mouth, uses its teeth as a whetstone, and stores the molten slag in its crop to spit at the hunter.
Barroth eats ants and termites, its not really predator of anything else, nor is that really a prow, it's more like a steam engine, I'm pretty the holes at the top are it's nose
how about Bats?
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sandslash is so cute
i wish pangolins were real
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little criter ain't hurt nobody
Oops, you're right about the termite thing, don't know what I was thinking. And the steam train makes sense given how it sounds when it charges. As for the nose, I never said it wasn't, but I could have been clearer about it.


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