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tree balls
Thinly veiled animal fucker thread
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My goat
i love my cat's balls so much
rat balls are epic
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Brothers of any species, one thing we men all have in common is balls.
Look at these teensy lads.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLi9KQF5XiI
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balls in the air
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It's not gay or weird to appreciate balls. It's something that unites us all as males across all species of mammal
I need to stop browsing this board...
Anon why are these labelled like you have a collection? Anon.
I remember the full video of this, surprised he could take the whole thumb
i can't find any of a raccoon for some reason
there is no full video
thought maybe they were basically almost internally hidden, like rabbits can retract theirs
lil nigga is packing an XL bean burrito
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Some sort of wikihow home remedy i guess
By why sugar a rats balls?
you got a better way to make a rat perform autofellatio?
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Granulated sugar is sometimes used as a home remedy when you have a rectal prolapse or haemorrhoids (i'm not trolling, look it up) so this is likely to treat a penile one on a rat
>The sugar pulls in the fluid from the prepuce and penis, thus reducing the swelling in both structures.
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Dosent this hurt?
gonna presume that's a bulldog

they're pretty pain tolerant, and when it comes to the pain of receiving a punch to the balls it would hurt enough to make even the most trained dogs twitch

i'd say probably not
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me adjusting my nuts
He is so hung...
galls actually
More like this?
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Is this the thread?
>Thinly veiled
oh no, they're very overt about it and love flaunting it. the jannies are in on it too it why these threads stay up
No, this is a balls thread, I see no balls.
He is literally me
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It's a little odd how some humans, despite zoology saying we're supposed to be attracted to only other humans, end up falling for animmals or anthropomorphized animmals.
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Mostly mammals at least. I don't think anyone seriously wants sex with a fish or a bird. Dolphins are mammals mind you...
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i think this has to do with one of the problems in art and photography - a person's "appearance" is actually split between physical appearance and their body language. So you cannot give an accurate impression of a person with a static image - our brain is wired to percieve things like subtle face muscle movements, the way people look at things (literally), even the way they blink. All those can invoke both empathy and sympathy and most common human companions - horses, cats and dogs all can pass those hidden checks in your brain which one can then interpret as attraction if their brain is in enough of a crisis. Lack of actual human facial features may even be a contributing factor because if there are none they can't be unattractive - its the same as with animated characters
The skin at the top of the peen looks so soft and velvety
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step aside ballets, the bovines are here
Is that pee, or...?
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Isnt this a terrible natural selection trait? Our reproductive capacity is our most important function yet ours are set in two dangly fleshy bits that can be bashed/torsioned/tangled/torn off by any predator
internal testes cannot be smooched
Lmfao anon, wtf.
>checks “watch sea lion blow a load” off bucket list
theyre outside the body for temperature reasons
>sea lion
I'm afraid you are going to have to wait a little longer.
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Need more orbs to get us through these trying times
absolutely LOOOOD
trying times?
try a fresh cold can of TIGERBALLZ sports energy drink! Hydrates energizes and DEPLETES ALL COGNITIVE FUNCTION
get it at your local reTAILer mrrwwaarrrrr
If they're inside the body then the mammals bodyheat would fry the swimmers inside. It's an evolutionary trade-off for being warm blooded.
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Anon, my eyes are up HERE.
except birds are also endotherms and they don't have external balls
i would guess the real answer is that the biological changes necessary for internal testes are non-trivial, and the evolutionary pressure was just not strong enough for mammals when predators have no reason to actively go for the balls anyway
for birds, i would guess that optimizing for flight outright required many extreme adaptations, internal testes among them
IIRC their testicles are very close to the lungs or air sacks, so they stay cooler.
Me in the background
Balls so low it looks like he can play soccer with em
Damn you niggas are gay, and also zoophiles.
>balls on dick
How horrifying.
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Actually it's because the sperm production of birds doesn't decrease at their core body temperature.
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birds are still lower temperature, elephants weirdly have heat issues but still internal testicles
maybe theres a size limit where external would cause more problems than fix?
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Stand back, ballslets.
>sperm whale
Cartoons back in the day were wild
this thread gets worse the further you go down
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post pig poo on balls
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Thread theme
I used to always flick my cats balls before he got neutered. anyone else do this?
what is wrong with you
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Everything reminds me of her.
They got named sperm whales because retarded anglos cut their heads open and thought they were full of whale cum
Something something Lemurian time war.
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yeah they're kinda fucking huge for their size huh
especially for a dude that jumps around in tree branches, you'd think those would get in the way
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This is good and normal
in the second half of the video she jerks him off while sticking her thumb up his ass.
>vital to procreation
>expose it to the environment
How the hell was this evolutionarily advantageous?
Sperm is incredibly heat-sensitive. It needs to be stored in a bag that can extend and retract based on outside temp and body temp. Some animals, like whales, have internal testes.
uhhh catbros? is this why you’re all against neutering cats?
im trying to figure out if this thread is a bunch of non admiring natures solutions or a bunch of zoophiles
I mean it's not as if every zoologist that's studied reproductive behavior or anatomy is a zoophile, but to be perfectly honest it probably helped research
My cat has wet dreams and it's weird
There's probably like 100,000 Indians queueing up to drink his piss.
its an acquired doctor like attitude towards "just tissue".

except for dolphins
dolphin researchers are definitely fucked up and they publish a lot of non-statements that basically say "please let me... legally" and echo the attitudes of other zoosadists towards animals
why do people wanna fuck dolphins
we don't talk about the dolphin and mare schizos
their mental illnesses skew into psychopath territory
where video
en . lux . ur . e . t . v do . t . co . m
Autobanned text, lol.
It's not dolphins in particular, they just want to jam the door open kick society down the satanic stairway and they see dolphins as an easy way to get people to start making concessions

That's why with dolphins they publish "female dolphins have sexual pleasure like human women, and may have language" but with other animals its drab "clitoral structures are highly conserved, no shit, why else would a literal retard with no concept of the future reproduce"
Dolphins are one of the few animals that have been confirmed to rape extremely frequently.
dolphins have a je ne sais quoi that affects certain people, and a smooth rubbery body
also the dicks are like 4 feet long
it is a contributing factor
holy shit is he jerkin it
Naw, just morning wood
Can we have a penis thread next?
why does this thread exist?
Are you stupid?
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>Lack of actual human facial features may even be a contributing factor because if there are none they can't be unattractive
It's a good point. Unless there's a physical deformity you can't really say that, for instance, one german shepherd looks ugly and another beautiful. There's individual differences but they aren't as sharp as the ones you see in humans.
>Unless there's a physical deformity you can't really say that, for instance, one german shepherd looks ugly and another beautiful.
To the contrary, you can. Dogs that have sagging or wrinkly features, blocky faces, and stocky builds are ugly. Dogs with odd ears that are narrow at the base and fat in the middle before narrowing out again are kind of ugly too. Dark brown eyed dogs are ugly, dogs with fucked up teeth are ugly, dogs with goblin claws instead of paws are ugly, etc.

Here's an ugly german shepherd right now
And here's a german shepherd that isn't so ugly

Beauty standards apply to animals. The real reason furfags exist is because they're all gay autistic pedophiles who couldn't get their hands on children and went to the next most defenseless thing to fetishize.
it sounds like the only one autistically fetishizing animals right now is you, what are you even talking about?
>Can recognize when a melted looking cave troll dog is ugly and a normal, natural dog is more beautiful
>"u wanna fuck animals"
Do you really believe that or do you just dislike the trvth nvke that all furfags are gay autistic pedophiles redirecting their urge to rape and defile towards something that has less law enforcement protection
Bottom one has a more unusual and striking expression but there's nothing ugly about the top one. He looks perfectly generic and rather healthy.
>smashed face beady eyed dog with gorilla nostrils and fucked up ears looks normal and healthy to you
are you blind bud

and that's just its face, the short looking forelegs sticking out of the bulky body make it look even dumber
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>Ugly dogs don't exi-
being ugly isn't even unique to specific breeds

behold, ugly huskies from a normally beautiful breed.
okay so you're just autistic schizoposting, carry on
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Post your ugly dog
What does this have to do with furfags? Like, I don't see the connection unless you're saying that they recognise dog beauty standards.
retard thought furfags existed because there are no beauty standards among animals. this is clearly false. there's a such thing as an ugly dog.

furfags are actually just a typical homosexual statistic. the majority are lgbt, the majority of lgbt are pedos, and the majority of zoophiles are pedophiles. that's all you need to know about them. it's just run of the mill sexual predators seeking out things that can't say no in a meaningful way.

you should hate and fear furfags.
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Japan gets it.
I don't see a bellybutton. Is it just hidden in the leg shadow?
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What's the name?
That ass looks comfy.
>tfw ywn be able to perch your dingus over your own shoulder like that
If you could give balls to any animal that doesn't have them already, what would it be and why?

I'd vote orca just because it would be funny
alan is that you?
virginia opossums would be cute with external testes, i'm pretty sure they don't have them
scroll up the thread >>4841327
orcas have balls they're just internal. You mean give an animal a scrotum. my vote goes to elephants
how the fuck does this make it past thousands of years of natural selection?
chackmate athiests
>nature decided to evolve sperm that prefer the cold
Further proof that all of creation was a cruel trick by a deceitful demiurge.
Bro, we get it. You desperately want to fuck dogs (but you've got . ݁+ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁standards. ݁+ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁)
Fuck off and stop mucking up a perfectly good Christian balls thread.
>can't evaluate a dogs appearance without being overcome by lust
>copes by staring at tiger balls
seems like a you problem bro.
You mean the guy?
Nature really is beautiful
i cannot take you seriously. shut the fuck up retard

My new husbando
What breed is this dog? I know it's 'generic cartoon dog' but I can't actually think of the actual breed he could be.
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Labs are pretty thick-boned and short irl.
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sea balls
Put some big ol' truck nuts on an albatross
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wth are these?
Nipples or pee spouts.
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Hunger: Felled
Balls: Restored
Sugar is used to reduce edema in tissues.
Edema is present in prolapses.
Prolapses or penises that get stuck in the prepuce and then get edema can happen.
Apply sugar, light warm water and very gentle pressure to place the organs back in place.
overflow valves

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