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How do you decide which animals you are willing to eat and which ones you are not?
Autists run off feed/meat conversion efficiency
People with souls inherently recognize other souled beings and prefer to eat chickens, gators, vegans, and pitbulls
And if you're a total retard and possible NPC, just read leviticus, it'll keep you from fucking up too badly
I decide based on the taste and nutritional value + energy density. There's no other objective argument you can make, everything else is subjective cope and emotional appeals.
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>People with souls inherently recognize other souled beings
Spritually void post.
I decide based solely on if the animal gives consent
If it's commonly eaten in my culture I will eat it
Whatever available, meat consumption is inevitable so I'd rather focus on taking care of the livestock than thinking I could eliminate the practice.
I use this same criteria for sex.
Carnivores not food
Herbivores food
Omnivores go in a volcano
if I can kill it then I will eat it. for example I can eat chickens because in a 1v1 I'm sure to win, but I won't eat a bear because I know in a 1v1 it will fuck me up even with guns, and before you say "b-but cows!?", yeah I have killed cows and pigs so I can eat them
i could kill you
I could also kill you but eating you would be gay,
Where can I buy a collie steak? I wonder if rough collies feel rough on the tongue.
>Carnivores not food
What if i put them on a vegan diet?
If the animal is made of food it's okay to eat
If it looks scared, I eat it.
If I can fuck it, I can eat it.
the women are safe inshallah
If the macros are decent, then I have no issue with it.
chicken is omnivore
whether or not it's a herbivore (delicious and born to be eaten)
Fuck it, I'll try anything once. I guess the answer is depends if it tastes good. Remember anons, don't eat human brain/nervous system or you will get CJD.
Hylics? On my /an/?
mouth feel, flavor, convenience

dog used to actually contribute to society and carnivores usually are complex meats, but if everyone started eating them it would be hard to get them back off the menu
Whether we were friends or not, unironically
Humans taste better and their slaughter is less objectionable

I’d eat convicts before i’d eat dogs. Dogs are our friends. Convicts are our enemies. What is more noble than consuming your enemy, and what is more treacherous than eating your friend?

I’ll take a uhhhh kentucky fried rapist
Dogs are always the first thing off the menu as soon as a society exits famine and develops enough to start pushing the aggressive, low empathy freaks back out to the fringes and off a cliff where they belong, followed shortly by cats.

Anyone who doesn't innately know why most likely isn't a fully developed human being (ie: mid/low functioning aspie).
depends entirely on what is readily available at my grocery store
What about dingos and wolves? Or are you only biased towards the hecking pupparinos that you domesticated?
I’d eat you before i ate a wolf, redditor
>noooooo you can't eat le heckin wolferinos!
only redditor is you furfaggot
I’m willing to eat anything that can’t talk desu
I don't eat anything with a nervous system.
Animals bred and raised for food were, well. Bred and raised for food. In theory I have 0 moral issue with eating any other animal (cats and dogs included) but what would be the point? Cats and dogs weren't bred for food (no, not even the dogs that east Asians USED to eat), therefore their meat is low-quality and there isn't enough of it. Why go through the trouble and expense of sourcing dog meat when I could just go to any store and buy a steak, which will be better in literally every way?
Best answer itt
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>eating an intelligent predatory animal that has been by our side since we were hunter gatherers

anyone that eats dog is a genuine monster
Dog worship is a function of white supremacy
Why are you sending pigs to a volcano?
>dogs weren't bred for food
very much so wrong. poi dogs and chihuahuas.
Whatever I feel like.
still tasty and bred for the plate.
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dont care about the opinions of a lesser subspecies
If it's not too filthy and gross I'll eat it. Like I wouldn't really want to eat roaches or crickets or annelids in general, but most vertebrates, mollusks, echinoderms, and many arthropods are good eating.
The friend/food dichotomy is perfectly rational when you recognize it as the product of agricultural economics, which is of course the thing our civilization and culture developed around because pretty much everyone was doing it from the neolithic to maybe 150-200 years ago.
>cows convert grass into nutrient-dense food, plus useful byproducts like leather and horn
>sheep do similarly to cows
>chickens, ducks etc vill eat ze bugs
>pigs are essentially garbage cans on legs that transform your kitchen waste into more food
The obvious trend in livestock's utility (nobody would have bothered domesticating them if they didn't provide any, after all) is that they take in available biomass, and convert it into something we can make more effective use of than the original. With the exception of milk, eggs, and wool, this utility has to be gained through slaughtering the animal.
Dogs are a very different situation, because they offer overwhelmingly more utility if kept alive:
>obligate carnivore, so slaughtering will always provide less meat than you put into it in the first place
>not slaughtering will instead provide you with many times its body weight in food through assistance in hunting and herding, as well as its protection
Slaughtering the dog therefore produces an overall negative yield. To do so is only worthwhile as an alternative to starving to death, but even then it is only a short term solution with long-term consequences, losing its support in getting more food in the future and making your already dire situation even worse.
This is what we had to deal with through pretty much our entire history working with dogs, so "eating dog = bad" has inevitably been deeply ingrained into our culture. Cats of course have a similar deal, because they would keep rodents out of your food stores and contain no worthwhile amount of food anyway.
the people who eat dogs are delusional pseudo-religious loons (any belief system but the church of england for those nuts) or hedonists (so evil) there's no sense in arguing with them

for what its worth we do "use cats and dogs as food". specifically unwanted strays are sent to rendering plants along with 4d livestock to become "protein meal" used in chicken feed. this is considered more efficient than just burying them and no dog has ever asked for their corpse to be used a specific way. worm food, chicken food, what's the difference?
There is usually still a "barrier" to eating wolves even if not "taboo"
Predators are a no-no, unless they have fins.
A dog is meant to be a person's friend, they crave human companionship more than interaction with their own kind. This is why eating dogs is more abhorrent than eating basically any other animal.
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I use my eyes
It's purely based on feelings, just like you and everyone else.
>>obligate carnivore
feed them ze bugz
chickens and pigs disagree.
depends on the breed
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yes, your worthless useless eater ass isn't dead in a mass grave or living as a slave because of someone's feelings

remember that

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