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95 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Why his dick is hairy as fuck?!
>Oh shit!
>anon wants to mount
Another one

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im starting to re-consider if i should spend that much time organizing my porn collection, i dont even jerk off that often, its mostly just a outlet for my OCD
158 replies and 83 images omitted. Click here to view.
who's the cock? It's fucking perfect
sauce on middle Asian girl?
No one likes this garbage
fucking who??

189 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
The tits are real, she has a few actual nudes out there.
For the record, on average 1 oz of human breast milk has 20 cal. Therefor 1 gallon requires 2,560 calories, and the amount claimed (1.75 gallons) would be 4,480 calories. There is simply no way that’s happening. Leaving aside issues like the volume of fluid (which would kill her) and the contents like sodium or protein loss, there is just no way physiologically this is happening. It’s bullshit.
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Again, yes it's degenerate, I'm ok with that.

Let's have some actually good models in here: Santana Redd, Lula, Selena Loca, Debbie, etc.

none of them skinny bitches forcing out lil' toots
137 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Be honest. What are the chances of me find a girl who has this trifecta?
>FAT ass
>loves anal
>loves brapping
I wonder if someone could actually suffocate in this scenario
She doesn't have a fetish for it, but she's naturally very gassy, and after being together for a year she agreed to fulfill my fetish

I can share an ass pic if ya want
Love when women flare their nostrils when being nasty

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A thread for White Males and indian females only. WNWO and captioned webms are also allowed.
225 replies and 69 images omitted. Click here to view.
>we fucked really quietly in
Why be quiet?
She didn't want to be seen as a slut and have the whole floor know she was getting plowed.
She was staying with you, anon...what would you two be doing? Fucking arm-wrestling?! You were in fucking college, fucking is presumed.
Yes, but *she* didn't want the whole floor to hear PLAP SQUEAK PLAP SQEAK PLAP SQEAK FUCK ME DADDY OH OH OH IM CUMMING.
I just obliged.
Fucking students!
Just fuck goddamnit

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Last thread died , so let's see some white guys fuck black women!
192 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nooooooo! BRING HIM BACK!!!!
non 0% chance that a jap at nintendo jerked his little nunchuck to this
Stay jelly virgin
That old homo is 4 inches at best and he can't maintain a.boner if his life depended on it.

Why are so many of you fags posting complete garbage.
Cream every hole, anon

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Post girls who are in shape and have visible musculature, the only rule is that they must still have some semblance of femininity, so no roided out shemales. Women of ANY race are welcome, if you have a problem with that then cry about it.
80 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
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That's how it starts. Welcome, anon.
maybe she's doing it to look and feel how she wants and not to get in a dick-wagging contest with you?

Islam is a scourge upon the Earth, the motherlode of bad ideas, founded by the grifter, warlord, murderer, pedophile, rapist, slave trader, thief, liar, torturer Mohammad (piss be upon him) that Muslims revere.

The last thread is now deleted, and I don't see a new one. I'm not the OP of the past threads, but I enjoyed them.

This thread isn't necessarily about Christianity being better than Islam (although it is, and Sam Shamoun content is encouraged). I like the Hitchens approach: all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.
9 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
cope jew
even normies have learned of how disgusting zionists are
Who the fuck cares
Why would I listen to some jeet talk about Islam?
Pls be nice to the one guy denouncing his shit religion
It's ok for Jesus, a moral figure, to kill Jezebel in Revelations 2?

Bonus points for incest and reipu scenes
23 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Giga kek
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Midgets females getting fucked
78 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
The dog.. kek
>love ebony
>like midgets
>The only vids combining the two are this immobile log that looks like she's suffering

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Actual ylyl not god damn mother fucking flart
70 replies and 43 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kek, I wish this had sound.
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Is he ok?
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I've got some new edits.

I know nothing is going to stop people from wasting the bump buffer arguing over whether it's real or not, but I'm gonna try anyway by laying out some facts in hopes of warding off arguments. let me preface this by saying: PORN IS FAKE BY DEFINITION. WHO CARES. JACK OFF OR DON'T.

here're some facts in brief:

some of the girls are established pros, some are true one-off amateurs, some are wannabes. some girls really did get into porn after the casting. the verifiable autobiographical details the girls give in the auditions have checked out.

there were hundreds of castings, most of them do not have sex in them at all. obviously, the castings are edited to cut out things like STD tests, signing contracts, condoms, and birth control. we know this because sometimes they reference them as if they've already talked about it. they also cut out discussions of payment for the day. (if a girl says she does not want to have sex, there is almost always a cut shortly after, if not immediately -- based on later allegations, this is where the put on the hard sell). massage videos were almost always shot the same day in a different part of the complex.

czech casting was never available inside the czech republic, which is part of how they pulled off getting amateurs for so long before it fell apart. the czech republic in general has permissive sex norms. still, there were a couple of scandals over the years -- the one most people remember is a kindergarten teacher who was fired and later claimed she'd been drugged (no evidence she had and nothing came of it)

the studio was raided and several people arrested several years ago after allegations of coercive tactics (eg. holding their passports, threatening them with breach of contract or non payment, etc) against women who appeared in casting videos. status of the trial is unclear but they stopped producing videos and took some off the site.

alright that's it. let's share some webms.
229 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.

So you put 'czech casting' and the number together in google, have fun fapping grandpa
nice find
7113 in case anyone wants to know.
>her locker
>early 20s
your story is full of shit

264 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'm glad whites who have 0 chance with any other woman except Indians are mixing with this race. In some years we will have so many beautiful mixed races. I'll be sticking to white puss though.
Poojeets find the most convoluted way to larp and act smug.
Post hand
You know these threads are forced because nobody finds Indian women attractive.

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no blacks, no asians
lightskin latinas and attractive happas are acceptable
41 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
Only English, Dutch and German is white. Sorry Vlad
What are Swedes, Danish, and Norwegian?
No, you are just a moron
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297 replies and 86 images omitted. Click here to view.
>. I rarely got rejected by a guy
This isn't much of a brag, most guys would fuck anything
Not true. Guys in 5% facial attractiveness tend to act like pretty girls, like cold, dismissive, hard to talk etc. Also, I live in a relatively conservative part of Houston.
shut the fuck up
>conservative part of Houston.
That literally doesn't mean anything
stop using 4chan, genuinely.
This place is hurting you.

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