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I've got some new edits.

I know nothing is going to stop people from wasting the bump buffer arguing over whether it's real or not, but I'm gonna try anyway by laying out some facts in hopes of warding off arguments. let me preface this by saying: PORN IS FAKE BY DEFINITION. WHO CARES. JACK OFF OR DON'T.

here're some facts in brief:

some of the girls are established pros, some are true one-off amateurs, some are wannabes. some girls really did get into porn after the casting. the verifiable autobiographical details the girls give in the auditions have checked out.

there were hundreds of castings, most of them do not have sex in them at all. obviously, the castings are edited to cut out things like STD tests, signing contracts, condoms, and birth control. we know this because sometimes they reference them as if they've already talked about it. they also cut out discussions of payment for the day. (if a girl says she does not want to have sex, there is almost always a cut shortly after, if not immediately -- based on later allegations, this is where the put on the hard sell). massage videos were almost always shot the same day in a different part of the complex.

czech casting was never available inside the czech republic, which is part of how they pulled off getting amateurs for so long before it fell apart. the czech republic in general has permissive sex norms. still, there were a couple of scandals over the years -- the one most people remember is a kindergarten teacher who was fired and later claimed she'd been drugged (no evidence she had and nothing came of it)

the studio was raided and several people arrested several years ago after allegations of coercive tactics (eg. holding their passports, threatening them with breach of contract or non payment, etc) against women who appeared in casting videos. status of the trial is unclear but they stopped producing videos and took some off the site.

alright that's it. let's share some webms.
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does anyone have all numbers involving anal?
>does anyone have all numbers involving anal?
I think they just call it #2.
>responding to a message that says read the thread for more information with a question that is answered in said thread

read the thread
reminder that those girls opened their legs just because the guy was good looking. It isn't for the money, it is just because they are complete whores.
Can i get sauce for this, I am 95% sure she is my neighbour...

post webms that fit description if you have more
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cringe larp
Is this a thing? Where to find more?
>check out this fucking homo
I should have webm but unfortunatly didn't so anybody got some accidental puke during blowjob scenes? Not forcing and the girl is clearly embarrassed

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Buff women. Just post your webms and gifs, I don't give a shit about your dumbfuck opinion on whether or not fake tits are good or bad etc unless you post a webm with a fuckable woman in it to illustrate your point.

-No chinks
-No mediocre instagram reels where nothing happens
-Yes, John Chinkposter, you ARE gay specifically FUCK you

Anons with clips of buff women getting railed welcome
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incredibly beautiful
LOL oh shit I didn't know she did of

She's legitimately the strongest woman

Actually kind of sad she needs to resort to onlyfans... Thought she might actually be able to get decent sponsorship

Oh well

Actually looks to be a while ago since she's significantly more jacked now:


Bonus points for incest and reipu scenes
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Trans content allowed but let's try keep it female on male mostly.
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who is this couple?
I know this feeling all to well
I just watched this video this morning
Learn to read, retard! <3 Love you
read what?
nice but limp, least he could do is get hard for it

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Send edits, infographics, redpills, and anything else you might have.
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good talk faggot
don't ever forget you're my bitch
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>go on tell me how to use that term correctly, I have never sent misinformation in any of the national socialist threads that I have posted in.
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>be in China
>be on road
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china is the only country where there's pop-in because of the overpopulation
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for the love of christ, look at the non-human reaction of everyone.
One judged fucked up causing that issue and they passed a law explicitly stating the obvious to protect good samaritans.
What directive are chinkdroids government by. Everything in this video boggles my fucking mind, from parking your forklift on a highway to picking up the dead body and bouncing it up and down repeatedly
freeze on the spot exactly on the trajectory om the car. deer level

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Anything containing squirting girls, the messier the better
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amy brooke
Imagine being dollar store Daizha Morgann
glancing over this thumbnail made me think this was a prolapsed anus

what have I become..

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Let's see some fat juicy bussies guys! Ideally getting fucked
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It's very obviously a bbl.
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>Because it's unhealthy sexual behavior
except straight anal threads get none of this, nor do other unsafe/unhealthy straight threads on this board
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Don't know, sorry.

Islam is a scourge upon the Earth, the motherlode of bad ideas, founded by the grifter, warlord, murderer, pedophile, rapist, slave trader, thief, liar, torturer Mohammad (piss be upon him) that Muslims revere.

The last thread is now deleted, and I don't see a new one. I'm not the OP of the past threads, but I enjoyed them.

This thread isn't necessarily about Christianity being better than Islam (although it is, and Sam Shamoun content is encouraged). I like the Hitchens approach: all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.
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Found the butthurt muslim.

Islam IS Abrahamic though. It's just the arab equivalent of christianity being forced on the European by shizo dick-cutters from the middle east. Both are poisons the jews introduced to competition populations in order to destroy them. Christianity made the European lose his in-group preference and Islam made the arabs inbred and retarded.

That would be the 80+ generations of inbreeding, because these arabs couldn't keep it in their pants and rape their own female family members.
>Tucker being a cuck as usual
You mean I have to not revel in the removal of all these different flavors of brown "people" and jews from my people's lands, or else I am worshipping satan? Even though jews are the literal satan worshippers?

Verification not required.
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>You mean I have to not revel in the removal of all these different flavors of brown "people" and jews from my people's lands, or else I am worshipping satan?
no you're satanic by virtue of being a jew and acting jewish.
>Even though jews are the literal satan worshippers?
>Verification not required.
such a faggot forced me.
Not just Islam, anon. All religion. You can argue all day about whether pancreatic cancer is worse than stomach cancer, but it doesn't change the fact that they're both cancer.
next time read the whole post before commenting

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As in both the man and that woman in the frame
straight obviously
no bbc spam
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I don't see the problem here, anon. The place looks clean. Are you complaining about the mattress on the floor? Sounds like you get everything on a platter anon.


that's all romantic and shit
holy shit
Sauce on this?

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A guy cumming is next to a girl ok too
By the way can anyone post a longer video related or sauce?
post 3 fagit

I just want someone to touch me, if the only way I can be touched is with someone's piss then I can get hard

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WMBM love

Black boys conquered by big white cock
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dis shit rasis
He smelled the bussy juice
Enormous cope. Bmwf always seems so devoid of passion and just there for money. Only real porn with passion I've seen is wmwf or wmaf. Are niggers really that insecure that the only way they can cope is by saying wild reaching bs?lmao
Go Go Gadget Fuck Yourself
Now fuck off back to >>>/x/ kid
its something said all the time about WMxF, so I think he was trying to shitpost and flip it around. as someone whose been in both, undoubtedly theres a lot more focus on depravity in BMxF threads by fucking far as people have admitted

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Honestly,i wanted to make this an Adriana Chechik thread since she makes the best sounds on top of her sucking skills but was thwarted by the filesizes plus the lack of sound on so many vids. Depressing. If you know anyone else that does more than glug glug glug be sure to share.
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Requesting more like this, big fan. 1 of 8. Would like full scenes if possible.
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>see cum play/swap in hentai anime and doujins
>its hot as fuck
>see it in reality in this thread
>immediate gag response
i do not understand.
I think you're talking about Bakky, not SpermMania
it's not surprising, everything is sublimed in 2d. I can fap to anime traps but in actual porn 99% of the time I'm grossed out before finding a good video.
Also cumplay is the kind of fetish where the idea is more attractive than the actual thing, it's not like it feels good for anyone involved
that's how you got aid

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