big white cockbonus points for tomboy
Wish I had more of this08B4384
How do I find girls who aren't afraid of 6" + girth? Every girl i try to have sex with is in awe but then says I'll kill them if I put it in. It's about 3 and a half fingers in width, so I can see what they mean, but their has to be gals out there.
>>28368880Well.. lets see it.
>>28368880>How do I find girls who aren't afraid of 6" + girth? just do porn you lucky bastard
>>28368880Find a woman who wants lots of kids and tell her you're practice for child birth.
>>28368880Big girls with big pussy. NOT FAT but traditionally wide hourglass figures. Wide hips, big tits, tall. My first two girlfriends were like that and I fit like a glove. I'm not as girthy as you but long and it definitely matters. Tons of spinners try to prove their womanhood by impaling themselves and it's just pointless.
>>28370070i wish that were me (the girl)