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File: Blackmanchina.webm (1.58 MB, 320x240)
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For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starving to death and haven't died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the L of a YLYL-thread. You best start believing in YLYL-threads, anon... you're in one!
128 replies and 81 images omitted. Click here to view.
missed opportunity to put wmv after the movie.
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Not supported on 4chan newfag
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everybody poops

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Perfect female buttholes
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And this is where we keep our prized female buttholes. Go on. Take a look. :-)

assholes usually gross me out, but there's just something about hers that makes me want to tongue it like a pussy

also, the faces she makes are insanely hot

her name is stella mori

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Since Anime Expo is almost here, let's celebrate with creepshots of cosplays
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How the fuck do you get into that site? It says that I'm not permitted to create an account on the site.
pay monies
If I really have to pay to get in, how do I even contact them?

Last question, where to get more of their content? Especially for the cosplay category on the site?
i dunno. i'm guessing i have an account from when it was all free but i'm not paying $50 a month
They're LITERAL WHORES advertising their services.

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She was cute before the surgeries
i personally find makima to be the most annoying overated character i have ever fucking seen.
but at the same time... she looks SO FUCKING GOOD with a dick in her mouth and the look shes giving the camera is fucking sexy as fuck
0:04-0:05 i fucking love the way she moves her head left and right while going down
0:06-0:12 her looking down at it then at the camera back and fourth is super fucking hot
0:14-0:15 i fucking LOVE her head being pushed down and held for a second
just the way she looks at the camera while shes getting face fucked is so fucking hot
even her ass in the back looks fucking great
He's on roids. They make your nuts shrink so small that all you have left is an empty ballsack.
It's such a shame that a chick so attractive has to fuck such a tiny dick on Cam & still, retards pay for it.
Her body looks perfect but her face looks dead.

Post hot sex scenes from films/tv series
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If anyone is down to make a webm, there is this crazy 2 sex scenes on Boardwalk empire on 3x05 I think, one at the start of the ep and one at the end, where Gyp Rosetti gets choked on a leash by this hot redhead and he later fucks her while still on a leash. Its not exactly hot but it was fucking wild seeing that shit on my screen

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I posted her twice.
She gets posted here every 2 weeks for the last 6 months or so.

I found 5 videos of her on XFree:

I think she is Russian.

I tried rn the usual suspects:

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I used to know a scat dominatrix from Australia and New Zealand. she went by miss cruel or lady Katherine and a few other names. anyone have anything by her?
I desperately need sauce!

She's so fucking pretty wtf
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This was probably the prettiest scat girl before LaraJuicy. Her name is Saki Megumi/Mae Yoshida. Maybe one of the porn starlets who was with Kaitlyn Katsaros but they don't really count

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who's the chick in pink?
Any with black chicks?
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Good question
sauce on outside girl?

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You triggered all the dirty mudslimes and neoRETARDn*zis, nicely done! Kek
they die so they can free themselves from the burdens of this evil world.

No war is ever fought for freedom.
All wars are fought for the rich!
lol, respectable
the reason it used to have the phrase "the FFL is as good as its worst German" is because so many Germans fled execution, prison or other forms of persecution by joining after the collapse of Nazi Germany - it's the same reason there are French versions of Wehrmacht songs
it has always been a force of immigrants and crazy low life scum seeking escape with little else to go to
like the other anon said, suicide brigade, is a good way of thinking of it, though it's less like that than it used to be I'm sure - by the sounds of things it is just a shoddy military force where you spend most of your time as a janitor doing ridiculous reps of callisthenics and lugging shit about, every now and again you might be on some front line township in Africa or something and get shot at by angry 'terrorists' over there
until recently they would accept people on the run from the law, like drug dealers and murderers, as well as people who defected or were kicked out of other militaries
back then it was respectable HA
not that that isn't a reason for joining, if you want to experience that lifestyle or whatever, get shouted at and made to do 500 press ups or whatever, but sure is delusional to think otherwise, that it was noble lol what a drip
the only parts of the military that are 'noble' (so retarded how can the war machine meat grinder be noble under any pretence) are the parts that are filled with rich kiddies and toffs, like the SAS

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Post tranny vids with a lot of hugging and or kissing

no tgirl topping/getting sucked
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Keep going
I'm not a huge Jenny fan, but I gotta admit, she can take a dick.
Loving make out sessions are peak

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The only acceptable content.
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is this seriously the best you faggots can come up with?
Not yours though. Never yours. :)

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Ohmehgal thread
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Bonus points for:
large tits
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nice brapper. surely she's mixed?
Megumi Okamoto
MUCH-126 Megumi Okamoto
Would grab that belly
Arianny Koda is her name. Proud of the fact she's an Aussie

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All things welcome.
Taking off go cum
Real / anime
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>woman puts a condom in her mouth like chewing gum and hides it in a corner
>puts it on the dick with her mouth without using her hands unsuspectingly
is there vids like this

because you watch porn with black men
maybe consider not watching what you don't want to see? unless of course you are legitimately just a fucking retard
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Or asian female fingering to WM, any asians into this ? (female or male ?) share them.
259 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
>no content for almost two days
>post this 10/10
Worth the wait, this was so fucking hot.
what's the source of the last clip ? @2:13
So instead of catching a fly like in 'karate kid' blud really be catching his own dick lmao
>Lofi playing on the TV
what did they mean by this? kek
I came to this as an asian boy...

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White bois and black men
243 replies and 104 images omitted. Click here to view.
if you are wondering then you do
Hot as fuck
I meant to share some I had screenshotted with you, but okay.
Sauce pls, that Boi getting absolutely dominated
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>when you fight your bully and lose

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