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No hairy or tranny crap
93 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
>n-nooo I HAVE to shit up the thread because otherwise it will FAIL
If it doesn't align with your fetish just don't post
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sexsoda on reddit (webm unrelated)
what movie is this?
nvm archives worked
Drei Schwedinnen auf der Reeperbahn
wish I had been alive when my fellow countrywomen looked like this.
german women are so cold, distanced and arrogant and most importantly they shave religously, probably because they're extremely shallow and afraid of rejection.

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Again, yes it's degenerate, I'm ok with that.

Let's have some actually good models in here: Santana Redd, Lula, Selena Loca, Debbie, etc.

none of them skinny bitches forcing out lil' toots
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you can tell she enjoys her own brand :)
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Thanks ^^
Oh god pls more of that era
I didnt know she started this cute !
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forgot her name but she seems to be a recent addition to newmfx

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The urkaine is a fucked up place
reminds me of this classic
Kill yourself
My immediate thought as well haha
little ravioli boi

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Motorbike webm
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Door Dash
Gotta love how retarded cyclists are. I could see that clear as day in a low quality video on a phone screen, how they didn't see it irl is staggering.
Sure you did... when the camera was right on top of it. If you're riding a bike or driving a car, you're looking way ahead of when you could see a wide across the road/path. Go brag somewhere else.
I'm not saying that hes not retarded all I'm saying is that the car turning does not have the priority to turn and it turned hella late. It had more than enough time to see the retard coming

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WMBM love

Black boys conquered by big white cock
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based black man!
As a bottom, I wish threads like this were more common. Just minus the cuckshit and raceplay
Why is he already hard?
So cute, she looks so soft and plappable, would look even prettier with a nice thick veiny white hard cock plapping her instead

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Post webms of sharking, grabbing, grinding, cumming on girls in public.
256 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
Gen X'er here. We certainly got away with it. No social media...no cell phones with cameras in the 70s 80s and 90s. I never attended college myself, but when I was in high school and after in my twenties I would go to college towns to frat parties and wait til 2 or 3 in the morning for most people to leave or fall asleep and seek out drunk passed out girls and r@pe them. Then go wait my car til sunrise to go home. Brought a lot of panties souvenirs home with me too.
I can tell you're a woman by the way a basic fact triggers you lol.
Why the fuck are you on 4chan, on /gif/ no less, if you're this easily offended by a statement? It always baffles me how retards like you feel the need to emotionally respond to comments that don't even deserve a second reading. Go to fucking red**t where dickless stooges can be perpetually offended by any comment that even slightly deviates from the hiveminds consensus.
Agree, if you don't like it ignore it simple as.
I've been watching this one everytime it's been posted for years now and never noticed the missing hand

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Thank you, exactly. One of the most infuriaring things for me when it comes to this fetish is browsing forums about it and seeing so many people being so anal about the infidelity part. That if the gf/wife goes out and fucks other guys on her own, without asking the cuck first, then it's wrong. Fuck no, that's literally the entire point of being into this sort of thing
Only you could believe such bs faggot. Kek
is there anything more pathetic than a racist cuckold?

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You know these threads are forced because nobody finds Indian women attractive.
you're right, OP should have made room for the twenty seventh BBC thread
Well then why is >>27872525 so hot?
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bro is doing gods work splitting that dark oak
Imagine fucking something coming out of an Indian ballsack kek

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Post girls having sex, masturbating, getting or giving head while wearing clothes.

No fags/troons/gay shit
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Why tf would you say this, you have now just made the thread about niggers trannies and faggots you idiot. Fucking Schrödinger's Faggot.
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Vid name or source?
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Pale and only pale. Preferably not filtered.
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Nice of her to eating the cum that spilled on his pants. She'd make a good wife.
Hahahaha, you made my day
The actual feel of the pussy isn't part of it. You eat with your eyes first. The more attractive the woman, the better the pussy. Then, on top of that, the more attractive the pussy, the better the pussy. Have you ever seen a good looking woman with a less than stellar looking snatch? It's not a deal breaker, of course, but I'd rather the pussy look good.

All of that being said, that lackluster ethot is not top-tier anything.
shes fucking gorgeous, damn
White dude preferentially attracted to redheads. But yeah I'm unlikely to just cold approach as I'd like to not appear creepy or rude, etc. Could be where you're hanging out as well, I think we may generally be more strict on places it's ok to shoot your shot. These days I'm rarely in situations where the social rules say it's an ok place to do it (clubs, bars, etc), and tying into the first reason, if I'm in one of acceptable places that I frequent, I don't want to fuck it up. I know some people say gym is fine but doesn't feel that way to me; also frankly usually just trying to get my shit done, sauna, and get out. So that's probably some of what's going through their(/our) heads.

I also get fucking stupid the moment I try to talk to someone I'm actually into but that is probably more just me.

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part two: revenge of f.l.a.r.t
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people have been asking for pie, will pickle and fruit roll up do

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273 replies and 109 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's a pint. You don't drink half that litter all in a second. Only teenagers, niggers, and retards brag about drinking, which one are you?
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Can you go be Chinese somewhere else?
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>GTA 5
Begone zoomer.

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Bonus points for deepthroats
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you know how I know you're gay
i mean there's physical limitations, shorter means less real estate for depth

i doubt someone 8in is bottoming out on some 4'10-5ft girl
Piper Perri lol
different anon
at or below american average, 4-5 inches length 3-4 inches girth.
not micropenises but not average either. And this is coming from the most average motherfucker on here.
>5.7 × 4.3 inches

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165 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
i wouldnt expect even a complete down syndrome wheelchair bound vegetable retard to be THIS slow in the head
This was in Chicago if I remember right. It was gang retaliation[p
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Lies. Prove this bill you wanted would send the animals back or shut the fup
Your point being...
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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread
283 replies and 177 images omitted. Click here to view.

I wanna fuck this faggot senseless and blow my load all over that limp dicklet
mrs utkins
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A long shot, but does anyone remember a video (professional, but I don't remember what studio) about a tranny therapist hypnotizing their male patient into sucking and fucking them? It was from years ago, but I can't find it anymore.
>pic unrelated.

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