Girls makin out, preferably in front of other people.
>>28582821these are sisters that later went on facebook and tried to deny that they were doing actual incest in the vid
>>28584190Poor girl on top getting completely mogged. She's flatted than a 12 y/o boy while the bottom girl has massive, beautiful milkers.
does this count?
Serious question here. Was it really easy to insert your penis inside a woman's vagina in real life, when compared to how it's portrayed in porn?
>>28577793That's fairMy wife is similar; it took her years to adjust to penetrative sex.It was painful, but not degrading for her.We have penetrative sex, but like you pointed out, there are plenty of other ways to have sex that don't involve it.
>>28577777nasty piss flaps
My first attempt failed miserably. I couldn't get it in. We were both virgins. I can't complain about my size and she's petite and was tight af.I losened her up with my fingers (which is when I popped her hymnen which honestly felt kinda disgusting) the 2nd time and was able to slide in eventually.After a few times it started going easier, but it took a while before it started going smoothly. Most important is that she has to be seriously wet. You won't get her off anyways if she isn't.
>>28585339Same. I usually start with my fingers, once she orgasmed or is soaking in general, she's begging me to put my dick inside.I have a hard time to let her orgasm before I cum myself though, through penetration. She usually starts telling me to cum when she's getting close, but that just makes me explodes almost instant.
>>28581957I have a beard. The woman riding my face was leaning back slightly and my wife was leaning forward and looking over her shoulder.
>>28584071Damn darksydephil got old
>>28585615>damn is dat XxXtwitchGamer420?? He lookin DUSTYare the ecelebs in the room with you right now?
SOP / SOF - Large Loads Edition
Fresh OC. Gay moan warning
>>28573459I do have a Sonico Taimanin that i've done a video with, but i want to redo it because i almost knocked her over.
>>28574023Yeah, i don't make vids often. Still got a few figs that i need to do vids with though!
Asian pussy getting white cock.Softcore is ok.
>>28584994leftists are ALWAYS hypocrites. They say they're against racism, but they're the ones advocating for segregation and black graduations and safe spaces where only POC can go. They say they're for equal rights, but want to have men invade women's sports, removing the protections given to women by law. They're insane.
>>28583176This is real and should be evidence of what they truely believe in and who they worship. Just make sure when killing it's time to kill asian women you put one in the head and chest.
>>28585717Holy shit just fap before you hurt yourself or somebody else>>28585606
>>28585911Anyone with eyes can see the absurd popularity of wmaw. But don't get me wrong i don't hate aw or wm they're there own people they can do whatever with their lives. I am just trying to show copeing and weak minded asian men the truth of the world and giving them some options. if the whites have there kkk and silver legion, the blacks blm, black panthers then i think asians should be able to make their own para military group to i think and just in time for the american civil war too in the coming years. For asian men you are a fucking joke even you're own race of women think the same, the least you can do is have some fun before getting murked.
Futa/dickgirl/shemale/whatever threadIf it's animated, resembles a woman and has a dick, post it here.Do not respond to definition fags unless they have posted content (they never will)
>>28585133>and blackwhiplash is black toothat one is obvious
>>28584864Holyyyy shiiiiit #womengetitdoneSo is that why she don't ever give her futas vaginas? Because she doesn't want them to replace her or have everything that she has but better or whatever?
>>28585810no body cares man
>>28585363Guilty Xrd Rev 2 Dizzy mirror match>>28585365 Bayonetta
Tits at least the size of her head and natural. Naked or clothed.I do not care if she is fat or skinny, all I care for is for gigantic tits.
>>28570159>>28569905>>28569143They're real, she has nude pics, they're saggy as fuck, and not in the hot way. I love most saggies, but not those.
If you see this thread, then you need to find some video, convert it, and post it here. We need new content on this board.
>>28580566here's the thing, i always door atleast half of the time since the mp4 change
Amateur asian porn
>>28584188what it looks like when an incel finally ascends
Post biological women and their big beautiful asses whether it be them showing it off, slapping, or jiggling them. No toys/dildos
Can we have an animated slop thread?
>>28584690that looks like a child, pedo
>>28585848Hooters would still be in business if this was the average waitress.
>>28585848Perfect size
bois of color submitting to White Massa
>>28583791He just did >I hate niggers>Constantly make nigger threadsAhh 4chan incels
>>28585362He says it with such naturality lol. Hot though
>>28583812I need this bottom's name
Due to low contribution, high repetition and limited options, enough good online-based prompters are gone. If you suck at prompting, listen carefully- KNOW LIMITSObserve what patterns get blocked and avoid mimicking them.(Noted pattern - "pussy" gets blocked)(Conclusion - Dialouge detection blocks sensitive words)(Goal - Use alterntive dialogue)- PLAN AHEADSpamming your waifu's picture 90 times on your 500 accounts gets you singled out pretty easily. - 4CHAN ARCHIVESBefore most dudes simply leeched prompts (and Kling shot itself), the earliest threads enough exploits were traded constantly- "BUt HOW tO gEneRaTe PuSSy"Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>28585459I actually stole it from another post in this thread>>28579812
>>28585572"Not from an AI"
>>28585464yes but I can finally swap the ugly faces with idealized ones I generated
>>28585586thanks big dawg!
>>28585857It's bizarre how basic and strange the prompts need to be. Words like 'flirtatiously' will never make it.
Thick ones preferred
You Raff You Roose
>>28585466Opioid use/overdose.
>>28585408lost so hard, my stomach hurts
>>28585466Not enough fent to pass out but too much to function normally.
>>28585398can someone answer me at what point is enough enough and just execute all these people and throw them in some landfill so the streets can be cleaned and used again