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I forgot her name.
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Or you'll yell at me
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Or other similar Russian hotties.

Donal Trumpoff
oh shut up.
Natalia Pochlonskaya. I will never forget this goddess.
Yep. I wanna watch her rimming nigger assholes on a leash
So you want to watch her rim Russians?
>Yep. I wanna watch her rimming nigger assholes on a leash
Based. That would be hot af. Too bad such videos don't exist (probably).
File: My Movie.webm (2.3 MB, 640x360)
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this reddit /k/ope is pretty funny since they
(and zog) put spics and niggers on a pedestal anyway
Njaš maš krim naš
So make it yourself
needs some hailuo ai
>Mutt's Law.
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RIP :(
weird captions
She became a popular maymay back in 14. Japs made tranime maymays featuring her. Jap TV went and presented her with said tranime stuff.
well, japs went crazy for her so I assume at some point some approached her to sell or promote something? also filename
>Russian women
>Women who fuck niggers
Pick one
She must rim Ambasin Ambatakamov
>She became a popular maymay back in 14. Japs made tranime maymays featuring her. Jap TV went and presented her with said tranime stuff.
The fact this needs to be explained on a literal anime site...
American women are degenerates
So pretty!
Poklonskaya is 44 now and still looks good though. Those skin cancer Stacies most likely won't.
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>The Kremlin dismissed Natalia Poklonskaya from her government role Monday, just weeks after she became one of the few Russian officials to criticize its ongoing invasion of Ukraine in the latest sign of the Russian government’s crackdown on war dissidence.
wow, she's got balls, only gets more and more attractive
Unironically proud of her for doing this.
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You're fucking retarded, she took a job with the prosecutor general of Russia, that's why she was dismissed from that meaningless cultural liaison position or whatever the fuck she was doing there.

She's hotter in this vid

looks jewish in this one
>blank, wall eyed slav face
Never understood the appeal
File deleted.
Russian secretary
File deleted.
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa I waited for this one.
Damn the downfall is real.
The downfall? Meaning? XD
>>Women who fuck niggers
Every woman. Including Asians But mainly white.
You are a faggot then
No, you dumb fuck. She was fired because she was against the war.
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You're dumb as all fuck.
slightly curve nose does not equal j3wish
First off, that vase in the background here lol.

I think the opulence flexing is weird and frankly unappealing.
you are so unimaginative. A boomer at sub 30yo. Sad.
>Natalia Pochlonskaya
Looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Grim looking bitch and the faggots that think she's attractive

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720p 60fps
She's beautiful in her own slavic way.
It's like not wanting slanted eyes in a jap, or fat in an american woman.
/wsg/ /s/
Wow they do runes in their schools?
File: literal mommy.webm (3.7 MB, 800x438)
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Viking heritage?
>Viking heritage?
The Rus were Vikings originally, so very likely.
I love Fins
There is nothing wrong with the captions.
>anime site
wrong, idiot.
nufag tourist detected
God now I love her even more. How is she 40+ and still this pretty, at what age will she get the babushka look.
>God now I love her even more
Me too.
Is a fiscal from Crimea
Keep seething you faggot, nobody supports that fucking war, everyone has enought of it
she's actually Ukrainian but sucks russian cock
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russians are niggers
wtf I love Russia now? (Я люблю Poccию тeпepь)
>russians are niggers
Oh yeah, and when Ukrainians do the exact same looting to civilians in Kursk I'm sure you think that's different somehow, right?
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Fuck Ukrain straight to HELL!
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Russian secretary
I wish Natalia would crush my balls as hard as she's crushing Krimea under her heel!
If you make that claim, perhaps you shouldn't back it up by a lie.
I hope Ukrainian drones kill her and everyone she cares about.
This! Everyone knows Russian women fuck Asian men.
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she's so fucking built
Cumslut look xD
it's russia, who the fuck doesn't
pre-ukraine happening, she was also one of the only (if not the only) duma members who voted against putin's motion to increase the pension age
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Found the ukronazi
I hope Kiev gets nuked
lol, how's the Kursk incursion looking lately?
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I love nat
god I wish Natalia was my hotwife
I would critixize but I shot ropes to her 3 times last night
you sound mentally ill with the way you talk.
I love Natasha, she is such a hot russian.. I hope nothing will happen to her. Do you have more?
Came here to post this.
Been listening to this guy since it started. Don't speak a lick of russian.
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It wasnt a lie you retard, she was against the war
Are you retarded?
She is not Russian she is Ukrainian.
The lie is that she was fired for voicing an opinion. Idiot.
Natalia Poklonskaya.
fun fact: she's currently wanted by Ukranian law enforcers for treason
anyone has archived her instgram? she has over 1k pics and a gazillion vids that may vanish anytime since she officially discontinued it and all her other public activities and social media
Watch out for trains.
Ukranians are almost corrupt as russians.
Slavs gonna slav.
this is her instagram
grab whatever you want/can because she may blast it away soon
That's comrade Amblin Nkoypop glorious attràctive daughter of motherland
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stay on point n*gg*r or take it /pol/
Checked and Thanks!
she's ukrainian
No such thing.
Honest question... why did you censor yourself here of all places?
Because a redditor is conditioned to do it in order to not offend his tranny brethren.
>she's ukrainian
Ukrainian wasn't an identity that existed before the 20th century. These people are Russians and they always have been. They just speak a slightly different dialect of Russian due to having been under the yoke of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for some centuries and got corrupted by it. Russia is going to bring these people back into the Russian fold and Russify them. She happened to be among the first, and she did it willingly.

Also, aside from that her ancestors were from Serbia originally.
>Also, aside from that her ancestors were from Serbia originally.

Were they? Any source on that claim?
Delicious barefoot soles.
Seems a bit sparse with info.
She looks like a nice cumslut
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sorry guys
she's taken
By me.
>Natalia Pochlonskaya
>Russian Hottie
Eww though

That makes her even more beautiful.
I taken my dick up her ass. So, she was also taken.

TWICE Even. I went back 3 years later back in time, and took her up the pussy.
>hates Poklonskaya

I smell pork.
>>Misguided by my post

YOU FOOL! Mu hahahahahahahaha :p
anyone has compiled all her pics and vids from her insta?
Natalia is too pure for /gif/
she's really the internet's (and Russia's) most valuable Cinnamon Roll
Lol cool story Ivan. Kremlin text books didn't teach you that Kyiv was one of the biggest cities in Europe in the 900's while Moscow was a swamp. Or that Moskovia changed its name to russia only a few.centuries ago, stealing the legacy of the Kyivian Rus. Or that the Ukrainian and Belorussian languages are much closer to each other and old.Slavic than the basterdised ruski language which was simplified to help their Mongol overlords in the 1200's.
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didn't the mongol states establish themselves and their population in modern-day ukraine territories, all while the modern-day russian territories maintained autonomy and paid tribute?
if that's the case how can the russians be more mixed to mongol/turkic than ukrainians? is being invaded, occupied and pillaged superior to just being a vassal?

sorry my understanding of rus history is a bit limited
>Kremlin text books didn't teach you that Kyiv was one of the biggest cities in Europe in the 900's while Moscow was a swamp.
Why do you misspell Kiev in the fake tranny way? And yes, I know all about the history of this Russian city.
so what's her current job? last time I heard, she's a wanted traitor in Ukraine
we need someone to do something like this with Kim jong Un's sister.
Historical revisionism doesn't work with people who know how to read. If Kievan Rus was founded by Oleg of Novgorod, how is Russia going to steal its legacy if the founder was literally a Rus?
she was great in 2014 this board used to love her.
What happeened?
imagine being this delusional lmao

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