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Asian females falling in love with white boys
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Based, these threads are always gold
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Why are these threads always filled with the exact same recycled posts over and over and over again?
Posters in this thread don't have the autistic hyperfocus of the posters in the tranny threads and blacked threads to edit pmvs.
echo chamber of cope and seething
Maybe I should go to Korea and Japan once
That’s most likely China or Taiwan
Pathetic hwaits
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too old anon, stop being pathetic.
Keep coping...I remember some of those were just posted fresh in the last thread. Here's a new one for (you)
What’s even the point of saving and uploading these webms anyway if not for cope. Like good job you went out of your way to cultivate a new vid retard this all time you could’ve put towards actually locking down an Asian girl
>Why even post videos on a video sharing board
Anon are you retarded? Why are you here?
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Boards like these are nothing but cope it’s pretty obvious why you mouth breathers post this shit.
We're here because we like the content, you're here to...tell us you DON'T like it? Something tells me you enjoy it too. Just embrace it, you'll feel much better believe me.
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Lowkey hate this video as he's clearly young, awkward and just seems to want to help her with whatever. People such as that shouldn't be the butt of televised "jokes".
For me, it's the one with black hair, on the right.
that's some dog shit editing there
kek lost
>what a peculiar buck
i'd be lying if I say I wouldn't both but the black hair one... very hard to not go heads over heels for her
Definitely would both but the one on the left has JUST the right amount of derp for me. Feel me anons?
Source please. Need sauce desperately
Be sure to wear your best stained shirt along with cargo shorts & socks/sandals combo. Really drives them wild.
Godamn it must be amazing to be white and at minimum 6 feet. Just take care of yourself and the world becomes your oyster.

Even moreso now with the rise of white onions faggots. Nothing beats human nature.
I’m 6’1, alright looking Germanic dude, built like a tank. I or my wife catch bitches starring all the time. Asians especially.

If you’re down to fuck hoes it’s great. If you’re looking for love then it becomes difficult. Racial fetishes go both ways and when you see Asian girls or any other ethnic group saying they want to be colonized or dream of being with a white man then they are just looking to satisfy a personal fantasy.
The one where the AI filter keeps popping in?
Imma be honest I don't know why this board is so obsessed with Asian Girls, what's there that got you guys so enamoured with then?
thanks OP. i am white and my crush is asian so i use these threads to boost my self esteem.
ask her out instead of telling your invisible friends about it on a porn forum
Also agree. It's just mean.
Hey, don't listen to him, I'm not invisible, I'm a real person and I support your colonizing dream.
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dead Internet theory
Donnie, I remember him, he was somewhat of a minor celebrity in Shanghai ten years ago. My friend went if a date with him and said he was a bit of a wanker
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nigger/ricecel cope
i sincerely hope bro gets eventually rewarded with goddess-tier pussy later in life for his trouble
They're pretty much the only other option after white women
you don't look like him. Don't kid yourself
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>yOu shOUlD hangOut WiTh yoUr bOyFrIeNd, iT's mOrE bEtTeR
Fucking faggot. Documenting himself acting retarded.
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His girlfriend is hotter to be fair
have you tried searching for the title of the video which is listed in anons post, retard?
Well let's see.
When I searched the twitter in the video it took me to some nigress with a white fetish.
When I searched kanhuji from the video it took me to a chinese site that I obviously can't read.
When I searched aznrp.site I found similar videos but couldn't find the exact one.
Since the rest of the filename says: 83 - chinese g(...).webm and I can't seem to get the full filename that obviously won't work.
So if nothing I've tried is working, and you won't help, then why even respond, douchebagkun?
this happend to me in highschool and i still think about it 20 years later. they weren't even setting me up
How easy is it to go to Asian countries and pick up women there?
not the same nigger you responded to, but what do in such situations is take a few screen caps from the clip and then do an image search on Vladimir's favourite search engine (yandex or something). sometimes that gets results
You've got to hover over the filename to read it noob
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They need white boys like a drug
Eh? Context? Why the guy just put the hands on his head as if he is going to prison?
he's just flexing and trying to look like a male model
you realize they man handsome, confident, tall, charming white guys, right? Like they would rather get a player that has tripple digets bodycount then someone thats average but would be honest and loving.

So yeah, attractive white guys is the default, pretty much for any race of women. Duh
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The whole premise of the oxford study is that mid white guys can pull Asian baddies
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Of course height helps and the taller they are the uglier they can get away with being but half of Asian girls are under 5'2 so tall is relative
what a retard

this is a snip from a video where the girl didn't even really know that chinese guy, but she didn't have the heart to reject him fully. super fuckin awkward moment, I feel so bad for the dude
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5'10 is barely above average but giant next to a lot of Asian girls
Do girls really think that acting like this attracts males or what? I mean she has a hot body but it's all ruined with the retarded dancing and facial expressions.
They're mainly collecting likes from simps on tiktok not trying to get hot guys there.
>I feel so bad for the dude
I don't. If he had any self respect, he'd just walk away.

And if he knew his self worth, he wouldn't get butt hurt over some random floozy he hardly knows either, he'd try his luck elsewhere.
Welp. Agree to disagree, if that's her. She's got that Asian fusion Asian American pornstar look.
Ching chong cope kek
Not really obsessed, as much as Asian women worshipping White cock.
Fucking LMAO
well what if
we uh
try to become attractive?
* braces for impact *
>The whole premise of the oxford study is that mid white guys can pull Asian baddies
Literally because Whites are the most attractive race on average by far. A mid White guy is equal to a 10/10 Asian girl.
White boys that aren't you. Other white boys very very different from how you look and sound and smell. And maybe some Asian boys. Or Black. But definitely not you or anyone like you. The thread. Christ the Cartoon Network was a mistake.
Damn, there's a whole site for this kind of stuff. That's hot!
Thank you, anon, for putting it on the title.
I'd love to watch a JAV with schoolgirls obsessed with their english white teacher. Too bad something like this doesn't exist yet.
Go back to one of the completely organic 19 "bbc" threads daquanius
Mixed weirdos like you are really mad about this thread, I see. Kek.

Good job, OP!
YES! I get why the pro studios won't do it but there's so much potential for amateur wmaf couples to make creative roleplay stuff. Come on make more goon material!
water looks more like a model but the japanese girl is a million times hotter
The drunk girl has bleached hair. At least his gf still has dark hair
Really? Visually hotter or is it the horniness for him in front of her bf?
Ok Bartholomew Ping Ling Zheng Deng.
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Visually hotter
His girlfriend looks like she'd cease existing on a hot day. Looks more mannequin than flesh. It's a problem with the model types, something is just off-putting about them—uncanny valley-type shit. If I were shizo enough to buy into the droll tripe, I'd cry lizard people.
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Fuggg the way she giggles and plays with her hair thinking about her ideal white guy I really wanna see her with one
"Ello, you absolute LEGENDS. Today, we're going to be talking about this speedrunner who got caught..
reminds me of this gem he made LOL
There are some pics of her without makeup, I think she's still pretty but to each his own.
For me it's their eye shape. I have no idea why but it makes my brain melt when they look at me
>Christ the Cartoon Network was a mistake.

what an odd non sequitur
There used to be this video of this chubby filipina girl getting dicked down by some white dude

She was talking a lot and seemed really into it

And it was posted here all the time, everyone knew her name and shit... does anyone know what I am talking about
there's no way this isn't a bot
time to unbox the shotgun
you won't get anywhere with building your self esteem on other people experience
it's do or die
brah, what's your problem? go make a thread about white women casually lusting after asian boys. I've got no problem with that. Possibly won't even filter it from the catalog
a lot of asian guys are
i fucking hate bugs so much its unreal.
the same point as to complain about it
both groups exclude themselves from dating, kek
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fellow jew boys, turns out, we're in on the mid white boy trend
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So real. It's like they've got constant seductive bedroom eyes. And they love white boy eyes so it's a perfect match.
Yeah that's a man
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Sauce of this? Context or something
Monogamy is based, and cheating is gay. Go back to the blacked threads tranner
Those are both men gay
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>Spams in this thread
>Runs off and makes a black softcore thread
Kek lil bro big mad. Oxford study is undefeatable
Da fuck Is the Oxford study they do a lot of studies there
It's a meme that started with people upset about WMAF but has since been adopted by white guys and asian girls to gloat about how perfect they are together
why the face enhancing filter?
is this propaganda?
What's this "Oxford study" shit? Is it basically "WMAF is the goat"?
There was a study at Oxf*rd that showed White men and Asian women were the most likely to swipe on each other on dating sites and with an anomalously high frequency.
>with an anomalously high frequency.
The male attraction to these whores is IN SPITE OF their retarded antics.

But you're wrong to think that these whores do it to attract male attention. They do it as a narcissistic display-- this behavior is FLAUNTING and taunting. It's not for you. It's for them to basically emotionally masturbate in your face.
This is narcissism.
Then there's the fact that they get attention (narcissistic supply) and clicks + views + likes + subscriptions etc. from it (money).
So really this is nothing more than EXPLOITING you. Yes, YOU, the male viewer.
She gains attention and money from this.
You gain... a tidbit of stimulus to jerk off with... but you lose your male energy and drive and aggression and ambition by doing so.
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This was from way before that oxfrd meme/trend
you should see the numerous b** threads up and the same exact 40-50 webms posted there over and over.
I need to know where is this from
poor asian bitch, she don't know that some bottom tier semite trash.
He's probably the one posting them. Yet if we were to spam in any of those bot threads it would be deleted immediately.
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JBW has always been law but it's reaching a new level of public acceptance
Lol. That was painful to watch, but it was brave nonetheless.
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When an asian girl catches a white boy
Sauce? I can't live with myself knowing that I could never have a girl like this.
Somebody is mad
Source please
Because Asian “baddies” on an international scale are actually “mid” and “mid” white mean are actually top tier? Some realism for you
ya this is an epidemic at this point
>JBW has always been law but it's reaching a new level of public acceptance
no it's not lmao. stop the fucking cap.
do asian bitches no that this threads we'll evenually cause harm to them from poc men in the long run??? saying that white is our only type of man is the fast way of btfo by a non white man. god asian woman are so retarted.
as black man gotta admit these kinds of threads do fill me with rage lmao. but also makes me discriminate against Asian women in the real life. i become extra mean to them knowing that am not their type or that i have no chance with them simply cuz am not white. and i do feel bad for them because some of them may not even like white men at all. yet they still catch my hatred and vitriol for them. it's sad and fucked up at the same time. if a see an Asian bitch in public that is mildly attractive i just assume she's white only . i don't even say hi or smile or talk or even hold the door for her. and if i see an asian woman getting mugged killed, harrased, or being bullied i woudln't even stop in to help. like i would do for any other race of woman. if that makes any sense. so ya continue contributing to Asian female hatred boys. you're doing amazing with these threads.
I know this black guy here in Japan. Knew and was obviously into my girlfriend for longer than I did. Then I came from nowhere and stole her in no time (without being aware of his existence). I heard from her that he was inviting her to go places "as friends". She was too naive to realize he was after her, many such cases. It is funny how when women don't care about a man they will usually not notice anything related to him, even his thirst for them. I got to confirm it when we met at a get-together and he was refusing to talk to me, with a lot of butthurt in his eyes.
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couldn't help myself
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>I heard from her that he was inviting her to go places "as friends". She was too naive to realize he was after her, many such cases. It is funny how when women don't care about a man they will usually not notice anything related to him, even his thirst for them.
This is true. Guys always assume girls are maliciously leading them on for attention but sometimes they're just shockingly naive and think you really want to be just friends, or they don't want to hurt your feelings, or they don't know how to break it to you when you're playing games pretending to be her friend when you really want more. This can all be avoided if you're just direct about your intentions from the start but guys think they can pull a girl who's above their level by slipping in through the friendzone first.
Like me and my old lady kek
Please source
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Its not about race. Making fun of someone that's just trying to be helpful is messed up. If you want to make it about race then this happens to White guys the most since these types of humiliation "pranks" are a Western thing.
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I don't mind Asian women not liking other ethnics but how they treat their own men is disgusting, not even curry or spic women hate their men as much
Why do Asians love white men so much?
Its just not fair, I went to Asia thinking I could finally lose my virginity only to get cucked by a white guy.
Whats this oxford study stuff?
average attractive white men simply look better than 1% of the rest of the races as simple as that. The entire “anti white supremacy” we’ve internalized adds forbidden fruit element to it, the idea of being dominated by the persecutor. Sadly after fucking with white guys too long I started to internalize some non-liberal ideas and losing the idea “whites are evil oppressors” have been devastating for my sex life, as I no longer get the same hi
Sure you can,
You sound Indian, Indians are the gross Asians. Go away.
What can you even say in this situation?
They have some of the best skin. Perfectly golden white, usually so smooth. They're typically just the right amount of thic and they're eyes sparkle in such a way.
Source you fucking fag please
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They do.
Lol I'm making fun of the way he talks you dumb ass faggot. Go worry about your porn addiction elsewhere.

It's going to get a lot worse
asian women and white men are hooking up at ridiculous rates far outnumbering any other interracial relationship (like more wmaf relationship than all other interracial combinations combined)
or something like that
Yea it's a dick move. What's the alternative for the dude? Ignoring someone who seems to want something?
So much crying over a simple joke. If he was truly just "trying to help" then it wouldn't be a big deal to find out she was actually waving to someone else. Happens all the time. It gets posted a lot because the implication is he assumed she was into him.
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If Asian women have their way it will. The limiting factor is the number of white guys who are interested.
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My favorite
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this girl group keeps inserting WMAF into their music videos
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Kpop is the next frontier of WMAF. It's just starting to break into western markets and Korean girls love white guys and are marrying them in huge numbers. They're going to want to see more couples like themselves in the videos and some of the older idols will probably start joining them too.
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Before he found Water kek
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Main reason is cultural.
Asian men are just a bit insecure and traditional (in the "women are property" sort of way). Their families also are nowhere near as insane as Asian families. Also, women often want the option to just get out of Asia.
Korea is especially bad about this, so get your qt korean gf now.
They do it for likes, self-ego boosting, and the kind of guys they attract aren't exactly going to be the cream of the crop
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more streamer clips pleaseu
erotic voice
That's David Bond aka Cyrax. He's apparently given up on the dating advice channels due to the amount of weirdos signing up.
Lfwm is bigger I think but america is retarded and considers mestizos white
Rule 24: everything you see here is a repost of a reposts
this bitch was racist against white guys a couple of years ago. the hating whitey to worshipping white cock pipeline is definitely a trend
>Kpop is the next frontier of WMAF
literally the opposite
second and third gen kpop idols were into white guys but the current generation is obsessed with blacks
I found the full vid
>hates white men online
>fucks white men irl
many such cases
its extremely obvious sarcasm, do you have legit autism or just very low IQ?
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They also have an Amazon Wishlist and Paypal.me link whenever they talk bad about white guys

Do you know how much money they make from Asian male simps when they talk bad about white guys, it's a full time paying job. Of course in the evening they are fucking a white guy and heck they can cover the bill tonight during dinner with Chad because Wong Super Chatted me $200 for beings his "Queen"
that's why her BF is white, kek
the cope is off the charts
low IQ then, got it
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Just leave them be, their men are getting really angry about this.
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> When you find out your girlfriend was looking at white guys on the walk home
and they say Asian men can't fight.
They can TOTALLY beat up an Asian woman no problem. They got skills.
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I don't have any particular opinion on it, I just collect these coz they are funny
The look of controlled jubilation after they make eye contact
> David Beckham
> All of a sudden regrets marrying a ugly aging poorly Spice Girl

His story ain't over yet. He will do just fine
Delusional cuck kek
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> The dread in her face.
I already consider asian women as white supremacists and not part of the "POC" tag.
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Yeah gotta be a cuck/tranny. Most black dudes aren't even into Asians and the few who are know where they stand.
Asians (women or men) hate black people more than white people ever will.

White people have decades of slavery and white guilt pushed on them all the time. White people live in FEAR of being called racist.

Asian people...... they don't got that. They openly see black people as lazy and don't even know what being called "racist" is. To them making a label for a person that hates a group of people is silly to them. "They smell, they don't work and they are bad luck"
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you're a nigger none of us will ever encounter you because we make more than 18k a year and don't live in a ghetto. do whatever your animal instincts tell you to, lol
I trave I'm European, 6'1", blue eyes, brown hair, well built (starting strength and OMAD). I have a somewhat feminine face. Think 20s 30s Cillian McMurphy but with 5 - 8 less degrees of jawline. I travel in Asia and have some stories from places that usually don't get many foreigners coming around.

An Indonesian cutie working security in Medan didn't let me out of sight for a while. I saw her looking at me several times, just kinda freezed there. A male security officer came by, she talks to him, he looks at me and walks over. "Sir, my colleague over there, see? She thinks you're very very handsome sir, she would like you to have her phone number, ok?". Girl was all doe eyed just standing there looking at me, I could tell she was pleading me to accept. I didn't. Indonesia outside Jakarta and other touristy places are kinda crazy like that.

Went to buy some electronics there for the cheap prices. While the male worker was helping me check things out, his female colleague was literally just recording me, not hiding the camera, not taking it away when I looked at her. She had intense eye contact, I smiled at her and gave the camera a wink. She's probably flicking it every now and then to that video to this day.

In Beijing, travelling with my Chinese girlfriend, we're waiting for a bus. A Chinese girl, looked like the typical Chinese social media doll, came up to me and started asking where I am from (I speak Chinese). My girlfriend answered for me, she asks where "he" is from, and I say Europe in Chinese. The girl had the fucking audacity to then take my hand and say "waaah, all men from Europe got big hands like yours?". Not gonna lie, I was flattered, but my gf was about to explode with jealousy, so I told her we just found out we're at the wrong bus stop. Girl tried to cuck my gf right then and there.

All I can say, guys: If you got to Asia, go to places that don't get many white tourists. In many more ways than one, it's a COMPLETELY different experience.
i wonder who
you make it seem like it's based on merit and not skin tone
Austin Wayne recently did some vids in Tokyo where youd find some content like this
>All I can say, guys: If you got to Asia, go to places that don't get many white tourists. In many more ways than one, it's a COMPLETELY different experience.
Yeah when I was younger an indonesian guy who came over said to me "You probably get hit on all the time right?" I was like "LOL no" he was shocked
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What, you couldn't tell by how he hiked up the goalpost and moved it all the way over there?
10/10 Chad
5/10 Smol Asian lady (I am sure she is a good cook and will be a good mom)

Well hopefully that DNA mix up will turn out something good and not go to waste.
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No it's not bud.
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>just looking to satisfy a personal fantasy

And? Abrogating your genetic imperative to reproduce with willing, dare say eager, partners seems like excuse making. What are you concealing from the rest of us, Anon? This seems like compensating for something deeper than mere race fetish.
looks like south korean women to me
nice try chang. they're all gross
low IQ then, got it
those are like 2/10 in Japan. It's funny because it's usually only the leftover japa women who go for americans or whiteys.
Thankfully whitey men have no idea who the attractive and unattractive asians are because all asians to them are 9/10.
So everybody is happy in this symbiotic relationship of parasites.

Source: Am Japanese, born and raised there

>hotter to be fair
lol his gf has the far apart eyes that makes her look like a mantis. Ugly as shit. I guess Americans like that? tasteless.

whites gooning over a fat and ugly asian. Pretty funny desu
do asian twinks have sideways buttholes?
no wonder black will do whatever you want in bed, they just want someone, anyone
cope and seethe chang

She sounds like an Asian girl version of Asmongold. Anyone got her name?
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4 hours, kek

dumbass it's because you go to poor countries. They all want to marry a white (ie developed country) guy for the visas.

I'm not coping or seething at all. Glad that ugly asian femoids are finding white men who think that they are godesses. It's a win-win situation for everyone
If a 6/10 Asian gal hooks up with a 6/10 White guy and they have a kid that will add to society in a world of birth declines against brown/black people having 3 kids for every 1 a white/asian have. Keep it up, we need to the planet from browning, Walmart/Amazon/McDonalds wants more workers, we need more doctors
ty anon. I was hoping there was some good content of her to jack off to but i cant find shit
It's because the 1-6/10 Asian men want those Asian women and they ain't interested, that's why they are trolling this thread
>Struggling to stay in the denial phase
Bro went through the whole thread to find 3 to quibble about. You don't sound mad or like sour grapes or anything. Trust me, the more you resist it the harder the road to acceptance will be. Ultimately it's better that they're going for white guys even if it hurts in the present.
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Kudos for learning English, glad bless you for hentai and jrpgs
i can confirm first hand the attraction i got among asian exchange students. if asians could produce white sons i would marry one in a heartbeat.
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How can you even be mad about cute couples like this...hope he can get back to Japan
Jakenbake streamer had a moment when some asian girl tried sneakily record him on camera lmao
Jake is just fine. He comes from super rich parents. Like you have no idea, we are talking billionaires, they can make anyone disappear and it's why so many streamers who know want to be friends with him

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