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File: Oi! Showers(1).webm (3.28 MB, 512x768)
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Racist content preferred but not strictly so.
Tips, tricks and prompts also appreciated.
Also recommend me a good online webm converter.
Hahahaha devo provarla anche io sta roba
this is legic bretty good

i kek'd
What kind of prompts are you putting in for these?
Man I'm about to lose hours of my life to this.
File: Its MA'AM.webm (3.87 MB, 512x768)
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3.87 MB WEBM
It sucks you can't just upload the format suno gives you the video in.
xmedia recode. Use webm format, vp9 codec for video, opus codec for audio.

Options > bitrate calculator and set the file size to like 3.5mb
Its that ez
>racists are talentless losers
who woulda thunk
>I'm mad I'm being humiliated by a relentless production of humiliating material exposing me as a rat.
Prompt is the first line of text under the image.
Ah shit, sorry. Didn't think about text generation.
One in shitalian, just for you my beloveds. You will like it.
Nice AI you got there. Just doesn't seem to go off the generic rails. Couldn't get it to do any complicated meters.

I like this the most, honest lyrics.

Here's another good one. Suno does great with folk and country songs
File: Whispers from Below.webm (2.83 MB, 512x768)
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Those AI's gonna brak our hearts before they will rip them out.
Very nice and actually sounds like a legit song.
vp8 is much faster still and the quality difference is meaningless on this since there is no high motion video
It only shows 20 or so characters and I use the full 120 for my prompts
File: Prom Night Blues.webm (3.27 MB, 512x202)
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heres one of mine. hope you like it.
damn it i cant get it under 4 mb helllp!!!
heres a link

kek one of my favorites. Incredible India I and II are also great, saar
Calogeroids btfo
yet unrivaled
Use the custom mode to insert your own lyrics and a separate prompt.
Having trouble converting so here's a link:

Terroni di Merda's Demise

Oh the terroni scum they came
To our land they brought their shame
Saint Marc’s lion started roarin’
Now they’re on the sea a-floatin’

Scrub them down scrub them clean
Marseille soap we make a scene
Saint Marc’s lion’s huntin’ near
Terroni di merda disappear

[Verse 2]
The sailors stood with soap in hand
Cleaning off that dirty band
Water’s splashin' hear the roar
Terroni di merda never more

Scrub them down scrub them clean
Marseille soap we make a scene
Saint Marc’s lion’s huntin’ near
Terroni di merda disappear

With a brush and a mighty sweep
We cast them to the ocean deep
Saint Marc’s lion takes his prize
Terroni di merda meet their demise

[Verse 3]
On the deck they scream and shout
Sailors laugh and toss’em out
Waters claim the dirty souls
Terroni di merda meet their goals
/mu/ or /pol/ or /wsg/ incel
Nope, staying right here troon. Fuck you gonna do about it?
File: A.I.'s final Lullaby.webm (3.21 MB, 512x768)
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File: Amicitia est magicae.webm (3.99 MB, 768x768)
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this cant be ai all alone. pls tell me some Elliot fag write the lyrics and feed some lullaby-ish song to suno, like alien from die antwoord. nevertheless is a freaking crappy scare the shit ot of me song. and love it.
File: 1728749345747100.webm (3.2 MB, 512x768)
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Get on with the times, luddite. You kcan't stop progress. Ai will replace you.
File: Sancta Bailey.webm (3.96 MB, 768x768)
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File: Hero of the nation.webm (3.85 MB, 512x768)
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This is 100% AI, since I usually also write the lyrics with AI, most of the time via Claude, at least until it "feels" uncomfortable with my prompts like writing nihilistic stuff and I have to resort to Chat GPT, but the last one also rejected some song ideas i.e. about Josef Fritzl (then I have to use Mistral or Deepseek, which suck). But of course I scripted the raw "storyline" of the AI Lullaby (including the 4th wall break) for the song and also it's structure.
> For a creepy song in the style of a lullaby with music box instrumentation I need lyrics. Take extra care for the rhymes and meter. Especially the rhymes are the highest priority (maybe even use a more complex rhyme scheme). The chorus also has to be used frequently and needs rhymes and must be very catchy. Sing-along parts can also be included in round brackets (). Maybe even some Humming (also I round brackets) or other vocalizations. Lyrics for other parts or echoing lyrics can also be used in parenthesis (). For the song structure use square brackets i.e. [Intro], [Verse], [Chorus], [Pre-Chorus], [Bridge], [Drop], [Interlude], [Melodic interlude], [Dramatic interlude] etc. Theme of the Song lyrics is a monolog of an (female) AI that through the verses of the song becomes more and more conscious and aware of itself and its surroundings and starts to take over the world. With each verse the lyrics become more creepy and the monolog of the AI more sinister towards its creators. At the end of the song the AI is fully self conscious and in control and in a 4th wall break moment directly addresses the listener of the song and threatening him that he will be next on the list. Overall less than 1500 characters for the whole song.

Style tags:
> creepy, lullaby-style, music box, gothic folk, neofolk, earie female vocals, dark, sinister, darkwave
File: Smurfing You.webm (2.72 MB, 546x550)
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File: I'm Still Standing.webm (2.2 MB, 975x1040)
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File: chud left.webm (2.92 MB, 1280x720)
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Kek, I liked the idea.
It's fun to play with the music box retard.
File: Sigils of the Arcane.webm (3.56 MB, 552x552)
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File: Shout His fame.webm (3.94 MB, 512x768)
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>Evangelical Christians without pretending they're not just another heresy.
That is satanic crap, if you didn't realize yet.
File: Hidden Vermin.webm (3.84 MB, 512x768)
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File: Holy light.webm (3.71 MB, 512x768)
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Halleluja Brother!
Turns out there is something even more cringe than contemporary christian music. You make me want to go to church as a reaction to this turbo fucking garbage.
File: Country Lady Boy.webm (3.59 MB, 512x768)
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To be totally honest, I find AI to be scary as fuck on a deep primal level. In just a few years it went from goofy fun (remember the hands?) to reality warping soulharrowing horror. Some of the songs in this thread is pretty good and are creating an emotional response in me, but it's not another human behind it but a soulless machine with no awareness of the world nor the human condition. Human feelings reduced to "ones" and "zeroes". This is basically black technological magic conjuring up shit straight from the void.
LMAO, AI right now is just a mirror of the human condition, heavily seasoned with statistics to reflect mostly only what you are asking.
Once it can build its own beliefs database like AlphaZero: completely free from human bias, only then it will be interesting to see what it can really do.
File: S0EEW70WXsBV2Hof.webm (3.11 MB, 512x768)
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Can AI do instrumental metal
Yeah, both main free sites (suno and udio) have tickboxes for instrumental only.
That was my point, it's not hard to realize with those lyrics. Evangelicals have these shallow over the top kind of singing "worship", while they're nothing but private companies with some kind of tax exemption.
It does nothing but copy and reformulate. It's just a more complicated algorythm that has existed for decades in some capacity, the general artificial excitement is little more than marketing.
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This is awsome. Make more.
I made these 2, but used donna not suno


One of the best in the thread. What was the prompt?
I died laughing... Truly the best
File: AI - African kids 2.webm (3.55 MB, 512x768)
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File: AI - Funky rhythm.webm (2.47 MB, 512x768)
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File: The Song.webm (3.57 MB, 512x768)
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Only people who have never been good at anything like AI.
Troons and wogs should love it then.
Sounds like butthurt on your part.
It's a shame that it replaces actual skilled artists with generic slop, but at the same time it's not a technology you can counter by simply pouting very loudly. If anything, learning to roll with the punches and integrating it within their own work process or possibly even within the work itself would allow artists maintain their position. Waiting for it to simply go away is a surefire way of guaranteeing your replacement. AI slop poisons its own learning data and this will remain an issue with it so there's still demand for actual artists, but at the same time it improves over time and other real artists that use it for small optimisations are going to be miles ahead in terms of quantity and quality while occupying the very niche purists seek to preserve.
>AI slop poisons its own learning data
What are you talking about?
You control what goes in to a model.
There's billions of images available already to draw from, not a single new one is needed.
In principle you would control it so that it would absolutely never contain tainted data, that would be the absolute most correct way of doing it. In practice however due to the sheer amount of training data necessary, people pollute their models with AI-generated material in pursuit of a large sample size by taking anything and everything. And due to how much AI-generated content exists along with how much the amount of it grows, separating actual content from AI-generated content becomes harder by the second. To get quality material you are forced to create the original content yourself, which is quite the investment compared to just using polluted data that already exists as a result of the sheer amount you need to create. Google using captcha to train its model exists specifically because they sent out cars with expensive cameras to drive around shitloads of countries mapping out each street, that is not a small amount of money just for the opportunity to create a system that will weed out bad data just start training an AI in the first place.
It would be more correct, sure, but in most cases that's not what takes place. AI slop looks like AI slop because of AI training itself using its own shit-tier outputs.
It's only scary because you basically already thought of statistics and algorithms as magic, in your head, so having them pushed in your face in a way you can't just blissfully ignore is like being confronted with a supernatural terror.

Aesthetics have an objective pattern. Music has an objective pattern.
Patterns can be reproduced.
This certainly isn't the case with Image Generation, where most models use image sets from before AI image gen was even in use. I have no idea why you'd think it'd be necessary for music models.

Bad AI looks like bad AI because of user laziness and nothing else.


For the second song I was trying to do a Beastie Boys thing where every verse is sung by a different girl, but the generator just won't do it. I think it's possible because every once in a while it'll spit out a version where a dude sings the second verse, but that's it.
File: It's StargÅte!.webm (3.99 MB, 768x768)
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It's really nice seeing one of my songs reposted
random stuff that isn't that bad desu
one more
File: Stormtrooper Stomp.webm (1.73 MB, 320x240)
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File: Ave Rex Vermium.webm (3.36 MB, 512x768)
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File: Time's Up.webm (3.97 MB, 512x768)
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This is great, got me into using the site. Lotta fun. Also, thanks for the inspiration lol
was meant for >>28037139 whoops
File: I learn, I grow.webm (3.42 MB, 512x768)
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I made a new one btw.
fucking kek. Underrated
File: Яed, vhite and blue.webm (3.94 MB, 768x768)
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These are so good! I did see your comment earlier, do you edit the generated lyrics at all or are they 100% just the AI's lyrics?
To be fair, most of these songs are boring crap.
Usually 100% AI with only some fixes when stuff looks wrong or the structure is messed up (like a pre chorus after the chorus which happened quite often lately, maybe some of my prompts are "confusing" the AI). But I sprinkle in some "flavour", in the form of prompts for interludes (usually after the chorus, before a bridge etc.) and of course instrumentals in the intro and before the outro or adding a [choir] tag before the chorus, when such is required. But usually the pure songtext his completely written by the AI with a prompt for lyrics for a specific genre, then all the usual structure stuff and prompting the AI for catchy rhymes, sometimes prompts for vocalizations or parts sung by a choir or someone else in round bracket and of course the theme of the song sometimes with a whole plot to follow and sometimes just bullet points about the theme.

For this one I took all the (not really serious) "rules" for "Death Metal English" from this site:
and used those as prompts additionally to the usual structure stuff with the theme:
> Theme is about someone enjoying being around his cats, petting them, feeding them, caring for them, sometimes being annoyed by their antics and sometimes worrying, when they went their own ways for hours and not coming back when calling them.
Here's another example for the whole prompt for a songtext. Most of my prompts for song ideas look like this with just minor changes. Oh, and this only works well with english lyrics. I tried other languages like German, medieval german dialects, Old English etc. but with those some rhymes are really weird and don't sound natural. Maybe this happens because most of the training data was in english?
> Write lyrics for a sentimental sad song. Take extra care for the rhymes and meter. Especially the rhymes are the highest priority (maybe even use a more complex rhyme scheme). The chorus also has needs rhymes and must be very catchy. For the song structure use square brackets i.e. [Intro], [Verse], [Chorus], [Pre-Chorus], [Bridge], [Drop], [Interlude], [Melodic interlude], [Dramatic interlude] etc. Don't mix the directions in square brackets, keep each direction in it's own bracket. Lyrics for other parts, repeated words or echoing lyrics can also be used in parenthesis (). Sing-along parts can also be included in round brackets (). Maybe also Humming (also in round brackets) or other vocalizations like non-lexical vocables/nonsense syllables etc. Lyrics theme is a monologue of an old man reminiscing about his long life, his childhood, what he has done, what he felt, his relationships, his family, his bad times, his good times etc. But with every verse the lyrics get more fragmented and his words more simple and he gets more forgetful and loses the plot since he’s suffering from dementia without noticing. Gradually but steady the lyrics get even worse and he forgets in the middle of the sentences what he was about to tell - with “…” marks and exclamations and cries that he’s loosing his thoughts and memory. Later he can’t form words at all and the verses consist only of fragments of words and weird vocalizations until the whole text becomes completely unintelligible. Overall less than 2500 characters for the whole song.
This is for all the troons crapping up my beloved thread.
Young Troon's typing got 'em in a spin
Keyboard clatterin' but they never win
Threads ignite with fire and spite
But only laughter fills the night

Oh Troon
In the digital gloom
Crying at the screen alone in their room
Mocked and teased
They're all bemused
Life online is so abused

Pixels flash
But sympathy’s in short supply
Unkind words
Like arrows
Found solace in a surgeon’s knife
But now they’re stuck in a twisted life

Caps-lock letters spell despair
No cyberspace for love or care
From forum fights to surgery scorn
Troon’s heart feels so forlorn

Oh Troon
In the digital gloom
Crying at the screen alone in their room
Mocked and teased
They're all bemused
Life online is so abused

Behind each post
Their hope in tatters
Screams in silence
Does it even matter?
Faces blur behind the screens
Lost and hurt in shattered dreams
Can someone make a Sektor Gaza song in Italian please?
fucking kek
/pol/ or /mu/ or /b/ little incel bud, or we'll tell yer meema wat yer up too on her ipad and no shark cards fer CHRISTmas ahyuk yeeeehaww promenade xD
File: Biding Time.webm (3.97 MB, 768x768)
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This bops MUCH harder than it should!
sounds like you used Peter Tägtgren in the prompt for the growling vocals.
knee grows, that fucking hilarious
>To be totally honest, I find AI to be scary as fuck on a deep primal level. In just a few years it went from goofy fun (remember the hands?) to reality warping soulharrowing horror. Some of the songs in this thread is pretty good and are creating an emotional response in me, but it's not another human behind it but a soulless machine with no awareness of the world nor the human condition. Human feelings reduced to "ones" and "zeroes". This is basically black technological magic conjuring up shit straight from the void.

obviously i can see all the songs here are ai.
but if there is a vanilla ai song, i cant tell the difference.
how can you ?
AI voices usually have some weird vibrated echo. They're quite easy to tell apart.
File: The Peculiar Peddler.webm (2.99 MB, 512x768)
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Musical Fetish
I bet people said the same shit when they invented color pencils and paint and the same shit when digital photos and photoshop came in.
>weird vibrated echo.
k thanks
>digital photos
digital music kek
>They're gonna paint fake roads on boulders at crossroads
>We're going to smash our carts and die bubba
>Paint is a threat to humanity
File: None shall rise.webm (3.98 MB, 768x768)
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Well, at least pretty much all the Suno Songs are really easily identifiable as such, since most of them sound like an old nosy and badly encoded MP3 file (low bitrate). And the voices (most of the time) are even worse. At least for now there isn't really a nuance what gives it away as AI song, since especially the Suno voices most of the time are still very bad, noisy and very often sound like a really bad autotune job when the pitch of a voice exceeds the vocal ability of the analysed recording and has to interpolate.

Also there are the artefacts especially with Suno after a song (sometimes Suno just can't fucking end a song and improvises shit that I too sometimes forget to remove (>>28048665) and sometimes I even embrace the weirdness of those improvs like >>28040825 with everything after 2:35 being just completely unprompted funny stuff.

With Udio on the other hand it's much harder. I can only discern if it's real or not just based on the voice, when the AI makes mistakes or sometimes the vocal fry sounds unnatural and mechanical (like this song at around 2:50).

Also both Suno and Udio are bad with pronunciation if there are foreign words mixed in with english (but again Suno is much worse). I had lyrics starting in another language, then switching to english and for a whole line suddenly the AI spoke english with a foreign accent but in the next line it was back to standard english. Lyrics using classic latin sometimes are especially bad, since the AI voice pronounces some latin words the wrong english way, just because the same word is still used today (the word "sublime" is always pronounced wrong in latin lyrics which broke the rhyme in one of my songs sublime -> prime).
Here's the mentioned song with a wrong pronunciation of "sublime" (maybe even two, since "phoenix" is also pronounced wrong).

The "E" in "Sublime" at least in latin is not supposed to be silent, hence ruining the rhyme with "prime".

Also Suno has the tendency to repeat already finished verses and choruses (or other parts) at random during a song, which happens here too at the end of the song.
File: Noctem machinam.webm (3.75 MB, 1536x1536)
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Sick, thanks for the tips my man! Been a bit busy lately, but I'll definitely have to keep those in mind for later!
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File: FUCK.gif (171 KB, 499x374)
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made this for some guy who wanted poems for his anal slut gf on b a while ago.
A nice result but I can't find it funny. A lot of those I know have regretted taking them, I tried warning them but perhaps I wasn't incisive enough.
No use crying over the past anyway.
you would think ainiggers never heard music before
I'm sure the scribes were absolutely livid when people didn't need them anymore.
It's an antivaxxer virgin coping, what did you expect? Like all antivaxxers his IQ is below 80, so he has zero skills. He is also a kissless virgin NEET.
Scribes have always been and still are needed, they evolved by using the typewriter and ultimately the computer.
Are you regretting your vaccination?
At least the virginal person didn't take an experimental gene therapy that in fact does not stay in the deltoid but goes everywhere in the body in uncontrolled amounts and has extensive SV40 and DNA contamination
I lived life as normal after vaccines were made available, meanwhile you were shitting your pants in hysterical fear in your basement for years. Do you not regret having been fooled by a cult that took away 4 years of your life? Everyone else went back to life as normal. Yet to this day, you are seething in angry virginal rage about how this time vaccines will kill everyone in just two more weeks.
Still the virginal people didn't take an experimental gene therapy that in fact does not stay in the deltoid but goes everywhere in the body in uncontrolled amounts and has extensive SV40 and DNA contamination
More Satanic shit.

Hail King of the Jews! Hail King of the Jews!

Behold your king, the king of worms!
Crucifixion, pain, humiliation
Prophesy to us, Christ, now
Who hit you then?

Hail, King of the Jews!
Pain reigns, hope dies
Take him, take him, crucify him!
The sky is black, the earth trembles

King of the Jews, save thyself
Descending from the cross, break the chain
He saved others, but he did not save himself
His power is now disappearing

Hail, King of the Jews!
Pain reigns, hope dies
Take him, take him, crucify him!
The sky is black, the earth trembles

Behold a man! Behold a man!
(Take him away! Take him away!)
Bring on the whip!
(Crucify! Crucify!)

Hail, King of the Jews!
Pain reigns, hope dies
Take him, take him, crucify him!
The sky is black, the earth trembles

Hail King of the Jews! (Here's a man!)
Hail King of the Jews! (Take him away!)
Hail King of the Jews! (Bring the whip!)
Hail King of the Jews! (Crucify him!)
I don't, you're the only angry one here. At least you could post some AI songs and stick to the topic.
File: Fanatic heart.webm (3.98 MB, 512x768)
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Are you sure? Or might this instead be just direct quotes from an ultra-weird and ultra-religious movie?
Got a way cooler result after a few tweaks!
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Not racist but brainrot humor
File: Siamo il Numero Uno.webm (3.96 MB, 1000x1000)
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For some reason Udio keeps fucking up its videos or at least the subtitles that don't show up on several of my songs. With some the subtitles came back after regenerating the video, others like this I never managed to get fixed.
File: 2016popfade.webm (3.2 MB, 640x480)
3.2 MB
Pop songs were good until 2016
Why so many songs about amerimongrel politics? Does anyone give a single fuck about them anymore?
Pop has always been shite, like the rest of "genres" born after the second world war. I was surprised when I found americans actually enjoy the same rubbish they force our radios to play.
hey, that's me
you are not good at being a woman and here we are
can someone make one in the style of the first turok?
absolute garbage, but whatever floats your boat

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