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File: 89494845153.webm (3.2 MB, 406x720)
3.2 MB
Pussies being pleasured, fingered, eating out, clit teasing, etc
No dildos or dicks fucking pussies however
117 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: dress.webm (3.94 MB, 640x360)
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I recall there being 2 or 3 short videos of her.
Hot pussy
Me in the window
Was this bubblegirls? Whatever happened to them?

File: 1719038739841587.webm (3.79 MB, 960x538)
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just post 'em
219 replies and 143 images omitted. Click here to view.
sauce please
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anyone have the full scene?


File: c1.webm (1.51 MB, 576x1024)
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Post cringe.
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bro is mewing hard in the back
File: nightmares.webm (610 KB, 480x524)
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Why does she move so erratically?
How many times are you guys going to post this one?
for as long as it keeps being cringe
File: avergage genshin nigga.webm (1.23 MB, 1252x720)
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4 MB
202 replies and 126 images omitted. Click here to view.
copy and paste the letters and number above the picture and paste it after typing jav.guru in your search engine I do and it takes you to the video
thanks anon
File: aoi5.webm (258 KB, 1920x1080)
258 KB
I miss risa murakami

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post webm of u if u were a bbc loving bitch.
Getting fucked or solo.
Trans and femboys welcome.
33 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1713652395367801.webm (2.52 MB, 480x852)
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Yes give it to me... mhm... I want your seed on my face.

You've made me so pretty.
File: 1719717790145226.webm (826 KB, 640x728)
826 KB
Who wants to become the next destroyed whore?

File: milf big tit fuck.webm (4 MB, 782x404)
4 MB
Titties gettin' fucked
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Still hasn't been beaten
Who is this?
she should be, inshallah
File: 1696980478311066.webm (3.88 MB, 640x360)
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Webm is what you wish your wife did in her past or what your future wife in doing right now
stories and rp welcome
98 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
Slawsa on the first girl, she kisses well
My wife fucked her 23yr cousin on her 16th birthday, we wouldn't meet for another year. She drunkenly confessed this to me after one of her family reunions a year after we started dating, she didn't go into much detail. I don't think she remembers telling me, but after she told me, it makes sense on why they're very close.
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her getting railed by a teacher would be nice.
File: 1711583106594565.webm (3.97 MB, 1024x576)
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would love to know she had a long girl/girl stage.

File: outputside3.webm (4 MB, 240x266)
4 MB
peak animation, but low detail sketched/monochrome/line art
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If you think that drag queens wear those thick ass dresses or outfits they wear to their shows when they fuck, you’re simply retarded.
Socially applied Gender and biological sex are 2 separate things, you choose what you would like to be referred to as in conversation, and use the biological counterpart when undergoing medical treatment. And even with that distinction it’s still possible to turn your vag into a wang and vice versa, with no issue, sometimes they already had both in the first place. Some just choose to identify SOCIALLY but don’t change the PHYSICAL part due to money constraints.
Source: my ass
>Gays can only exist if they don't make themselves known
Exactly, now you understand that all of you are the most annoying obnoxious fucks in existence
Keep it in your own bedroom and hide little annoying trash fuck
what a familiar video, I think I've seen this before.

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At request:

It's adult women, in diapers!
108 replies and 76 images omitted. Click here to view.
Eh, I dunno she has always done more mainstream stuff alongside ABDL stuff and has spoke about how much she enjoys it. She was still releasing new diaper stuff on ManyVids as recently as March 24.

The only stuff I've seen scrubbed like that are the oldest videos that have him in them. I'm pretty sure their separation was bad, which is why I presume she scrubbed it all.

To confirm her TikTok from 2 days ago is pretty clear:
Maybe I should specify but I mean that I don't think she's going to do stuff with diapers as much anymore and even more specifically I think it's very unlikely she's going to do anything with her in diapers much anymore. She has a new mainstream porn brand as a 'MILF' which is fine if she incorporates some mommy play into it but having diapers involved is going to bother people who know her from mainstream porn and then appearing in diapers herself is now going to hurt her brand identity which I'm sure she doesn't want.
It's pretty impossible to get rid of content she already made, it's all been downloaded and made publicly available by multiple people. Plus she clearly enjoys it
Summarize the video?

File: 1716958870052787.webm (2.78 MB, 640x360)
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No eunuch maker or male cutters. Prefer female cutters. This thread is not worse thing of gif.
185 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
I mean technically female circumcision only involves the removal of the external clitoris, and only with some kinds of circumcision. Women have many more options of how they want to get circumcised when compared to guys:

> Clit hood only
> Clit hood and clitoris
> Clit hood and inner labia
> Only the inner labia or part of the inner labia (most common)
> Inner labia and clit hood
> Inner labia and part/all of the outer labia
> Outer labia only
> Clit, clit hood, inner labia and all/part of the outer labia

Probably more combinations I'm forgetting. I have only seen one image of a girl who had everything removed. I have been told that because of how deep the clitoris runs circumcised girls essentially experience no difficulty using vibrators and are able to masturbate simply by rubbing their circumcision scar. I have been told a lot of cutters wont touch the outer labia at all because of the extremely high risk of complications with their removal, and if they do remove some of them, its only the rear most part because thats the easiest part to stitch up.

The cutter I had been talking to claimed to have infibulated herself twice (did it once, didnt like it, took out the stitches and let it heal over and did it again) however she refused to provide evidence and didnt mention actually removing anything, which really isnt that impressive as all you're doing is piercing the outer labia a few times.
No it's not legal, you can't consent to being battered, the cutters in all of these videos have committed aggravated felonies on camera, which is why they try to conceal their identity.
Idk what you consider consent to be, but I consider it consent when Im willing to travel hundreds of miles to find someone who is willing to provide a service that I am willing to pay for, and then pay them for said service.
I don't care about your definition, or mine, but I'm referring to the law. It is impossible to consent to being battered by another person, outside of specific enumerated circumstances like medicine, and organized fighting regulated by a state athletic board.
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Do you think people pay for this?

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2.1 MB
more grooves please and thank you
92 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>ripped from ytmnd
it sounds a lot like josh middletons playing
i will never get my answer. sadness
I have found it brother, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLHR1YY88tE&ab_channel=Mathbonus-Topic,
I see what you mean. I could be, they look somewhat alike, but the guy with the pizza seems more buff

File: 1687680553621197.webm (3.69 MB, 1280x720)
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Women being urinals, peeing on each other, drinking piss, and all other golden shower related fun
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Does any1 have that one where its like a milf outside getting pissed on in like her back yard. P sure she may have been wearing yellow
This is the fate of all white people of all ages, no exceptions, in the future
but what's the name of this white lady?

name OP?
this webm triggers my sissy cravings real bad

File: 1694304050866237.webm (3.98 MB, 240x428)
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You know it.
No tranny shit allowed.
Only Black Man on X Woman allowed.
Chastity is ok as long as it's not the main focus.
226 replies and 68 images omitted. Click here to view.
WoeAlexandra on OF
used to be on darkwanderer (google it) this one was titled 'reparations' for some reason uploader either is private or kill now...
Nobody engages with bot threads

File: 1706998459493603.webm (3.37 MB, 394x720)
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Boys with their toys! feminine and cute preferred there's a similar thread but it only asks for one specific angle, anything goes here.
140 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1710402724361255.webm (2.79 MB, 720x490)
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almost as if size doesnt matter and people are born faggots UwU
fag lol
If dude did an enema it would be hot.. But the shit is nasty
Just is

Cheating housewives edition
Previous thread:
This thread is for content from BLACKED and BLACKEDRAW ONLY.
123 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
Riley Reid
blacked & blacked raw have less than 50 DP scenes combined.... Shameful.
naomiswann x jaxslayher
I miss that phenotype on blacked.

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