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File: 1677048858736330.webm (2 MB, 972x1080)
2 MB
Hypnosis and Mindcontrol
Men and females getting hypnotized, made to obey etc.

>inb4 post 3
Only got this saved, need more saves for next thread.
File: 1661924514475345.webm (1.44 MB, 1280x720)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB WEBM
i'll post what i have
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1.63 MB WEBM
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651 KB
last one
I know the first one is real, but what about the others???
I like the idea thid one is hot
But some of these are just creepy though
Sex is a survival instinct and so is fear, for me this is a bonus, its just stronger stimulation
How did you add swirly eyes, might wanna replicate
yeah but when eyes are white it's too uncanny it's just ugly, what turn off
File: drop.webm (3.83 MB, 720x404)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
Mind control is creepy? Woah
no, mind control is sexy, what I'm saying is when the girl looks like she's possessed by a demon it's not that hot anymore

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