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this retard lost her job the other day for saying the funny nigger words btw
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I wanna slap stronny's stronny
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have this
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posting my wife as well, for good measure
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that's all you'll for now, you're fucking welcome OP
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If true, good
Hanukkah is an insignificant holiday but jew kids got jealous of goys getting presents on Christmas so they wanted it too.
The miracle of Hanukkah is a lamp light lasting for longer than expected lmao.
So yes, it is all about Christmas and there's probably jews out there who's annoyed that their holiday is tacked on to Christmas for inclusion or whatever.
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Pippa my Oshi <3
deepfakes have gotten so good i genuinely thought some of these were real slip ups

why aren't there any hentai videos made with these deepfake audios?
you faggots will never influence anything lol
allah wills we will eliminate all vtuber dogs
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I >>27590069 don't agree with her getting fired over dumb internet bullshit but wtf do you mean by that
she got fired, retard
>wtf do you mean by that
I think Anon was calling you a "woke discord troon" or whatever mindgoblins are haunting his schizo delusions.
lily hopkins has a fat ass
All it takes is a 6 letter word for you people to cry tears on your keyboard, true Americans.
And she tried to hide the 'pomf, what are we going to do on the bed?' shit. Pussy.
Anyone have any of Canans' Live streams. I can't believe that Hololive is cool with her both portraying Noel and lube humping a dildo on a plexiglass chair. Good on them, though. Sex positive all the way.
Fired from what? youtube?
they're on sukebei.nyaa.si
I'm not going to dig through all that ASMR shit.
>loved her asmr
>starts posting nudes
>visceral disgust response
Why do women
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>>starts posting nudes
>>visceral disgust response
Kinda emblematic of a lot of right wing content creators. Are you funny? Are you clever? Are you insightful? Are you entertaining? Are you unique in any way? "Not, but I say nigger!"

What's her name btw?
now I wanna get a girl to wear a bell while I hit it from behind
She lost her job, retard. She was a nurse so she basically got a degree for no reason. Her channel isn't even big enough for her to use this for clout.
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Most early hololive members do or did sex work.
the phase pickmes are so gross. tenma, shiina, and dizzy only
"I don't wanna Vtube today because Vtubing is what got me in trouble" KEK, yeah bet the hospital was FINE with her going "nigger nigger nigger nigger", but once they heard that she was Vtuber is was fucking OVER for her. They don't take kindly to that shit.

Where do I find these tits out streams of her?
america is so cucked. land of the free, but if you say something I don't like your life's ruined forever.
She's Italian, she gets the POC pass
Damn that’s a hard laugh
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The dumb bitch should have hard denied all the way. In the end, without her face they couldn't have ABSOLUTELY proven it was her, and she could have had a solid lawsuit in her favor.
>Where do I find these tits out streams of her?
She posted them herself here on a /gif/ vtuber thread to shill her own channel
>just sue
retard shit. litigation is a money game first, try going against a hospital lol
But I thought racists were uneducated???
>try going against a hospital
There are certainly enough shark attorneys would who do it for a cut of the judgement exactly that that she could have made a go at it
>I'm not racist, all my friends are minorities
>I should just get to say slurs and still keep my left wing circle of friends
>I have learned nothing from who cancelled me
100% deserved.
>She posted them herself here on a /gif/ vtuber thread to shill her own channel
Well that's fucking sad.
>The dumb bitch should have hard denied all the way.
Didn't she say they forced her to give her social medias when she started? Also: just like she said: If you sit in a room, talking to people, and the voice out of the speaker saying "chink" and "nigger" is literally her voice.
>she could have had a solid lawsuit in her favor.
You might actually be retarded. How do you think lawsuits happen? You sue them for firing you, claiming you are not the vtuber you clearly are, and then they have to somehow prove that she is that vtuber?
When she sues them for wrongful termination, the suit is gonna get thrown out right away, because she lives in an at-will state, and she wasn't fired for a reason that qualified her for wrongful discrimination in an at-will state. Because she wasn't a protected group, fired for discriminatory reasons, retalliation, she wasn't complaining about wage theft and she didn't whistleblow.
But for the sake of your dumbass argument lets pretend she's in a state with actual employee protections. You know what happens basically right at the start when she sues claiming not to be this vtuber? Discovery. You know what happens in discovery? They're gonna take her phone, her laptop, her PC, whatever she has that can reasonably take video, they're gonna send it to a forensic computer analyst, and they're gonna search trough that motherfucker for ANY evidence that she ever was this specific Vtuber. And they're gonna find it. Even if she throws all her electronics into a vulcano and claims she doesn't use and of that shit, guess what happnes? The hospitals lawyer is gonna call youtube: "Hey youtube, what IP uploaded these videos?" then they're gonna go to her ISP and ask: "Hey, who does that IP belong to?" and they'll have her ass. Because she didn't upload her vtuber videos from behind 7 proxies. Now she's fired & in debt.
Never knew pippa was another vtuber
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She sure was!
>cries about losing her job
>says "If it was anyone else I would be laughing but because it's me it sucks"
Jesus, how can somebody be SO CLOSE to getting it and still not get it? And yeah, the rest is all real pathetic 0 accountability shit. "Whaa, whaa, I got called slurs and mean things" "Whaa, why do you care what does nigger mean? What does it mean?" (??? what even is she trying to argue here) "I only call white people nigger".
It was already dumb of her to try viral marketing on 4chan, but imagine thinking it's a good Idea to go on 4chan, record yourself proudly proclaiming that you say "nigger" (which btw, is ALSO an admission of guilt since the way she does it means she fully fucking well knows she shouldn't.) and linking your fucking stream. God damn, how did she manage to get trough nursing school? This might be the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen a vtuber do.
And I didn't think anyone would ever beat pikamee's "Insisting that you absolutely must play Hogwarts Legacy to the point that you torpedo your own fucking career".
What the fuck am I hearing?
A Moth/Owl/Bnuuy getting nougied (gently)
Finally a place where /vt/ jannies can't get me.
you would be surprised
an ip is not a person, though. specially with CGNAT
what's the one with the vtuber girl going hehe
She actually posts on that account daily even now
That's a good defense for "someone downloaded illegal material on your IP", However with: "This person sounds exactly like you, and was uploaded from your IP" that's really all you need.
Did she get doxxed?
pls tell me her "bf" isnt a tranny
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Does anyone have the full clip of Bao where her ass comes out her skirt? if her mods can have it saved I want it too
For some reason I thought of Taiga when you said Bao. Why do I always mix them up?
Last I remember he's nonbinary but I might just be pulling that out of my ass. I think I remember he mentioned going by any pronoun.
Name 3
Gonna need this clip too. Bao's got a big ol' fat ass irl and would appreciate any clips of it
to think pippa would marry such a faggot after all this "based" persona she put up its FUCKING OVER
>phasecuck thread
Holy fuck, no wonder two thirds of this board are about trannies of bbc or both
why are you speaking in the third person?
Why is /gif/ unable to keep threads on topic?
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Pippa is based as fuck.
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My oshi <3
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/vt/ jannies on suicide watch
what's the point of having a /vt/ thread in /gif/ if not to post things that you can't post in /vt/
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This shit is a work, brother.
what am i looking at here
a girl being molested
this makes her evil btw
post Matsuri's stuff
but what does it have to do with vtubers
that girl is a vtuber, an evil one, you should hate her for what she did (being molested)

kek KFPigs shall die malding over this
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Natsuiro Matsuri / Sato Nozomi / Yui Hiiragi
harapan? I wish, all vtubers need to be regularly beaten in the womb
>all vtubers need to be regularly beaten in the womb
100% agreed, she looks so cute doing it too
With that familiar sounding voice, I must know who this is.
And it took 5 letters for Haato and Coco to get them suspended and cancelled, true Communism.
Oh hey, gm_fork. I must have at least 50 hours on that map alone
good map good memories fr
i need to make more vtuber killings
exertminate all vtuber pest
Thank you brudda
Did she get paid to have sex with a viewer or what?
Wait, is that Kiara or just some shitty bait? What the fuck is even happening here?
It's Kiara before joining Hololive and trying to be a model in Japan and getting any gigs she can in which one of the gigs was dressing up as Asuka for an amateur wrestling match and getting molested.
She does it for free
Huh, interesting. Is there like, a database for forbidden vtuber knowledge? I know there's a website that has half-assed "articles" that talks about that kind of shit but the entire website is full of cringe faggots who are screeching 95% of the time in the comment sections.

I feel like I'm constantly learning new things about them pre-hololive. I just like to see where it all started
if my oshi ever does this kind of shit I'm killing myself and make it look like it's her fault
I thought pipper was the perfect based neet chuddy femcel unicorn who had never interacted with a male and hated troons... it appears to be over...
didn't she have multiple offcollabs with some random pol fleshtuber? I remember the 'log being flooded with that shit
>libtards: saying a mean word should destroy your life
When did she upload this? Before or during hololive?
she got peaked by him
One day she will abandon the band aids.
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For your own mental health, it's best that you just assume that your favorite chuubas are whores behind the kayfabe. Never forget that all western vtubers are just egirls with a coat of anime paint.
It's not a story /vt/ would tell you.


More. Bet Demondice never did anything nasty for clicks. Even if she did, she's kind of imposingly huge. I think she would intimidate the /vt/ incels, like me.
>Bet Demondice never did anything nasty for clicks
There's audio of her taking a shit on a stream break after forgetting to mute the mic

Ass Shit Merde Rumbles

That reminds me of the time I was high and accidentally went into the womans' bathroom. All the girls were taking shits around me. I never asked for this.
That's disgusting. Where?
you can't just say that and then not post sauce you nigger
he can't because [spoiler]it never happened[/spoiler]
If it's any consolation, she's divorced and moved back in with her parents because she doesn't make enough money to support herself.
What game is Panko playing here?
Going by a few clips like when she talks about F1NN5TER, it seems she into trans women and femboys.
you think she got a new one?
I don't think it's any secret that she's into effeminate men. Anyone who watches her for a good amount of time would know that.
Who knows but you'd think that she would move in with someone at her first opportunity. As far as anyone knows she is still living with her parents. One may assume that when she moves out it's either gonna be a really shitty cheap apartment or with a boyfriend.
Is there any forbidden Bao, Numi or yuzu clips?
lmao what
did she just punch herself in the cunt
is that shylily?
Papakin is her daddy, not her dad
Yep. To be fair, she's brought up ex boyfriends and birth control with her chat before so it shouldn't be all that surprising.
He seems to be her actual father, and if the kiwifarms dox is accurate, he's done time in prison for carjacking.
Wait Pippa is single now?? How do I date her??
Are phasekeks also /gif/ posters?
Please I want Pippa's vaginal juices in my mouth!!! I want her !!!!
I can't begin to fathom the foulness
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I tried getting into vtubers but the moment they drop kayfabe and just start talking about everyday life i lose interest. Just irl stream at that point i dont get why so many want to try and double dip
how the fuck is she not making enough money to support herself?

I've seen her streams and her fans are dropping plenty of super chats and gift memberships onto her. She also sells plenty of merch as well. she should be making at least enough for a one bedroom apartment in a semi decent area.

If anything she probably moved back in because she is too incompetent and mentally ill to live alone.
>she is too incompetent and mentally ill to live alone
This is almost certainly the case. She has zero real world coping or survival skills and has banked absolutely everything in her life on being a streamer. Literally the only thing outside of that she has ever accomplished was getting a driver's license.
Anon is a retarded nigger, pippa has plenty of money and is looking into moving out again. She doesn't actually like living with her parents. As for being too mentally ill, she's a Phase member, of course she's mentally challenged.
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She works for a company, she doesn't get all the money and gets an even lower cut of merch than superchats.
To put it into perspective, Tenma, the 2nd biggest Phase talent, still has a full time job and she freely admits that vtubing doesn't pay the bills. Pippa by comparison has basically been a neet and has pursued a career on the internet her whole adult life.
>She doesn't actually like living with her parents
Exactly, and yet she has since December, indicating that she doesn't have a lot of other options and is getting back on her feet.
iirc, Tenma is a translator of some sort.

SO, in summary:K4J8
- Noel is a cam-whore
- Matsuri is a cam-whore
- Pippa of all fucking people was married?!

Any other bigger V-Tuber lore I'm missing out on? (more "secret" stuff, not openly talked about things like Lily liking to sleep around and IronMouse nearly dying of someone cumming on her face)
Kinda dumb that cancel culture exists and we have to be sensitive to the lesser groups, but hey, I also hate vtubers, especially vtubers who pander to edgelords for clout, so in the end, who cares?
you see, this is why i dont fuck with any vtubers because of this exact reason, why the fuck would you guys want to waifu a REAL WOMAN larping as an anime girl? Of course they are just egirls, and they have a life outside of vtubing where they probably get railed, so liking vtubers is basically just being a cuck.
got any filian?
IronMouse has a daughter
Matsuri doesn't really do streams, she was interested for some time then decided to create basically a very simple OF while she was going again through her "I'm dieting" routine probably for some extra validation. Other then what was posted she basically just wanted to show her toys, jerk off a dildo for viewers to fantasy about, and a simple asmr track with a countdown . She already announced that the page is going off by the middle of next month.
This is now even funnier.
Lia streams so little and makes enough money that she can afford 5 trips this year and is moving to Japan at the end of it
>first webm
Pippa probably pays for therapy or 'mental health'-drugs, which should be pretty fucking expensive in Burgerland.
>IronMouse nearly dying of someone cumming on her face
>Tenma, the 2nd biggest Phase talent,
she is 2nd in viewership and subs, but she is probably 5th/6th in money made.

she does not bring in a ton of money relative to the amount she streams and her audience size.
Airi brings in way more than her she is the #2 bread winner in the company by far. Dizzy brings in more than Tenma. Lia brings in about the same as her and she streams less hours a month than Tenma does a week. Lumi probably makes the same amount, but she streams like a full time job and vtubing is the only thing happening in her life. Granted, Airi and Dizzy are whores with whore models and they are predatory with donobaiting and girls like Tenma and some of those others don't do that, so I digress.
its takanashi kiara getting shamelessly raped by chicks
from what i know, lia has lived at home for her entire life and likely hasn't been paying rent, so she should have some savings. she also said she has given up gacha for a long time, and that was her vice. by moving to japan from la, lia is moving from a very expensive place to a place that is a bit cheaper to live and her money will go a little farther.
i do truly wonder why a lot of their gen1 (and lumi) are still with phase connect. they would all make more money outside of it now. especially pippa is probably costing herself close to 6 figures a year that she is giving to phase connect for nothing.
Well Tenma is actively doing her best to keep the pay pigs away. She openly gushes over muscly guys / manly man, is genuinly mean to people at times, has anger issues (not the cute kind) and is an actual alcoholic.

There is also the whole "I'm not your friend!" - song cover to drive the point home.

That makes her the funniest Phase Member IMO.

As for why she still has a normal job on the side:
- She has a weird relationship with her mom where she must "keeps face"
- She lives in Japan in some major city, which is expensive as fuck
- She is an alcoholic
- She is an gacha addicted coomer
- She is addicted to buying clothing
Holy fucking shit, I must have had a stroke writing this.
Pippa would be so much better off solo it is not even funny. She has the name value, connections and the fanbase that she would not miss a beat and she would actually make more money and gain more fame without her corpo. She is bigger than her IP so Phase can keep it and it would not effect her bottom line at all as she starts anew.

Lumi it depends on if she truly owns her IP or not. Her fanbase will tell you she does, but history tells us she doesn't. Only one way to find out. If she does own it? Going indie would make her a lot more money because she is now in the Twitch circle and she doesn't need Phase Connect anymore.

Lia would be better off financially and if she played her cards right she could start as a Youtube/Twitch indie with about 500 viewers as a base. You get to skip the sub 50-200 view purgatory that most vtubers never get to escape from. She has her high end connections too. She also wouldn't have to wait 7 years for 3d because she could get her own in 6 months. However, I don't think she has the discipline to make it as an indie + she has other options in life so she is not all-in on vtubing. So she is likely forever Phase -or- just actually retires when it is her time.

Tenma is forever Phase.
what a fucking retard kek. she was doomed from the start with that model and attitude
>has anger issues (not the cute kind)
wrong, she's a very cute angry gremlin
She was so much better on the LAMP days
and penis
lmao fetish slipped out
imagine your uncle was such a jew with the fucking lamp oil you had to make a fucking holiday out of it
miserlry old bastard
considering most of the dude's that watch this shit are shitskincels that was a silly move
only americans give a fuck about the negro (nigger) word, retard
yes and america is full of shitskincels

She's fucking Japanese and it's a children's wizard game. She's not hip to how much you care about chopping your dick off.
holy reading comprehension
i'd also be interested
and i also wanna know the website youre talking about
>things like Lily liking to sleep around
How is this a thing for someone whose entire thing is being a degenerate slut? Corporations going for the idol image I can understand it being forced, but it's so fucking retarded to market yourself to coomers while somehow downplaying how you are to maintain purity, especially when Projekt Melody shows the coomers give no fucks and embrace that shit.

>vtubing is the only thing happening in her life.
Lumi is in university doing a masters, I'm actually shocked she has time to stream.
>Lumi is in university doing a masters, I'm actually shocked she has time to stream.
do you even watch her? she is done doing that for over a year.
the thing she has CVID?
well ti wasn't that bad at the start, she used to be a singer and what not right?
back when she had that brown haired model and used to talk openly about her kid she once admited that a guy, prolly her at the time Husband came on her face
And she had something like an Allergic attack thanks to her defenses being REALLY fucking low without her noticing
Give it a couple of months and now she's bedridden
she's getting better nowadays
Frankly i get why pippa refuses to move from PC
Everyone knows she's the director's lap dog because she feels real fucking grateful he gave her a chance and now she doesn't want to move on Until they get relatively big without her
>on Until they get relatively big without her
they are as big as they are gonna get.
You got more of her content
not in webm form but
personal favorites
her talking about one night stands
showcasing her dog dildo collection
Tenma is seriously a comedic genius. Also, she herself has described her irl job as her full time job and vtubing as a side job.
Lumi is a unique case, she owned her IP before joining Phase, it is highly likely that she kept her IP as part of negotiations. She was indie before joining Phase so she probably knows when the conditions would be right for her to go indie again. We also don't know what her deal was. Since she's a bit of a different case than someone that debuted under Phase, her cut could be completely different from the rest of them.
she came in with Yuri who owned her IP. Yuri was fired and lost her IP.

Fact of the matter is we will never know until the day Lumi leaves Phase Connect who owns the Lumi IP.
sakana is a cut throat chinese business man. He doesn't make bad deals. I would bet $1000 he owns the IP. Why would Sakana hire someone at that time who he didn't own the rights to? Why would he waste money promoting and investing in brand he doesn't won that could just leave one day and go indie no strings attached? She had no leverage. What did she offer him in return for her to keep it?
Lumi is too proud to say that she gave it away like Yuri. She has always hidden behind the blanket "all contracts are different."
who is sakana exactly
man i remember her video saying that she went too far with the whole bandaid coming off of her nipple and she'll rein it in in the future
didn't believe a single thing tho, she's attention addicted whore and it'll only get worse
I have an actual wife, vtubers are just another form of entertainment. Do people actually pretend that they are their girlfriend or something?
>I have an actual wife
then you should be with her instead of here
Coomalot hands wrote this post.
her employers are niggerloving faggots, just like you lmao
Any good vtubers who stream nsfw stuff?
Like using a sens vibrator etc?
I miss the days when she was this based.
who this?
Interesting. Seems she quit the chaturbate thing though?

She's too much just straight up nudity, being focused on it.
I'm after something like nyanners just fucking about with whatever, but then if she's feeling horny at one stream, she'll watch porn with chat and rub one out.

I heard about that fact when she did an interview just a few years ago (an interview that is still online, and that was mentioned by TV Tropes, too), the same interview where she told the interviewer about that time when she ordered a whole lot of sex toys online... that her mom had to sterilize, for CVID-related reasons.

She's not exactly shy, about mentioning her NSFW misadventures and/or openly thirsting for fictional characters and random streamers alike, hell, if I could barely even hug people without risking my life, I'd probably make Bao seem chaste.

Someone should make some kind of full-body condom for her, and/or a pseudo-Iron Man suit.
>Yuri was fired and lost her IP

You know I always wondered whether she lost her IP because she got fired for doing whatever she did or because she had to give it away when joining phase?

I could see the possibility of there being a clause that stated that if she got terminated for malicious reasons on her part, then she forfeits the rights to her IP.

Come to think of it, why did she get fired anyways? does anyone know for sure, or have a good theory?
>or have a good theory?
Not a good one, but it had to have been some kind of backend, contract violation shit. Sakana basically lets the girls get away with fucking everything on stream, so it couldn't have been her behavior.
What the fuck is a Vtuber

Who does that
Is it all men with a filter pretending to be women/cat fishing?

It’s clearly a sexual thing all the audiences of vtuber I have seen are a bunch of completely perverted, sex obsessed freaks salivating over a random stranger they don’t know and have never seen before, giving "her" money for nothing in return
AND it’s closely linked to tranime which freaks me out and raised my alarm bells even more
>one of the most requested job fields
Oh no. Anyway.
Vertical fluffy bunny ears
butterflies shaped like triangular cat ears and vertical eye slits, pet collar
Cat ears, eyes fangs collar and mouth
:3 and :< cat mouth
bow shaped to resemble cat ears form the front, :3 cat mouth
cat girl (full package)
cat ears, vertical cat pupils, and arms+hands bending like a cat
vertical cat eye slits and fangs
fangs and weird fluffy ears on top of the head that resemble either a bear or a Scottish fold cat
every facial feature is from a cat, :3 mouth, fangs, vertical eye slits, eye position/stare and ears
Low res but visible vertical eye slots, :3 mouth and stubby triangular ears
Cat ears, eyes, :3 mouth, and OH YEAH ENTIRE BODY AND FACE COVERED WITH CAT FUR, + cat emoji
Girl on the left has cat :3 mouth and eyes, small triangular fluffy ears at the top of the head too
Feathers in hair in the shape of cat ears at the top of the head
Cat girl with cat ears, fangs, and collar
Yet another full on cat girl with cat ears, :3 mouth, cat eyes and fangs
Despite clearly being meant to be an orca she still has the :3 mouth of cats and hair in the shape of triangular cat ears
Another cat girl, :< mouth, cat ears fangs and eyes
(Humans cannot make this :3 facial expression)

You guys have some explaining to do, what’s with THE CAT THING?
90% of the vtubers in this thread are cat-human hybrids, the rest are still animal human hybrids of similar looking animals, this is a trend I noticed in anime and manga as well, do all men want to fuck cats or what?! Why?
A cat is fine too
know your PC lore
But why?

Why is every sexualised girl on the internet whether that’s manga anime vtubers hentai or cartoon converging towards cat girls?

On danbooru the animal ears tag has 1million entries, black hair has 1.4million, brown eyes have 700k, cleavage has 900k, now in real life, out of the human population, most girls have black hair, what most girls do not have is cat ears, so what’s up with that?
>girls do not have is cat ears
anon have you been living under a rock or something?
just go outside, can't go an hour walking around without finding one
is there any context to this?
watching videos and making reactions as usual
she said she was talking to someone on discord and she did that to mess with them
The leading theory is that her boyfriend came by and pulled an "ollie" on her
>just go outside, can't go an hour walking around without finding one
That just reinforces the mystery, why is every girl trying to be sexy turning into a cat girl by convergent evolution?

For instance the vast majority of Vtubers (judging by this thread) are catgirls, put it probably didn’t begin like that, it’s like this now because this is what is popular, Vtubers with cat girl avatar got popular, Vtubers who didn’t have cat features in their avatar either changed avatar to include them or became irrelevant and quit for the most part

So again, why do men want to fuck cat girls? Why not centipede girls? Why not seagul girls? Why not HUMAN girls?
That's entirely possible. I'm inclined to think she owns her IP, but the reality is that most vtubers are pretty dumb and don't even know the implications of intellectual property. Fishman has proven to be pretty smart so I wouldn't be surprised if he bought her IP for some ridiculously low price.
H2OSakana is the founder and CEO of Phase Connect
If you're tired of cats, here, have a doog.
Why do you absolutely NEED to create a parasocial relationship with your entertainment?
This is entirely sample dependent. Of the vtubers I watch regularly, none of them are cats.
Two are rabbits (Kiki, Usada Pekora)
Two are foxes (Tenma, Kirsche)
One is a frog (Ami Amami)
One is... idk an elf or something (Sleepy Project)
One is a human ghost (Mint Fantome)
One is a bear (Fujikura Uruka)
One is just a regular human (Ayase Yuu)

The top vtubers are a shark, a human, a fox, a rabbit, a water elemental, the grim reaper, a devil, and a dog to name a few. Foxes are more represented in the top 20 than cats.
to be fair foxes are basically spicy cats
>Of the vtubers I watch regularly, none of them are cats.
Toxoplasmosis, a brain parasite that has been proven to make mice sexually attracted to cats, infects 1in 2humans
This could explain why some people seem unaffected while seemingly around half of men are addicted to cat/foxgirls

> T. gondii is one of the most common parasites in developed countries;[24][25] serological studies estimate that up to 50% of the global population has been exposed to, and may be chronically infected with, T. gondii;

> Mice usually hate and fear cats. But when they're infected with a common parasite, they begin to love cats to the point of being sexually attracted to them.
>The science behind this phenomenon is fascinating in its own right. But the work of an Indiana University scientist suggests this parasite, toxoplasma gondii, may be even more devious than thought.

The math checks out, 1 in 2 humans have a brain parasite that has been proven to make mice sexually attracted to cats, and 1 in 2 men are into cat girls or similar catlike hybrids, to the point that catgirls have become consistently the default sexy girl archetype across all media
Cats are by no means over-represented in the vtuber space and nowhere near 1/2 or even 1/5 of the top 100.
Among animal themes there are things like octopus, whale, orca, fairy, cockroach, mermaid, wolf, domestic dog. And among regular humans: maid, detective, idol, schoolgirl, cyborg, ghost, etc.
And I'm not just cherrypicking literal whos, these are themes from big names.
fuck off sperg
>>27592082 Ha what a classic

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