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2019 showed me the real horrors of humanity and the stupid things people will believe...

I'm scared for November... I'm scared Trump will win again and ruin America once again...
It's funny that you think Donald Trump being president is what ruined America.
Guy probably would have fared better if he stayed in cover and opened his eyes lol
what did they shoot him with?
those needle shots looked like it was possible to dodge them and that dude was a good shot
Those are tranquilizer darts and is essentially the only way to stop that guy since he can revive after dying.
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But schlomoblattengelsbergschekelstein do you not want even more shekels in your wallet?
>Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccination
>Intravenous administration of recombinant adenoviruses causes thrombocytopenia, anemia and erythroblastosis in rabbits
>Intravenous administration of replication-incompetent adenovirus to rhesus monkeys induces thrombocytopenia by increasing in vivo platelet clearance
>AstraZeneca pulls its COVID-19 vaccine from the European market
Wonder if this guy is still alive?
so what happens in the show or movie? whats it about
>reddit spacing
>actual jewish propaganda
name a more iconic duo


Pretty cool show, but I've heard the manga is better.
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sorry anon I sent you a (YOU), mistake
I've come to the realization that the vast majority of humans just want to be guided and told what to do. They want to put their turst in an authority that leads them and does the thinking for them. Used to be tribal leaders, then it was religion, and now it's either political leaders or scientific experts. I thought this was caused by religious indoctrination for near 1000 years of western history, but it's deeper than that. Our psyches are hardwired to respond to authority of any kind, spiritual or mundane. These people are the perfect example of this.
God it's been. what? half a decade since I seen the show. essentially they're humans who can not die. they resurrect and they can also control "demons" or "shadows" or "something". I forgot what they're called but it's like having a Dwyane the rock Johnson with you that does whatever you want and is very powerful.

this old guy leads a terrorist group of people who are cursed with immortality because turns out the government will hunt you down and do terrible experiments on you if they find out you're immortal. I remember there was a scene where it was released they'll test prototype weapons on these unkillable people.

granted, it made some sense since the "demons" the unkillables have are very dangerous. an example would be a girl who gets bullied goes home to off herself. finds out she's an unkillable and can just go back to school and have her demon slaughter her entire class without anyway to prove it was her.

the anime had an interesting concept but shit animation and the main character was the definition of a faggot pussy with zero balls. take that spineless fuck from neon genesis and make him worse. the old man you saw was the main antagonist and was a fucking blast to watch. I remember there was a scene where he was killed and swarmed by Japan's deadliest military squad. they then had a system of transferring him into custody while constantly putting a bullet or two into his head to keep him in a state of unconscious revival.
If anything, 2020 showed me how stupid people can be.
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Why wouldn't he be? Most morons died from not having the vaccine rather than having it
don't bother, Anon, you can't argue with morons.
you faggots damaged the public perception of vaccines for generations because you had a temper tantrum over the public rejecting one particular vaccine, not vaccines as a whole, but one particular one created and authorized in a questionable fashion that ended up being quite questionable in it's safety and effectiveness. but no, we're not allowed a refusal, you sent our your shitty ass bots to spam things about how apparently "anti-vaxxers" exist while suppressing any talk of the real history of that subject: there's a minority of people disturbed by the fact vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued or even really meaningfully legally interacted with because this all already happened in the 1980's over childhood epilepsy. it was something vaccines almost certainly were not at fault for, but regardless the threat of legal action over the subject threatened the vaccine supply as the companies involved lacked the funding to meaningfully defend themselves from a mob. rather than teach complex history that actually reveals they're correct to some degree to protect these manufacturers from the very crystal cathedral hayseeds you guys hate your party and media structure would rather create a false boogeyman consisting of the idea that any sufficiently trumpy-looking person is also a total vaccine denier. they probably got scores of people divorced or even killed in false, bullshit arguments in which the stupid leftist never, ever let go to the bone in their mouth, the dumbfuck idea they're fighting a total ignorant denialist - because anything less would be a displeasurable chore not depicted by their hollyweird science hero narratives. actual humanitarian work instead of Avatar goof-shit.

your defense will be that my post is long but your party and culture poses as the guardians of knowledge in general, only to sneak quietly away from any sufficiently large intellectual threat as you continue entrenched, support-reliant strategies like the Imperial scum you are.
cool story, bro
Antivaccines claiming "I'm only against this ONE vaccine" deceive nobody. It's because of retards like you that nowadays there are people dying of diseases that can be prevented by a simple vaccine.
You bunch of murdering bastards.
you deceive nobody, touch grass you glowstick fluid factory. you will be held responsible for every person you hurt by starting this fake fucking fight, your media apparatus will be flogged in goddamn public for what they did. Trump time soon bitch, and You're Fired.
Sounds like somebody needs their booster. Don't forget your face diaper.
You literally have a greater chance of being struck by lightning.
>roll up your "arm" (what?) to show off your pecs (???)
>I failed middle school math: the post
>everyone at work got covid but me
>im the only unvaccinated one
>worked with the sick guy for 3 days until he tested himself
rly makes u fink
That's because most people can't cope with the unknown, whether it be death or the future. This is also why we in the west are obsessed with 'fixing' things. Fixing things implies a secure future, which allows most sheeple to breathe a sigh of relief and forget about that "uncertain future". That's why people elect others to 'take care' of the future. They're not interested in knowing how those said people are going to do that: "...people much, much smarter than you and me have decided...", which allows said elected people to cash in all the money they want while doing nothing, and secure their own future. Democracy is a scam. If they really served the people, they would be equals to ordinary citizens and wouldn't demand a high paycheck and a fancy title.
I got Covid. It was miserable for like two days and I just slept a lot, drank a ton of water, and had the fever shivers.
By day three I was more or less fine, just congested had an annoying cough for a few more days no worse than a regular ass cold.
They made me quarantine for two weeks with pay. I honestly could have gone back to work after a week but I opted to stay at home and play video games for a week. Fuckers were paying me for it anyway.
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>Why wouldn't he be? Most morons died from not having the vaccine rather than having it
didn't get a covid vaccination and never got sick...
>don't bother, Anon, you can't argue with morons.
that covid shit happened during my contract.. it's a fraud/sham.
>shams in europe for 3 extra months cuz of the holocough jej
obungus got a Nobel peace prize for bombing Syria and being a black j e w prezzy...
>thing went to shit in 2012 nigger don't pretend obama care didn't fuck anybody
nigger president worst president fyft
wonder when they're going to start saying all of us that got two shots and boosters and everything have just been getting placebo sugar water unless we were targeted for assassination or some other retarded plot
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>cool story, bro Antivaccines claiming "I'm only against this ONE vaccine" deceive nobody. It's because of retards like you that nowadays there are people dying of diseases that can be prevented by a simple vaccine. You bunch of murdering bastards.
get a booster and Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality yourself go to the sewerslide you fucking kike
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Holy cringe.
This is good bait.
The gay
Please tell us how he's wrong
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"Most people want to be told so badly what to do, that they'll listen to anybody."
-Don Draper
Someone post the band students in the bubbles.
kek im making a covid psyop compilation rn and def gotta include this now. theres also a funny clip of someone promising ppl free shotguns if they get vaxxed https://www.vice.com/en/article/akg3kp/free-guns-are-now-a-covid-vaccine-incentive-in-the-us
All countries that vaccinated had much lower deathrates and no problems with hospitals.
The Norway VS Sweden is a good example.
Norway enforced restrictions and heavily promoted vaccines. Hospitals were never in trouble, death rates were neglible.
Sweden didn't have any restrictions and didn't promote vaccines. Death rates went sky high and hospitals collapsed and they admitted they fucked up.
Norway is still laughing, since we hate Sweden.
>shitholes have worse health outcomes
Imagine my shock
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Been over three years since my first dose. Damn, how am I still alive?
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Yeah there were some pretty hilarious "incentives" to try to get people to take the shots. I recall there a pretty funny one that was just a single jellybean, but I forget the sauce. A lot of places had lotteries as well.
You're alive at the cost of your soul and dignity.
>Ugh even a 3rd grader knows this!
>then it should be easy for you to explain why im wrong
>ugh i shouldnt have to!
>well if im such an idiot like you claim i am, then i must need to explained
>ugh you're just too ignorant!
why do they keep throwing the same guy off the road?
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people that pissed and moaned about not having a mask should be shot like a little goyim they are. the stupid fucks enabled the government to do reprehensible shit
>imagine if he shot that fucking nooks head clean off
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>Please tell us how he's wrong
at this point just say "post nose"
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>All countries that vaccinated had much lower deathrates and no problems with hospitals.
what about china huh... huh?
>The Norway VS Sweden is a good example.
>my nu male jew cuckedland had less deaths than other subservient jew cuckland
gee good for you...
Ohhh, look at you go...all flamboyant and self righteous.
Tell me, do you wear a cravat and call everyone "sweetie"?
Here's an idea, stop sniffing your sisters knickers and go outside, you drooling simpleton.
It’s his twin you dummy
you don't even know what half of those words mean, but post them anyway to sound smart eh?

mrna vax doesn't have adenovirus in them. what's your fucking argument now?
me? personally? cool story bruv
how did the majority of the population just let goverments get away with this?
dude screamed at me because my dog was playing with his dog on a beach.

i was like 60ft away walking the opposite way. i approached him and told him to shut the fuck up or I'll show him up infront of his wife. I used his wife's name when saying it because she'd been videocalling me for weeks. Lol
Notice how 99% of the shot takers who freely shilled it all legit look retarded.
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imagine unironically calling it face diaper. using the lowest iq insult possible. and that goes along with all the other similar 'insults'.
>"I am right because I called it le funny name, seethe and cope".
antivaxxers can't fathom what's it like to not have breakfast
Because explanation requires nuance, nuance requires elaboration, elaboration requires breadth, all of which will garner a predictable response of "lol didn't read" or some equally brainrotted chickenshit.
I have better things to do with my time than attempt to illuminate ineducable retards.
No refunds, faggot.
Ajin, I recommend the manga. Initially it starts with some gay plot about "muh humanity are the real monsters" but then the original writer left and the illustrator took over writing and turned it into a kino action manga. He has a new series called Pool coming out now, and he does porn on the side.
>stupid things people will believe...
only few liberals Americans believed it and we the rest of the world forced to play along at a gun point
Jim is underrated.
viruses don't exist.
No amount of redditard vitriol, will convince anyone you aren't just a retard who played medical Russian roulette for a 1$ krispy kreme donut
I know you're probably trolling, but I know there are people who legitimately believe this and it's beyond my comprehension how anyone can be this stupid and not require a 24/7 tard wrangler to survive.
>Russian roulette: 1 in 6
>VIPIT from AD VV vaccines: 1 in 100k
Thanks for proving my point
dear lord, why i'm not surprised about the nose
Sheer luck.
this shit really redpilled me on the nature of normalfags
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Where are all the dancing nurses?
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Ah yes, the thousand of overwhelmed hospitals and dancing nurses.
i miss covid so much bros
Anti vaxxers without the "
>what about china huh... huh?
OK, what about China? (Please provide your sources)
>antisemitic retardation
Yeah, ok. nevermind. Go on back to your little maga echo chamber, dipshit.
At work.
Chyna, Ukraine did Covid. You didn't listen to the drumpf.
Why weren't the immunocompromised wearing masks before the pandemic? Why aren't they wearing them now?
>the real horrors of humanity
Read the bible, they arent human. "Of their father, the devil"
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how many of those are there?
I didn’t get jabbed and lived in Sweden where we barely cared about Covid at all. I feel like I missed out, I literally have 0 nostalgia. I just slightly remember recording my classes on zoom so I could play Classic WoW instead
Nobody believes this fyi
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The truth is that every government was scared and they preferred to do more rather than less, but it turned out as usual.
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I forgot I had this.
Chyna, Ukraine
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Retards like you thought the vaccine granted immortality against covid for time and all eternity and got angry when it didn't.
>only if essential
>at the beach, wearing swimsuit sunscreen in hand
Is it just my imagination, or does it look like the cartoon syringes are dancing under duress?
This is the good shit, this thread should have been all this, manic normalfags losing their shit over trivial covid shit
>not posting your "coofer" folder
>All countries that vaccinated had much lower deathrates and no problems with hospitals.
Blatantly false, and you have no evidence to back up that claim.
>we shut down the economy for the flu
These people deserved to be culled.
>This ain't eugenics, uh, no way
If they have to say it...
some times i need to see these just to remind myself how desperate they are
>if they were winning their propaganda would be unnecessary
What really grinds my gears is that "It" was never the clown. "It" was reffering to sex ('wanna do "it"' etc.) Which is the theme of the entire book.
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I have 17 total.
I predicted all of it. Someone I know has a dad who works for FEMA and said we were going into lockdown for "2 weeks" a couple days before it happened and I said "It will be 2 years. They will keep extending it." I think I realized most adults are retards when I was about 12.
>I'm scared for November... I'm scared Trump will win again and ruin America once again...

I doubt you are American after reading this wildly out of touch, bizarre statement. Post a pic of your hand please.
schizo lefties becoming antisemetic is the funniest shit. Go riot at the DNC please.
He never was.

Glad he's dead.
Reddit meme format
delusional coping
>It's because of retards like you that nowadays there are people dying of diseases that can be prevented by a simple vaccine.
No that's because illegal aliens don't get vaccinated for that stuff lol. You are wildly retarded.
The CDC says you are still supposed to be getting covid vaccines twice a year. You are now an antivaxxer whether you admit it or not. Continue seething and coping, faggot.
didn't you see the blurred dummies on the CNN!!!!
I went to the hospital a few times during these years and they were totally fucking empty. Never seen them so empty in my life. I know someone who died of the booster and the only "covid death" I know was my great uncle who was 97 years old with dementia and he was such an alcoholic that he did not eat food or drink water anymore just drank vodka and pissed on the floor. "covid" got him! I never got vaxxed and I never got sick either. I get a lot of omega 3 and vitamin d and I haven't had a cold, fever, or a flu in 5 years.
Insane cope
Funny how all the authoritarians stopped wanting to talk about covid once the science said getting jabbed made no difference whatsoever. The CDC says you are still supposed to be keeping up with yearly or bi yearly vaccines and none of them do it. They are all anti-vax now! I think we should force them to continue getting boosters.
wanna know what else was going on in sweden to drive the death toll?
lots of diversity
i'd like to jab them with something other than a needle.
>i have a compromised immune system
code for "i live an unhealthy lifestyle and suffer the consequences."
>Roll up that arm
Fucking eugenics right here. Retards.
I wish I had something to post. My girlfriend at the time was taking pictures and video of all the memorabilia that would be COVID. She was in a way based. She knew that this was ephemeral that people would forget how it felt what it looked like and there was a structure behind that forgetfulness. I wish I embraced that idea, because it does haunt me looking at this thread. I almost succumbed to the pressure of getting injected. I have many life lessons learned from that time. One that I think we all should focus on is " the vaccine quote"is one of the most successful propaganda moments possibly they could be recorded. It wasn't the vaccine it was multiple it was something that wasn't a vaccine we're not talking about Madera or Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson, etc etc. I find myself saying the vaccine no I now say which vaccine are you talking about.
Really goes to show it was all about them dragging everyone else down with them. "Wait, you mean I don't have to wear mine? It's off!" then he leaves the guy alone.
astra zeneca and pfizer
Every clip of this guy is painfuly unfunny to watch, cant imagine the torture the people who work on that studio must endure weekly
dump 'em
thread's unlikely to reach bump limit anyway
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I hope this queer died a painful and graceless death
>having nostalgia about a pandemic
What you can do is call up Guiness World Records and tell them you have set a new world record for being the stupidest motherfucker on Earth and when they ask you why show them this thread and see if they have any content to post here and if they look at you like you are the dumbest fuck breathing air right now report back to this thread to confirm the new world record for the greatest idiot of all time.
I hate niggers do fucking much.
The absolute state of zoomers. Covid is absolutely NOT something to be nostalgic about. But you really dont have anything else do you? When your "nostalgia" is mass manufactured culture, I guess it can make a sick kind of sense.
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kek, good bait
i know of five people that lost their sense of taste/smell, all of them vaxxed
nice, always good to see those faux moral dictators getting fucked by their own behavior
I can believe how many people still fall for bait like this. MAGAtards are truly something else
if you haven't took the booster shot in the last three months, you are an anti-vaxxer and unvaxxed, these are the rules. strangley, all the pro-vaxxers stopped taking these safe and effective pricks two years ago. funny isn't it?
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it's unreal how bad their propaganda is
but it seems to work on idiots
funny, because i heard that sweden had less problems with the flu.
>pfizer shills lie
oh well
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>call everyone a retard
>can't argue his position
kek, thought you couldn't. tell me, when did you took your last booster?

T-179 days to go! Can't wait for the God Emperor's return and the DEI bonus to run out for Kacklin' !
that guy grew up learning sign language in the ghetto from bill retard. find me the link to him getting caught
>all these webms
>none of them from 2019-2020

You are almost forcing my hand to go in my archives and post REAL chinese virus webms from 2020.
>schizo lefties becoming antisemetic is the funniest shit. Go riot at the DNC please
They can't, their candidate's contracted blowjob receiver is Jewish, so they have to play nice.
>why are they so desperate to start wars for no reason and get support for a draft while maxxing immigration
>because they poisoned their entire army/population

uh oh
song and name plz
That's what I always thought.
Bet this faggot is dead
Magical thinking never went anywhere. Humans are still essentially cavemen physiologically. We just got more trinkets to distract us. The funny thing is that these people most likely think they are the smart ones who would never fall for silly superstition.
How are those excess death statistics looking, lil bro?
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good times
If you don't have your internal alarm bells ringing and feel disgust at this propaganda you are not human.
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found the retarded idiot
>I have 17
Are you fucking kidding me?
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This was a commercial on Dutch T.V.
The ending...... :0
Unironically the lockdown was the ONE time when Colbert was funny. Not because any of the jokes were good, but because it was SO funny to hear the retarded jokes with ZERO canned laughter to try and cover it up. It was the only time I've ever tuned into his show in real life.
Why have excess mortality rates been so high in highly vaccinated countries, to this day, and not in countries with low vaccine uptake? The cope of you fucking faggots is incredible.
nah they're definitely going to riot at the dnc. the left loves to riot and hates israel now.
Everyone who is not still getting vaccinated twice a year as the CDC is advising is an antivaxer. Welcome to the party, faggots!

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