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fakkin finally
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Anyone have that webm that is in spanish and one of the dudes take the condom while the other one says no?
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this thread and most others are definitely made by bots
i could say the same about the bajillion different straight threads
Ip Man 6 training montage
i use to do this with my bros during sleep overs
Thought it was Jake gylenhall dep fake for a second
>bajillion straight threads

take meds.
Why would bots want to make threads on this website?
Why are there barely any normal gay threads these days. Fisting is disgusting
guess it takes a spot from the IDF sponsored troon thread
You are unironicly right.
Source: was solider in the unit that pulls this type of shit.
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never tire of this one
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Would kill for sauce on this
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Also need sauce
holy fuck sauce please
it's on the bottom right retard
Ohhh my fucking goddd video sauce? Looked up both names but cant seem to find the video
different video
But I think these are the guys
finally some actual gay porn and not gross fisting shit
adorable butt, who is this?
2gb file is full length
Anyone recognize this image? I was going through /r/ and helping out with requests when this one showed up. Looked into archives and this is the second/third time this anon has asked about this with no answer.
He seems pretty convinced it's two boyfriends, and that he found it originally from a video on 4chan, but I got nothing on reverse searches and the like.
How do I manipulate an emotionally broken twink into falling in love with me?
They're all submissive masochists, just order one to obey you to be your toy and you probably have an 80% chance of them just falling for you then and there.
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Literally just show him support and affection. Give him lots of cuddling, not just after sex.
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CS_entrancee6 on X
How do you get to this point of buttplay?
I have to be actively jacking off for anal to feel good, but would like to get to pic related... where I can fuck my ass while I just lay down and enjoy it.
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This one always gets me. I wish a could have a warm ass to fuck and blow my loads in. But you bottom fags are dirty asf.
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Is there a way to find safe hookups? I recently found out how mind melting anal is and I've always been a little curious. If I knew it felt this good, I would have been taking dick sooner.
Also, are gays generally looking for actual men? I prefer to go femboy mode and get really smooth and pretty.
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Femboy mode's actually probably way safer since you draw in straight guys (well, "straight") who are way less likely to go to 35 man orgies every weekend.
"35 man orgies"... those were the days :)
is there more?
increasingly thick plugs worn for increasingly long periods of time. start small and work your way up.
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Had a guy do this to me unexpectedly once.
>he kind of put up a fuss about wearing a rubber, but reluctantly put one one
>he's fucking me in the prone bone position, with me flat on my stomach
>pretty good top
>big dick and knows how to use it
>he's breathing gets ragged and he grunts "I'm gonna cum"
>he pulls out and yanks his rubber off
>I feel a spurt of cum splatter on my ass
>lol, did this guy learn sex from watching porn or what?
>next thing I know he's pushing his bare dick back into me
>whoa, whoa, wait a second
>he goes balls deep and lets out a loud groan as he finishes unloading in me
>even if it hadn't happened too fast for me to react, he's got me pinned so that I wouldn't have been able to stop him anyway
>I bitch about it afterwards
>but honestly I'm a bit too shocked and unexpectedly turned on to be that mad
>he just gives me this sheepish "sorry man, I couldn't help myself, just got carried away"
Was my first time getting bred. He came like a fucking geyser too, I was a mess afterwards. I knew that I should drop the guy after that... but of course I didn't, and of course he pulled similar shit in the future.
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I fucking love these threads, I'm so fucking gay.
that is the fattest ass i've ever seen on an an otherwise skinny man what the hell. also more
This is hot AF, where to find more?
anyone have sauce on this
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Imma need sauce on this
Austin Wolf. The stupid motherfucker couldn't just goon to cp in peace and had to leak his personal information to the FBI agent.
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I'm only interested in seeing big hot cocks to jerk my baby peepee. I'm not into ass fucking. I would never take it up the ass, but if you retards want to do it and get AIDS or have your butthole fall out be my guest.
Highly entertaining for my baby peepee. The guy's huge long cock on the right is so hot
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gay thread
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What a big beautiful cock. Wow
more WMAM content please
When your older brother comes home from college.
>Shoes on the bed
Guys, why are men so hot? When I see these videos I literally struggle to breathe because of how horny men make me. I want to be fucked so bad bros I swear.
i'd love to dance like this on top of a guy's dick
This'd be fun to see, nuzzled up to that dick.
Orange you glad ...
Would've changed my life if I'd seen it as a teen.
Why is there tranny porn in this gay thread? It’s really telling when the option to report posts for being off topic isn’t available on /gif/
I fantasize about this happening to me. Like just thinking of giving a blowjob, only to have it go further. That said, I'm always too sheepish to hook up even though I'm like the perfect bait for men to do this kind of thing to be since I'm small.
I hate it when i lose my keys in my ass thread
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There's one or two posters who like to regularly spam trans porn in gay threads.

At first I figured they were just piggybacking because dedicated trans threads don't get enough posts to stay alive, and they're dumbfucks who think gay threads are "close enough" to also house their fetish.

But lately, I'm starting to suspect they're trans-obsessed /pol/ gooners who think that posting tranny porn in places where it's not wanted will get people mad at trannies or something. Gives them an excuse to engage in curating/looking at/posting trans porn while telling themselves that it's not cause they're enjoying it or anything, they're just trolling and owning the libs or something. Similar to the guys who come into these threads, bust a nut, and then assuage their post-cum guilt by attempting to troll and posting christfag nonsense.
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This is what I want so bad. On all fours. Taking a real man's cock all night until he's done with me.
Not even a horse dick will please that ass after that.
that chinese gay couple deleted all their porn content sadly
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Loving the use of practical effects on the new Alien movie
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So I've got a "straight" friend who has privately admitted to me that he's bicurious. But says that he's too shy and nervous to try initiating anything with another guy. He's repeatedly "joked" that he wishes a guy would just jump his bones out of nowhere... and he usually makes those jokes when he's drunk and making himself vulnerable around me.

Should I take the hint and just give him what he wants? I'm 99% sure that I'm not misreading his signals, but I'm also worried he'll regret it and it'll ruin our friendship.
those were the AIDS days
Sauce please
twitter @DancesWithLeos
do YOU want to? I would keep penetration/anal out of it, regardless of who would top. play with his prick slowly, handjob, blowjob.
>t. straight that got "taken care of" by close friend (yes, really)
I dont know if im actually guy or if im just porn addicted but this one guy keeps coming onto me and im really tempted to try it
Men are just the best at literally everything, even trannies do "womanhood" way better than females themselves
>tranny spams threads over and over
>fucking /pol/
Are you actually retarded (rhetorical)
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Is it possible anyone here has a link to a video Ive been searching for for ages?
It's a studio video of two men, one giving the other a massage and at the beginning he specifies it's a regular massage, I cant describe much but the one line I remember is
"I thought this was a regular massage?"
"It was but then I saw how nice of an ass you have"
Any help appreciated
No I think he's onto something
sauce please
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3.6 MB
Or they're actual trannies who want everyone to suffer as much as they do for existing?

They probably flood /pol/ with tranny threads and are now also flooding it with Kamala Harris threads.
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He's pretty hot and it'd be cool if we should set up some sort of fuckbuddy thing.

It's hard to talk to him about this since it all has to go through a layer of false-ironic "jokes" and banter. But I've pretty much offered him BJs and he's turned it down. It seems like what he really wants is for """somebody""" (i.e. me) to get him drunk, pin him down, and just fuck him silly.

You can see why I'd be hesitant to take him up on that though, since if I'm misreading him (or he just changes his mind once a dick actually enters his ass) then it would be pretty rapey.
he sounds bisexual and tricky to navigate with his desires. it could be easier if he was instead like me. as it stands it sounds like it could quickly devolve into a fucked up situation because he's not wanting to receive simply touch first.
I want nothing to do with my friend's anatomy; I get off on being serviced nicely. my friend doesn't give a fuck I'm straight and that I can't muster up attraction, just happy to please me without reciprocation. I've lost interest in anything else at this point even though I can't manage to make myself actually enjoy my own sex's anatomy.
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Sounds like he basically wants you to "turn him gay."

I was the same way when I was younger. Knew I was into guys, but was repressed and wanted another guy to take charge and "force" me into stuff so that I didn't have to feel as guilty about it.

It led to me getting in over my head with some very sketchy guys. Luckily I managed to avoid anything worse than some uncomfortable/humiliating dubcon sex. But your friend might not be as lucky. If you don't give him what he's looking for, he's likely to start making himself vulnerable like that around other guys until he really does get himself raped.
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idk, but the weird "Trap/trans/femboy/twink" threads definitely come off as either some retard trying to make a containment thread or a bot. None of those things are the same, it's like saying "This is the section for condiments/syrup/hot sauce/milk". Doesn't make sense.
I wanna take the loads of 100 men and combine their DNA into a single butt baby.
this is the way, unless they're a psycho twink which in that case run the fuck away.
bros dick is fucked up bad
Source please
how is this even remotely fair
pawbcayden. I might need to sub to his onlyfans if there's more bbc stuff.
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