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deepfakes. preferably with audio faked also
59 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
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That's one way to shut her up.
Ur great
Any other ?
Or a link to the erome channel ? (Its hidden)

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Women saying shit that gets you hard
186 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
I love Aussie women
That helped, Caty Cole
It’s actually Hack Tooie
Caty Cole
I don't get it

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Summer is for Tomboys only!
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the thumbnail alone gave me syphilis. absolutely disgusting skanks
anon can't fathom the idea of 2 people thinking he's a huge faggot lmao
>no one mentions reporting
>"hurr durr u broke da rools"
Many such cases
Bitches get snitches
I want a tomboy gf

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moms, older women, etc
230 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.

God DAMN I wish she lived next door to me. She seems like a lot of fun.
Most of the sex we had was pretty casual, so just one more.

After the roleplay session, she'd lured me back a few more times and asked if I'd take her out to dinner. She turned out in her best dress, makeup and accessories, intentionally risking my job by ensuring she was seen getting into my car. I took her to a nice restaurant in the city and the second she got there, her favourite roleplay started as she made sure to mention the reservation was for her and her grandson. Throughout dinner she was playing with me under the table, running her feet up and down my legs, then moved over so she could grope me. I was nervous, but rock hard when we left and she made sure to put my hands around her waist and kiss me deeply in the foyer.

In the car, she immediately slid the straps off her dress and drew me in to play with her tits as we kissed. She was giggling and giddy, but with her aches and pains we couldn't fuck in the back seat. The hotel was last minute. Once I got her undressed, she became so coy that I thought she'd changed her mind, but she really just wanted me to be forceful, so I forced her onto the bed and slipped 4 fingers in while lubing her up. She was squealing like a pig. She was resistant, but smiling as I forced apart her legs and pinned down her wrists to slide inside. Once I'd built a rhythm she started taunting me about the restaurant, talking about how predatory I was to prey on my sweet grandmother. I got really into it and at one point she started grunting, then groaned and moaned, and fell silent before spluttering "Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph...you...Good God. That was like being 20 again..." She hadn't cum like that in decades. Her taunting had me riled up, so I lurched forward and shot ropes down her throat. She balked, but was too tired to do anything but swallow. I could have very nearly lost my job when she came staggering in 3 hours late, but thankfully she convinced the staff she'd just had too many sherries.
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>99% of males who have been excluded from the pre-menopausal dating market
this number just keeps going up every time you pussies tell this story lol

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>real gingers no dyed hair
>only women
>no cocks
>no tattoos
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Not to be that guy but you have to be a hard coded nigger to think heavily outdated and poorly made dating stats mean anything. Even Stonetoss made fun of that
>not to be that guy
>proceeds to be that guy
Reddit is a hell of a drug
Nut busted
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Webms That Make You Want Your Cock Sucked
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this one got me rolling
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>now I'm feeling all fucked up and gross
You're supposed to, that's some disgusting shit. Deal with it - you're a literal faggot now.
this is the most retarded shit i've ever read
Anyone have the green eyed cutie that slowly pulls out the dick outta here mouth?

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>DO post tranny & faggot hate webm/gif
>DO NOT reply to tranny bait or jannies will force sage the thread
>DO NOT engage the seething anarchist tranny this faggot is a paid shill
>DO use image MD5 & tripcode filters for tranny porn spam

Message to seething trannies that will inevitably enter this thread:
>You will never be a woman
>You have no womb
>You have no ovaries
>You have no eggs
>You do not pass
>You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>the final phase of their transition
more like the finACK phase
i used to obsessively read through threads like this almost every day when i was trying to repress my trans identity
now im cute and have nice little boobs, and i've never been happier

i'm trans and i still find a lot of these people are cringe... just as i could find tens of thousands of retarded christians that are cringe, or whatever demographic you belong to...

the cherrypicking is cringe and only begs the question: why do you feel the need to do this?
>you were brainwashed
says the retard still spreading this nonsense about Money inventing trans people or some shit
> Life is so ugly for some people
agreed, you're one of them... so full of hate.
subhuman ape applauding violence
this. cope & seethe incels
more low IQ subhumans engaging in violence
and you applaud because you're as retarded & useless as they are.

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>there's nothing 'nice' about anything in this thread retard
Trannies like you come here and start arguing and I always try arguing with them objectively without any insults and they just straight up delude themselves further and further, they didnt show themselves in this thread though, maybe it caught up to them. Lurk more 90 iq faggot.
>why don't you go live in a 3rd world shithole if you care about their opinions so much, loser
If you didnt have reading comprehension you would realize I do and im literally chilling here, no trannies and barely any faggots, and I can answer that for you btw, you show your face here you would get yourself beaten to death or completely ignored like the vile repulsive little goblin you are.

Try not to complain edition vol.2
2D/3D stuff. No irl shit
Useful things:
>source on song?
Use the Shazam mobile app to find song.
Ublock origin filter to not see my comments(i share sources when I can. just a heads up)
ublock origin filter some anon made
(works with extensions that let you add custom rules to block elements)
boards.4chan.org##.postContainer:has(div > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/[pP].*[rR]eviewer/))

Last thread: >>27419071
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wish there was a 4k version to download

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False. The idea that "oBeSiTy WaS a SiGn Of WeAlTh," is revisionist history created by feminism to give credibility to the idea that beauty standards are societal constructs rather than biological realities. Most of modern media has been trying to push obesity as beautiful for decades now but it hasn't worked.
Wait, the NFL analyst?
>fully clothed movie scenes / fucking tiktoks

post fappening you ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS
you first

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Post webms where you would want to be the girl. Shemale/trap ok.
241 replies and 162 images omitted. Click here to view.
Cmon betas don't be so scared to end humiliated
I legitimately wish this was me. Being a cute little asian girl with a tight ass body with a cute subby bf that will eat me out whenever I ask? The DREAM.

Religious nut heads
100 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
holy fuck, the projection is ridiculous
> science is a pagan faith
what a fucking retard
this woman is schizophrenic.
literally 30 IQ
this is just sad
two retards arguing
i had a conversation like this with my family, it makes me cringe in hindsight
> no material gifts for you if you don't believe in my cult!! because that's what it's about!
r e t a r d
why the fuck do they immigrate here if they hate us? greedy morons

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Really ?
That's awesome where can i sign up for this shit ?
>Only 1 (one) jewish video

Good happy submissive girlfriend inspo thread
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Bailey Base.
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rape charge waiting to happen, do not play with that shit
Who is this
She’s really cute

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Let's get more of this whore from insta and tiktok
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Absolutely fucking agreed.
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you mean just go on coomer.su
now these are some good old fashioned titties. Any pussy?

fight 1 vs 1
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He sounds like the guy from the Watchman who gets hot oil thrown in his face
He pissin’ AND he leakin’
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sounds based desu

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