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Fat/ugly bastards having sexual relations with women
The fatter/uglier the bastard and the more attractive the woman the better
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How this fat and micro dick guys can get pussy ?
Just be confident (tall), bro
It's not even that, it's mostly just don't be an incel type.
Maybe they're wearing bear masks
Be normal.

Worked with my wife.

Now I can live these porn gifs. It's great. Especially when I dirty talk about her having to suck a fat guys cock. She's always dripping after that.
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>Especially when I dirty talk about her having to suck a fat guys cock. She's always dripping after that.
my ex was the same
at first she wasnt into it but quickly it turned into the only thing that made her cum
Here's the real answer: be extremely lucky or rich.
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What the FUCK am I doing wrong?!?!?
Works best when they're cucking a prettyboy. Metrosexual twinks need to be reminded that they're just boy toys, not alphas.
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You're not paying them enough.
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This one always cracks me up.
>cum in 15 seconds
>all out of breath just laying there
>whew I'm alive
I envy his situation though. No idea how someone like this scores such a hottie.
Im not sure if you meant to sound as gay as you did.
God damn why is this webm so funny?
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lots of girls are actually into fatter guys
whats the source of this one? shes good at sucking cock
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Anyone know of any fat/ugly using their weight to pin and kiss the woman?
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that’s hot asf
Lol whiteboi. Haven't you got a school to shoot up?
I have accepted my place. No sex and almost 40. Never even seen another human being naked in person. Not ugly, not fat. Just....normal. No one wants normal. I just work all the time because I was raised to believe that all that matters is work. I would like sex, but I was told if it didn't happen by age 18, then it'll never happen.
Holy fuck, you were supposed to just hang around your local mall and ask strangers for phone numbers until you got some on any of your spare weekends. You lived until your 40s and never attempted at least that much? Just work, eat, sleep, repeat? Fucking grim, man.
I was taught that life was only work and that death was my reward as then, I could rest.
Giovanni Giorgio
>posting on 4chan
Single mothers are desperately looking for guys like you. Don’t be discouraged. I was at the lake a couple of weeks ago with my wife and kids and we saw a single dad hooking up with a beautiful little single mother and dude was fugly and nerdy and goofy looking but she gave him her number and they were talking about seeing each other again. I don’t know if they randomly met or if somebody set them up, we were just talking to them a little and leaving at the same time and overheard their conversation.
This nigger fucks other niggers?
The real nigger faggot
Seek help.
Post weight.
take your meds
I'm not white, I was saying your statement was clumsily homosexual. Which was funny.
not being tall
This is actually what to look for if you're fat and want to bull for a cuck couple. Look for a girl you like with an effeminate guy.
Damn, this site has a few thousand videos. Does anyone know the name of the girl by any chance?
Women get off on brush handles and their pinky fingers.
they aren't even fat in a sightly way, they're just fat as fuck

mental illness, especially the second girl
do you know the second girls name? her blowjob is hot
I can finally relate
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This was at the very end of like, a 15 minute fuck session that theres no source for
Just don't be indian
I love bastards
I love women
> I was told if it didn't happen by age 18, then it'll never happen.
Lmfao where did you pick up this tidbit of utter retardation?
>squirt on me
>proceeds to piss on him
Absolutely fucking disgusting whoever is into this shit
fr fr no cap
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ironically enough fat guys don't actually have micro dicks
when they are that fat, so much of the fat there is covering up their dick
everyones dick is partially covered up by some fat, but for example look at the guy in >>27546708 , imagine if the fat there was just gone and his dick kept going, it still does keep going, it still is there, your dick is directly attached to the bone, that dudes dick is like 3 times the size and it would visibly be like that if he lost the weight.

if a dudes fat and DOESN'T have a small cock, he has a giant schlong partially hidden by fat.
Sauce plss been looking for ever
read the filename
anyone can pay some whore 20 bucks for a quick fuck session
178cm x 98kg here, been obese since i was 6. never experienced teenage love but somehow being nice, clean and trying to be funny got me my first gf when i was 18. we did some sexual stuff but never full intercourse. this lasted for 10 months before i grew out of it. then at 24 met my current gf (im 29 now) to which i lost my virginity at our 3rd date. they are not 10/10 top models, but sure they are cute, sweet and caring. not caring about your fatness is actually a big green flag because probably they don't care about all the idiocy of modern pop culture based on looks and fitness. in between these two i had a fling of 3 months with the most beautiful girl i have ever met, too bad it didn't work out but i still can't possibly understand what did she find in me since she was way out of my league. in any case there is hope, don't give up.

my advice: be clean, take care of your looks (clothing, haircut, perfum), be a nice person, try to be funny, find some hobbies you actually enjoy, stay away from social media. you don't need to tryhard being confident, it will come and other people will smell it when you start enjoying life and start liking yourself.

my current gf calls me daddy and loves to be spanked. she's a naughty little girl and she enjoys my fatness, says she feels safe with a big guy next to her, she loves my clothing, perfumes and manners because they remind her of a mature man and it gives dad vibes
>her name? Albert Einstein
I heard from people here. They say if you cannot get any in your prime, there is no hope and only death waits for you.

>my advice: be clean, take care of your looks (clothing, haircut, perfum), be a nice person, try to be funny, find some hobbies you actually enjoy, stay away from social media.

I already do that. Literally, no joke. I have hobbies, I can make most people laugh, and people seek me out to just hang out. But after so many years of nothing, I just stick to my job and my hobbies.
Need source
stfu summerfag assuming every young skinny female is cp get your brain fixed
you're a pajeet, nobody would touch you unless it's another pajeet
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My name is Giorgio.
does anyone want a fat man mate pressing a male? it's homosexual stuff so I don't want to ruin the thread.
i look forward to being an old ugly guy and paying bitches to get creampied
Based thread
so you're saying my micro dick self still has a chance?
Name is Addison. Def a bit of a butter face, but holy god her titties are massive
not nearly enough of that content out there
shit like oldje and similar never have the guys fill them up and that's a shame
crazy tits
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On 4chan. They said that if it didn't happen then, then clearly I don't deserve sex and only deserve to be murdered.
>Single mothers are desperately looking for guys like you
Anon, are you an ad?
Fat and ugly dudes can still fuck sexy chicks. You just got to have a little bit of style and don't smell bad.
If your fat, short, and ugly, you better be funny.
Many of them don't actually care.
The ones who stay sexually active in the long run do though.
I doubt that. If that was so, why hasn't it happened before?

I shower and take care of myself. Not short, but not tall. Not ugly, but not handsome. Not fat, but not skinny. I'm just average. No one wants average so I guess that means I cannot get any. Everyone wants one side or the other. No one wants the middle.
Or be rich. My boss is late 50s with a gut, he got divorced and now slays sugar babies on a rotation. Costs him several grand a month, but I guess it's worth it.
Any of these where like the guy has a big fat hammer monster dong?
Prettyboy here can confirm, these types of guys fuck my girlfriend more in a week than I do in a year.
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Can he even see her?
Fat & ugly > Indian

But seriously, they pay women. That's the secret.

Holy fucking shit please sauce
Lol no, fatty
Money. You have no idea how much pussy a shitty sports car or big-ish nice boat can get you
He paid her to do camshows with him. Names cherokee_maiden I think, there's only a few clips but in one he seems to get sad when she talks to chat about how it's just a job for her lol
hahahaha cope. fat confident men who can support and provide can still pull 7's and 8's.
You are probably some skinny nerd who works out and thinks just cause you achieve abs one day girls will just fall into your lap. welcome to the real world, kyle. women are attracted to confidence and success. if you have good looks, but neither of the aforementioned traits, you make pussy dry as the sahara. that's just facts.
Im in awe of the size of this lad
Name is LaylaCherrie.
Petite Nymphet

vid is - Hotdogging: Custom Video
This is exactly the aesthetic I look for in these threads. This framing, this age difference, the whore dressed in regular, casual, but youthful-cocktease clothes, bobbing her head up and down on a shaft that could be her father's or grandfather's. Perfection
Melody Petite
Mike Stoklasa? lmao
At this point you need to go for hookers or to a massage parlor to just experience something to kill the fear/anxiety. If you work a lot and have no family, you should have money. Go to usasexguide if you're in the US or worldsexguide if you're outside. They should have threads for massage parlors, regular hookers, and sugar babies in your area. I advise starting with massage just to feel the touch and see someone naked/semi naked, then take it from there.

It really isn't as complex as it's made out to be. Abandon the idealistic stuff. It's all but unworkable now.

This is absolutely insane and it will lead to nothing but ruin, especially for the Anon we're talking to. His work will be for nothing. Do not get involved with single mothers. Ever. You will be used and discarded.
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Damn that must be immersion breaking.
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while some of these can be hookers/escorts/sugar babies, I cannot stress how true this statement is. The issue for those doubting is that they are seeing this thru a male mindset: Body/Looks trumps everything else.

For women, yes looks are important, but for many including some god awfully beautiful ones, that's lower in their priorities.

Also, read The Game by Neil Strauss, it is truly eye opening.
Any woman you pull with your money is only with you for you money (surprise!). She'll divorce rape you and take half your shit the second she encounters another guy with money *and* good looks.
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Does anyone have that webm of this guy in his sixties kissing a girl who was like 18 or something?
Man that's like going into the blowjob thread and asking for that webm where a guy gets his dick sucked. Can you be more specific?
>If you work a lot and have no family, you should have money.
I have family. Unfortunately, my family monitors me like a hawk. Yes, I am an adult, but they instilled such fear into me throughout my life that even as a adult, I do not wish to go against them. They say sex is evil and against God. They say it's good that I am virgin and that it's God's Will. I don't see it that way. I live in a very small town, so the only way I would be able to do anything would be to travel some distance and good luck with that without my folks watching me every step of the way.

>Do not get involved with single mothers.
I wasn't. I don't trust them, one bit.
I'm broke, have a wife that supports me and we're poly, weigh 260 lbs with a gut, and I literally have a harem of submissive 18-30 yo girls who want to play out their kinks with me on the regular.
I just have regular conversations with them about their days and their ambitions and if there's vibe I just ask them if they'll be a good girl for me and they're into it.
>totally real things that happen
The fat hairy guy in PutaLocura videos is always trying to pin them down and kiss them.
Can confirm.
Chubby guys are cute and hot
fake until i see proof
Check out the series:
Who is this fucking slam piece?
holy source pls
There is a certain subset of women who get off on abusing themselves. It turns them on
>gawd I can't believe I let that pig fuck me I'm such a slut
You know. Whores
Blackboogie and skinnydez
You are a good person, Anon.
it's gonna really fuck you up when you discover there are women out there who fantasize about fucking a fat guy. it's usually because some fat family member made her suck his dick and she's convinced that it was a good experience because trauma response is fucking weird. some women like fat dudes because they still have that sense that being fat equals wealth, even if it's completely untrue.
stay mad skinny twink boy
if they're not already dead, you should probably unalive your parents in minecraft
20 bucks? this ain't the 80s gramps. it's typically anywhere from 60-100 for a blowjob. anything more is going to drive the price up a lot more.
There's lots of reasons women can be attracted to fat guys, just in the same way that men can be. Some just find it cute, and genuinely think it looks more attractive in certain ways, for others it can be seen as being more fatherly, since their own fathers were overweight, or it can be a self-esteem and control thing, where the women are more comfortable being with someone they perceive as an easier catch and less likely to leave them. It's interesting, but a lot of relationships can fail when an overweight guy suddenly gets in shape. A good example is Chris Pratt, who's relationship with Anna Faris fell apart after he got in shape. Certain girls can't deal with a guy being too good looking and don't like the challenge or insecurity of having to compete with other women. Of course it depends on how fat the guy is as well, and other factors.
i, unlike this asshole >>27565407, actually believe you because i've been on the internet long enough to know most poly relationships are held together by the fattest, ugliest, and typically the most deformed people on the planet.
all good points, i just wasn't trying to write a small essay about it
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his name is bobby turkalino
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Looks like the guy from How To Drink.
I don't have anything to gain other than feeling good about lending out some hope

bros think that what women want is someone who has a huge buff body, and there are some that do, but most just want someone bigger than them that they can feel shielded by that makes them feel safe and protected
combine that with the fact that most women have rape fantasies, you can play into society's norms around desirability and let them let loose
475 lbs
60 inch waist
3.5 inch dick
>Here's the real kicker
6 ft + blue eyes = open thighs
>I don't have anything to gain other than feeling good about lending out some hope
There is no hope. 98% of men will never have sex. Never having anyone care about them, give two fucks about them. They will die alone, hated and despised for daring to live. What hope exists any longer?
lolno. that;s just a larp people convince themselves to live.
fuck outta my fap thread demoralizer
What's an "incel type" there tranny?
That's code for "don't be someone Stacy doesn't like looking at who doesn't have enough money."
Actress name? Im in love
Holy shit I used to spill so much seed to that Euro hottie and now I can't remember her name. I'm sorry Anon, but I cannot deliver but hopefully someone else can.
FINALLY I remembered! Lola Fauve! She has a hot pool side blowjob scene.
Thank u so much, she must be the twin of a friend of the wife who i dream of a treesome with
>: SSNI-561
It's in the fucking filename, you stupid faggot newfag
God, I wish people who would sincerely and unironically use the word 'incel' would all die in agony and then burn for an eternity in hell, all at the same time
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God i wish I was a fat bastard instead of a skinny twink
Not him but I'm 5'10 230lbs. Ex gf was an Olympic swimmer. I think I'm fairly handsome, though. A lot of people say I look like Elvis but since I'm fat I'm guessing it's Elvis in his later years
I don't understand how you all got ALL this footage of me fucking these women... I thought it was private!
Well they mog skinny fags in fights that's pretty much all foids care about
I need the full video
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This could be her? lexisexi420
How do I uglymax?
Im a former fat fuck, from 275lbs at 5'11, to 185. The strangest thing happened, I swear to you I got more female attention between 275-245 than I did between 215-244. I think when you're Obese fat you take on a "Husky Jolly" archetype, and when youre lean you get a more "sexy" look, but that deadzone where I was not technically obese, but still visibly overweight, was no mans land, you just look like someone who let themselves go. Despite the fact that I was healthier and more energetic with each pound I lost.
Absolutist thinking will needlessly ruin your life and mental health
there is this one clip from many many many years ago.

this fat dude has this skinny prostitute whose in really good shape. solid body on her, and they're in his fat gamer living room. she doesnt want to do it despite him handing her the money (my impression was that it was perhaps her first time doing that stuff and she was just desperate for the money) so he loses his patience and grabs her about the shoulders, throws her down on the couch and takes her from behind.

then the camera pans out and it turns out its being filmed through the dudes open window by the pimp who drove her there, who is sitting across the street in his car.

its kino. havnt seen it since that first time though.
Lia Louise
A German who's quite a bit older than she appears in that video. Has done a few young & old videos.
Based NTR style thread
Yep, it's her
Chelcee Clifton

Who know this would be my thing
It was drilled into my head that I had a small window in which to have sex after which, there is no hope. And when I did have that window, people told me sex was a waste of time, boring, and not worth pursuing. Once that window passed, they did the whole
>I was just joking. It's totally worth it! But your window has passed so now you'll never have it. More for me!
When you realize how much you have messed up and that there is no chance for redemption or fixing it, it really messes with you.
People didn't like it, but this is the correct answer.

Literally just go outside and frequent places where chicks are around/hang out. If it's a bar, even better.
The only prerequisite is that you're not acting like the dirty incel loser you are.
And that you don't fall into the opposite spectrum of the fat fedora wearing weirdo.
And just like that, people will talk to you. If you can't even do that, stay in these threads, seething and masturbating.
nothing hotter than a man with big bloated belly
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Brap Pooah, fart on that thang !
A "reducing mosaic" version of this just showed up on supjav today. Haven't watched it yet .. could be smeary AI nightmare fuel, or could be tolerable. (It's usually the former)
link, i'm not seeing them under those names
source pls
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Damn! I have seen her before but never knew the name? anyone know?
A camwhores video that isn't private?! M-Masaka! It cannot be!

incredibly based. Thanks
haha fucking based
thank god for women
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Does anyone have a source for this
i dont think he can
If that dick is small I have no chance.
these are prostitutes dude
dude same we can exude that prettyboy charm and girls are interested in us in passing but in the end an ugly fat piece of shit has true power
https://www.eporner.com/video-gMoxnMr1T1y/even-fat-black-men-get-to-fuck/ Best quality vid I could find
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Too bad she only ever did screens with the same fat bastard
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God damn ninja turtle
Finally. A thread just for me.
Her name?
>be fat ugly bastard irl
>have blown so many chances with solid 7/8/9 out of 10s because of self-confidence
>getting to the point where i'm too old to pull without it being sad (30s)

Is it over for me.
it looked not great.
Yeah I checked it out last night. Even the best "reducing mosaic" javplayer treatment still only really turns out well on a very few jav series, all pre-2017 I think.
No mothers FEFF2E7

If you stop a the video and right click, you can image search that frame on google. Usually will give you enough of a bread trail to find the full video
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that's a non answer. Extremely lucky is like "all other cases"
thx my man
lost at the sword ahahahaha
What's Dunkey doing down there?
This one is suicide fuel
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Anon wants to believe!
why does she keep focusing on the loser with the tiniest cock and loving it and cumming on it and why is it so hot fuck
Sauce plz ;)
Sauce plz ;) on this one too ! thx !!
Who is this?
I’m this small. he’s so lucky probably rich as hell
What is your life like that you're calling someone that fucking fat "lucky"?
There are women that end up built like that. Especially after having a couple kids. I know a couple that have a pretty face, big tits, surprisingly toned and fit legs, but no ass and the turtle shell body. It boggles the mind.
I’m a minimum wage worker..
I also self insert into all these webms.

Fuck, explain how something like this happen? Please tell me its a porn, the chick get paid for fucking. Shit...
You are an idiot for not taking command of your own life and desires and just waiting for love to randomly happen onto you.
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umm... so i am related to basically everyone on the street?
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she's literally all over the fattest guy in the room
$300/hr plus tip
I am a man. I don't know what women like about overweight men, but I love strong men with big bellies. I don't know why, they look so delicious, I'd rather get fucked by a big belly guy then one with six pack. And I don't really care about the cock size, small cock is cute. If he is nice to me and clean he can cum inside of me anytime.
Chubby chasers. They're living out their Tony Soprano goomah fantasy.
Having a personality, you fucking faggot.
I'm so into fat men
good thread
Supply drugs or currency
Are you japanese, perchance?
Love has nothing to do with this. That's a pie-in-the-sky fantasy. I imagine how my folks control me is how third world dictators control their people. Basically changing you until disobedience against them never crosses your mind.
Sorry to ruin it for you...
I remember seeing this originally on ml
This is dad and daughter

Fuck, why live...

This is the single most demoralizing ITT, fuck

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