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Welcome to the BASED THREAD
Only post the MOST BASED individuals

>ALWAYS stand by their principles
>who don't give a FUCK
No cringe allowed
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Last one
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actually based
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full version
That's not based. That's just stupid
does he look even slightly ashamed?
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that quick mysteries show from that one rick and morty episode
a dweeb like you calling it stupid is exactly what makes it based
Unfathomably based holy fuck
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>can't even rip a shirt anymore

sad days
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Giulia Wylde
what ended up happening to this dude anyway?
post the one with sound faggot
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Post webms instead of complaining
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And they pretend to be rich too, with their stolen cars.
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>jealous and coping
>Pregnant woman.
>Robs some old geezer's house.
>Old geezer gets all 2A on this bitch.
>"Don't shoot mister, Imma pregnant!"
Well, wasn't your life replete with poor decisions...?
I laughed for a solid minute at this.
Thank you Anon, I needed that.
>"I love that guy!"
Yes I'm super jealous he got shot in his foot for a day's wages.
And I'll bet he didn't even go to jail because he's too old.
You missed
She wasn't even pregnant. They tied him to a chair and beat him. He escaped while they were robbing his house
being old is based you can basically do whatever you want except be a serial killer
>White man able to effortlessly roll under moving trains
>Indians constantly get hit by moving trains
What a world
That money will not make up for the money you’ll waste/not make trying to live with two fucked feet.
He didn't actually, in fact she was lying about being pregnant.
Surprised they didn't cut to a reaction shot from the two women.
that lady is way to old to be picking fights like that.
"I drive.... into a wall."
this was included in Angry Goy 2
Coping again. You saw the cars and then had to tell yourself that they were stolen so you can feel better. Insecure and cringe
>servicemember drives around with long expired base registration tabs
>2 plate PR
One less pickpocketing venny in the world
no one keeps stolen cars in the fucking driveway lad
more likely rental / lease
Lol found the nigger. Not every action constitutes an over escalation of violence; nor are whores worth protecting.
roids wore off, got comfortable with money so stopped working out, got old
do thieves not know phones all have locks now lmao
These fucking niggers drive me up the wall!
The hookers will not see her and the hookers will not engage in fighting, hookers are just trying to sell their pussy on the street corner, they would not dare challenge an old lady. It is far out of their pecking order and they know they are in the wrong.
Even whores have sense to them, especially in places where the whores are just poor, not heroin addicted american street meat.
another fake Tourette's streamer huh
I remember that guy, got busted smoking crack and that was the end of him
Shut up pussy
he thinks he's based but he's getting emotionally involved
Of course he is emotional about it. He is from an absolute shithole. The other guy doesn't actually fight to live, he fights for money. The Russian guy fights because of the harsh nature of gopnik life.
He's literally an old man of course he's not gonna be the guy he once was that's why this clip was so kino it was like a glimpse into the 80s
No, she just said niggers.
He got arrested
just a little autism
2 negros for the price of 1, mega based. Dude prevented the negro baby from committing crime on people in 12-18 years. What a hero.

ALSO, wtf; why aren't we allowed to be racist on here anymore without being banned. The whole fucking point of 4chan is so that we can be racist.
This needs a freeze frame badly and then sunglasses come down over the front windshield of the bus.
400 for a limp.
shit i payed 400 last week to get an asain woman with a 19 inch dildo to give me a limp.
What's her name ?
You try ripping your shirt off when you're 70 years old... better yet try doing it now before your wife's boyfriend gets done fucking her!
Wow, a based kraut
Now bof yo feet fucked up.

That's hilarious
The police is watching him. Lol.
This man would be worshipped as a god in India.
fuck off reddit
Me when I'm bored
Who watches this dumb whore and thinks "oh yeah based"
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I'm not too knowledgeable about tennis but why were the women acting like that? If they wanted the ball, surely they could have jumped to smack it or tried to intercept it in some way.
Because the fucking Jannies are BLM trannies
based bros who just wanted to play a chill game with e/o
this post proves how dumb niggers are
leave it to somebody from a foreign culture to not understand the customs here like trash talking in sports. for something like one-on-one combat sports trash talking is essential to the business model. this idiot took it all personally because he's a fucking foreigner that doesn't understand how it works.
why not add a red circle on the thief and then cut to a baby laughing until it falls. Yea that'll make it super funny amirite? Maybe even add a few cartoon sounds, and have someone just floating there while reacting to the video, or even better, add some family guy split screen. brainrot gen is doomed
any one with some basic skills can bypass the majority of locks or do a factory reset on it pretty easy. Then you flip it, sell it locally for little less than what everyone else is selling it for. It moves fast, you move on. I've bypassed the highest level encryption on brand new iphones, macbooks, and galaxy phones. A lot easier than you think.
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Are you really going to pretend that Thug Life and Deal With It edits didn't exist here for over a decade? I swear a full fucking 3/4s of people complaining about zoomer brainrot bullshit are guys in their late twenties being forced to realize that memes change and they're not as hip as they used to be.
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free room and board
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A good doubles team will effectively split the court so that there is never ambiguity as to who should return the ball. In this case, as long as the ball is being served towards the men, then the men should return it. Theoretically, there was nothing incorrect in how the game was going.
In reality, you can tell this is staged, because the easiest path to winning for either of the men would be to return the ball to the woman on the other team. Women are inferior to men an almost all sports, so as soon as one started returning to the women then they would score.
oh shit we got tom macdonald in the house
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>I've bypassed the highest level encryption on brand new iphones, macbooks, and galaxy phones

>I'm a nigger

I've seen this video many times, but only just noticed it's fake. He and the police and fire men are so poorly pasted in
The kids on this show grew up and did interviews saying what they were told to say was absolutely scripted and they couldnt go off script. The one kid also said the chick there may have been molested by the shows producers
at 1:00 they cut to a different question...
chatgpt translated it for me: "Which country's flag has two colors?"

A. Republic of Malawi
B. Republic of Congo
C. Republic of Costa Rica
D. Republic of Peru

highly suspicous of tempered material. it's also fake.
Damn if this doesn't show white supremacy over indians kek
I'm buying a Cybertruck.
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I know it's fake, but still cool
I believe it
anything involving kids in the US inevitably caters to pedos eventually. it's just part of american culture I guess
Lmao at the retards getting offended by a simple observation
>leased car and crippling life long arthritis in both feet
Truly inspiring. The American dream.
Scotty Kilmer wouldn't

Always rent free.

Jannies control 4chan now it basically become reddit
>What? Did you just insult me? I will now attempt to kill you and clown laws will make sure nothing will happen to me
Based grandma
woah there, Neo. im not sure you realize the scope of things or how deep we are all in this system. "they" know exactly who you are and what you're doing. they just let you get away with it. ALL that data is processed and logged. you can do everything in your power to try and cover your tracks but it wont work because you are way out of your league. bypassing pin-codes is one thing, sweetie. they're just letting you flip people's phones because its not worth the trouble or risk of exposure of the capabilities of their surveillance. but all the biometrics, GPS and so on.. they can literally smell you through those phones you're stealing.

i'd recommend getting an honest job because once this system is brought out into the open theres going to be zero tolerance for criminals. and at that point they will pull your plug for something as petty as theft. you're living in a dystopian nightmare, you just dont realize it yet.

they were putting puberty blockers in our vaccines without our parents knowledge or consent. and people are wondering why males are becoming more fem and gay. alex put it on the tap water, which could be true to some degree. but the bigger secret they aren't going to talk about regarding vaccines is that bit of information right there. they've been experimenting on his for a really long time and for a variety of reasons. im pretty sure im a certain type of mutant from a particular generation.. they probably do things differently now than they did then. but make no mistake, they're still doing it and then some. the food, water, you name it.. all the electronic polution or whatever. the various forms of wireless technology. they want us to think that a concept like Neurolink is far off and not possible yet. they did it long ago, and they can do it wireless.. the technology is already being used by all of us, its in our homes and we carry it everywhere we go.. we are always within range of towers and satellites
I remember Ssundee reacted to this video one time in a try not to laugh before he realised 12 year olds weren't watching Minecraft content anymore.
The song and the band who wrote it is gay as fuck.
but, he did rip the shirt off himself
get real friends you fucking loser
Swiss, not a Kraut (I guess)
want this obviously done sort of for the lulz charity game bit?
she's swiss you fucking tard
This is why we need more common sense gun control laws.
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Even more impressive. Don't act like anyone knows the difference between any given derkadoika europoor microstate.
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Ameritards dont know the meaning of based Vol.6
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Gay hogan has always been a leech.
He's kinda based because he has been proven wrong and a certified liar over and over again, and yet... he still has a legion of ameritard fucking autistic mongoloids ready to die (and dive deeper in poverty) for him KEK.
That was his brother Rob, he died of cancer. Doug is still the premier of Ontario. Thats like the governor of a state.
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The jew will always tell you that they are persecuted, but will never tell you why.

this needs to be required viewing for all euros
Nigger IQ

I'm a zoomer nothing gets me mad on my 18 pills!!!! this isn't the brag you think it is pussy faggot
I think it's more likely that he actually does hate Connor since he attacked one of his friend's buses or something like that. They had some real IRL drama before the match.
guy in the white wrangler is a registered child sex offender by the name of tracy robert blackwell
Racism only allowed on /b/
Is she single
Best part is he killed the bitch with a .22 Revolver

a fucking .22 xDDD

Fucking sharp shooter hahahah
No, racism is allowed everywhere if only 4channers abided by this simple unspoken mutual contract.

but activists, glowniggers, antifa etc. genuinely think 4chan is where the Nazis live so, they have to combat Nazism one racial slur at a time... which is exactly what makes people prefer Nazis.

Oh well
Connor of all fighters deserves this shit, which is why he's doing it him specifically and is generally respectful to most other people. He has manners, he is just trying to make a point and I personally stand with it. Connor eggs this shit on like no one elsw, and he doesn't want it when he's onnthe receiving end. Good for khabib desu.
Not a negger but they're indeed saggy though. It can't be helped. Imagine them in 10 years or so, reaching expiration date.
your chromosomes are photoshopped you schizo dickhead
Cool shit
Don't forget about Japan, pretty much in the same league
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hawk don't care, hawk don't give a shit.
But that was this place from 2014-2018
unfortunately it turned out that she wasn't pregnant.
Just a woman that lied to avoid taking responsibility for her actions till the very end

>"If you're not an emotionless stoic who don't mind taking dick up the ass, you're bitch beta male!"
While I don't condone the name calling >>27572956 has a point.
What YT video is this?
Unfathomably based
this guy should be president of america
he got hurt bad in prison no idea if he recovered
I can only fault this boomer on using a .22 for home defense.

9mm polymer framed DAO handguns are like $500
hey man
nice shot
she wasn't pregnant. she was lying.
but he did rip off the shirt. I don't understand
this webm saved my life
Reminds me of Sasha Grey around the eyes.
did the phone survive?
Amazingly he made a full recovery!
>ALSO, wtf; why aren't we allowed to be racist on here anymore without being banned. The whole fucking point of 4chan is so that we can be racist.
Good. Use it properly instead of over using it.
>nigger hands in the mirror

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