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sissy porn
if you want to see some faggots just check the nigger threads
AI generated cum once again.
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This. You're all being deceived by Big Cum. Wake up sheeple
I was fooled for a moment.
lmao triggered snowflake
needs to be in chastity and getting ass fucked by a massive veiny thick black cock. built for it.
nice clitty
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i'm surprised that bussy isn't more gaped
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I wish I could explain how incredible it feels to lift the weight of performative masculinity off of your shoulders. It’s like not realizing you spent the last 20 years climbing constantly walking uphill until you’re all of a sudden rolling gently downhill on roller skates. No more constant struggle. Just…the wind in your face, a feeling of mild euphoria in your belly. You can actually gently observe the world passing around you now because you’re not focused on putting one foot in front of the other over and over, climbing a hill you don’t even know you’re on.

The physical and sexual benefits of estrogen are almost secondary to me at this point. It’s about the headspace. I’d never go back. Never.
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Submission is pleasure. Defeat is divine. Slavery is bliss.
>I wish I could explain how incredible it feels to lift the weight of performative masculinity off of your shoulders.
true but that doesnt mean you need to get fucked in the ass and act like a sissy to do that
Sissyism disgusts me and so do men desu. But femininity does not, and in fact I’ve only grown to admire, respect, and be attracted to women even more now that I dress and act like one. I’m in the most intellectually, spiritually, and sexually fulfilling relationship of my life, with a woman, and all that took was saying “I don’t want to be a man anymore” and then sticking to my guns

I have a challenge for you…the next time you’re in bed with your wife/gf…pretend for a minute that you’re a top lesbian, and then fuck her like one. You’d be amazed at how your perspective changes.
There's too many of both kinds. This whole board is for shitskin obsessed faggots

SuperSubbySoup on Twitter
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getting fucked in the ass is the best part though

Penetration lust comes with the territory. But the focus on men, race, alphas, sissies, degradation, “I’m worthless so men fuck me”, etc makes sissyism the most cringe fetish that doesn’t involve poop or kids. Feminization is a good and noble goal, but please for the love of god stop it with the sissy shit. Having a woman be attracted to you because you’re feminine is indescribable.
You are gonna an hero once u hit 30
>the next time you’re in bed with your wife/gf

Why would I when I’m happy for the first time in my life? It’s been 6 years and I’ve never had a regret
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How do I get smooth like this so strangers can watch me ride dildos on chat sites?
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probably the single hottest sissy fuck i've ever seen excluding jenny wei. why do asians make such perfect sissies?
extremely hot. those faces and those squeals make the video
I shave and use Veet
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jenny wei isnt even that hot, he just makes really good vids
Thanks, Anon!
Admit that you’ve never had an orgasm 1/10th this intense and then embrace magic of penetration
Would marry and turn Lola into a housewife
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jenny wei moans like a wild animal when getting ass fucked, it's unlike anything else i've ever seen.
I've assfucked myself in chastity with massive dildos multiple times so i probably have
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Not sure what kind of cage they could wear since they cut their balls off.
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I'm not a sissy fetishist but I agree, the burden was too heavy for me, never going back
Stop copypasting from r/MensLib you hunongous flaming faggotnigger
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>pretend for a minute that you’re a top lesbian, and then fuck her like one
I blame you for giving me this fantasy.
Guys is Kiing Swole but who's the bitch?
didn't your mother ever teach you not to project your fetishes onto others?
I hate it when these idiots are pretending orgasm. Ten years ago every fucking asshole on webcams were trembling like morons when they used the vibra in their pussies, and fifteen years ago, everyone were using the magic wand the same way, not orgasming but copying that stupid tremble from others like that's the way orgasm should look like. Today every fucking trans are trembling like gay piñatas
Your wife will thank me. The specific mental phrase I employed in the middle of sex that changed my life was “if you’re a girl then *fuck her like a girl would*”

It was the best sex we ever had by about a factor of 5. She just kept going on and on and on about it, shaking her head in disbelief etc. I couldn’t tell her that the reason it was so good is because she essentially just had sex with a woman.

Just don’t go down the sissy rabbit hole on me. Femininity can give you a new respect for yourself, a more positive outlook on life, and a better relationship with girls. Sissyism might result in some memorable encounters at first but in the end you’ll be depressed trash with STDs
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oh trust me i'd love that too
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man I love redbull
It gives you sore ass.
I could put that in my ass since my largest dildo is way thicker but man i never would, it could just get stuck in there without a base
sauce ?
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nigga fucked all the maleness right out of the aznbrohoe

>jenny wei moans like a wild animal
There's no way this is safe or in any way comfortable.
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wasn't she the one whose implant was rotting or something?
so fucking hot. more black on asian
now THAT'S a clitty
i dont want to see niggers though
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More trans chastity
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Chastity is always weird but this is straight up disgusting.
I guess it's good if your embarrassment fetish extends to talking to your doctor about how you got a horrific UTI and scarring in your urethra?
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Sidney gray I think
need more videos of sissies putting on chastity cages
if whatever pose is hard on the largest muscle of your body (upper legs and ass) and if you then cum while these muscles are already tired but still in a pose where these they are flexed you might tremble like that.
I'll soon start to create my own contents
I've been doing diet for a year, reshaping my body at the gym to become a silly cute boy, I started dressing cute goth black and pink with fishnets, started doing make up and painting my nails, I bought many different toys and got my skin smooth and pale
I'm ready to become a 4chan star
Please sauce!
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What is the second device called?
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That's not the point. The point is them pretending.

Five, Ten, Twenty five years ago, you didn't saw any trans trembling like that. None of them! But yet, they had orgasms.

These morons are pretending to get more money from paying customers because another batch of morons are ready pay when they see trans having orgasm from anal sex. And what's best way to show it, faking it by trembling.

Same thing happened when the MFC got famous and someone found the "new" wand tool. After first actor were trembling, and got famous, soon everyone else were trembling and faking.

Next toy were that cordless pink pussy plug.

Fifteen years before that, every new porn star were squirting, pretending that they "ejaculate", when it was literally liters of yellow piss.

That pretending problem have been there always.
God I feel horrible for whatever unlucky women you somehow trick into having sex with you. You've obviously never touched a pussy the right way. Try asking how they like it and maybe you'll actually see an orgasm. Women are like 80 percent mental tho, so it makes sense no woman would actually cum under the shadow of your giant sperg fedora.
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What itfw is this abomination!
It's pee dude women are in a near constant state of pissing
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I unironically tremble when I push it deep inside of me because it feels that good
you gotta have your penis hole penetrated too
is it the face
>pretend for a minute that you’re a top lesbian, and then fuck her like one
how the fuck should i know how that's supposed to be
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i admit it. i think i should try to sub as a sissy to see if i like it. should i guys?
Of course you should. The feeling is amazing, you'll feel pretty girly.
I'll become addicted, right?
You're recruiting people into a fetish, not giving people a noble goal
A man dominating you, having complete control of your body, being submissive to him, obeying him... all these implications are simply amazing.

First you must physically train your body (your ass especially), get mentally focused on the idea of a man having total control over you and embrace the feeling of femininity, then look for a good sissy experience and you won't regret it.
>why do Asians make the perfect sissies

Cuz of the nukes
Yes you will. I'm pretty sure if you think about this and then look for experience, you'll go crazy with that feeling.

Having a cock inside your ass will make you feel really sissy, you will feel really fulfilled.
I give up someone train me to become a sissy. I believe I am ideal material
Start slow. Just ruin your orgasm in the beginning. Bring yourself to the edge and massage your perineum while closing all porn. This will remove the pleasure center from your dick
Oh my...
21 M/F French here!

Still rather new and might spam several boards bcz I really wanna find someone to feminize and break me mind and body ^^

TheFrenchCutie on discord, anyone's welcomed!
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literally just a catheter, people in hospitals get this done to them all the time minus the cage, but that doesn't really change much.

it's not comfortable
good girl!
Help me hands free…posting OC can’t webm on phone~
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lol I kinda did the same
You're really hot, Anon.

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