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i wanna see people get fucked up, simple as. no boring shit though like "wow cool he got his arm stuck in a factory machine". i wanna hear it go down you know?
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fuckin deserved that one. i hope it left a permanent mark too to remind him what happened the one time he picked a fight with some kids.
is that a cop or just a security guard standing there like deputy dewey? the fuck was he doing?
Probably an on foot cop that was told to rush over there without many details and it boiled over right in front of him.
pro tip: instead of hitting someone on teh strongest bone in their body (crown of the skull), punch them just under the ribs on THEIR right side and hit that liver. anyone who has been hit in the liver had rather get hit in the head and you won't break your hand (and if you can't break your hand you don't punch hard enough to hit anyone in their skull anyway)
Any more on this or any back story? Did the guy live? What did he hit him with?
How the fuck does he miss that much at point blank?
Look up "Jeffrey Spaide". They pushed him over the edge and couldn't be mentally or bodily calm.
yeah fuck those guys
wtf story?
Back story: vagrant bum not minding his own business on a cold Ohio night

He is no longer alive.

He was hit about the head, face, neck, and torso with a massive black dildo
Bro that's so fucked up she beating him cuz he threw up?
I'd kill them too if they chased me outta the house like that
ur mom was walking at night
ur mom got fucked up
ur mom ded

There's your QRD
Bro I just looked it up the nigga was their neighbor mad that they're shoveling snow on his property KEK
am I the only one who thinks judges should be able to sentence some people to death by torture?

So fuckin' stupid.
now about the snow, they just had a long neighborly feud, and it took a deadly turn that day
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>china version
This dude went to prison for a good chunk of time (12 years I think) and the guy he chimped out on is a vegetable now. Fucking monkeys like this have no place in society.
women are completely and utterly useless in every situation where there is immediate danger. They can neither take action or flee, all they can do is scream uselessly.
Holy mother of deserved. Throw all homeless people into a trash compactor
If you're ever sad about not having friends to hang out with, just be glad you're not around people that would watch you get turned into a vegetable without being bothered enough to get off their armchair.
>bro what did you do
Attempted murder you fucking retard
Dumbest fucking fight I've seen. Chinese are really insects.
Do you know the backstory? What would possess someone to keep punching him after he was already down like that? I saw a video in a thread the other day where a dude got knocked out and the guy who punched him walked back to see if he was still alive. Normally people just kick them in the fucking head or repeatedly punch them.
Girl and the guy did something behind his back, iirc
I see you've never met Homo Africanus before. This is actually gentle parenting.
China, random attack. he got 5 years, she lived.

niggers are so fucking weak. Give me sixty uninterrupted seconds to beat in a nig and he will be pulp.

like this. The average White guy is a magnitude stronger than a nigger: it is just conditioning to "be peaceful" from women that holds us back.

and this. Niggers don't even leave bruises. this guy could be dead.


>this is actually playing back at 1x, they're just bugs
You know, it's actually funny that in these videos nobody in china seems to know kung fu
Nigga I'm Balkan and a woman and my mother beat me with everything in the house and kicked me in the head till the age of 18 but not for fucking throwing up jeesus
youve obviously never been bullied
People that attack children deserve the chair. Pretty sure the guy was hurt pretty bad and got arrested in the Hospital.
Imagen all the adults that did nothing to stop it and the second guy also startet to run after thos Kids.
They just arrived and did not see him attacking the children.
>People that attack children deserve the chair
No they don't. Those little shits deserve it.
No I wasn't real bullied. Made fun of but never physically bullied. Normally I just minded my own business and left alone. I'm also not niggerish so I wouldn't beat someone nearly to death or shoot someone over something stupid.
Post pussy with time stamp
opposition to the death penalty leaving my body when I see this human garbage try this shit
Fuck you shithead he attacked them because they are smaller and because he belive he could beat up Kids and nothing would happen. Kek Hope he enjoyed the 5 years of getting his ass kicked by the other inmates for being a Child beater.
lol keep crying faggot
the "oh shit" at the end XD
Don't choke to hard on that dick in your mouth nigger
waaaaaa waaaa baby want a bottle?
retard should've known better than to put their hands on him, he was chillin until their stupid ass crossed the line. posture all you want, but the moment you touch the other guy? that's grounds to get your ass beat
partially deserved, the guy in the car was kind of rude for immediately filming the homeless guy, but also the homeless dude was a piece of shit for chucking shit at the guy's car and yelling at him. guy in the car clearly has fucking mental issues, but homeless retard should have known better. you never know whether you're gonna piss off a normal guy or a psycho, so it's best to just not be a dick.
Sounds like the guy got what was coming to him
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>Last webm posted: 1 hour and 48 minutes ago
>These retarded faggots just keep commenting random useless unfunny le reddit memes

Genuinely, kill yourselves, you all are the reason that this board is full of trannies and nigger turds, you never contribute to the thread while being an unfunny faggot.
browns have no place in America
You say while posting one of the most reposted webms. How about you contribute something new instead of crying, faggot LOL
What about clowns?
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You too, faggots
dude is killing his neighbours and himself because "THeY BOOOOOOLYEED MEEE" its no surprise he would be a total loser at hitting the target. dude is obviously a giant dweeb whos entire life is a series of failures
Literal nigger behavior
ok boomer
What about downs?
What about frowns :(
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fuck 4chan for making this post as "spam" for no fucking reason
and fuck you >>27599394 too and go back to plebbit where u can talk about nigger dicks and chug onions
>Kids can act anyway they want. How can he slap!
First one was literally asking for a slap
Jerry did nothing wrong and a bet it felt great
You're the only one talking about black wieners so I suggest YOU go back also you sound very underage
das racis
Very based
>look mom im contributing!
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>i wanna hear it go down you know?
Holy shit you're fucking pathetic. I cringed so hard I became Renee Zellweger.
I didn’t see a black guy in neither of those videos? What does Nigger mean to you? Is this what a post-racial society is like?
Why do we need more niggers in out society again?
Fucking kids bet the police got them all
why you lying
>The leader of the friend group disciplining his subjects.

You have to remember that humans are just animals after all and still abide by alpha and beta hierarchy system.
the average american gun owner cant shoot
I doubt he's been knighted
Skateboarders showed mercy, if they really hated him they would've hit him with the trucks.
First kid probably deserved that slap but once he started punching the others he had that coming
simple as what, dumb nigger?
Guy sold all of his funko pops for some fent
how so did the car guy have mental "issues"? are you retarded, champ?
you come off as about 13 lol
Nigga moment
>can you hold this? thank you :)
I loved that part XDD
Yes, that's why he got elbowed.
Fyi he's using a little metal rod that is used to push burnt chunks down the clogged fryer drain at the end of the night, as they drain the oil into a container.
If you see a group of people with skateboards, and a group of people without skateboards, it means the skateboarders traveled there and started problems. There's no logical reason a group of random adults would go walking to look for skateboarders. It's obviously the other way around. The kids were there starting shit and someone confronted them. Which is what they wanted.
Also he was a veteran whose wife was dead, he was a violent man in Nothing To Lose mode and they failed to recognize that.
why are the neighbors egging on an obviously unhinged guy with a gun coming at them? kinda fucking retarded on their part
The lady must be bipolar or something, my moms friend acts like her.
>You have at least one grazing head wound and neck wound, you're starting to gargle blood
>Plead for your life?
as if she stepped on a lego
That fucking slow walk away kek
I refuse to believe this isn't a bot post. There's no way someone has the exact same faggot tranny opinion every time this is posted, while everyone else doesn't.
He was probably purposely missing to scare them, as I recall this guy was a vet so I doubt he'd have this poor an aim. Though, my brother's in the army and he can barely hit the paper with a sidearm at 15 feet
pretty sure the "people" he shot were jewish.
>zoomers are the real reason i'll never be a real woman... kids these days...
you come on kids about 13
>you're not allowed to like a thing you grew up liking if the thing perceives you as unattractive
lmao virgin
Not the mother but a nanny
Fortunately evolution disagrees with your weak ass.
nice job retard, the shove would have taught her to go to the toilet anyway and you spent /how/ long NOT cleaning your carpet??
that motherfucker went easy on them
>violence over some hole
Remember to change your diaper, Herschel.
Been a while since Ive seen someone more deserving of getting put into a wheelchair.
This guy got community service at a firehouse for blowing that chomos head off. A better era.
>mean words
>gotta shoot em

Fuckin kys if thats your snowflake logic, asocial schitzo posting

Sociopaths like you need trash compacting for the good of society way way before them

thanks. was wondering what that was considering how they both backed down immediately lol

White supremacists are literally the most pathetic losers

Schitzo posting on 4chan cus you feel inferior? Just stop jerking to bbc porn retard
Fucked around and found out
Stupid bitch said “I GOT VIDEO” after he started shooting lmao.
How the fuck did they not realize they were getting shot at for at least 5 seconds???

That’s a wicked yeast infection you must have there on your pussy
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his wife died and no longer had anything left to lose

anyways a classic video
Based fast-food nog
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Lmao, every time.
what about crowns?

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