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File: Shrooms Q BJ.webm (1.28 MB, 854x480)
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blowjobs, oral, wtmywtsc
File: Kelsey Kane BJ.webm (944 KB, 854x480)
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really hot
God his dick is sooooo fat, wish I was her >:3
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who are you talking to little buddy?
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sauce ?
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Anyone have the webm of a really hot asian check giving head in a blue lit room
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Dubs and I do this to some grindr dude. Trips and it's an old nasty one.
You better roll again
I guess I have to now
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>3 women, only one of them on the dick
>2 second clip
What a fucking waste
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396 KB
Anons, find yourself a regular.

I almost ghosted my feeder until these threads helped me realize what an awesome situation it was/is.

I just texted him (like a good cocksucker should) about coming by today or tomorrow. Or both
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Anyone got the one of the purple haired chick sucking off like 4 guys? She tells them she loves them at the end, was going around on /gif/ a few weeks back but haven’t seen it since.
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File: Selina Bentz BJ.webm (2.31 MB, 720x480)
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keep acting tough grandpa show em who's boss
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finally sucked a dick last night. i was so horny i came without even touching myself
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you're in a thread called Webms That Make You Want to Suck Cock. there's gonna be faggots
faggot here, can confirm.
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I once again roll.
story plis
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I roll
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>the way he erupts in her mouth and all his cum spills on his cock
looks like i have a new fetish too bad there isn't a name for it
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man I wish I had a huge cocked bro to let me just pleasure him on the regular
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How do you get anything down your throat without gagging? I literally bought an endoscope on amazon to help me locate and remove a tonsil stone but I gag everytime it gets past the back of my tongue. And my endoscope is nowhere near the size of a cock, so how do you women and faggots do it?
Anyone have the video with 4 girls laying upside down in a bed?
Id do anything for a bj right now. Really wouldn't care who.
I do know how they do it and I don't care. I just know when they do it. It's over for me. That's for girls and guys. Will not fuck dudes but have got head from a couple with no regrets. BJ is a BJ in my opinion. They offered so fuck it.
Yeah I'm like really craving a blowjob right now. I've never let a guy do it nor have I thought about it but I'm so horny right now because I stop talking to my crazy ass girl friend and now. I'm just horny as shit all the time because I'm not having her whenever I want. I really do just want a no worries BJ. I really don't care who does it right now. I'm really am considering just getting on Grindr or something and go to the first one that is cool with no names and lights off type thing. Right now I don't care but after I cummed I know I'm going to feel gross with myself but it is just a bj not really a big deal not. How did you feel after you first time you let him do it? Did it fuck you up at all? I like really want one bad right now.
I miss read your post. Your the dick sucker not the guy getting his sucked
Just fuck it I'm downloading grinder and getting a bj. First one that's cool with lights off no names or me wearing a mask even is taking my dick and cum down their throat. I'm so horny I dont care I'm blue balling and just fuck it.
Who is she?
Well already found one. Dude says fiancee is out of town for work and likes sucking dick every now and then. Only into sucking dick nothing else and doesn't want names or even talking also wants lights off lives 6 miles from me. Says he doesn't care anything about me and doesn't want anyone knowing ether. Says come over and "I'll gladly take care of it". Briefly told him my situation with me breaking up with crazy girl. He says he loves my dick and knows the feeling about having pussy all the time and then none. Says just come over get your dick sucked and leave not a big deal. Now I'm nervous as fuck. Told him give me 30 minutes to get the nerve up. I kept telling myself it's not a big deal but I know it's going to fuck me up afterwards
Not the Anon but That's Ellie Eilish. Incredible little slut
Well I'm going. Park in back driveway and they will turn back yard flood lights off when I park. They'll walk out meet on back porch and they'll do it on back porch no neighbors to worry about. Says they will be in there knees on porch just walk up take dick out when ready. No names or talking just enjoy it. So I'm nervous as shit but I'm going. Just fuck it
Just got done. Have to admit head was amazing best ever had by far but now I feel all fucked up by it but I really wanted one but can't believe I did it
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This is the best blowjob a man can receive.
R e
Kelsey Kane
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File: Alaina bj 2.webm (1.49 MB, 854x480)
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Source on this? I've been searching for weeks now
That is a surprisingly great video. Shes talented.
seems like yinnyleon
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anyone has the vid of 3 girls sucking one guy in jacuzzi? With particularly hot readhead with nose piercing
retw frfr
Will I just said fuck it went to random guys house meet on back porch and took me hard dick out and he sucked me off. I have no idea his name or anything or he mine. The head was really good and blew a massive load because I was horny as shit for hours watching these videos in thread and just broke up with girlfriend. I still feel grossed out by doing it. I keep telling myself it was a big deal they don't know anything about you. They just want to suck your dick and you really wanted a bj. I still feel grossed out though and just in shock but it really isn't a big deal. This happened last night.
>have med distance gf
>never been with a guy
>love to jerk off to these threads while i suck a dildo
>take edibke
>incredibly horny
>fuck it. i have to suck a dick at least once in my life
>post on double list
>get a reply
>receive dick pic
>smaller than mine but whatever
>edible is starting to his so i drive to his address slow as fuck. luckily it's close
>get to hotel
>go up to his room
>lights are out
>heart beating fast
>he's gets on the bed, naked
>i kneel on the edge
>im a little grossed out by the flaccid dick but fuck it
>start with a hj
>starts getting harder
>couple minutes tells me to slow down bc he's gonna cum
>think wtf that's fast
>put face close to his dick
>smells clean
>start licking
>i can feel my heart beat all through my body
>he's getting harder
>put it in mouth
>shorter than mine, but girth fills my mouth
>start sucking
>for some reason my body just starts humping the bed
forgot to mention i put a plug in my ass before leaving
>keep sucking slowly
>pick up speed, im having fun
>he's getting vocal
>"shit man"
>ignore him
>he asks if he can suck me but i say no
>keep sucking
>tells me to slow down
>i dont
>he cums in my mouth
>his cum barely has a taste
>keep going
>he tells me to slow down so i do
>says he wants to suck me off
>take pants off, get fully onto bed
>go back to sucking
>im hard as diamonds
>im a lot taller than him so 69 wont work
>he starts jerking me off
>he's not very good but whatever
>licking his dick up and down, stroking with my hands
>says i can keep going
>dont mind if i do
>start sucking again
>focus on his dick moving through my lips, past my tongue
>he leans back, starts moaning
>"fuck bro you're gonna make me cum again"
>speed up
>i cum
>he asks what happened
>say i came
>he laughs
>i say im done
>look at clock
>it's been 15 minutes

weirdest drive home of my life
boys the happening is upon me. my best friend came out to me, I asked him out, and we're chilling at my place tomorrow. cuddles, kisses, and maybe if I play my cards right I get to give him some head~ wish me luck
it's been 48 hours and I can't get the feeling of an actual warm dick in my mouth. like i knew i like men but i didnt know i was a faggot
god i wish that were me
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anyone have sauce on this?
I really wouldn't say you a fagget because you sucked dick. You could just have some sort of fetish for it. I'm straight only get sexual aroused by girls but have let guys like you give me head at times when I've been extremely horny and they offer to do it because they've noticed my dick hard or semi hard or I have voice my sexual frustration because I haven't had any ass in awhile. I've let 5 guys blow me with lights off so I can't see them. Two of them I knew the others were just randoms. All of them are not necessary gay they all had gfs but 3 of them just wanted to see how it was. It never really was about me or my looks or anything just was about my dick. None of them wanted to even see me. Just my dick. Now if you have like romantic interest in guys then I'd say you gay but being turned on by just seeing a nice looking dick and that alone. Then I'd say it's a fetish type thing. In May experience people with a bj fetish give the most amazing head because they really enjoy doing it. Girls and guys. If I'm horny enough I just don't care who does it.
More or sauce?
have the opportunity to suck some cock tomorrow but not sure, haven't done it before
seems like it's "redmlbbets" but can't find much of her sadly
So hot, rolling
Dubs and I treat a man like this
This is the one, rolling
If you want to try just do it and get it over with. If you don't you always going to be thinking about it and wondering. Ive always wanted too and was just presented an perfect opportunity. It was kind of weird but dude had a fucking big beautiful just cock throbbing hard at a adult store. Dude just came out and asked if I wanted too and he showed it to me. I was weirded out at first but when he pulled it out. I was like holy shit ok. Sucked it in his truck in parking lot. Perfect situation never would see him again or knew anything about him. I get turned off of it when I see the guy always thought I would have to do gloryhole because of that. When I saw his dick though all that went out window and I told myself well looks like I'm sucking dick. Dude was packing. At least 8 inch and thick. Told him it was my first he said he didn't care. I could take it like halfway down and he would tell me what to do. I liked it a lot. Would like to suck more dick but I've noticed I don't have any desire too unless it a big one and I they have to be randoms. Which is risky but glad I did it and got it over with. The cum wasn't as gross as I thought and I got super hard when he was about to cum. His dick was just hard throbbing in my mouth. Can't really explain it.
Honestly when he pulled his dick out and I first saw it I said "holy shit ok" then he said "in my truck that cool" I then said "yes sir". Not even meaning to say "yes sir". I was just in full blown dick lust. Also remember him telling me what to do as I'm sucking his dick. Dude was trimmed up and all. Fucking nice dick. It's something you'll never forget I'll tell yeah that much. Just the weight of it and it just throbbing in your mouth. I still jack off to the memory of it. Just the memory of a big dick right in your face and jacking and sucking until you feel it getting harder and throbbing. It's fun.
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>sometimes get on grindr to fantasize but never do anything
>no pictures on profile just say im a bottom, no other details
>like five messages in an hour
>this time i add pictures of me dressed up pretty cute in some fem outfits
>tons more views but no messages

what the fuck does this mean
dudes get nervous
God that is so hot, source?
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Meeting up with a guy with a 7.5" cock in a few hours. I'm going to blow him while he does work at his computer from home. He says he's a heavy cummer, vegetarian no smoking and no drinking and his cum is on the sweet side.

It's the waiting that's the worst part. I'm jacking off like crazy but not cumming because I want to be horny as hell
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Sounds like you're torturing yourself. Just chill and go do it when time comes.
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Oh shit I got dubs, guess I'm gonna suck some dick
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3.51 MB GIF
how did it go
who is she? more?
File: Blue light :bj2.webm (873 KB, 480x854)
873 KB

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