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Post people either getting what they deserve or good samaritans standing up for people
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Fuck off faggot
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Phew! Good thing those women were screaming at the top of their lungs, something bad could've happened
it's what happens when you relax
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I love this one
>I'll kill you
>You gonna have to kill me den
>Okay, watch this
You know she fucks hard
A woman will get you killed in a fight. All they do is scream to try to get your attention and worse, they'll yank on you while doing it.

I've seen more than a few guys get seriously hurt because a woman was just dead-weighting on them and screaming at the top of their lungs.
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I understand women are biologically programmed to scream so a man can solve whatever issue she has but it is a conscious choice to be a mental wasp when its not even your business lol
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Damn he should have let her just get wrecked... all ruZZians deserve death
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this is a savage one
ladies and gentlemen;
the world's gayest street fight.
that dude got fucking dismantled wwe style with kung fu mixed in, so hilarious
idk who the fuck the bad guy is in this, I actually feel bad for black shirt guy
Go in the trench, Mykola. It's not you when you don't die for an american corporation...
The blue jeans guy, although fighting pretty effeminately, at least pulled off some okay moves.
The black pants guy though? What the actual FUCK was that?
There were moments it looked like he was just giving up and hoping to get raped.
Shut the fuck up fucking woman omg...
Wtf faggot...
"when he is on the ground that mean stop"
Im sick of it, everywhere they say "she"
Fucking tranny...
Shot 3times, and not screaming once, still standing/walking around... ?
Seems staged/fake to me...
the only white kid...
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and the only sane one. the niggers sound worse than apes in this
It was in fact a 'she'. 'She' transitioned to a 'he'
He was some football player right?
guy knows pornfu
So its ok for the guy in red to wail away endlessly as ponytail doesnt fight back and just has his arms up. But the moment ponytail has the upper hand the fight has to stop?

Fuck off. He was getting attacked, he didnt instigate, he didnt fight to begin with. He only started fighting once he realised the other guy wasnt stopping. He has every right to beat the piss out off the guy in the cap while hes on the ground for as long as he wants.

And that dickhead "when he's on the ground that means stop". you know what else means stop? Holding your hands up and not fighting back. So fuck off and let the unconscious instigator get his entire brain function rearranged like he deserves.
based, that money is going to actually do something in the local economy now instead of just falling into the bottomless pit of "christian" greed.
I see you're an autistic dumb as fuck cunt.
You're sick of trannies, and I'm so very tired of retards. Yet here we are.
he grew up to be a zookeeper. no joke.
This lil' nigga throwin' his arms up like he's that asshole vampire from Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Ok freier, all Israelis deserve death
Kikeroaches rekt is the sweetest karma. Bunch of loser freiers
When suddenly, she just takes a big bite out of it
Would love to read a translation of this
Most people don't know that if a brotha/sista ever get their ass stomped by timmy/stacey they forever loose their street cred. Their clout is gone forever. So weak that even soft wypipo rekt them. Its like that fuck a horse once in your life, you'll forever be remembered as horse fucker.
Today OP was not a fag.
Christians have done more for humanity than any other group.
It is for the good of the guy who was attacked. Once the other guy is out, whether they were the aggressor or not, anything more you do opens you up to getting raped in court.
Typical pistol rounds are pretty shit at incapacitating without hitting CNS or a vital organ/artery. She could have only had a .22, .32 or .380. Perp could have also been on drugs.
>You can change your chromosomes
That first punch the ponytail guy throws is absolutely textbook.
"when he's on the ground stop!" Why? this isn't sport.
This didn't happen, trannys aren't violent.
Why didn't Mario help?
Fail, no justice in this video, kys faggot.
In his own mind he was the coolest dude ever.
The guy in the black shirt is now pregnant.
Amerikas Arschloch im Wandschrank.
red chad VS blue cuck
who was that lil nig going after, that white kid? if so, why was that white kid not even trying to move or run even? survival instinct my guy, instinct!!!
>Someone is getting beaten!
>I'll just pull out a camera and film myself kicking his ass while he doesn't fight back at all, even though I've only got one arm free
Who actually believes this is real?
What a fucking coward, only brave enough to attack a granny. Should have kicked his balls while he was at it
domestic abuse is legal in russia, and unfortunately the good samaritan had to pay a fine for defense

Kill yourself you worthless fucking atheist. I'll enjoy watching you get raped by the devil for all eternity.
Enjoy your eventual manslaughter charge nigger
This makes me so angry. I hate zoomers and their sheep mentality
I see you're a pathetic nigger feeling attacked because your worthless fucking subhuman race is exactly that. Total nigger death can't come soon enough.
Imagine getting rekt by a tiny girl
My wife and her sister, once drunk as fuck, starting antagonizing some other people around us. That got violent, and then some Russians - all men moving as a group - started chirping my SIL across the street. She then started yelling back and them and bringing them into the fight.

I held so much back, including letting someone hit my SIL, because she was being retarded. She was going to get us fucking stabbed. ZERO self preservation skills. It's a good thing she's settling down outside of the city because city life would have killed her. My life is basically me keeping my family and my wife's family alive despite them being retarded.
Anyone got a news article about this?
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What the fuck was the story here?
Uber-based dispatchers of troon killers.
>cant fucking read
>cant fucking think
>still feels the need to comment
Learn to read, then read the op, then look at those videos, realize theyre unrelated, then realize how utterly retarded you are and how much of a waste of space and air you and your useless parents.
Hot damn, that backpack is LOOSE
what part of that do you not understand you fucking rat? audrey hale was a biological woman, nowhere did that anon say she actually became a man you mentally ill freak
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Blacks fuck up and tear down every place they go. There is no benefit to having them in anyone's society. And there is no amount of force or kindness and compassion that'll ever work to civilize them.
Everything about this one is so perfect. Everything.
Because they are not nigger savages, who typically continue to beat unconscious people into brain damage or death.
Whichever one 'deserved' getting KOed, once they are out, it's fucking over. They'll wake up and perhaps learn a lesson.
With nigger-type savagery, they may not get that chance.
Also, who the fuck wants to risk getting manslaughter charges (or worse) over a fucking fight?
I understand if it's the guy attacking someone but when you attack someone and he doesn't fight back and you keep attacking him and all of a sudden he snaps then i think your life should be over.
Story? Context?
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idk maybe because turning a petty teenage squabble into a murder charge is the epitome of nig behavior, you nonwhite animal.
Russia has very strict self-defence laws and some of the most corrupted judicial system on the planet. You can very(and I mean VERY)easily get jailed if you don't have solid proofs that justify your actions. That's also the reason every car here has a dash cam.
if you think that is fake you are dumber than that russian on the ground. i swear to god you faggots make leftoids seem reasonable when they cry about people "thinking for themselves."
And this is why police brutality against blacks is justified.
Fucking americans omg
How about don't start a fight and keep it to speech? I don't know the reason why the guy swung at him but if it was just because of a verbal argument then he escalated it and deserves everything that's coming to him.
God bless americans
retard was under the impression it was mtf troon, nigger goblin
then maybe that mouthbreathing sperg should shut the fuck up if he doesn't know what he's talking about
>Why didn't Mario help?
He didn't have a mushroom, one hit would've killed him.
Are we actually gonna pretend this is someone acting out of "justice"?
Cmon, anon. You know whats really going on here
Love this one
my my my how the turns have tabled indeed!
insanely based. Exactly what should happen to any looney troon that hurts kids.
Least hateful Christian
Holy shit, he even charges up his punch at 0:10.
I wonder what this guys insides looked like after the beating
All generations were like this, except that as the years go by, the idiots die faster or disappear into poverty and misery.
>ah ooh ow that smarts
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i love my country
captcha: SYPRA
He was late for school and had an important exam in 20 minutes!! There was no time to grab breakfast either because they were in a rush. In the end he did thankfully passed his exam.
Debatable, hyperbole, unsubstantiated.
I'm not an athiest. That's not how hell or the Devil works.
Lose. Your mom's snatch is loose.
Keshunty bweats chyou ass nigga! Main shiiiiet daaawg.
>Black is more than a Color
Weight is more than a number.
thanks for ruining this thread with your bullshit nigger videos this is a fucking karma rekt thread are you incapable of reading, mutt?
why's it gotta be censored
What are all the replies on this so reddit
Different beard (not even the same color) doesn't even sound the same, isn't missing his tooth anymore either.
This is what happens when russian disinfo is made by pajeets who can't even pretend to be named "steve" correctly over the phone
Yeah, not the same guy
Sweet chin music, my god
Imagine getting randomly attacked for preventing your wife or girlfriend from getting molested. That guy in the white shirt is lawful evil, defending men's rights to sexually assault women. That girl had no issue with her boyfriend or husband defending her. It was when he was attacked for defending her that she had a problem. Calling this guy a good samaritan is infuckingsane.
Once you black
Aus police are corrupt as fuck, can get this guy's sentiment
So gratifying
If a fight is about to start and your mom is around you have to knock her the fuck out asap
Found the nigger. Dubs wasted on a soulless chimp.
If my wife did this to me I’d have to hook her just so I wouldn’t be distracted or she wouldn’t get in the way. Friendly fire: enabled.
Never gets old
What a kick in the face. That guy is so slim that he may had brain damage, if that fat man do no defend him he could end in a bed forever, and that other guy.
Thought he was going to flip him into the ground and spatchcock him.
Fighting a lack of sympathy with racism is literally the most.....you know what? It would be pointless. Dont forget your helmet champ.
He's mad cause hes Jordyn with a "y"
So you missed the whole point of this thread fucktard
Kids got good take down skills
"was" lol
God is in heaven unaware of your retarded rambling on purpose, pleased by watching a beetle doing it's beetle activities, a beetle is worth leagues more to God than both of you
he touched her on the arm fucking retard, and I think the guy might have special needs, which is why someone stepped in but idk
Audrey Hale was a biological woman who wanted to be a man dude, calling her a she is correct
Yeah that's not what happened you mongoloid
Would that be as opposed to black shirt guy? Fucking retard.
Lol like that faggot would ever get that far in a fight
He want he mama now
Did they really need two for that job?
>Once the other guy is out, whether they were the aggressor or not, anything more you do opens you up to getting raped in court.
kek I love how everyone explains fights with street rules or "not being a nigger", but reality, it always just comes down to not wanting to be sued by the other guy once their kike lawyer gets involved
Fucking faggot ass posers, the lot of you
Lol yeah. And the worst part was she actually tried to defend him afterwards claiming he wasn't a bad guy and he needed help, y'know the usual cope women like this blurt when they cant accept reality
That body posturing means he has permanent brain damage. Internal organ damage might have killed him
I don't speak a subhuman Slavic(e)ic language, what the fuck does it say?
IIRC the guy got the attacker's sister or cousin hooked on drugs.
annual meeting of /pol/
I've been to prison for taking a fight too far. It is not worth it.
When you've got that kind of backup, best play it cool till they arrive.
An Upvote for you, good sir! :D
this part of his plan, too?
TKD from the river to the sea
will the REAL black bvll please stand up
always piss on your opponent when you knock them out
the camera angle changes are like resident evil lol
Toll paid
It's amazing that some dumb fucks are actually arguing FOR continuing a fight past a knockout.
If one's the aggressor, they are just a piece of shit. If one is the initial victim who turned around and fucked up the aggressor, that's fine.
What kind of fucking nigger-brained idiot wants to turn a potential assault charge (protecting oneself, or not) into manslaughter or murder?
Knowing when it's safe to disengage (and get out of there) is as much about self-protection when the threat is already taken out.
Lady spends $900 of her boyfriend's money and he takes revenge.
Mama mmmiiiaaaa
Who did he steal it from?
>Lookat dat
>cleaned em all ahp?
>fuck'n cunts
>Lookat dat
>Lookat dat
>Lookat dat
>Lookat dat
>Lookat dat
>Lookat dat
>dat is fuck'n justice
this dude...where did the cops touch him?
based, aussie cops are total faggots
Indeed. Piece of shit was going 30mph over the speed limit (also stoned) and is this butthurt that he got pulled over for being a cunt.
The real justice is if the drugged up towelhead who crashed into his car had killed that nutty faggot instead.
Reminds me of this vermin bikefaggot who always broke the speed limit getting rekt, yet they prosecuted the guy he hit. Faggots.
you probably would have gone to prison either way, you either run away or go all out to defend yourself, trying to do it halfway will likely end with you getting your ass beat
"WHAT THE FJUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUUU - let Jordyn harass who he wants toooo!!"
happened in Chiraq, he died, not staged
Cops pulled over a porsche driver. A muslim in a truck did what came natural to him and ran the cops over.
Whole media and police focussed solely on the porsche driver, police tried to charge him but it all got thrown out cos literally did nothing wrong.
The driver, dunno it was hush hushed cos muzzie
that black kid is stronk
kids these days with their fucking pro moves

I remember seeing this on Reddit like 5 years ago. I also remember arguing with fat retards that were blaming the homeowner for not having a railing strong enough to prevent a 400 pound obese land whale who can’t walk.

Anyone have info on the result of this? Who was found liable? Was there any money paid out?
Burn the coal burn the soul.KRGWN
That's fuckin brutal.
Can't you just picture the fine trailer home she'll be living in.
a ukrainian soldier visited a local russian 7/11 lookalike store and shares his impressions of how he stole products from there that are not available in ukraine - the second part of the video talks about how you should not do that on foreign territory
Complete psycho, a child does not have the same moral/social agency than an adult, the response is obviously disproportionate.
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Based Creator appreciator. Creation's majesty existed before the dawn of man and will continue long after homo sapiens goes extinct, all in its perfect intricate complexity. Humble yourself before the majesty and grandeur of all.
yeah, I have this version
Life is not like hollywood. He's not going to go flying back in the air as he wilhelm screams himself to death.

Even if these fine citizens are rotting in hell for eternity or whatever God does to them when they die, isn't it more Christ-like to forgive your enemies and not want to enjoy seeing someone tortured for an eternity for what they did to you in a finite world?
This looks like a move you would only see in pro wrestling where you're thinking no one would ever have the time or opportunity to do, lift a guy off his feet onto your back and wrap him up in some stupid pretzel like that, yet here it is.
What happened to this guy again
>he touched her on the arm fucking retard
So you're a cuck who wouldn't intervene if someone started fondling your wife or girlfriend's arm.
Once again, roastie provides absolutely nothing of value.
Gestapo fail to capture Sophie Scholl, 1943 (colorized)
Forgiving a wolf for eating your sheep- will it refrain from doing so in the future? Will it abstain from live meat all together?
Forgiving the storm for destroying your home- will the tornadoes cease? The lightning stop?
If that white kid was to defend himself then it would trigger a tribal memory in all of those niggers and start them all to chimp out. Ive seen it happen many times before
The child has the same moral agency his worthless shithead parents raise him with. The child has the same Karma of his parents.
Good luck, dont kill urself, retards are better avoided, not helped, because you cant help retarded. Its simply their nature to do stupid shit. If they dont learn, they die. Shrimple as that.
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bulls dont like niggers
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>call me destructive?
kek, nigger logic
It is a woman and it’s Literally the only time I’ve seen media figures correctly gender a troon
Well they were putting people in concentration camps for the cold so yeah. Fuck em.
When the driver trooned out is when they bailed on the story completely
It’s why the parent responsible is obligated to protect the kid from its own stupid actions not just feed it for 18 years letting it learn undesirable behaviors
QRD? Is that some BLM arsonist? Did that jeet filming it murder him?
>seeing someone tortured for an eternity for what they did to *GOD* in a finite world?
You go to hell for your sins against God not your fellow man. Big misconception I blame, ironically, on Catholics.
Probably africa. South Africa most probably.
how does israel adesanya feel
>gets dogwalked by Strickland
>comes back to get strangled by DDP
No wonder that nigga paints his nails.
Its a fucking shame that both of them but especially DDP were way too fucking nice to him in the aftermath. YJK if he wouldve won you'd see him taunting them with dumb tiktoks and making endless fun of them on podcasts and interviews.
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It always gets me when they start jumping around like baboons at feeding time
sympathy is reserved for humans and domesticated animals
that was not domestic abuse, the dude that was hitting that old lady wasn't a family member.
Toll status ?
The driver was given a 22 years sentence. Richard Pusey was given a 10 months jail sentence FOR MAKING THE FUCKING VIDEO. What kind of shitstain backwards banana republic asshole of a country gives a man 10 months in jail for filming dead police? That's right, Asstralia.
i speak russian this shit is real he was filming it for the police. that's what he said at the end of the video. the woman didn't even know who the guy attacking her is
that is what you happend you retarded gorilla
what a CHAD
Every cop deserves to die like that after the shit they pulled during COVID.
>watches a nigger get his brain turned into soup by a gun less than two feet away
>"oh, thank God"
Kek. I fucking love old people.
> damn fucking clean shots... it makes me hard
Man, i wish that whore got punched aswell
I'd be furious if i was getting beat like that and people ONLY want to jump in when I'm winning.
You only wanted to be a good person now and not then?
I'd come back with a gun 1 minute later and tell every one to gtfo or die.
In water, chinks will drown.
Dude, he saved Captain America!
Kill yourself
Mag dump! STOP MOVING :D
Niggers don't have souls so they don't goto heaven or hell
Kek. I appreciate the narration on this clip.
Mama Mia
Go back.
Negative XP on the left
Go back to Africa nigger
No you wouldn’t pussy.
>”Stop kicking!”

Why? Kicking is apart of fighting.
In Europe they’d prefer this woman to have been raped rather than have this scumbag be shot.
I fucking burst out laughing
Aesthetic without athletics vs Athletics without Aesthetics.
I want to marry an Aryan woman like her.
Chocolate Mommy W
I know right? The beauty of unarmed combat in a street fight is thrilling.
> [X] PAID
That’s it? He should have kept going wtf
>says the american where police will shoot you for your skin colour
I live in a shithole, There is no doubt in my mind if my mom was near me in a mass shooter scenario she would absolutely grab me and kill both of us
...In hindsight I'd probably have to concuss my mom to survive. That's fucked up. Why are they like this evolutionarily speaking?
BJJ is so worthless. That kid could've bitten a chunk of of that kid's calf
I can fix her (the bully)
That girl was chill af. Let homie get his pimphand free from the hoodie then it was all over from there
No he couldn't retard, his legs are pinning his head to the side. And if you introduce biting then guess what, the guy with the grappling skill is gonna have an easier time getting some nasty bites in. Think, woman
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gotta be some zoo, guy probably trying to make sure something very expensive dosnt drown
some women legit are too stupid to live
>first guy has red hair
>looks to be in his late 30ties

>second has bolack and grey hair
>seems to be in his 50ties

those are supposed to be the same people?
Schrodingers jew nigger monkey fallacy- europoo edition:
>Americans are violent and i am better than them unless they are not violent in which i am still better than them because i would do something teehee
You will never be a woman
He didnt get a year just for the filming you dumb fuck, his charges included speeding, drug possessions, reckless conduct leading to an accident, running away from place of crime and others.

Its a disgrace his sentence was so low, large quantity drug possession alone usually gets you long sentence, but the kike judge said he was sorry so hes letting him go.
In fact he didnt get shit, he spend 10 months in jail pretrial due to all the charges, and was released right away, if not for the public outcry he would be let go without any punishment, like all well connected criminals.
A druggies life is worth infinitly more than that of those pigs.
you have to be 18 to post here
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this one is gayer
fuck off namefag
The guy's girlfriend is a stupid fucking cunt. She's the classic example of how to get your boyfriend killed. He was lucky he didn't get punched and hit his head on the pavement, get stomped to death by the two, or get a knife or gunshot wound. It happens all the time. It's one thing to defend your girl, another if your girl is actively encouraging you to risk your life for no fucking reason other than to make her happy you're doing it. Bitch.
You've got it backwards. If cops shot dead every druggie and dealer the country would be so much better off in every way imaginable. You're just stupid.
hitting people while they are asleep is like hitting concrete water
it might interest you that here in the czech republic she couldve shot him with a silenced sbr had she wished to. our gun laws are more liberal than the us in certain respects, especially when it comes to sbrs and mods, not defense of property tho which suckz.
Regardless of what the little cunt did, you wake a man up before you give him permanent brain damage. Equal parts brutal & cowardly, fuck this beaner clown
Did...did he fucking chokeslam him?
You're absolutely right, but you also have to remember that she's hot as fuck. Her face is blurred, but you can tell, bitch is hot as fuck in both her body and her face, dressed like a whore to the 9s on a night out clubbing with her fuckboy.

Life as a hot girl is an entirely different reality than normal functioning human beings (males). They have never said something and had anyone disagree with them. They've only ever experienced acquiescence and agreement. This is a life shattering, traumatic event for her that she couldn't just say what she wanted and get her way.
sounds jewish
live action stickman tournament.
All that time working out just to be laid out by a fat mexican barely trying. How do you even move on from this?
Father caught him selling drugs to his daughter. Permanent vegetable.
The dude speaking a a white Afrikaaner so you can put the rest together. The black paid the toll for his criminal behaviour
Bull shit, the original post in archives stated the guy swinging on him had a pistol pointed at him earlier by the guy sleeping. He's some fat cartel beaner underling and the said humiliated. Swinging on sleeping is onpar for beaner behavior though.
The fat black one? They're more of a roach infested studio apartments with 4 kids and a constant beeping from the smoke alarm low battery warning.
when you download mods in skyrim
shut up cunt he's based
Nah, you fucked with his kid. You don't get common decency anymore. It's not about justice. It's about ensuring everyone knows you daughter is off limits. Cliche as it is it really is about sending a message.
>Life as a hot girl is an entirely different reality than normal functioning human beings (males). They have never said something and had anyone disagree with them. They've only ever experienced acquiescence and agreement.
Their lived experience is lightyears different from the average male's and they think they can lecture us on empathy?
subhuman mentality
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call it what you want, it gets the job done and puts a degen 6 feet under
apparently not since he didn't
He wrecked himself you fucking spacker. She didn't do shit.
Gorilla v chimp
cry more, white bitch
are the about to fuck,? is that what this is?
lmao get sucked you fuckin idiot
i dont even know what the fuck is happening
What are you talking about? You can't see her face, she's recording the video.
It is what it is
imagine you are the bully's little brother and she comes home frustrated from being beat up so she decides to take her frustration out on you by pegging you and slapping you in the face while pegging you
Apparently the beating was for having sex with a girl, presumably underage.

At 1:14 the assailant says something about his niece. It implies the man being beaten had sex with his niece.
must've been a pretty epic fight
He died btw
Pretty sure he was zonked off his head on Trucker caffeine pills and had been working too many hours. He might have suffered a cardiac arrest and died, can't remember the specifics.

Porsche driver became the person of interest in the story due to his callousness and general niggerfaggotry, typical of a guy who speeds.
Sounds like he said, "Sick motherfucker's been in my niece."
Unless that guy raped her, I guarantee that man traumatized his own niece with this action far more than the sleeping one ever would have.
proving the point, dumbass
you run they chase you
you fight back and start winning they all jump you
Thats one fast snappy kick
Kek I like how the 2 niggers beside him left, he relaxed and was born in brazil/spic country
Throwing down those kneecaps was brutal, what is that move called?
That wifebeater faggot bully got away scot-free, the beer-bellied dad didn't even graze him and he tripped. Like father like son i guess
All Coalburners will eventually pay the toll. Its inevitable

>That poor baby tho
Damn did nigger Florida man just broke his spine
Those were still checks, the twig faggot is drunk and the red hoodie manlet is a sucker puncher. Hope he decked the annoying loud whore tho
Soft Whiteboy getting beat by an asian emo with the gook Kpop hair

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