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Will you die for a robot? Yes or no?
yikes, no
I'd nuke my own son for a Mr Handy
>imagine getting tricked so hard by AI that you would willingly lay down your life for a non-sapient robot
Anyone with 2 braincells joined the institute
>have absolutely and objectively zero reason to say yes
>forced to say yes just to see content
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This is unironically a high IQ scenario.
Do you have no ingroup preference for your own kind and would consider laying down your own life for something you neither understand or relate to?

This is intended for Liberal minded people with suicidal preferences for others and revulsion to their own people.
Or BoS
It's a good thing I had nick with me in this moment because holy shit any answer beyond calling them retards in that moment makes little to no sense in the slightest. Like pretty much the entire starting area is just introducing the player to the idea of synths and the fact they're awful and dangerous doppelgangers made by the Institute.
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Will you die for Pax Romana? Yes or no?
sure, yeah, whatever. they are organic and have human dna. brain scans of humans can be seamlessly ported to synth bodies. human brain implants interface properly with synth brains. no reason to think they aren't sentient.
Robots can’t really die if I can just back them up. This is like saying me deleting a file is murder. Human live and robot life do not play on the same rule set. No that Bethesda has the skill to lay that rule set out
Why don't you Pax these nuts, cueball?
I don't see any pax romana in your screenshot.
Sorry I don’t speak fag, say that in English
Bad question, I'm not dying regardless.
Yes I'd die for Codsworth
What do synths eat?
Synthetic gorilla meat.
>Institute faggots only had 2 brain cells
Checks out
For a robot waifu? Yes. For Synths? No chance.
Just backup your robowaifu regularly
What do synth gorillas eat?
Don't listen to the anon above me, they actually graze on astroturf, how they make that is a closely guarded capitalist secret though.
Only if it's Curie.

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