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I don't know what the other guy wanted, but the smug dr.seuss face was worth it
>elfpriest a twitter artist and 3d modeler
>mariafag making an actual vidya
>spacebun writes
>listfag supposedly an artist and making vidya (no proof yet)
>detective supposedly writes (no proof yet) but has posted 3d models and a detective doodle
anyone else I'm missing?
Prompt please.
Any tips for getting bulky loincloths?

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What did Steam mean by this?
lunistice looks good

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It has long been theorized that Link was based upon Leonardo DiCaprio, River Phoenix, Jonathon Taylor Thomas, Tom Cruise, or even Eminem as has been widely suggested...

The truth, you ask? Link was inspired by Fabio. Let's look at some similarities between these two heroes:
>Hair: blonde, flowing
>Eyes: blue, twinkling
>both are master swordsmen
>both are sex symbols for women across the world
>both have been attacked by birds
The similarities are uncanny, and the inspiration? Simply put: undeniable. The lies spread about this topic have been perpetuated by Kevin Sorbo and his endless envy of Fabio and Fabio's influence on the gaming industry. It's time that people know the truth. Link, is Fabio.
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A simple Fabio fascismile if there ever was one.
Didn't you make this thread yesterday?
Didn't you beat off to Kevin Sorbo yesterday? Yes, yes you did.
I'll need more of a detailed breakdown, anon. While you have very strong points (the birds are obviously a no-brainer), I need to know the type of motivation Nintendo would have behind this. And more importantly, if this kind of operation was planned since the conception of the series.
Certainly the fabionic energy was off the charts here, but what about the other games?
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>I need to know the type of motivation Nintendo would have behind this
Simple: they wanted the game to exhude a powerful, masculine energy. You might say, a fabionic energy. The game is, after all, the tale of a self, casanovian hero traveling the land to swoon women and destroy evil -- who better an inspiration, than Fabio Lanzoni?
>And more importantly, if this kind of operation was planned since the conception of the series.
No, and neither did it carry into future releases. Ocarina of Time is the only Zelda game which was directly infused with fabionic energy. They realized that it was so powerful, it was greatly accelerating puberty amongst their young fanbase, pushing them more quickly into adulthood and away from video games entirely. They knew Fabio was too powerful.
>what about other games?
This wasn't the first time Nintendo had attempted to channel fabionic energy. They hired Fabio himself to model for the cover of Iron Sword 2. Nintendo has been aware of Fabio's magnetism for years, and infused all they possibly could into the character of Link (also formally known as Linkabio). Lehends say Hiroshi Yamauchi lived so long despite chronic high blood pressure due to undergoing a fabionic energy ritual that replaced part of his asian DNA with fabian DNA.

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For Me:
>L.A. Noire
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You should check out some of Rockstars' titles, I'd say anything before GTAV and maybe Smugglers Run but that's just my personal opinion, the game just didn't keep me interested, Even their Table Tennis game is good
Tranny simulator
I did my first 100% run of it with PCSX2. It was a good time.
RDR1 ez
Red Dead 2

Are you a girl that can see through lies?
>Are you a girl
and neither are you
video games?
tranime thread

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How the fuck those this game even count as a metroid game? it literally has nothing what made the 2d metroid games good. I'm convinced people who hyped this shit up are just blinded by nostalgia and thought it was so good back in 03 because it was metroid in heckin 3d!!! yet in reality it flails in everything it tries to achieve, its a horrible shooter a ok puzzle game and a awful metroidvania.
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Bro you dropped your Magmoor
nice fried attention span
If Other M didn't have those gay cinematics and contrived obtaining of upgrades, it would basically be the ideal Metroid into 3D.
Anybody seen any good movies lately?
IT DOES NOT, you faggots are fucking idiots. >>673951947
People compare it to Super because it's the best game. They wish it were more like the best game. What makes it so good? it's going off the beaten path, into strange hostile and forign locations, only to get an upgrade at the end, and then the player is deposited back into a familiar location with the new ability. THAT'S THE SECRET SAUCE.

Prime fails at this. Entirely fails.
>NB4 nuh uh
It fucking fails at this entirely.

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Rosalina eating a donut.
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Now give her the rest of the dozen
My cock
She's eating that donut so dignified too.
Post Daisy chomping at the bits at her donut!
I wish I was that donut, and that the jews weren't destroying video games

when does it get good?
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>waifu2x cringe
Once you get up to the kneecap or whatever. It's after you actually get to fight Metalface for real.
Never. It's a worse FFXII from start to finish.
When do you get new material?
There is so much shit about this that is constantly making me go "hey, 12 did that...." that it's kinda insane
One of the biggest things being elemental fiends in the map that are peaceful unless you do specific ether (magic) attacks

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Your new bombergirl
Say something nice about her
Discount grim. I'm not feeling this design.

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finally ended up playing it
it is all braindead cases that a toddler could do
>baited per usual
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A toddler couldn't do Rise from the Ashes or 2-2. Not because it's hard but because it's bullshit.
I fucking hate visual novels, but Ace Attorney is absolute fucking kino.
True and based
But did it make you laugh?
unfortunately there's only so much you can do to make a "murder mystery" game following a visual novel structure harder. also the director was a retard and wanted to make a game so easy his whore mother could play it

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What is his obsession with lost family member stories in fallout?
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Turns out he is another Kirkbride. When he had a tard wrangler to control him he added to the game. When left to their own devices Emil and Kirkbride went full tard.
Ignore both their twitter and reddit posts and you will be better off.
Turns out putting woketards in control of writing not the best plan.
They were a prisoner turned agent.
We want the black audience
It's an easy hook to motivate the main character to progress along a certain path, but it's bland and overused. Finding a GECK to save your vault/tribe or hunting down the guy who tried to kill you work better as hooks for an RPG because they don't saddle the player character with additional backstory. Lost family member is better for mediums without player agency, which is pretty reflective of the problems in modern Fallout writing.
*kermit voice* You need to save your father from the belly of the beast, the call to adventure

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The One True King.
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>Then use a pair of rank4 monsters whish is the most common rank, and a lvl1 fusion like relinquished, and return the send rank4 to pop the monster. It's just talking crazy
you didn't even do it right, you return TWO monsters and they have to ADD UP to the target, so you have to wait until they drop a big guy to even have a chance of activating it
>10 cards total, you banish 3/3 and 4, opp has a level 7, you return 3 and 4 to trigger the board wipe
Why can't you just outplay it?
Nice, I'm working on a Paleo deck but still lack a good amount of URs. My pacifis deck is fun but just can't compete as well anymore.
Xyz is the hardest and filters shitters
Fortunately (or unfortunately) I had a lot of the URs from other decks like Lab, Eldlich and Muskets.

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>*Just a reminder that Donkey Kong is not an ape—he is a Kong. However, “going ape” is a phrase that can be used for Kongs as well!
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apes n shiet
>Going ape
Wholesome nintendo funny catchphrase
>Chimping out
Racist chudspeak
It's because the Kongs have reclaimed "going ape" for themselves. You aren't allowed to use that expression. It's THEIR expression.

Just started Chapter 3. I've been a bit bamboozled by all the tutorials thrown at me so far. I've yet to do anything with my pouch. Are there particular pouch items I should be using?
And should I just refine every core I find?
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trannyera pls go
I forgot the name but there's an ability that lets you cancel into other attacks. Unlock it asap since it improves the combat a lot.
Try playing a better game
Pedobait too
Nia works best with bitball and cannon, while Rex is faster with megalance, katana, rings and claws. The 4th character can get cannon, katana and shield hammer while the 5th gets the axe and also claws.
Actually, lance and claws are good on everyone, you can also try it yourself.
>Games your dick tricked you into buying
I got to the part where you get swallowed by a sea monster and wake up with the blond slut before quitting the shit game.

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How the fuck did he guess this object when there's barely any information on it to begin with?
because youre a NIGGER
same reason a peny a day doubled is 10 million

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How is your Nikker progress going?
Never played it. Should I?

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Do you try to make your video game characters as funny as possible?
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I try to make something I like, I have weird taste but usually I made a cute women or a guy I wouldn't mind roleplaying as, I kinda roll my eyes at ugly characters cause it's a very streamer thing to do but if you're havin fun you're havin fun, not for me but whatever
I just feel like I can't take it seriously if I make a freak, unless I'm playing as a freak.
Every game with a character creator I've played recently just has a generic looking dude for the default character. Sounds to me like you're just kind of a massive faggot so you automatically download mods that make the default character a black woman and your brain is so fucked you don't even realize it. I'd recommend you get an MRI and CAT scan
Nah, it ruins the roleplay aspect
Le funny ugly characters is peak reddit humor
he's just making a lighthearted joke, you sperg

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What if I didn't play 2?
Does not matter. Both are pure trash.
>game is designed to get stale as fast as possible, with a hot and fresh paid DLC around every corner
play Payday 1 only
What if I play on console?
game is broken and has a daily peak of sub-500 players
you're better off buying payday2 and using the mod to unlock every dlc

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A very concerning thing I noticed in all recent games ranging from indie to AAA is that the devs don't know how to convey wilderness and nature properly, the feeling of being outside, the thickets, the crawlies, the warmth of the sun, dryness of the ground etc, it all feels plastic and not very immersive

What happened?
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Play Northern Journey
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I've grown to detest the northern wilderness aesthetic since so much of it is just regurgitating those couple of popular coniferous foggy forest tumblr wallpapers overlaid with wolves from the early 2010s

IRL it's still pretty good but no one put it in a game in a long time
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im not fond of walking simulators, thanks
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Why do third cases in both Ace Attorney and Danganronpa games always suck?
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>le GAA bad
reminder, this is the faggot spammer shilling AAI constantly, the shittiest subseries in the series
Something about Mikan moving from one place to another really quickly but I don't think it was the video because that should have been recorded the night before. The problem with the movement is meeting her after the first body not before. I don't see how she can beat everyone in a race then manipulate a lot of the crime scene which includes staging a dead body with tape, sealing the door with the gel, manipulating the cameras and breaking the drumsticks etc. I hope the info I have including my own memory is wrong but the best excuses I've heard still give Mikan 10 minutes worth of things to do in what is a dash and sprint time.
TLDR: I just checked the closing argument unless the game is lying to us then the culprit was hiding around the crime scene the whole time whaddafaq
Franzizka, Garan, Darklaw and technically Lana but you don't face off against her
I kinda forgot about Garan. She could have been executed a little better, like with her "defeat" in the trial, but she was fine for what she was.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright has 0 nsfw art

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