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Why are there NO magical girl games? I only ever see shitty VNs.

It would be so cool.
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how about the one literally named "mahou shoujo"
JOP only tho
Good thing that art is almost certainly reversible.
why the hell would you prefer anime over 80s video game art?
I prefer the villians.
it's the second most used word on /v/ and almost first
i'd assume most people filtered it out already

Who else is hype as fuck for some new hardware? Will you be buying day 1?
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>PS5 pro
>Will you be buying day 1?
No, because I barely use my PS5 and have only played four games on it.

Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Stellar Blade.
If I could afford to buy a PS5 and then replace it with a stronger PS5 a year or two later, I'd just build a better PC.
Didn't they just release the ps5 slim?! wtf
All of the power in the world doesn't mean shit if there's nothing to play.
I'm not going to buy a PS5 until they put out some decent looking hardware. Fuck that white piece of shit that looks like a giant router.

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I want refunds.
why are you buying games? go to mobilism, 4pda, or cs.rin

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I'm about to start playing this game.
I know it's slow as shit.
I know the animations look childish and stupid.
I know it's a game made for babies.

But does it get FUN? WHEN does it get fun?..
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Think the most fun I had was post-game going back to collect all the stuff I missed since I had all the costumes that made getting over shit easy.
>Go back to collect what I missed
>Remember I still hade to redo some Balan Bouts
That was the most annoying part of it. I'd get everything right, fuck up one, then I'd just quit out of the game because it was just faster to reload the game than to do the world boss to reset it.
Honestly I had some fun when I got the Double Jumper costume so I could skip most of the puzzles.

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What went so wrong with Fontaine?
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I fucked furina so I'm happy
I fucked furina so I'm happy
I fucked furina so I'm happy
Oh look retarded bait
no u

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What is the best jurassic park game?
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Any hope for the new movie lads?

They got David Kepp (wrote JP1&2) to pen the script with Gareth Edwards directing. Apparently they want to bring back the horror vibes.
I desperately want it to be good.

Jurassic Park is supposed to be how Dinosaurs are really cool, they're real life creatures that existed. The First Movie did this perfectly and every other movie has struggled to do the same.

It can't be all CGI, you need physical puppets.
After the dumpster fire the last two movies were, I just want the franchise to die. Or at least go on hiatus for another 10+ years.
Listen, that Clone Girl is evil! Evil! And Owen and Claire are responsible for all those deaths caused by her unleashing Dinosaurs upon the world!

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For me, it's Scan Command.

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Has a video game ever made you cry?
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i lost my car and all my money bricking my save in death rally when i was 6 years old and i fucking lost it

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Also, the most beautiful too

No, im not in love or anything
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anyone know how many weapon proficiency points a character gets in the first game as a paladin?
halsin's onahole
Lmao fuck no
No and she never will be. Hell, she probably wont ever even be on a second game lols.

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Which character raping her would be funniest?
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Lizard soldier
Ugandan Knuckles

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games where you play as a fed?
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Streets of Rage
Why can't we play as these guys!?
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RoN is kino i wish they had more lore and dialogue between the operations.
Also roguelike randomized operations and department funding (equipment unlocks) when.
Thimbleweed Park

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what were they thinking
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"Let's massively upgrade a shit character."
You can't seriously tell me the original boss fight was better than the remake. Remake's was so much better.
And I don't even think the remake is an upgrade across the board, it does some things better and some things worse.
The re4 remake was perfectly fine
I do still prefer the OG though
>We are not going to provide you a model of a legal shota for your damn SFM porn
>t. Someone at capcom probably

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What are some good low combat non puzzle games /v/?
ps1/ps2 rpgs maybe. most of them are easy
kokona sex!
>low combat
what do you mean with that? like not hack and slash games?

I guess, platform games like Crash, Spyro, Kirby

perhaps some farming games as well?

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The last good Mario game.
Sunshine is better
I'd say a combination of Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2, but yes. I agree with this
3D world shits all over this

>It's been 10 years and the best looking most high quality One Piece game is still a Chinese gacha that only China gets to play
Why is this allowed?

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Games need good gameplay not just flashy sequences in iframe super moves. But this is fitting because One Piece sucks.
Who the FUCK cares about one piss nowadays?
the fights in op are so retarded lmao
its pure 5 years old autism
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crying women make me so hard

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post an image from a game out of context
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If God isn't real then where are all the aliens?

We're alone in the universe, we were created by God.
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Ehat if god is an alien and we are just a game od sims 3 on his alien pc?
video games?
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tawlmbout bideo games b?

Killer is dead.
Is shit.
I really enjoyed it.
anon is retarded

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does lewds even happens in Fate/extra then later CCC? I'm playing extra hoping i get to goon like in FSN realta nua
I'm week 3 btw
shut up coomer it's a psp game, you think they're gonna slip h scenes in there?
realta nua is psp game

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Seethe more
*effortlessly finds its way in my closet while i use the switch dock's usb port to charge my vape and ryujinx actually provides the free switch content*

BAM, BOOM, you got fucking told.
Please, this is the tranny’s ultimate goal. They want to fully infect Nintendo and get all the kids into their cabal.
>kikes still malding they failed to beat nintendo
lmfao stay mad

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anyone playing pic related in the current year?

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