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ITT: Video game characters that aren’t safehorny
That’s a 15 year old.
No one asked
Shut the fuck up reddit roach.
It's a drawing
Not true, real ones are way more stacked than that
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Boohoo. Cry about it. I wanna stick my cock in teenage redheads.
Japs are malnourished
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god forbid you find a robot attractive..
That robot is supposed to be an actual child though
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Every time.
Straight people are not allowed to whine that they "aren't safehorny". Shut up
is safe horny just another way of saying any character that isn’t a minor
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And now you are fucking her by the same criteria
I want to fuck redhead glasses wearing nerds so badly.
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Yuck. Too old.
Etna is 1473 years old
>muh safe horny
it's so tight that you faggots had to invent a new buzzword to describe the "wrong" kind of sexualization because you could no longer pretend sexualization wasn't happening at all.
Out of 10!
so 14.73 years old
She's not a real person anon. If you think this fictional character is real, you have other issues to worry about.
>safehorny is just any character who is over 18 and looks like it
Imagine the smell. I bet her panties have skid marks in them
Legal in my country.
But sorry in a game where takemi and the shogi player exists, no chance in hell.
Put it under a womans nose and see how she reacts, that's the line. I can only imagine people are pretending to be obtuse.
I find it hard to believe that's the metric you guys use considering you'd need to talk a woman for to gather that data
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For me, it's Marie.
Is there such a thing as a character who is not “safe horny” who is also visibly over 20 years old?? Are the anons saying “it just means underage” right?
Senran Kagura girls.
It's impossible not to know them if you weren't such a wreck you couldn't finish school. This isn't secret information, sometimes they'll literally state it in the most autistic-understandable blunt way possible themselves.
Nice strawman, but did you know that not everyone on the right is in total agreement on everything? The right wingers who despise troons also want to ban ALL pornography.
The jews took this from us
if you put it to a statistic, the cunnyrapist1488 types probably have a child rape rate of 0 while troons are well within regular male levels
You don't find her attractive because she's a robot, it's for another reason.
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safe horny is a character that appeals only to the socially accepted norms of sex appeal. So a girl who looks very mature and has no hint of youthness, who only appeals to non-taboo safe fetishes, and who doesn't have any traits that could be inherently likeable to a male audience.
A less obvious example of something that isn't safe horny is crazy but sexy self harm characters. Feminists will go wild on you for being into them because it fetishizes self harm and they also promote the idea that a woman can be weak. Someone like Ashley would also not be "safe horny" since her main appeal comes from incest, a taboo fetish that is hated by the woke mob.
Is she dangeroushorny?
>some literallywho that has terrible engagement stats vicariously living his power fantasies by acting like he’s personally orchestrated some cultural movement is cause to stop using a combination of words
Still looking pretty definitively like a teenager is the driving force.
im not fat anon, quite the contrary
Every single person, whether on the right or left, who is obsessed with calling out pedophilia is probably a pedo. I don't trust rightoids who obsess over grooming any more than I trust leftoids who obsess over anime drawings.
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Persona girls are all babby's first waifu designed for normalfags
Groom me harder daddy
...Out of 10


Trannies are objectively and provably a danger to children as are lolicons. It's not normal to think about fucking kids so much.
I legit don't know if demon age in disgaea is
>divide years by 100
But I don't think it is.
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Fantastic bait
Tits too big
The number of times I nutted to this and real kanojo
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Makoto > Futaba
You shouldn't date futaba because it damages her character development. Same reason you shouldn't cheat on naoto.
hood classic
>Same reason you shouldn't cheat on naoto.
Are there characters that you should cheat on in Persona?
No but naoto gives up on looking for the truth if you cheat on her. Which is double wrong for her character.
Dating her is the only choice as it improves her as a character and a human being.
>The same generic 'thats a child' line that everyone typically replies to with '..out of ten!
>mass quoting with strawman faggot image
Brother get some standards for bait, please.

Trolling used to be a art
The trigger for her dating you is her asking to give up on being independent from you.
And if you're gonna say "it's okay I'll be there for her" you literally go to jail for several months and then leave town at the end of the game.
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Are you capable of admitting this about the left, though?
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Incorrect. You help her become independent and you go back to her.
why was that ghoulish samsung thing ever popular
You help her become independent by not dating her.
..Why do zoomers not like Jiro or Froppy, but Bunny girl is ok? someone explain the MHA stuff here
Good Men improve women in every way in relationships.
Letting the neet girl break a promise to become indepemdent is not improving her, even if you make her fulfill the promise anyways. She can ask with better phrasing, but she wanted plausible deniability. No futaba, you're not allowed to give up on being ok without me around. Go to the mall.
The bunny girl already graduated and got a hero job. Shes an adult.
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me on the left
But her and say for example Midnight despite being adults are still ...le sexulized and problematic!!
I saw a really good 3d animation of her recently.
Any more of her?
I would like futaba if they actually went all in with her hikki traits but all of that basically goes out the window as soon as she joins the party and she's like every other persona girl aside from acting a little shy in her s.link. Genuinely one of the worst parts of P5's writing. Her shadow version is hot though.
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Anything is fantastic bait on a board full of retards
LGBT zoomers are scared of intimacy, they have to make it sound immature. Funny thing is, this is already spilling over into localisations. Just another reason to give up on dubs.

>first waifu
>normalfag calling others normalfag
Futaba is trans.
Anime teenagers look like adults.
>Cures all her 'autism' after getting lost in a vidya store and comforted once
>Becomes like any other girl but sometimes says le quirky anime reference

I didnt even like fuutaba much prior to this, but she was dead to me the second she joined the crew
Women are better off depending and supporting a man. Her being independent except when It comes to the player is based.
Women should be submissive, see where out society has gotten when women do the opposite.
No kid actually looks like a pokemon girl but they''ll still trip the alarm anyway.
It's kind of insane how mad she makes people.
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We know exactly who is the type of people that hates her
what's her pp look like?
never understood why people hate her so much
Slim 225. Full head thick of long hair that's reaching my neck. I also shower daily, homeowner, have a full time job.

Keep seething Redditor. I'm gonna go jack off to loli.
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these memes are so good
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Lmaooooo get rest
Hair to my chest

...but I have a huge forehead and no muscle.
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>still needs you to hold her hand and take her to akihabara on her platonic route
>actually goes to akihabara herself on her romance route
dating her is objectively better for her character development tbqh
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>Each one of you niggas is a fat bald old man
Ok but I only see one fat bald old man in this picture
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ugly westoid shit
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One wonders why you people get so incredibly defensive.
Also: A drawing of WHAT?
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go back, you do not fit in here.
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The legend.
>incest is hated by the woke mob
uh, based woke mob?
Too many memes
Also half of these arguments don't make sense, but I'm "you're a pedo but it's harmless if it's just a drawing" pilled
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But I'm not a pedophile as my wife Arisu does not look like any IRL 3D goblin, AKA child
>shortening pedophile to pedo
No. Despite what cucks like >>695162621 and >>695163657 say, you can say you find Ashley and the Senran Kagura girls attractive. They’ve already fallen into the pit trap that is the age of consent (which is just an arbitrary number that is “safe” for anybody to find attractive.) The moment you start to say you wanna fuck Futaba or any other character who happens to be under the arbitrary decided age, you’re considered a pedophile and it stops becoming “safehorny.”
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Wrong. Safe horny is a result of lonely men signaling to women on the internet that they're a "safe" partner choice by only vocalizing attraction to highly dominant female characters that they couldn't feasibly take advantage of. They believe that demonstrating an interest in overly dominating characters like Lady Dimitrescu, defending censorship or upholding a strict standard of "moral" sexual attraction will earn them good boy points with the ladies and see them rewarded with attention.
If they’re a redhead then they’re legal
Nar Interact play was the king.
>He uses legality as a measurement
everything else on this thread isn’t safe horny, especially Roll, Sarah Miller, Marie, Sumire, and Futaba.
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If you need non-age related examples, any character whose story relates sensitive topics like sexual assault is pretty much off the table entirely. For a recent example, a character like Anya from Mouthwashing. She's clearly an adult in both story and character design but you will be drowned in enraged twitterfags if you so much as dare to illustrate her with an extra cup size or two.
Maybe, but no one around them told them to be upset by it so mob rage never sparked.
based cunnychads
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honeypot thread
Here is the cunny
>if you need any non-
And just like that, you already revealed what a massive cuck you are.
>g-guys this character is totally safehorny because she’s an adult!!! stop finding her to be not safe horny!! she comes from a serious game!!! please find it acceptable for me to find her fuckable!!
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the DEI/woke slayer:
are you okay anon? do you need help?
This guy gets it
Looks ugly
At least you can fix the muscle.
>ummmm ackshually when you think about it, the people who don't like child rapists are actually just as bad as the child rapists!!
holy fuck i cannot wait until the day we finally get to bury fucktarded enlightened centrists like you
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Sorry meant to post this instead
Makoto is no more safe horny than Futaba, all the usual types posting about how they want to be dommed by Dimitrescu or whatever get mad about Persona fans for wanting to fuck any of the non-adult girls.
Would be a more interesting challenge if you said “characters made within the last five years”
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"Of course you were thinking about having sex with the 15 years old"
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> holy fuck i cannot wait until the day we finally get to bury fucktarded enlightened centrists like you
You won’t do shit you stupid nigger. Trump has already embraced the best ideology, neoliberalism.
Sorry about that, I was gonna make a post which characters are and weren’t safehorny but I guess that survived the cut. I agree fully though. Even if you did say you wanted to fuck the “of consenting age” girls you’ll still be called a pedo.
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Me too
>Even if you did say you wanted to fuck the “of consenting age” girls you’ll still be called a pedo
If you present any of the adult Persona girls as being in a relationship with Joker then yeah you get slammed for that.
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Based Otaku chad. What westoids dont understand about anime is how transhumanistic it is. We like it because its strictly BETTER than reality.
Retards like >>695178464 who try to pull it BACK into reality because its all they know are missing the point.
Surpass lowly human standards, discussion, intelligence, limits and conventions. Become an ascended being through Otaku media
>regular male levels
weird way of spelling 10x the male average
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Thank you anon. In return I recommend you play the games DMC1, DMC3SE, GoW I, GoW II, GoW III, NGB, NGII, MGRR and finally SoPFFO. I also recommend pic related.
I think the thing that best illustrates the moral panic over pedophiles is the Brass Eye episode Paedogeddon.
made for BWC
Sorry you haven't accepted the truth or introspected about why this specific exaggerated version of reality is so appealing
I would smash your head between a door and its frame if I could
Is projecting all you people can do?
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Worst girls in the worst persona game
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>Every single person, whether on the right or left, who is obsessed with calling out pedophilia is probably a pedo. I don't trust rightoids who obsess over grooming any more than I trust leftoids who obsess over anime drawings.
I harbor a similar mindset, modern left and right wing grifters are basically modern televangelists.
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If this is your "wife," I don't trust you coaching the U12 girl's soccer team.
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Fucking imagine.
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Based anon triggering the pedos.
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>being triggered enough to make this
You lost.
Go back to xitter
good game
>outing ximself immediately
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Too old
>safe horny
nice buzzword
literally who?
I have doubts regarding this logic but I see where you're coming from.
What comes after the kiss?
First the kiss, then the cum
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Not safe for jannies
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>incest, a taboo fetish that is hated by the woke mob.
People in the "woke mob" all have siblings?
she looks really happy
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Any gachaslop character
That doesn't sound like he's wrong then. Safe horny being about being "appropriately horny" would still include staying away from the stuff that would make people turn their nose up at you, young girls is the obvious one, but I could absolutely see any mention of incest and sister characters being similarly frowned upon.
She is
>on the right is chud sex tourist pedophiles
>on the left is tranny groomer pedophiles

Worst timeline
>2d-only ironic lolicon arguments
True lolicons like junior idol dvds and 70s French films with nude 12-year-old actresses and don't deny being pedophiles or hebephiles
she's so annoying holy fuck
Yeah, just makes the loving, handholding sex better
Not even the dude in the pic is fat while the tranny is, topkek.
>he doesn't have hair down to at least his ass
can you really, truly call it long otherwise?
Who knew the internet would wind up being the battleground for the two factions of pedophiles
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>ironic lolicon
The youngest I'd find attractive IRL is Wednesday from Addams Family Values or Hermione from Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets.

Not everyone will think the same as me and I don't feel attracted to actual 7 year old kids. Fantasy does not correlate with reality every time.
After a while you realize it's just two groups (groomers) competing for a limited resource (children)
Maybe anime was niche in the 90s but now it's completely mainstream normalfag shit, actual billion dollar industry
Since when did loli became associated with pedos? I remember in the 2009-2013 no one cared about this bs, even the occasional normalfag looking for hentai didn't gave a single fuck. Now its full of real groomer and cringe meme like ToT or cunny everywhere
Out of 10
she's... not wearing...
Sunglasses! Yeah, sunglasses......
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>had an ex gf that was a mom of two with the body of a teenager that accidentally left her dye in too long makign it blood red
>70s French films with nude 12-year-old actresses
Care to share some name ?
>replied within 30 seconds
Samefagging OP
Because Japan doesn't report all of it's crime statistics.
>they HAVE to do it, they just don't report it!!!
this cope is so retarded. it's the absolute most projection. you literally cannot imagine a country that simply does retarded shit less often.
yeah she's a bit old but still cute
how do you all take the bait so easily
What the fuck is safehorny? Is this zoomer speak for sexy?
I think it means attractive and capable of sexualization but not enough for criticism from "da woke"
And yes it's a zoomer term
And if you bat for the other team, you could watch the 1963 version of the Lord of the Flies.
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Why did you have to post the sexiest girl in all of gaming history (yes, maid dragon has a game with kanna in it now).
Anime became mainstream, should've gatekept harder
why is Minecraft Steve's hand backwards?
>Takemi and Hifumi simp
Holy Based
bombergirl is danger horny
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Some of it sure, but 100x? You think they report a mere 1% of their crime? Even if so that would only make them the same, so they only report 0.1% of their crime if we want to say japan has way more pedophilia? That seems a bit large of a claim.
>she's an awkward smelly antisocial neet who never leaves her room!
>is actually very confident outgoing and extroverted
why are weebs such retarded faggots. they even think they could get a girl like this if they found one.
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>6 fingers
>guys hand is backwards
>tail isn't connected
0/5 AI slop
>is actually very confident outgoing and extroverted
No she isnt lol
A lot of people say this, but the only thing that ever emerges is stuff like the train gropings.
lock this sicko up
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she le totally comes out of her heckin shell, that doesn't happen irl
That's just getting comfortable with people she knows, she still acts skittish around new people. That does happen irl so long as you're not a creepy fuck that no one wants to be around.
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>letting the little things bother you
Regardless, Kanna is best grill and AI has produced some of the best art of her. Behold the queen of /v/.
All Capslop designs are woke safehorny trash
>circlejerking discordfags still trying to push their retarded term
"safehorny" remains fake, gay and retarded no matter the mental gymnastics those dumbasses try to pull
What a cutie patootie :)
I'm calling the cops
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>holy heckerino, this child brapperino makes me coom so hard guys, so wholesome and basado!
AI can be good but your gen that the other anon criticized is objectively horrible, and only faggots would want a fake loli like Kanna
by that logic, so does the US
you're left with the same stats
you're pathetic
So beautiful/handsome with extra steps
more armpits
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Marie is such a healthy girl
By this logic, you are hopelessly retarded.
Milf Teacher
What in the niggery-diggery-doo is this buzzword and why should I even give it an iota of respect?
Lots of game journos seething here
Kanna sex
No you fire flower for brains. It is whatever the powers that be approve of. Eg BG3's bearfucking. Or hags like Lady D on RE3.

R mika's buttslap, Cammy's ass. Tracer's pose. old tomb raider. The Dragon quest 3 female warrior. All that shit got censored or pushed against heavily and isn't minors.
Out of 10!
Isn't this stuck on psvr1 or something?
What a shame.
Why are people afraid of attractive women in games?
Ask yourself who has the most to gain from attractive women not being in videogames and maybe you'll find your answer.
>who only appeals to non-taboo safe fetishes
There's a caveat to this, "taboo" and even degenerate fetishes are okay and even pushed as long as they have a queer reputation or are "empowering" to women, so foot fetish is okay when it's the woman stepping on the man (See SF6 Juri) or anything Furry because it's inherently queer-coded
if a drawing is paedophilia, virtual murder is real as well, worse even. there is no argument inbetween. people too stupid to distinguish reality from fiction need to be euthanized for the good of mankind
theres no logic behind your argument. granted, predators have a likelihood of using social mimicry, but every smart one would know to tuck his head in. its like saying every cop is crooked based on your singled out experience with one.
the new cool word for pedophilia, apparently
Safe horny just mean supported/tolerated by game journos
Muscle trannies
Are safe horny
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Flaw in your logic: most humans aren't smart. And if they are, being smart and aware of it can make you more likely to screw up, not less. That's the entire meaning of the phrase "too smart by half."
The average person does it out of feminazi conditioning and the elite does it out of gatekeeping and that's true for both the left and right.
Sadly, the gaslighting efforts of the past century to convince men that their normal and natural desire for youth and beauty is a mental illness has been so successful that it is exceedingly difficult to break out of the matrix.
Nah they just want an easy target to vent unrelated desires of wrath and hate on
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>slopfag proudly showing off his worst generated picture yet
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Let me guess, you never did something borderline illegal or blatantly illegal at all.
Do you have a gallery, anon?
I'd be interested in more.
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Why are you assuming 15 years old are illegal on every country?
I don't know about your specific regulation but usually, despite iit being technically legal, it can count as aggravated offence if someone feels like reporting you.
Neither is illegal to emulate but you shouldn't do it.
and the player character is 16, so what's the issue?
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