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Should Southern Europeans be considered white?
To me, most of them look like sand people, which makes sense because their countries were continually invaded and raped by them throughout history. I find it hard to tell them apart, personally.
When I look at a Spaniard, Greek, or Italian in my land, my instinct is to view them in the same way I do Muslims or any other shitskin. I see them as invaders encroaching on my territory, rather than someone I could ever consider kin.
They all have black hair and black eyes, which in my view, is basically God's signal for non-white, someone wicked and vile, not to be trusted, sub-human basically.
According to the US Census: yes. (90% of asia and the middle east are also considered white by the US Census).
Video Games?

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There's special animations for getting up with backstep while you are on the ground (webm and another one when you're on your ass), I use them sometimes just to look cool. Even though I'm not sure they give iframes (normal backstep doesn't)
>bloodborne mod for ER
equip beast claws (DLC) with bloodhound's step ash
equip malenia's great rune
now you're playing BB in ER
>>6838407 I didn't go through all the chalice dungeones, I only done them because the bad backtracking.

Your game isn't good enough for me to do all of them.
Which boss scares you the most?
For me it's Undead Giant (twin scythes) on cursed dungeons
Boss? Neither but if there was one enemy that instilled fear in me was Amygdala. More so there's a looming creatures on buildings.

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Zoomers will NEVER understand the feeling of playing your favorite game on a CRT
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flat screens were a blessing tho
t. '91 chad
Zoomers literally used to play games on CRTs
I had one, but tipped it over while setting up my PS2 and smashed it. The fumes made me a little 'tarded.
born 2000 and the TV in the boys' room (shared by me and my brothers) was a CRT until I was around 14
Then just filter it on OLED, problem solved.

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>Run around feudal Japan as a 6’4” Tyrone slaughtering manlet incels to a hip hop asian fusion soundtrack
Actually sounds like fun, I don’t know why everyone is so upset
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Yasuke could easily have worked as a side character and Lockley's bullshit wouldn't be exposed, but Ubisoft had too much chutzpah and a desire to shit on Japan for that.
>He's a Muslim in the game
Why? He's not even from the Islamic parts of Africa?
He was also brought along on a Jesuit mission, there's no reason to think he was Muslim nor was he probably from an Islamic part of Africa.
Yeah that's what i've been saying, why is he the main character. He's not stealthy and not an assassin. And he is a real historical figure.
AC games always have a fictional protagonist and helpful historical figure NPCs, like Da Vinci and Ben Franklin. I'd be okay if Yasuke was working with the assassins giving them inside info on the daimyo or whatever they're after in this one. Also they could've at least made him an assassin, they made him a towering hulk who slashes people publically with his huge ass katana, like how is that an assassin? For fuck sake how does he blend with the crowd when he's the only black person in Japan in the time period? Or does he plan on parkouring around the peasant houses in full armor and being like 6'3"? Surely that's stealthy.

It's so incredibly forced, it's revolting.
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Just a reminder that christcucks brought the first nigger to japan

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Talk DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, MGR, God Hand and ARPGs like Nioh
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Everyone is this thread is a poser until they post gameplay.
Can I post trophies instead
Why do retarded actionfags think pressing more buttons per minute means better gameplay? Do they also think more APM = better RTS?
>post gameplay
>posts gameplay
>wow anon nicely done, you're pretty good at this game
never happens

>this game sucks
>lmao that looks like shit btfo ahahaha

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qhat has been the most difficult decision you have ever made in a game?
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yeah the ice chick has a 3x bigger rack.
fire looks like a dyke.
haha a dong of ice and fire
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Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune.
>ice actually looks like a woman
>fire looks like a dyke with a man's body
Gee, sure is a hard choice yeah

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what's up with all the coomer groomers on /v/...and uh what DC games are you enjoying on the ultimate summer console.

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Friday Night Dwarf Fortress (ft. FRIENDS!)

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I like how the lore would have you assume that no male ever made it over sixty intelligence.

— Founding Rain of Stars, 2 slots, 50 Intelligence, 2 spell slots; discoverer: unknown (named Goliath’s Rain of Stars in the 1.0)

— Stars or Ruin, 1 slot, 43 Intelligence; discoverer: Primeval Sorcerer Lusat

— Comet Azur, 3 slots, 60 Intelligence; discoverer: Primeval Sorcerer Azur


— Rennala’s Full Moon, 2 slots, 70 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Queen Rennala

— Ranni’s Dark Moon, 2 slots, 68 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Princess Ranni (with by her mother)

— Rellana’s Twin Moons, 2 slots, 72 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Princess Rellana (with her sister)

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She was sure to win because her speed was superior.
Moon is a woman so she made Sorceries easier for them.
No but because rot and lifesteall is broken and malenia has both.
Marika tricked and betrayed the Hornsent, ascending in place of the grandam. Then she sent Messmer to massacre them.
Where does it say that?

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why do you guys make the same threads over and over again?
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What are you gonna do about it, big boy?
it's full of retarded zoomers and normalfags so what did you expect?
some of them seem to be bots.
They're desperate for attention so they keep making threads that get replies.

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Kiryu needs to eat some meat. Too skinny.
Shimano is also too skinny.
Millenium Tower looks stupid.
Aside from that it looks good. Just hoping they don't lean too much into the goofy humor that most people associate the series with.
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>you retard
are they going to make Kiryu a cuck?
>are they going to make Kiryu a cuck?
he already is a cuck in the first game lmao
yeah, they'll probably do something like have kiryu raise another man's child because he simps so hard over some bitch or some gay shit like that

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What went so wrong?
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>Committed to Snoy.
>Targeted to (((modern audiences)))
>Self censorship
>Not a clue about what made FF7 so good.
>It is not even impressive from the tech pointview,
>80 euros a game, 3 games + DLC
>Horrendous pace between games. 2024 and the story is far to be completed.
>action oriented combat
>photorealistic style
It's the same problem with most triple A games: homogenized slop made to be consumed by anyone. So it doesn't even work as nostalgia bait.
having a black person in the game doesn't make it woke
Politically correct and censored garbage like all post ethics department SE games.

Xrd Thread
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is this still up? haven't played in a few years.
yeah, 3 people now so an even number would be nice
>Xturds so assblasted by Strive's success they try to attentionwhore their game on vee in the desperation that someone will come back and play this trash
>nobody cares
>want to play
>external hard drive died today
fuck man
im in but i gotta afk for 5 minutes

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It's literally demon's souls 2
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I should play the souls games again
whenever I think about 3 I remember all the cool co-op and pvp I did even though I wasn't good at it, I felt like I was giving back what I took whenever I needed to summon
when I played the trilogy the only one that had active online was 3, I wish I was there to see 1 and 2's online at their peak
>conclusion to series continues certain story beats from previous entries
>this makes the shazamtranny seethe for some reason
FPBP, op is a big huge faggot
>criticize shitty Ds2 mechanics
>"just get good"

flaws are still flaws, everyone has beaten the fucking game by now but that doesn't mean it isn't filled with stupid shit
if that were true, it'd be the worst in the series. which it's not. it's one of the best in the series.

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he's not fair
>boss doing some gay ass anime combo
>hold up shield
>stab stab stab stab stab stab
seemed pretty fair to me
>fast roll
>buckler for parries
makes it much more manageable

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Is this fun?

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Where is the Mario and Sonic Olympics Paris 2024 game?
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why would you want kikelympics anything? why do you want to give money to literal satanic israel rituals?
In Paris, France.
They were fun games. Still I wish we could get more Mario and Sonic games that weren't the Olympics
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The apocalypse is coming soon, isn't it?
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That's a very optimistic look at things. I'm pretty sure we'll be living through slow societal decay until the day we die.

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Slap my hand

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Play The First Descendant.
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is the gameplay closer to destiny or just a mediocre looter shooter supported by coomers?
It's closer to warframe then destiny.
Shill thread, there's alredy another virtually identical thread
this game is well made and the mechanics are fun but it feels soulless and empty
meh, nah.

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Fuck, marry, kill.
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Fuck and then Kill Eva, Fuck and then Kill Mia, Fuck and then Marry Io.
marry and fuck mia and kill the other two
Kill, kill and kill. Code vein is the worst souls-like ever made and a bad game overall.
that's a pretty good order already
Fuck Eva, Marry Io, Kill Mia
Kill, fuck, marry

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