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Why is writing in videogames declining?
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I don't know who you're stranger, but somehow I believe you
>gazillionaire with unrivalled education and intelligence
>illiterate thug likely growing up without any kind of education
>these two are expected to talk the exact same
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The reason why people hate the NV trannies is precisely because they make shit bait threads like this rather than discuss their game on /vg/ like normal people.
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You can’t say that 3 has bad writing, for it has the based Family in it.
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>install mods just so he can increase the autogynephilia stimulation

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>10,000 hours in aimlab
>0 hours in any fps

what brand of autism is this? also does aimlab actually help you improve or is it just a meme?
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>does practice help you improve or is it just a meme
>does aimlab actually help you improve
Wanna know a secret about most team based fps? Game sense > mechanical skill. You could be the literal human incarnation of an aimbot, but that means fuckall if you're constantly dead. And that's what you'll be, if all you do is know how to aim but don't learn the maps, modes, weapons, heroes, health/ammo spawns, etc. You'll find that you hit a ceiling pretty fucking fast even with amazing aim, because as soon as you reach ranks where people start to use even the smallest bit of brain power, you get fucked. Your gigachad accuracy means fuckall when I can easily just take a different exit out of spawn, flank you, and kill you from an off angle or damage and distract you momentarily so that the rest of my team can just dive you and get rid of you.

I actually had a dorado match in OW earlier where this exact same shit happened. On attack, enemy had WM sitting on the raised pathway directly across from main spawn doors, and a torb turret off to the right on the second level next to the wall. Since OW decided that I had hit my designated wins for the day and was actively pairing me with teammates that ate enough crayons and glue to put the US marines to shame, of course they ran out of spawn single file and got assraped by the pair. And as a fucking Juno, I decided to just ignore my retarded team that was getting spawn camped, take the bottom right exit out of spawn, go through the back alley, up the stairs, and torpedo the widow before picking her off. I then proceeded to double jump + boost up the side of the roof to gain altitude and flank around the back ledge next to the health pack, get behind the enemy via the market center, destroy the torb turret while hiding by the stalls, turn around, flank & kill the WM on her approach back by hiding in the rightmost building hallway, then take out the zen who turned back to search for me after seeing WM die twice. Killed turret again, and it was enough distraction for our team to push and capture first point.
aimlabs is only good if you've never used a mouse before. actually playing the game you want to get better at is always going to be better

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>new kino dropped
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but /v/ is just one person, how could i be sharing a board with myself?
>not on PS5 yet
>insanely high system requirements on PC
>everyone hated the last Indy movie
These are all factors.
Games industry has some weird ass but firmly held beliefs about that shit like your VA and MOCAP actors have to be the same person and the character should look like them. People who are good at voice acting should do the voice acting and people who are good at moving their bodies should do the stunt work.
Sounds based af. Modern gaming is cancer, and deserves to be ridiculed.
This >>696562073, I'm glad everyone else shares my morbid curiosity for trash fires. Don't support shit you don't like, don't beat the game.

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The creators of life is strange are laying off workers
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What does this mean for the future of my wife?
Good, fuck 2.
Devs should have an IMDB type of page where it shows all their past works
Typical corporate policy - fire workers just so your corporation can have a better profit margin/monthly report.

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Why would i play a game where i fight the good guys?
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I played them, I want a new one
That image is highly ironic.
Most WW2 games with online modes.
sorry schlomo
>American, the nazis or the jews
Good, bad, mostly non-combatant civilians subject to genocide.
History doesn't care about your brainrot.
You can now post your "hilarious" and totally not stale memes on the topic or chimp out at me. Maybe it'll make you feel better about being completely lost.

>seemingly a kid friendly game is actually not kid friendly
Kids learn about sperm and eggs when they're about 9 years old. Unless you live in some fourth world country, obviously.
sounds like pedophilia to me
shouldn't learn about stuff like that before their wedding day when they are 15

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>early 2010
>"man when are we gonna get assassin's creed in Japan, it'd be perfect"
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But we got it this year and it was perfect
Prototype 2 had a shit story, its open world didnt have hives and bases to fuck around with, and it was literally THE worst optimized game in the history of mankind.
But aside from that, it was alright. The campaign especially had a lot of mission variety, the stealth was improved, and I liked the difference in atmosphere between the three zones.

Oh yeah the powers were gutted too. Ahh well, they did feel and look nicer at least.

First game will always be miles better but the second one got too much hate
>not even complaining about the shitty "stylized" black and white cutscenes
that was actually soul, unironically and fr (for real)
Lmao seething jeet

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Stays on my Steam wishlist until it gets removed automatically or it turns out to be shit.
The developer cozied up to the chud crowd circa 2015 when Gamergate was in full swing and got bullied off twatter, when he announced his game he made some half assed apology which drew even more ire from both sides. The game will never be released btw.
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oh is this actually good? i just looked at a video and it is some 3d game. last night was some 2d game like Another World or Flashback, so while both are cyberpunk games they would play totally differently and can not be compared.
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is he the new Phil Fish? Whatever happened to him and I am curious how much he had already done in Phez 2 besides a title screen.
it's a 2D pixel walking sim that's been in development for 10+ years
it somehow got to have a trailer at E3 in 2017 and that's the only reason it has any noteriety

It's made-for-goypass slop. It's the equivalent of a shitty direct-to-video b movie
Troy Baker does a shit impersonation of Harrison Ford and he just sounds like he has a dick in his mouth (he probably does)
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Where am I defending the game, I just want to know what its like
>full of white people and no woke shit
wrong lol
>I just want to know what its like
Sorry buddy, I'm just not going to play it.
I watched the entire syntheticman stream
Yes, it’s full of woke shit
Boss bitch women, retarded cartoon villains, constant evil Nazi remarks. Indy gets saved by his female sidekick nonstop. Black nephilim. And the game looks and plays like shit on top of it.
Stalker did not have early access that cost an extra $40-90 anon

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How would you fix it?
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Make PSO3
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I know, right?
Full picture is even better.
remove the conditionals to do damage
remove the godawful parry focus
make the character tankier (remove the soulslop focus on muh damage)
bring back etoile, original waker with auto pets
unironically make the game more braindead and stead of hardcore action focus with tight timings
i want to kill and loot and not play dark souls
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new director & producer
we need a yoshi p
the point where sega admits they fucked up and need to do right again

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I can't believe everything the chuds said turned out to be right
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>the west
Western Europe has children's cartoons and comics with uncensored full nudity. They only get censored for the US releases.
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ESL here, what do you call this? "Preaching to the choir"?
>Leftard hit piece fails to present a single point against the person that they are attacking
Does this "person" thinks were are still on 2014?
You are correct but thats cause they were busting his balls back on his day so now he assumes its the same people.
>see art
>check artist
>fits profile of "incel" AKA not fallen to self-damaging guilt-tripping psyops
>"I dont like this art"
the NPC programming works!

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will you be punching nazis on december 9th, /v/?
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This. Even their stupid hideous language when coming from a nazi that just got shot to pieces.
>They lost to their own inferiority
bruh, German engineering was the scourge of the euros during that time. Allies could hardly keep up.
>the abject rightous nature of white/german genocide
kike propaganda. use un-kiked source to prove. pro tip: you cannot
>Justice and truth always wins
ironic and LOL
>Nazis are not people. They deny the very concept of peoplehood.
Even if I were to agree with your statement, it's 100% irrelevant to my point, because leftists label everyone who doesn't enthusiastically agree with them a nazi.
When they talk about committing violence against nazis you know exactly who they mean: everyone with opinions they don't like.
They're not exactly subtle about it, but they like to pretend it's a clever obfuscation all the same.
Play RE5
>RTX gpus only

Nah bitch i ain't about that life.

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Is Gradius good for you?
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It's about muh space racism
why does this game have lives and checkpoints when dying once means you need to restart the entire game anyway? i refuse to practice "recovery" bullshit for every single checkpoint when i could just practice not dying.
i unsubscribed when he countersignaled the otomedius dlc remixes
nah, only arcade

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>14hrs in
Game of the decade
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torchlight 3
Ye this might be the first game I refund, I am too scared to continue because I will pass my 2h mark but also really not sold on it yet.
It feels nothing like an ARPG and especially not like POE, I feel like if it wasnt called POE2 people would give it a 6/10 and call it generic dark fantasy early access souls ripoff because thats what it is.
There are ARPGs with evasion and movement tech but all of those games have much more to offer than press space to roll around like a retard
I can't tell what this game is trying to be. It's like they identified a problem with mashing one or two abilities, and wanted to slow the game down. But the weapon abilities really aren't interesting in the slightest, and the builders and spenders are shit as well.
WASD or mouse movement? Which is bad? Which is gay? Please, I need someone else to tell me.
It's all bad. It's all gay. There is no good anymore.

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We have a freshly announced date, Ladybug bros. And a new trailer, too.

>We're currently brushing up the demo we made for Steam Next Fest back in June, and it will be ready for you to play within the month!
>The new demo will offer even more places to explore, so even if you've played the previous demo, please try out the new demo too!
Seems the new demo should release before the game then.

Also, lel:
>During WePlay Expo 2024, Blade Chimera was nominated for the event's indiePlay Award as Best Overseas Game!
>"We're very pleasantly surprised, considering all we submitted was the demo since the game isn't out yet!"

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Why isn't there a persona-like game of Card Captor Sakura?
Rika best girl
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Fucking disgusting

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>JRPG has male characters
no thanks
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are you sure?
>JRPG has femboys
yes thanks
Cringe. The perfect JRPG party consists of both waifus and bros
dogshit thread
>JRPG has femboys
>it also has romance
>you can’t romance the femboys
God dammit

>Got pulled out of Steam
It’s over
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Was it because it uses AI art?
It was probably because MC looks too young
>A cow
>this mass reply faggotry for a "probably"
It's all gen AI designed, probably why it got pulled in the first place.
That's because there's no other reason. AI is okay on Steam, devs just have to put a disclaimer about it like you can see it for All in Abyss Steam page.

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>the "dream game" idea you had for years actually gets made
>it's shit
>the concept is never touched again by competent devs
tell me about your dream game, anon
I wanna hear it too!!!

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>quality of life
>it holds up
>respects your money and time
>ITT: zero self awareness posts
I actually did sort of get a taste of what young love is like back in high school but that relationship didn't go far enough for me to lose my virgnity because it was only in senior year, so here I am a 26 year old virgin and freaking out about it.
it's crazy how soulless and braindead modern gamers are
gamers in the late 90s and early 00s were a different sort

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