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bottom left should be a console controller
I don't get it
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
why would the left arrow key be an entire controller?
cock carousel
Left hand is for my mouse. Also, using face keys for movement is fucking retarded.
>By the way I am too retarded to understand buttons that aren't labelled literally
I sure hope this is bait
>Left hand is for my mouse.
What is wrong with you?
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I used to be bottom left. I would bind action keys to del/end/pg down too. The last game I played with arrow keys was Mass Effect 1 before finally just using default controls, mainly so I didn’t have ti create a new control scheme for every game
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why the fuck do RPGM games still default to arrow keys
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are puberty and adulthood even real things or are they just memes? I'm 25 and literally have the exact same life I did when I was 12. sure I understand things better, but my day to day life is literally exactly the same.

is something supposed to change when you're older? I thought something was going to happen.
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do you not have hair on your balls?
Wow, I didn't notice that before
Nothing ever happens
yeah I do but so what? my lifestyle is exactly the same
that's on you. aging and growing up are two different things.
Fake, because the girl never changes her clothing style.
There are plenty of games that you would use the arrow keys for movement because the mouse isn't needed for the camera or menu navigation. Also ESDF > WASD
Hey, that's pretty good.
>That's pretty cool, kiddo. Jamie! Pull up the dragon age veilguard sales figures!
how? I thought adulthood is a natural process and human brain fully matures at 25 so wtf is going on?
This post is proof left handed fags are posessed by the devil
>/v/ humor thread
>turns into shit flinging
C'est La /v/
Abstract and open ended
The WorDStAr text arrow and its consequences have been a disaster for video games
>FOV: Default
>FOV: 140
>FOV: 90
that just means the physical stucture of your brain grows continuously until you turn 25. your mind will grow at the rate you choose to make it grow. growth of the brain takes the form of the brain getting larger. the growth of the mind takes many forms, such as taking more responsibilities and recognizing shortcomings. both can be called maturing, but those are two different definitions of the word.
I have never touched any game's FOV
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>playing with an FOV where you can still see shit
well then what the fuck do you do? everyone says adulthood is natural and not environmental.

am I going to be a kid forever? no job no gf no nothing forever?
no. i've never heard anyone say that adulthood just happened. if you want to grow up, you have to throw yourself into the the fray.
>women just becomes a bigger version of children
>men just get fatter and darker
seems about right
i guess playing flash games then playing actual computer games
Im a lefty and use WASD! FUCK YOU!
well you typically develop a sex drive at some point
Start with a job and hygiene
Is "Weird" how they call things shitty or stupid without sounding like they're being aggressive?
You can pay people to click stars, you can't pay people to buy your game.
Not without losing even more money anyway.
What if you lose your sex drive during your young years?
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this is my control scheme for all shooters
I actually do, but aren't you supposed to put it to use? what's going on?
nobody wants to hire me
I always thought adulthood was an automatic process just like puberty so I did nothing and just waited for it to happen. and nothing happened.
The first 22 years of life is literally just day care.
After that you can pretty much do whatever a la RPG.
>The first 22 years of life is literally just day care.
Life that easy huh?
>After that you can pretty much do whatever a la RPG.
It would be nice to have that kind of freedom. Make sure you enjoy it.
permanent post nut clarity
Unironically the american liberal party ran a campaign about how "weird" is like a slur for chuds so they use it a lot now.
22 years because college? I'm completely fucked because I dropped out at 23. I'm trying to go back but I'm so blackpilled and depressed and hate being around younger people.
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this is v humor
>The first 22 years of life is literally just day care.
More like the first 10 years at best, if you weren't aware everything you do after that affects your build and possible endings forever it's over and you ain't gonna make it.
>The first 22 years of life is literally just day care
I fucking wish
Being depressed and hating the youth is no reason not to finish the degree you started, but seriously,
College is just daycare
its the opposite, popular extraverts who are good with people use it to not seem overly aggresive, since in this day and age aggresion is what puts off everyone and to become popular you have to act as submissive as possible
Adulthood is just daycare also
So cynicism and passive-aggresiveness is the way? No wonder why everyone acts two-faced and hostile nowadays.
did friends ever tell you you are overly anxious and think too much
but how? can I go through college without interacting with anybody? I remember at 23 being the oldest in the class completely destroyed my spirit and I cried and ran home and completely skipped the rest of the semester because of self-hatred and embarrassment

is there any fast and easy way to catch up with everyone else my age? have a degree and a high paying job by 30.
good fucking joke mate. your entire life is decided before you're even 16 unless you get extremely lucky. The unluckiest have their life decided before they're even born.
no one said anything about cynism. just learn new linguo and thats it
>ran all the way home from campus while crying
Shit, try out for the track team then
Uh-huh now let's see the sales figures in comparison to the sales figures for Farming Simulator 2025 lmao
>I remember at 23 being the oldest in the class completely destroyed my spirit and I cried
>is there any fast and easy way to catch up with everyone else my age
Nigga why does that matter? You are in college to have a degree, not to play a social competition and compare each others ages.
Even if there's nothing funny going on, I don't know how people don't get this: People play and watch things they are already going to like, they are likely to rate it high.
2 > 3 > 1 >>> 4
this artist sucks, it's supposed to look like the girl is growing but the ages look like 7, 20 but she ugly so she went to work in office, 20 but she looks good so she's in college right now, and last one is like she is 30 or 40 and toy she put on her backpack looks so out of place what the fuck how can you be so bad as an artist
esdf > wasd
I just want to get my shit done by 30. I just want to start living life. I don't want this shit to drag into my late 20s and 30s.
You need a degree to do that? There are plenty of people enjoying a decent life without having to get a degree or multiple. What do you want to do in life?
8000 people rated the AAA multi millionaire dollar rpg
must be really popular thanks for letting me know about this niche indie game tyrone
>8k ratings
stellar blade has over 60k ratings on PSN and it flopped according to /v/
it's also rated higher, at 4.83
As a composite of body cam videos, "weird" and "goofy" are nigger vernacular meaning "unpleasant". I assume the author of your sentence is some self-hating white tranny nogging it up.
The way to what ? I was just telling you that it's a psyop'd term into the lexicon of terminally online individuals.
Normal people are too busy enjoying their lives to care about any of this shit.
Life will not start living for you
If you want a change then make that change
adults are just grownup children
>oldest in the class
I took electrical engineering and there was always several 30 to 40 year old men in the class looking to advance their career. Try choosing a real degree next time
Funny story, I took a Japanese Buddhism course and there was some 60 year old spinster who said she joined the class because she got a vision from the heavens telling her to learn about buddhism. She makes a living as a fortune teller and goes to conventions across the world trying out exotic narcotics. She was kind of insane and really annoying to talk to
>can I go through college without interacting with anybody?
try to look dark and gloomy from the first day, no one will want to talk to someone like that
Why do you even care about such things? You're treating this too much like high-school in the sense of being worried about petty bullshit like "fitting in". Shouldn't your main concerns be about cultivating a livelihood for youself?
I am in EE actually
and 2 or 3 older students doesn't disprove the rule. I want to be around people my age or older but they don't exist so I'm stuck with stupid zoomers.
I'm always depressed and miserable does that help? I haven't been happy in a decade
I don't think I can make it. might just kill myself
I do. I want to get my shit done by 30. have a decent paying job, and a family all by 30 otherwise I'll myself in front of my mom and have her suffer in misery forever
I prefer the term dirty bitch
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>only function of thumb is to taunt
you sound like a whiny bitch
>I'm always depressed and miserable
lol and people still talk to you?
not but I dtill don't want to talk to anybody unless they're my age or older. I'm worried they'll force me to interact
I only tell the truth
thats a left handed setup, tard.
No that explanation's still retarded, you'd have to swap from mouse to keyboard constantly
Why the fuck wouldn't you fully commit to the numpad instead there's more than enough buttons there for movement and everything else
Why can't you just be a normal person
this. if it's not 200 why even bother
if im placing a spray or opening chat im already in a position where i dont intend to look around or fire.
but yes flashlight should be on the numpad.
>lol and people still talk to you?
is there a way to make them stop?
shit your life fucking sucks thank god im not you haha
>are puberty
Yes. At one point. Dick no work. Then, suddenly, it DO work! Never stop work. Till get old.
Social construct made by your respective culture. Different societies value different things as "adult" and "mature" and they basically prevent everyone from being whining babies all the time.
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True maturity is when you are so broken you stop fearing death.
i wonder what the psychological personality differences are between someone who asks why they call him purple dick vs someone who asks if they call him purple dick because his dick is purple.
That’s not going to happen. Neither of them.
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i thought this was a grub hub thread
That's not the own he thinks it is, the good games are all getting high 4's in there. 4.17 is in the ballpark of SW Outlaws and the GTA remasters.
People called me edgy but when I was 14 I had shit 95% figured out, in the broad strokes at least. At 25 I have slightly more miscellaneous information and some skills but in terms of maturity, social ability, intellect, willpower/self-denial, ideals/morality, tastes etc I'm exactly the same as when I was 14.
Which is better than the majority of 4chan though lole.
or maybe you're still dumb at 25
I hate women
So did I anon.
t. Just turned 30 three weeks ago.
Every bitch these days graduates highschool with a fucking kid instead of a diploma what da fug
I feel like you are very confused about a lot of things and maybe you need to talk to somebody about it that isn't /v/. Now i don't mean that the advice people give here is not ok, its just that its multiple voices with different opinions that confuses you even more. Maybe look for someone in your family or who you trust more? I know that americans really hate this but even specialized help? By that i don't mean clinical help but despite what everybody thinks there are psychologists and therapists whose job is to be beside you and help you figure things out. You are already doing something by noticing that something was supposed to happen.

You have no idea how much of an aberration you are. I do not use it with a negative meaning. I realize looking around me that at a global scale, because of the lack of education into figuring out what you are good at, people are more and more lost and think that something will show up. Thats how they get stuck into jobs that they don't like and then worship money thus trading their health for a sum of money that they don't have a goal for
Yes yes OP,. however....
I use IJKL
this is so deep
at first glance you might assume his reaction in panel 4 is because he just got flashed by a purple dick but if you look closer in panel 3 he is smiling while looking into his pants, indicating he is EXPECTING a purple dick. so if he was expecting a purple dick why does he have that reaction in panel 4? what did he see? clearly not a purple dick
Yup. They were all getting it. Even that cute looking nerdy girl who could do no wrong? Yeah, she had a fuck buddy to.
Stop saying cock carousel
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Such it fag
>opting for left hand controls
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>I want to get my shit done by 30
I am trying to get into tech now, also started second uni. I look younger than 19 year old kids lmao. Anyway, seems like I landed a decent local job which I am looking forward to (for some reason can't do internship thingy until summer...). Uni is absolutely useless btw and it was just an excuse to get me some job (I don't know what I'm doing). Then I need to git gud at job and eventually go to Murica and waste my 30s grinding there and kill myself at my 40s.
Do I even need to finish Uni? Does anyone care?

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