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Fallout 4 next-gen patch is about to drop in a few hours.
All mods are gonna be fucked, prepare for nexusmods nuclear autism meltdown.
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This is based because the game is shit with or without mods.
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The update is now on Steam and is 14.1 GB in size.

I won't even bother downloading it. I just know that it won't fix much and is just going to break everything.
Why does it say I have to buy the PS5 version?
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lets see how bad it is
Will it fix the loadign bug where you ahve to wait 5 minutes to load the world?

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ER Shadow of the Erdtree thread.
Post your weaponfu, your planned build for the expansion, and anything else ER related.
Why does everyone seem to die after looking at Latenna's feet? Look at all the bloodstains.
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>Bizarro world
Just look at the catalog at any time of the day: now: Stellar Blade dominates it while Elden Ring threads struggle to get replies.
MLGS (baemore close second)
>first dlc build
Most likely my str character. The night rider glaive is fun
You should go look up the catalog, because your game is burning right now, because it got censored hard.
Now go defend it in one of your numerous threads instead of shitting up an actual video game thread.
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Reminder that Miquella is literally Griffith and the responsible of the Shattering.

Marika never stood against the Golden Order or the Erdtree, ever. People assume that the Shattering was some masterplan loosely tied to the realization that for some reason sealing Death into Destined Death was bad.
This is only partially correct

We know for a fact that Ranni and Miquella acted together in their plan to replace the Erdtree and cause the Eclipse, we know that Miquella strated the preparations for the Haligtree and recruited enemies of the Erdtree way before the Shattering. Logically then, the Eclipse predates Godwyn's state as Price of Death.

Another curious thing is Ranni got Godwyn half-killed and people yet apparently Miquella wants to... heal him. It always felt wrong to me, that Ranni just needed a soul to kill in order to discard her Empyrean flesh, and poor Godwyn just happened to be kinda there.

Then there's the Castle Sol Spirit "Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless... I will never set myeyes upon it now. Your divine Haligtree."
Miquella defenders claim this is the final evidence he just wanted to save Godwyn, but it's curious how the dialogue links as cause-effect a relation between giving Godwyn a soul, and the Haligtree blooming.

There's also the Golden Epitaph. Its gold is that of Golden Order (not unalloyed, and with a skeleton puppet on top of it), and the description mentions "Die of a True Death" so people assumed he wants to resurrect him.

The truth is that Miquella wants Godwyn's Deathroot corrupted body to return to the Erdtree (True Death), which will inevitably kill it, allowing the Haligtree to replace it.

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bastard, claymore, and greatsword

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ITT: famous people playing videogames
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Damm she plays ninja gaiden?
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this picture is 40 years old
What's he playing? I bet it's Lumines.

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It's just one costume, but still
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This is a ps5 exclusive
>gook parryslop is the savior of gaming chuds have been waiting for
I’m not going to lie, I don’t see the appeal. Koreans don’t make good games. Is this just a /pol/fag meme?
I cancelled my digital preorder and preordered a physical disc.
Also in Europe, will let you guys know if this is legit tomorrow.

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>release game on steam
>it still has denuvo despite being cracked 9 months ago
>requires epig gaymes launcher to play

Why are publishers so fucking dumb? It would probably cost them $1000 total in dev fees to remove these things but they'd rather not. Why even release on steam if you're not willing to do the barest minimum?
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yikes dude. This isnt even close to Dying Light level
Steamies will lap it all up. Zombies pew pew pew
Dying Light > Dead Island 2 > Dead Island > Dying Light 2
Even then Dying Light only got that good after 5 years of updates and patches
I'm sure there's an audience for this, but fuck am I burnt out on zombie games, especially one with floating number bullshit.
I wasnt expecting DI2 to be a linear Marvel script experience. Maybe that's my fault.

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Every single decision you make in life is based on factors out of your control.
Your knowlegde, personality and health is entirely a product of your genetics, education, upbringing and the people you interact with.
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You are still responsible for your own actions. No amount of determinism can withstand your will should you chose to employ it.
None of those reasons make me doubt that I have free will. Every day I experience this. When I make a decision I am having to choose. A biological ai that has no free will I would imagine would have a very different experience. Consciousness would be unnecessary for that. Just like how npcs in video games don’t actually have any consciousness. They don’t need it because they are programmed to act according to their code. But humans have consciousness becuase that is necessary for free will. So there are two arguments here. One is the basic experience that everyone has where they experience the phenomenon of using their will. The other is the absurdity of why consciousness would be exist in a thing that is determined.
>Your knowlegde, personality and health is entirely a product of your genetics, education, upbringing and the people you interact with.

this is something you have axiomatically accepted. There is no evidence this is correct.

i don't see determinists saying you shouldn't, its usually the people who are arguing against determinists that say that they do

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I know it's an old debate but I just got back into it again and it just baffles me how historically inaccurate it is:
1. Associating old civilizations to modern nation-states: HRE to Germany, Vikings to Norway, Majapahit to Indonesia, etc.
2. Making up fake civilizations:
-Mali, Kongo, Zulu were just a bunch of hillbilly tribes that wouldn't even be considered states outside Africa (let alone civilizations).
-India has never been a single united civilization prior to British colonization.
-Canada/Australia are just extensions of British civilization, not unique civs. Gran Colombia is an extension of Spanish civilization.
3. Choosing irrelevant ""leaders"" over real ones just because they're female: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Elizabeth, Catherine de Medicis, Gitarja, Dido, Jadwiga, Kristina, etc.
It's frankly insane that England has 4 leaders, France 3 and not a single of them is male.

I'm not against women or minorities being included in the game, I'm not even a political person myself but I just can't really bear this kind of forced propaganda in what is supposed to be a neutral historical game. It feels like they're just using history as a tool to fill their diversity quotas and push their egalitarian agenda.
Jadwiga was a cool choice actually
No she's not, she's barely relevant in Polish history. Casimir III or Bolesław I would've been much better picks. You only think she's cool because her character is hot.

His archetype when?
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Sex duels event when?
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>Going up against Exosister with my Mayakashi deck
>They're allowed to have all of their bullshit cards that floodgate and negate everything I have or try to play, but my Mayakashi deck isn't allowed to have Masterful Mayakashi Shiranui Saga
Thanks for this worthless fucking event, Konami. I'm not allowed to make extra deck plays but he can. Thanks!
sorry your heathen deck falls in the face of God's strongest women
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I didn't expect people to care about spanish in a english forum.
Praise him.

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>game has crimers on the cover

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Sicne there's already a 3x3 up, post your 3x3/4x4/5x5's etc. in there instead of here. This thread is for filling out templates like this one. It doesn't have to be exactly picrel, any similar template works fine. Just as long as it's NOT a 3x3 or a similar image. Thanks for contributing if you do take the time to fill one out.
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It's either "I can't settle on a single game for this category" or "I have no idea what to put here" or "I completely forget the games I played"
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I'll fill this out if the threads still up. It's a lot to fill out.
Kurohyou is based. Was snoot your first VN or something?
This one's going to take a while.

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>Give her morning sickness for 9 months
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Babality followed immediately by a Brutality finish.
>breasts swell along with body
>starts springing leaks
GOOD (though really should have started leaking from nipples and pussy as well)
>clothing stretched perfectly with no tearing
Bad, those straps should have dug into her swelling form before pinging off, letting her bloating body surge outwards
>limbs don't swell
Bad, they should have started swelling from the base of the limb to the tip as she inflated. Looks weird and spindly
>belly button doesn't pop out
>overall shape
Decent, it's not the usual sphere which warrants points for originality. It's a bit 'square' though for my liking
Overall I give it 7 out of 10. Have a Bighorse pic.
I just looked at the date stamp on that and now I feel old

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Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, and Skyward Sword are, respectively, the best, second best, and third best 3D Zelda games in the franchise. It's perfectly OK to not have to say "but OoT is the best" out of fear of retribution for daring to say that, while it is the framework for all action adventure games that came after it, other games in the franchise may be more fun to play. They may have better characters, nicer music, etc, but it doesn't invalidate that OoT and MM are still great games (so much so that they are better than a lot of other games still coming out today). That's more of a testament to how good the Zelda franchise is from a quality perspective.

You can still respect OoT and MM, but you don't need to put them on this untouchable pedestal.
I hated that video because it was obvious he was just upset by how bad he was at the game and how he couldn't adapt to 3D from his Link to the Past/NES Zelda mindset. OoT is great, just that I feel other games (the ones I listed) are even greater.
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>Which is to say the fun part of the experience is front-loaded, and then you kind of just walk around doing busywork for another fifty hours.
Anon you do realise you can choose how much to do right?
One of the funniest complaints about games I see sometimes is seeing people bitch 100%ibg certain games are more annoying and tedious than others, especially things like open world (usually older) RPGs
Literally nobody will care that you 100%ed dq2 or whatever, if you don't enjoy it why bother

It's the same for bots, you can choose how much you want to do, and yeah there's a FUCKLOAD of golden nuggets but because you don't need that many it means you don't need to worry about them or go out of your way for them. You can simply do what you find
No the fun of the experience in BOTW is absolutely front loaded. The plateau is the peak of the game.
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Of course I assume you're someone else you moron, I was replying specifically to points that other guy made, that's not disingenuous you're just confoundingly stupid
I fully understand it's not even close to an opinion most people have, but I really do enjoy the game that much. Same thing with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. The whole point of me making the thread in the first place was trying to say it's OK to like other Zelda games without having to "soften up" your own opinions with something you perceive falls in line with the general consensus. Especially if it's just in the hopes of giving your own opinions more "validity" in their eyes.
I just wanted to jump in. I agreed with the other guy and thought your points were wrong.

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Half-breed domination.
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In the end, Should I choose Sharon or Tatiana?
>anon is spreading headcanon
Many such cases!
It's not random. Certain stats always get 2 points per dew, others get 1. HP is one of 2s, attack isn't.
Do you prefer your coffee with or without poison?
Hmm... Much to consider...

Enough about AAA slop. What are your favorite indie games? I like The Banner Saga.
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Moonring is by one of the co-creators of Fable
It's just ugly, mate.
I don't recall having to go out of my way to keep up with the main game's pacing, but postgame is definitely grind hell.
Looks ass

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what's your favorite month for releases?
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fall is kinda sexy, isn't it
i don't care
but outside of school vacations is always a plus for anything that will be on internet

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Show your wishlists /v/
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What's the point of wishlist if you don't buy them ever and it's not like you guys have any friends who buy you some games
Most of the games on my wishlist are coming soon or just never go on sale hence “wishlist”… retard
>Show your wishlists /v/
You fuckers better not buy kf3 after the mistake that kf2 was
In an incredibly retarded way, he is correct, there is a strong correlation between numbers of wishlists you're on and sales after release. In theory you should be getting more new people wishlisting your game than people who take it off, so waiting longer TECHNICALLY should mean you get more money and a more successful launch
yeah it increases sales through hyping the game up to people and increasing its visibility on the storefront but they aren't getting money for doing nothing like that retarded anon is implying

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ArcheAge is ending service this year.
Press S to spit in its grave.

Koei Tecmo has revised its financial forecast for the current fiscal year after Rise of the Ronin and other games have underperformed in terms of sales.

In a notice of revision of earnings forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, Koei Tecmo has revealed plans to revise sales projections for the year as a result of games underperforming in sales. Sales projections have been dropped by 11% and operating income by 28%. Software sales are missing the intended target by the equivalent of $70 million.

This is downright bad, with disappointing sales of the latest games published by Koei Tecmo. These include Rise of the Ronin, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's Complete Edition and Fate/Samurai Remnant.

While sales figures for Rise of the Ronin may not have lived up to Koei Tecmo’s financial forecast, the game has sold relatively well thus far in Japan. It was recently reported via Famitsu that the game has outperformed Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 in Japan in terms of physical sales, despite being available for less time during its debut week. Rise of the Ronin managed to sell an additional 20,139 copies during the second week of its release, while sales of Dragon’s Dogma 2 dropped considerably to 9,172 copies.
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Nioh 2 was a major flop. Only the first Nioh which is a significantly better overall game was a major success.
>significantly better overall game
this. Nioh 2 could have simply been an expansion pack to nioh 1 for all it offers. I can't believe most people here praise Nioh 2 as superior to nioh 1 when copy pastes most of its shit from the 1st game.
You probably don’t know this, but back when gaming was actually good, sequels where they just took the original and made it better were actually common. But nowadays everyone is so brain rotted that if a sequel reuses anything at all, the first thing that comes to mind is dlc.
nioh 2 has a lot more new content than dragon's dogma 2
yet /v/ fellates dd2, itsuno and crapcom endlessly

We need stellar blade to sell extremely well so that koei tecmo gets jealous and drops the DEI BS and returns to their roots out of survival

Never thought itd be south koreans leading us out of the kike creative prison but there you go

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Do you think video game voice actors get the respect they deserve? Do you think they deserve higher pay?
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>Game Freak
Some people really want Pokémon to have voice acting
And those people are stupid.
Remember when the whole ordeal with this bitch made /v/ swear everyone would buy the game and then it flopped anyway?
>Do you think video game voice actors get the respect they deserve?
The good ones do, yes
>Do you think they deserve higher pay?
Not really, they’re never short of work and the wages are decent enough

I don't get it, I guess this is something that happens in game design?

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