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The Doom movie is interesting. Its primary sin is being a bit plodding and boring, but overall it's more good than bad. They took Doom 3, which was inspired by Event Horizon and Resident Evil 2002, and proceeded to align with those influences even more closely. As far as attempts at adaptation go, it's a reasonably decent one, and I think that a lot of ideas for adapting Doom are really stupid, and the 2005 team's ideas were generally sensible. Focus on atmosphere and intensity and try to make us care about the characters. Make us sympathize with them. Make us hate them. They took paper thin, super derivative source material and made something semi-watchable and quite visually innovative from it.
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First one was good. I liked how melee actually did something. Also it was cool how the MC didn't take any shit. The 2nd one dampered that somewhat by having Doomguy knelt to a random ghost of a king. I found it hard to respect that king when demons were running all over his castle.
The only parts I remember was the FPS section and the dead naked woman
With the current cinema fad being biopics, how long until we get a "Masters of Doom" movie? I always thought the book would adapt well, Romeo and Carmack are interesting characters and their Lennon/McCartney relationship is primed for kino.
Yeah it's not bad from what I remember.
Wait a minute, how is the ancient Martian civilization capable of turning humans into super beings meaningfully different to the ancient civilization turning the DOOM SLAYER (TM) into an enhanced badass using their super duper machine?

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It's been six months.
How's he been doing with the change?
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>the villain's trying to redeem himself
>but he said nigger once, TIME TO DIE
Truly a game worth shitting your pants so hard your mother screams at you for 90 seconds
His taste diverges so far from mine that when he actually reviews anything I play much less games I like it's always kind of awkward to watch. Like how he claimed Ys has always been a casual, unchallenging series after showing the cover for OiF, suggesting he either never played it or only beat the easiest difficulty. He's still funny though so whatever.

I did.
His writing was mostly palatable for the first two books, then took a nosedive in Will Destroy the Galaxy for Cash. Even at his best, it was a very schitzo experience - here's someone heavily inspired by Douglas Adams and Pratchett, but with a comedic toolkit of someone brought up on a steady diet of Simpsons and 2000s webcomics.

Eventually, all the reference-as-a-content, popular-thing-people-like-is-le-sillybad, let-me-tell-you-about-my-problems-via-a-strawman became increasingly tiresome, and that was before he got hit with a case of Cali Leftie Brainrot.

His early books were better, and I'd say he's at his best when he's not trying to write comedy, which is rather sad, because he's fully committed to the bit.
He openly admits to playing games on easy because MUH TIME.
No seriously literally what is forcing you from closing the tab after the video is done. Are you retarded and think that you're held hostage?

Party finders ruined MMOs and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise

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This game is more like GTA or RDR rather than an actual RPG
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>because your stats dont matter
Stats are the only thing that do matter along with Quen.
It's similar to them in how you go through the game's quests and locations, yeah, but it definitely has RPG mechanics and actual roleplaying even if it's very constrained to Geralt's story. It's far from the worst offender of games that stretch the definition of RPG.
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the game is bad
>shitty bamham combat
>detective vision which nullifies any need to actually pay attention to the environments
>lots of empty space in the world and time spent riding your horse doing nothing at all
>boring inventory management and crafting components
the only good part is cutscenes and the experience would have been better if you cut out all the "game" and just made it an until dawn/telltale games CYOA style interactive movie.
Don't exist and never have existed. No game has ever been an RPG. If it doesn't involve somebody rolling a dice with a dungeon master then it isn't an RPG and impossible to be one.
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roleplaying games have existed. you are describing a roll playing game.

>no threads
Is it DOA?
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Smash is just in a dry period since there's no more dlc for ultimate. Granted all /v/ does is speculate about the roster
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>Smash is just in a dry period since there's no more dlc for ultimate. Granted all /v/ does is speculate about the roster
And that's all that /v/ ever cared about.
The actual game was never popular here at all. Any thread about the actual game dies instantly.
It's crazy that even shovelware can get more threads than Smash. This genre is such a failure.
Damn, that's sad.
Try hitting with just the tip of the sword.
>most overpowered ever
like if you put them all in one game or the most relatively broken character of its tier list?

What's the angriest a video game has ever made you?
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>got caught looking at transexual bbc porn.
i said nigger one time cause of wow
That is how I felt at the time, years later he was still doing the same stuff and ended up trying to get all my friends to turn against me for some reason. Last thing I told him was that getting a therapist in his situation was easy, since he had a loving family that was well off. I hope he got the help he needed, but sadly I never want to see him again. We were really close too.
oh my god I can't believe I lost it all again

Between League and CS2, League used to get me pretty pissed off at the bullshit I used to see but it was a little less common, more of a buildup thing, now CS2 just gets me pissed off 24/7 because of all the bullshit that happens with it. I still play for the case or for fun sometimes though

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fromsoft game design is outdated
>locked 60 fps in 2024
>still no easy mode option
>just three lines of code to modify damage and souls/runes gain
>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
>no way to refund weapon upgrade materials
>pay a smith 1k and get all shards back to use for a different weapon
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>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
>tl;dr Line MUST go up at the expense of product
They can't even pretend to balance a single difficulty, and you expect them to add more?
>no easy mode option
Its there in-game (summons, OP equipment), you just don't select it in the options menu like most games.
Fromshit slop isn't even hard, most of the "difficultly" comes from retarded self imposing challenges, dev incompetence, and trail and error.
Why do millennials think having a yoga ball in your videos is the most hilarious quirky thing ever?

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in the game lore, soccer players become trash after 25 years old because they forget about fun and stop making progress
that is why you essentially see young players, but there are still some adults
I really enjoyed the og trilogy on the DS.
Plot was ofc very childish but I loved the whole militarized football state.

But Go! went too fantasy for my tastes and the whole stand/armor was unnecessary.
new gameplay is so good I can't play the DS games anymore
projection methinks
The mistake they made was not making the abilities as ridiculously stupid as captain tsubasa so you can't kickstart discussion with them

To marry you. Basically to make them your slave. No one should defend this.
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3 > 2 > 1=4
>No one should defend this.
kys faggot
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bing.com /create
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Apparently everyone does.

yeah comfy time over
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What if he's dead?
net positive
what prompt did you use for the art style?>>683850521
same question

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Video: https://gofile.io/d/YCleva

Sabbac (gambling mini-game) footage: https://x.com/doodleltg_imgs/status/1816192585804964069?s=46

Image of side mission/contract with rewards and reputation: https://imgur.com/a/SQGYDk0

Short video of aerial combat mission: https://x.com/404leak/status/1816409274785923212?s=46
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There is no net positive to be gained by going out of your way to make a female protagonist as ugly as possible.
i think most people would have preferred diversity in their media before it came to mean ugliness for the sake of it
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fuuuck droids wearing trench coats are so cool
Pandemic BFII scratches that hitch for me.
A similar game with a "build your own OC jedi/sith/bh" sounds cool
>Galaxy spanning space adventure
>All your crewmembers are mistery meat humans
I can't wait for this shit to end

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What is the most iconic video game weapon?
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What exactly are the drawbacks of Rebellion?
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this weapon made the most money in video game history
>a hell gate opens up somewhere on earth, and it's your responsibility to take care of it
no it's not
When I wake up tomorrow there better be a large mysterious package at my doorstep

This should be the gold standard for all vidya games.
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A black doctor is an oxymoron unless it's a witch doctor.
its not even about that, the "hood" stereotype is just dead. rap is slowly dying and most underground artists are suburban white bois
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There were plenty of Black samurai (and otherwise) in feudal Japan, it's a little weird that Yasuke always gets the spotlight. Personally I would have loved to see someone like Aiko Takara as a playable character; interesting gameplay options and something at least different to the usual Yasuke story arc.



Indeed, the 黒 in 黒人 can on its own be read as 'kuro', as is the case in 黒い, but the full onyomi here is actually 'kokujin'. Similarly, 白人 is not 'shirojin' but 'hakujin'.
I'm amazed that two black fruits are responsible for some of the best racist humour of the modern era, I love cheese!
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Essex was a race car driver
She drove so goddamn fast
She never did win no checkered flags
But she never did come in last
Essex was a race car driver
She'd say "Newport News number one"
With a lemon sticker on her 442
She'd light 'em up just for fun
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lol look at that tiny ah helmet
she could never fit it on her huge melon head, dumb bote
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my wife is not dumb
For me it's
i never played her game and i like the meme

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literally the only based character in persona 5
he singlehandedly saved the game
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Hey, hey you're forgetting me. I'm a Yusukefag too, there's three of us on /v/.
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lol virgins lmao
Virgin hobby
Virgin website
Go back
Persona 5 main cast should've stopped with the protag, Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke with Morgana being killed in the tutorial. None of the others added anything of value and actually detracted from the dynamic.

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Which vidya fanbase is suffering the most right now? I would say f-zero, but I'm going to say Pokemon. I would rather have no games than have my franchise driven into the ground like an airplane crashing
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>left his daughter to rot cuz "r-redit" then now complains when someone gives her the time of the day
Get daughter cucked son
late reply but basically >>683870461 and I'm a sonicfag so I speak with experience.
I meant multiplayer
why the fuck would you interact with fanbases? I just play a game and move on with my life

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What do we think about Petal's game?
i dont think
literally who
literally Petal
it's on the wishlist, along with ~1000 other games because I'll wishlist anything that looks remotely interesting

Fallen Leaf

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Zoomers don't even know how big the Tamagotchi was
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Retards on /v/ are already nostalgic for pure normalfag slop like WoW
I swear, I can smell this image.
You're like 6 years late, they used to make nostalgia threads about Halo.
There's no way in hell it's only twice as many. I'm at the tail-end of millenials and trans didn't exist until a few years after I already graduated high-school.

Why do sonic and mario fans still fight? None of the people working on the games care about rivalry.
they don't. stop making stuff up in your head

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Why is speedrunning so popular among trannies? Seems like every other speedrunner is one.
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They need to be able to maximize how many games they can get through before they kill themselves.
There's a big link between autism and transgenderism, and you obviously need to be autistic to be a speedrunner
Dumb fucking joke. Get new material.

And yes, I'm a man. You will always be a boy.
Autists are one of the most easily influenced group of people around, so they are much more likely to be manipulated into trannism.
Speed running require a certain level of autismo, and so there are more autists that do speed running than normal people, and therefore it also has more trannies.
Hardly a surprise to me. Outside of a select few instances, speedrunning has always been fag shit. Its audience even moreso, with a healthy dose of ADHD to boot.

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