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the first one is also gay and lame, but for some reason people like to forget
peter always gets saved by women and minorities in the first game
gets beaten by sable every single time
a huge fucking bitch
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It's not about the fridge, it's about what's in it. Paul's chicken korma is just that powerful.
spiderman has ALWAYS been weak to ceramics you are just a secondary

Veilguard threads suddenly died off after a sudden
I wonder what man could of caused that?
Lets have a comfy Origins thread, I'm about to do a 2 handed weapon build playthrough
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>I wonder what you'll think of the de-niggerfication of my dog from shitbull to wolf
it's based wolves are sexy as fuck
Are you using the mod that always lets you take Barkspawn with you in an extra slot? That one is awesome
wait how did you make her say that
my morrigan is always tsundere
Maybe it was cut dialogue that was added back in the Morrigan Restoration Patch
Assassin/Duelist with fire weapons, poison and a bard? Yup, time for stabbin. Buttons? Nah dont need those, knife goes in, knife comes out, on repeat. Yup.

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I hope you're all ready for the million view e-celeb videos talking about this game.
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Faggots will bring it here and you'll know whether you want to or not.
Fear & Hunger was full of faggots well before e-celebs and their parasites got a hold of it. The best thing about it was the loli mod pissing all of them and the cowardly dev off.
did charlie and mutahar react yet?
Oh noooooo just imagine... https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y9gOQxHX83E
>Roguelike, West
>Roguelike, Japan
Such an evergreen meme

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>With everyone from CD PROJEKT RED.
Get ready, /v/.
This is the kind of super ultra mega deluxe ludokino that only comes along once every million years.
In short, they're cooking.
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gay shit is the only thing they are cooking with all those dei hires and ue5
i see woman or "woman" in this image.
>We're here to save Western gaming
>In short, they're cooking.
lol cdpr is ue5 slop now
in short, they can't even use the kitchen.
is kojimbo and the other asian making their eyes more like slits on purpose? i've def seen him with much more open eyes. what is their game? is it their version of doing the bunny ears with your fingers behind your bros head? like haha look at me beeing a stereotypical asian caricature in this group photo?

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Why is it missing so many effects compared to the Wii version?
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Have you seen a new trailer that I haven't?
Are there comparison webms yet
Dynamic lighting vs. Vertex Lighting
Which would all be months out of date comapred to the current build.

Do you want Dissidia back
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All I want.
>Balthier & Fran
>The King from My Life as a King
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nomura said created Noctis's design for ff13 as the original protagonist before he knew anything about the game, once he found out the protagonist was a woman from ff13s planning team he then created Lightning and reused noctis as versus 13s protag instead, and he said versus 13 was in talks to be ff15 since 2007

so Noctis's design was created as a mainline FF protag design to begin with and versus 13 itself was always viewed on the same level as a mainline ff, not a spinoff design that became mainline later because they had nothing else
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If we get a high quality Tifa model with her og outfit then yes. Otherwise fuck off

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The Commander was superior to 2B
Bleached thread
You are correct.
prove it
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If there is no Smash 6 early in the lifespan for the Switch 2 then Sakurai and Nintendo are retarded and are clearly too comfortable sitting on their lorals.
If they allow Rivals of Aether 2 to grow and develop then they will completely lose the monopoly they have on this genre.
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Yes. Most polished and fun platform fighter I've played outside of Smash. People will say shit like
>it's too easy for people to play aggressively
>it's too easy for people to play passively
>it's too hard to kill off of stray hits
>it's too hard to edgeguard
>shields are too strong
But it's well-balanced despite its flaws. It's also a young game, so who knows what will change. For now, it feels like Project M 2 to me.
Fighting game players, even platform fighter players, just have Goldilocks syndrome. Nothing is ever "just right".
rivalskeks in shambles
lol what a faggot
An absolute clusterfuck of a game with a cheap, mobile game aesthetic and terrible freemium monetization. No one wants to play this Ubislop.
A decent game fucked in the ass by publisher incompetence. NASB2 was dead on arrival due to its price, and it's difficult to know whether it would have ever succeeded regardless.
A cheap novelty rotten with predatory freemium monetization. The developers also ruined the game from a mechanical perspective.

Rivals 2 is cheap, promised future characters will be free, has a developer and publisher that care about competitive play, has an existing, passionate community of furries from Rivals 1 - which was already a success even before workshop support revived interest in it - and is relatively high quality for an indie platform fighter. It'll be outsold 1,000 times over by the time that Smash 6 inevitably releases, but that doesn't matter. It'll live for a long time and do well for itself.

Is it possible for a game to be so bad that it goes right back to being hilarious and thus genuinely fun to experience?

*Intentionally* ironic games don't count
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Fire emblem fates conquest is a great game with an atrocious story
Yes, it's entirely possible and have been done more than once
What if you watch someone else play it? Then their pain is not your pain and it's hilarious!
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mgs twin snakes cutscenes are so retarded it feels funny to laugh at them compared to the original which is strange to say given its a kojima game. resident evil 5/6 but that's probably because of co-op
then again i played borderlands 2 with friends and turned the dialog volume all the way down and uninstalled it the moment we beat the final boss. i still wanna do 3 but ill do the same thing in that case too.
this but also heavy rain and really any other david cage.
Old shitty "doomclones"

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Why is Frenzied Flame the best ending in Elden Ring?
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I burned the world because Melina came off as a patronizing cunt. And, in the end, nothing was worth saving.
Does my player character canonically die if I chose this ending?
Nah, flame of frenzy is the worst ending by far, and now with the dlc you can see how the stuff with Midra happened thousands of years ago, long before Marika even became a god, long before any fuckery by the Golden order could start.

I was already suspicious that the entire thing with the merchants was started by Shabriri, because that's what the flame of frenzy does, lies and manipulates, all the while pretending that the agents of the flame of frenzy are just innocent bystanders.

Dark souls world was completely fucked, and yet everyone kept fighting until the end, desperately trying to keep the world they loved alive just a little more. The world in Elden ring is far easier to fix once you liberate the Rune of Death, and most normal npcs you find still have hope for the world. The only ones who keep spouting that everything is over and can't be fixed are exactly the agents of flame of frenzy, the same people that have been lying and destroying innocent people from the beginning. They lied to Midra, they lied to Vyke, and if you are dumb enough to listen, they will lie to you too.
The Lands Between is a total disaster, a real shithole. I've been there, many many times. It needs to be cleaned, burned
Default just keeps the status quo minus the Erdtree I believe, Goldmask "fixes" the problems inherent in the Golden Order (what exactly those are I don't know), Dung Eater's causes most or all souls to be born cursed similar to the Omen, Fia's I don't really know, then Ranni's you create a new order based on the stars. At least that's my best understanding of them.

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from a pure gameplay standpoint
what makes QUAKE so much better than QUAKE II
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>pure gameplay
aesthetic matters in gameplay
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For years I shit on Quake 2 for being shit. However, after playing the remaster, the sewer jam, and back to base(q2)ics, I kneel.
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>from a pure gameplay standpoint
>what makes QUAKE so much better than QUAKE II
I don't agree that Quake 1 is significantly better but here are some reasons:
-Less of the weapons become obsolete at any point
-Less emphasis on realistic architecture opens up more potential for interesting level structure
-No redundant enemy types
-No low-threat bullet sponge enemy types. If it takes a lot to kill, it's also very dangerous to you
-Auto-activated powerups mean that you know that they're placed strategically, so you won't use them in the wrong place or hoard them for no benefit
-Zombie enemies require unique tactics
-Having to watch out for water when using the Thunderbolt gives a weapon an interesting restriction
Inventories in an FPS for anything other than weapons really is a downgrade unless it's a medkit.

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I finally decided to pick this up after the Pristine Cut came out and I really enjoyed it. My favorite routes/princesses were adversary/eye of needle/, razor, and witch/thorn. Which ones did you like most? Also I'm curious what people who picked the series up way earlier think of the Pristine Cut's new routes.
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>So tell me, does this story come with a happy ending *wink*?
That's gay.
>you know, you can't achieve a good murder all by yourself? ;)
>Chapter II
>The Scorned
>Thread took another almost 12 hours to go moribund.
it's really over isn't it?

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What am I in for?
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Dead game since 2015
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for me it's picrel
the comfiest stealth heist of them all
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Best character is pic related
Kino, but kind of repetitive
Medic Bag

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We need more sexy and attractive diversity in videogames and less western DEI-type diversity
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and that's a good thing!
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>/v/ hates brown girls now
What went wrong?

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Previous Thread >>693389621

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it VIDEO GAMES related and Vidya Origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Morag barbaqueing
No you may not
Colored it
Not OR, but excellent work

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I hope you did this for the achievement and not for trying to rape a cute girl
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But you remember! Do you really need a character to say " hey remember thay dragon from ys 6?" Would you clap if that happend?

Some games dont need more story then context. Leave them be, they're rare these days
Yes I'd clap.

Starting TW3 with a tattoo I got in TW2 and would only be able to have by importing my save was great.

Having 40 years of history with ONE CHARACTER and all of it meaning fuckall is a huge waste.
Adol could 1v3 Rean, Kevin and Van. Adol would win.
good thing the same studio making ys also made an entire 20 year old series based on this concept already. i get what you mean but i don't think it would add all that much to ys beyond the occasional mention when the stories are written like myth and meant to be self contained.
Haha....not if Rean stops holding back

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Is there even a SINGLE character who can even TOUCH Arcueid, let alone defeat her?
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Sorry you’re mindbroken by the truth lil bro
OP saw this and decided to make this thread. Powerlevelfags remove context from everything, bro. You shouldn't trust this shit.
She would lose to my penis.
Shiki defeated her so fast, he didn't even notice she is a vampire. Play the fucking game.
Violence against women can be just as cool and funny as violence against men. Stop being a bigot.

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>#155 Unreal Engine Zelda game
The grift must be good.
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Whats up with nintendo fans and unreal engine "remakes"? This shit is old as time

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What am I in for, is it worth playing? Remember my friend had it 20 years ago and it looked fun because it was like Diablo. But the combat looks like you just stand there and attack and hope your stats are high enough to win. Is it just about grinding for gear and level ups or is there some skill to it?
you need to play two towers gba first to understand the story

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Well? Can they?
the most that has been implied is an onahole between the legs, dolls can't mimic biological functions to nearly that level. They aren't even cyborgs like say Nikke, they are 100% machine.
Gacha is inherently irrational.
how heavy are they
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