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>That one person you had fun playing with long time ago and never saw again

Who was it for you /v/?
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you really wont like the answer
2016 changed the course of history, though to be honest I am pretty sure you are better off without that guy.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon, but you really shouldn't blame yourself. If he did kill himself, it was his decision, not yours.
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Five Nights at Freddy's

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Where's the new trailer, it's time for a new trailer
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if you're extremely lucky they'll release one on the Vice City anniversary.

More likely is late November.
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this game will suck dick, mark my words.
i can't wait to dress up both of them to be honest but lucia will be my self insert and i hope jason is a little more handsome in game but that's okay he'll clean up nicely if the clothing and body options aren't shallow
I like that neither of them is like Trevor.
that fucker was impossible to like.
That woman's waist is like 36" and I can't unsee it. Every time someone posts that picture, I think of McDonald's.

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Is he really the strongest servant?

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I'll leave my review once I've eaten it.
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>had a hankering for McDs on the way home from work
>order a double quarter pounder with medium fries
>add another quarter pounder because why not
>now I'm feeling a fucking headache
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they probably thought mutt employees will steal the merch and didn't bother kek

every other country got physical goods

da wei getting his car smashed in and laptop stolen in california made a bad impression
pizzas still cheap if you do carry out and use the coupons

in NYC I was able to get a large with 1 topping at dominos for like $8 at any time, that wouldn't even get you a burger alone at most places including mcdonalds. little ceasers was cheap AF too

idk why but pizza places 100% sidestepped the ridiculous inflation, even if you account for rewards programs and shit elsewhere it can't be beat
>paid almost $17 for a double quarter pounder meal and a quarter pounder by itself
I feel like it should be half that fucking price
It kind of is if you go to any other burger joint that's not a big name mega corpo one.

Fucking bitch

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How many days off do you have planned to play Factorio: Space Age?
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Until you can make enough miners to cover the patch effectively, it doesn't matter if you waste some space with direct furnaces.
It is still probably easier to go from burners + manual insertion directly to electric with furnace inserters elsewhere because you will not have to pick up all the furnaces later.
The amount of belts you need for that is not drastic, and can be shortened by using a box you manually fill with the coal or ore if you are wanting to put it far from the ore patch.
I don't like how the electric overfills a single furnace, so I generally don't do the former.
is the expansion free if we own the game already? i dont see a pre order option so my dumb ass is confused
There won't be a preorder option. The 2.0 update is going to come with lots of new features/quality of life upgrades for the base game. The DLC itself with all the space stuff is going to be 35 bucks.
quality, elevated rails, space and some other stuff is all part of a paid expansion
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Trains too hard

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I'm going to play this retro game for the first time.
Recommend me mods to make it playable in 2024.
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the only thing Pendor has going for it is the snake cult
everything else is so bland and tedious
I havent played in years but i remember brytenwalda having the most kino starting menu soundtrack
Asoiaf/awoiaf, forgot the name. The other one is worse.
Also you have to be good at the game and look up the guide beforehand because you're going to have to trade, so you need to learn the trade route. There's two guides, check one that's newer, by Sultan.
It's a genuinely great mod.
Play vanilla for a long time, then check out dickplomacy, floris or whichever mod rebalances vanilla, play it for some time as well, then check out total conversion mods about a period which you like.

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what are some good mecha games ont he switch?
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it would therefore appear i made a poor thread. i apologize for my disgrace.
Gundam breaker 4. Combat's fun and there's a ton of different combinations you can do. You should have a good time with it
Gato roboto
came in to post this. This game's customization will sweep you off your feet.
Megaton Musashi

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Less than 24 hours until the RGG (Like a Dragon/Yakuza) summit.

Hopes? Expectations? Fears?

RGG chads... rise.
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If all I had to pay for an elite hooker was 500 bucks I'd be getting laid every other week...
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It's fun
Everyone's IQ goes down 20 points when someone pulls out a gun, the series is infamous for this.
Well if you were living here, 500$ would be a fortune to you. That's a minimal wage and the normal living costs are 800-1000$ per month
Amasawa was pure sexo. i wonder if someone got her model from the game to do some porn but i doubt.

Steam is outing black developers
Find this feature in steam
You can ignore these black developers games

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play Twilight Princess

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What are some good vidya music that makes you lose control?
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I unironically like this song
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>not first post

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Would you rather have a gf that has fucked a redguard or has gotten Molag’ed Balls deep?
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the black guy one
it's not
friends-with-benefits-zone in my version
I take the third option, I become the gf.
probably the demon fucker.

Thoughts on handsome ladies in Japanese video games?
that's a man
Right up there with beautiful gents imho
that's my wife
they owe me sex

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To those of you who are also autistic schizoids like me and who have multiple Steam accounts (i.e. to keep your anime/hentai games on your secret anime account separate from your main account with people you know in real life).

Have you set up a Steam Family with your own account(s)? I don't want Steam Support to ask me to prove that the two clearly "male identified" Steam accounts in my Steam family are two gay men living together.
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>brothers, fathers, sons, and uncles don't exsist
Also, why the fick would you be involved with support anyways?
It's meant for households, if your family is two cocksmoking homosexuals than you can both share Dicksuckers 20XX
I am in a steam family with people in different countries and I've never had any sort of verification
The new family sharing is agnostic as long as accounts are coming via the same connection.

t. fag actually family sharing with his husband and never once asked to provide anal pics for proof to steam support
I added my best friend since 4th grade who moved out of state and it never asked me anything or made me verify anything.

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Are any of the DLC packs for the game worth it?
Dunno, but if you play on PC you can probably just use 'CreamAPI' to get the DLCs for free
how strong is trajan valoris

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ITT locations and objects in games you thought were absolutely a thing that did something,but turned out to be nothing
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you never got Mew?
do tell, this sounds juicy
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>tf2 ammo crate
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>Spend years speculating what eldritch horrors and untold treasures could be behind the boxes
>Actually just some e-reader content locked to the Japs
I hate that this and battlefield were never usable stages.
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All she fucking does is waste a slot that could be better used on literally any other class. God, they fucked balance up bad in EO5.

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Why can't we make Qunari that look like these guys?
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why are masked buff guys so sexy?
Ui looks like some kid with crayons made it
everything's purple and this screenshot as a whole makes me feel like I'm gearing up for a drag show. Surely, someone pointed out something similar to this during design
Why the fuck does it look like a MOBA
Bred different, literally.

Games where I can play as a Gunslinger fighting Swordsmen.
fumoffu was pure kino
I miss FMP
>season 5 never ever
Fumofu was great too.

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It's like Day and night
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>Obedient mindless drones.
>We hate the government fuck off we're full!
nihao, chang! 2 social credit points have been added to your balance. at this rate you will be allowed to move into a shoddy papier mache cube in a mere 5 years!
>such as calling the switch a shitty piece of hardware
This is an equivalent of a dude who got cucked suing the bull for defamation after he posted a picture with his wife on xitter.
People begged Nintendo for game like that for decades, then someone else stepped in and did it, now Nintendo is throwing a bitch fit because how dare they give people what they wanted.
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It's not the fact that nips are all just a bunch of spineless Nintendo fanboys that disappoints me. It's the fact that they don't even know what the lawsuit is about that disappoints me.

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