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>99% of people I meet either only play this slop or sony movie games
>tfw don't even bother saying you play video games when people ask
Where do I find cool guys with good taste
on >>>/v/
be careful what you wish for, they're just as insufferable as you
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not everyone is a singleplayer homo fag. some like to play with others instead of diddling themselves

Both came out the same year, which one is better?

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>vinaya psychically telling you "See you again soon" after you fight your way through the mutant army
it is not. I don't know why you losers shill this lame ass mod so much. it's mid as hell.
Name something that is better anon.
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>spend several grand on a new rig
>can finally play some of the newer games all maxed out at 120 FPS
>instead replay Lost Civilization for the umpteenth time
>when the contrarianism hits

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how do you cope when you see shit like this?
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It's the Leap of Faith from The Last Crusade
>he doesn't know why his health is going down
Youre supposed to ring dash across
i cope by not going to dogshit websites in the first place
Arigatou, doktah

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Stop buying Kojima games.
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She looks like fucking Aphex Twin from the side profile
Something something MGSV being bait for faggots, something that MGS3 technically started
Fucking yellow tranny lover
This. The only character that was designed for sex appeal before MGS3 was Raiden and it was solely for laughs.
jesus that things tiny

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It was a great game, and I am tired of pretending it wasn't.
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i loved this game. i played it while stuck in a car on a roadtrip to the middle east. man i really fucking lucked out transitioning from small guns to big guns when i reached 100+% and then from big guns to energy weapons when i reached 100+% in big guns. i had no idea small guns would be so fucking useless vs super mutants and big guns being completely useless versus the robots. i bet a lot of people quit playing hitting those difficulty spikes
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I spent 100s of hours in tactics, it had so many cool little things if you explored a bit
This. Its unfunny in exactly the same way as the the xbox BoS game.
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I've been trying to get into it but the squad based gameplay is rapidly filtering me. Is there any way that I can play through the game with just one character? Also, I really like Fallout Brotherhood Of Steel on the PS2. I bootlegged a copy of it about two weeks ago, just beat the hardest difficulty a few days ago. Next playthrough will be a gun build with Patty.
>Is there any way that I can play through the game with just one character?
Yeah just do all the drugs, anything that gives you damage resistance especially psycho is supremely overpowered. You can stack it to like 150% or more resistance and even armor piercing rounds won't touch you. The game has a limit on how many drugs you can do at once which is based off endurance, if you do too many you will literally die of heart failure.

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Resident Evil 5 and Cyberpunl 2077 are the only games with non woke implementations of black women (because I wanted to fuck them)
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hanako best girl
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I would impregnate Panam on a daily basis, brown tomboys are my weakness
>Ameritroons can't tell the difference between brown and black people
lmao even
opinion disregarded.

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ITT we post vidya characters who killed themselves
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I regret nothing

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What's your favorite PS5 game?
astro bot
Daaamn look at all those remasters and remakes
Probably God of war ragnorok, i havent played it cause i didnt buy the snoy station. But i will be playing it tomorrow when it releases on pc
i don't see anything i want.

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It's about you capture an Basketball team and try to break them to the core, it's going to have a steam english release.
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3181300/Scream/
trailer: https://www.parallel-soft.net/poison/products/himei/fan/himeiop.mp4
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It's almost impossible to get morality laws changed once they are put into place. No politician is going to go up on stage before the country and the world and say they want to pass a law so you can see pussies and dicks.
I would do it
A few years ago I heard there was some low level politician who was making the attempt but haven't heard anything since. Seems like he failed, doubt it will change until all of the boomers and millennials die off.
How is this getting a Steam release and not Sengoku Rance?
Rance is too well known and visible

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*saves your series*
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Play FE Awakening.
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Enjoy your grindfest with open bland rout/kill the boss maps lmfao
the only game that punished turtling was fates, engage was a turtle fiesta with obstruct on the side
I just want them to stop with the fucking avatar shit. ITS ALWAYS FUCKING ASS!!!!

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>first game has a better atmosphere
>sequel has better gameplay

Which is your favorite?
First one, no contest. I like the gameplay of the second game but you can't beat snow kino.
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I take atmosphere every time. Only reason Division 1 is on my backlog.
y are u pasting tracking links. making me work twice as much

defend this
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Imagine if you got 45mins amnesia every time you cum
Disregard this post I am in the wrong fucking tab holy shit
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Please stay
>Metal Claw gets added
I can't believe there are actual tasteless retards who'd pick Kingler over Crabrawler

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Jerry, she skipped all the cutscenes!
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they literally killed kids in India with vaccines. completely documented. 100 verifiable facts.
forgive dont forget is pussified cope for being a weak fagget
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>zoomies don't understand humor
Good try OP, some funny posts.

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>Ruins the pace of your game
as somebody who recently played DE:HR for the first time from start to finish, it didn't ruin anything at all?

i bought the director's cut, where "missing link" is included into the storyline and found it to be integrated pretty seamlessly. only learned later on that the part on riflebank island or whatever it was called was not part of the original game and i enjoyed the section.

gave me slight metal gear solid 2 vibes.
nta, but sounds like high praise.

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here is your new demonophobia / fear and hunger

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is it made by the same guy or something?
pretty based, we need more games like this where women are put in their place
thanks for bringing this to my attention OP, I wanted to make a JK guro game but wasn't sure if steam would allow it haha
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>Opean steam
>Guro cannibalism island survivor game pops up on the main page
I know it's probably on me for buying stuff from StudioS, but that's still pretty surprising, didn't even need a patch or anything to show you a girl chopped up and served at a table.
I mean I'm sure it'll be fine, but I don't see any connection to the other 2 besides guro and rape. In fact, I don't see any gameplay at all.

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There's no feeling quite like TALOS Principal. The graphics and art style produce a very unique sensation in my brain
>Tripod setup simulator
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Check out any of Icepick Lodge games. Pathologic 1, 2, andThe Void in particular.
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love this game
I enjoy the slightly surreal feeling of levels in HROT. Granted, I may be more impacted by them because I happen to know most of the real-world counter-parts to them very intimately.

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Which Warioware is your fave?
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Penny Gadget. Be nice to her.
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I'll give you $600 if you shut the hell up nigga
My overall ranking. The first two listed win by a country mile, and the following two are much better than what follows.
>Original (Mega Microgames)
>Smooth Moves
>Get It Together
>Gamecube (Mega Party games)
Haven't played DIY, Gold, Game & Wario, or Move It; probably never will although I do wish I had picked up Gold. They really drove a pretty minor series into the ground, from my perspective. Should have spread the love more evenly and made some Wario Land games.
Sex with Penny

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New screenshot, looks absolutely fucking SOULLESS compared to the original.

>that disgusting color grading
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I guess it makes a bit more sense putting something over his head because of the 3D camera would be easy to see
OTS ruined horror games prove me wrong
I dislike yellow paint too but RE2R had it and that game was fun. I'll give SH2R a chance. But I'm more interested in F, wherever the fuck that one is.
>But I'm more interested in F
You shouldn’t be interested at all. It’s silent hill in name only and being made by NEOBARDS and a hack visual novelist.
Pre ordering now looks good

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What character is this?
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Dawn French
Why does every time he gets posted everyone thinks he's a slav

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