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Dead Island 2 launches
>A pretty solid 6/10 ps3 era feeling vidya gaem
>You are a human whos body adapted to the zombie infection and it makes you immune to bites and grants you special abilities
>The game ends with everyone taking a chopper out of LA and you are left to find a one girl whos blood is the cure

Dead Island 2 dlc drops
>This is not a infection of a new microbial life form
>This is a malign alien entity like The Thing but capable of infecting via THOUGHT
>For over a thousand years has been using media like music to rearrange the human genome to activate autophage mutation
>Hybrids were meant to be hunters rounding people up to be turned into raw materials for the flesh soup living doorways to allow the entity to access and consume the world but the human spirit too stronk
>"It wasn't a countdown to extinction, it was a meter showing something is getting closer"
>Meanwhile an AI marketing algorithm made by a techbro gained sentience and has been archiving humans and uploading them into a VR ark while storing their genetic information for later cloning
>Has created an actual zombie virus using nanites that turns people into 'dead' puppeting their bodies with metallic cillia like a second nervous system but they can be cut apart and still function
>Infects the player with it and allows them to kill zombies and store their conciousnesses in their mind to put in the ark

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>It's broke
It isn't.
>>George R Romero didn't invent zombies or even make them popular.
Everybody knows that.
>>Romero's explanation for his zombies was that hell was full and returning damned souls to their dead bodies.
No that was just a belief that one of his characters grandfather had.
>That's where eating brains and walking skeletons with meat got popular and the axioms you think are classics started there.
I don't think of "return of the living dead" zombies as classic zombies.
>>Cordecepts don't work like a brain hijacking parasite
No shit, obviously the concept got over exaggerated for the plot to be interesting.
>>All zombie creating viruses and bacteria would be easily treatable with antibiotics.
No they wouldn't.
>>Zombies cannot break through doors by leaning on them in mass
Yeah so?

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His alt skin though
>His other one is a Juggalo
Is he the only protagonist in vidya confirmed to be down with the dark carnival?
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>50's diner
shit was gross as fuck
>Need to revive people for the achievement

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What went wrong?
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DD2 fixed literally nothing about the first game and has even less content
I can't even come up with a single zone in the base game that is enjoyable to explore. It's an entire world of pure suck and a large portion of the blame is sadly art direction.
No endgame and the game kinda sucked in general.
This. Literally not a problem unless you are dirt poor in which case you have more important problems to worry about than playing video games in the first place.
People finished the game and moved on, you know the thing all the high IQ chads did since the super nintendo days.

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Please explain to me any other reason besides hating beauty that they didn’t do this
tranny coded
unironically can fap to this now
Not bad.
Now do the Hades 2 Aphrodite model, please.
is it a mod?

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I love Kass!
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What was that, faggot?
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I love my husband, whom I am indisputably canonically married to as of February 2019, Kass!

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Still the greatest action game of all time. No amount of seething will change this fact. You MUST post your Master Ninja clear in order to post in this thread. Or you will get laughed out the door.

New thread because the spammer ruined the old one.
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This guy plays DMC and Bayo too though

weakest DMChad
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Least autistic action game fan
idk man that punch at #4 looked pretty scary

>in 2018 Pony Canyon and developer company GREE started development of a mobile game adaptation of K-on! for the 10th anniversary of the Anime
>Original budget was 800 million yen
>Release Year 2019
>Started the development before they got all the permissions and licenses
>TBS and Houbunsha eventually signed on
>Pony Canyon already had put 80 million yen into it
>KyoAni rejected the demo and didn't want to sign on
>TBS told Pony Canyon to stop development to prevent damaging their relationship with KyoAni
>Pony Canyon CEO didn't listen and continued
>TBS withdrew
>Houbunsha also withdrew after the 2.5% investment income ratio led to distrust and feelings it was disrespecting Kakifly
>Even after the KyoAni arson attack, Pony Canyon still kept trying to negotiate
>KyoAni was fed up and started to sign on but stopped after Houbunsha rejected the negotiation given to them
>Game was finally canned late 2020

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bocchi is yui's daughter
Azusa scolds worse than mio and got legitimately angry for the club being what the premise of the anime was from the get-go. Mio is the straight man, which you need for all good comedy troupes. My word is law, I've watched S1 and S2 many times and that is the feel throughout. Azusa's presence was frustration about people being not srs business enough, and then sad when the main 4 are graduating and she won't, even though she has Jun and Ui to mentor.
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i got a Mio sticker on my lefty j bass
I remember keion more for the cute parts than the funny parts, and Azusa is cuter therefore better. Besides, Azusa's "frustration" was often also just tsukkomi behavior.
>and then sad when the main 4 are graduating and she won't
Are you implying that's somehow unreasonable?

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>...but what if like, you're like a robot maaan. Like you can never really know for sure brother. Everyone I groom to come here should stay maan.

No matter how much Intelligente or Charisma you have you cannot defeat this flawless logic. Bravo Todd
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Fake memories
his point is but what if it's a fake memory.
Really interesting character, they did a good job with Far Harbor, compared to Nuka World being a "clear everything lol" dlc.
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If only Obsidian knew how to write compelling characters like this. The concept of New Vegas is so fucking good but they fumbled the execution so bad by setting most of it an empty desert, creating weird OC characters and a faction of roman larpers.
how do you expect anyone to take this seriously

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Anyone play this game? Its fucking awesome
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>the ranking system, the combat, the feel of the game, the story, the world, the propaganda, and fun are not the game's strong suit
Let's be honest anon, there's way more shit that's wrong with the game than just that...
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I don't think the game is unsalvageable, the pieces of something good are all there, but there's been no real changes to the combat despite like three patches that are mostly stability updates. Wasted potential is what it is, especially of the sprite/lowpoly work.
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thanks for the warning, putting it on ignore

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Bored of all the redundant and repetitive "discussion" on the board right now so I ask this.

What would you want in a BioShock 4? Is there anything the series is still missing gameplay wise that could be "evolved"? Personally I'd like better level design, but at the same time I'd argue anything that tries to be an "Imsim" is almost destined for shit level design but that's just me.

And I don't really care about this one, but if anyone thinks anything is missing story wise too, I'm curious what anybody would look for or care for being expanded upon.

The first game established a theme (pretty shallow one imo) of taking a "philosophy" and deconstructing it via making. fictional world surrounding it (always hate when media or writing do this, because realistically speaking, a world like this can never be crafted "authentically" it'll almost always be filtered through some retards bias, and contrivance. unless they're ACTUALLY logical like a thought experiment)

Anyway that's it. Discuss. Have fun. idk
kek fail thread

whats the best open world game?
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>t. ranny
why would you upload a video of yourself on anonymous website??
>n-no u!!!!
Don't forget to dilate, frogtranny
>no u
uh oh sis!
>I wanted to just do pirate shit and instead I had to follow some dude around in the rafters for 10 minutes without being seen. Painful.
not to mention suddenly having to walk around an office

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Post gaming girls that you like that have been...around the block a few times.
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games for fucking sluts within an hour of playing but the game(s) have to have good gameplay?
Anyone got the pic that goes "men just want one thing" and its Eureka welcoming Fantie?
I actually like the gameplay but I think I'll pass on a third game if that ever happens. These games seem intent on trying to be as depressing as possible and I already have enough of that from news and social media.
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Thanks anon

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Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars
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Is it just me or are bots more chill to fight than bugs now?
Is the new smg good with the ballistic shield?
It takes 3 shots to kill a bile spewer, 3 shots to kill a hive commander. It took 1 before. Eruptor is bad now.
Is it just me or is the game harder after the last patch
usable, but not that great. lets you tank heavy devs a little better, but you only get the stun when you hit parts that it can pen. does nothing against rocket devs. better off just going dominator and outright killing them than wasting a slot on the shield.

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* (Well, there is a Deltarune Thread here.)
Toby, I’m going to pirate your game. I hope you know that

Who wins?
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depends on her efficiency if she can calm, them before they destroy her
Your opinion has been analyzed and summarily discarded.
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Addendum: after this she squeezes my head between her thighs and self destructs again, this time pumping herself up with energy to make the eventual explosion even bigger.
you're a legitimate faggot who is sexually attracted to little boys AND little girls.
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Yes, and?

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Mavado from Mortal Kombat.
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This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a lil bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a toilet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee of Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them'...if you catch my drift.
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Is that Tameem?

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Characters that are in the closet
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Soldier-sama... I kneel....
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
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N-no it's not.
The fact you can't blow a hole in this nigger's head and move on with the story tells you everything you need to know about why NV > FO4.
i thought its from a prison
Radiant quests are neither enjoyable nor real content, Todd.
modding the game and making paper airplanes by having preston die

3x3 thread. Post yours, rate others, recommend games, etc... You can make your grid at befunky or topsters.
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2/2 (SoR2, Darius)
Who do you play in SoR2? I'll always love Axel and Max.
1/1 (Ninja Gaiden 2)
My god. This is the best 3x3 I've ever seen.
Seriously speaking though, Ninja Gaiden 2 is probably the best game I've ever played. Sure, it has a lot of problems, but fuck, it's such a fun game.
2/2 (Dark Souls, New Vegas)
Man, that screenshot makes me want to play Dark Souls again. It's still the best FromSoft game, in my opinion.
3/3 (Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, Hotline Miami)
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+SoR4, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+, Captain Commando
I love to play as Skate. I really like Max as well, but I'm not too good at it. In SoR4, I like to play Floyd.
I think I may have played Guardians. Is it a beat 'em up with a pretty varied moveset, almost like a fighting game? Also, what do you play as in Captain Commando? I usually go for the baby.
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>>676042156 (games i am looking forward to)
1/1 (smash)
1/1 (Ultrakill)
0/1 -RE4
>I think this is supposed to be your favorite games, not the best games you can think of.

It's not that simple. I like all the games I've put on this list, I'm not putting any games here because I want somebody to wank my taste. I find that generally speaking anyway, my taste isn't very popular anyway.

What I meant by "I need a balanced list" Is that I need a list that properly represents "me". I'll just be straight up and tell you what I mean.

There are 4 specific games on my list that all represent me in different ways.

First prince of persia represents a "me" that was willing to play a game I found out through a streamer playing that he and his whole chat were shitting on, but I thought it looked interesting and unique, I had never seen a platformer like that.

Next, Celeste represents a "me" that likes challenging 2D platformers about being more "fast" paced and on the fly. Ironically both PoP and Celeste are "precision" platformers, but the former is more about being careful and thoughtful, and the latter about being fast and reactive.

Then there's "Sin and Punishment" this is the game I've thought about pushing down the most, but I just can't. Even tho I can think of a clear "flaw" of the game. It's also a very rare type of game that is simple, but "deep" it takes and uses its mechanics to its utmost potential, and every single mechanic that exists, has its purpose and use, ALMOST none of it is superfluous. And it represents a type of genre I don't typically care for: Rail shooter

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You like robots in your games?
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mr. house insisted
Surprised the Bedabots guy isn't here
>I love you
>You're mine
What is this from?

I have a question. I've had my Switch offline since Tears of the Kingdom released so that Nintendo doesn't try to update my copy. What happens if I get this game and insert the cart?

A. My Switch won't brick but it'll no longer play TotK or will at least ask me to update everytime I do.
B. Nothing. My Switch will recognize the game but no more than that unless I update.
C. The Switch will recognize and play the game to a certain extent. Eventually it will refuse to play the game unless I update.
D. The Switch will play the game with no restriction.

Over the course of the Wii U/3DS and Switch's lifetimes I've experienced all of these in some form or another. Will Nintendo really impose this kind of DRM on some NES roms?
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Nintendo overpatches their games. Even before it was fresh out the gate they patched the digital version of TotK. Same with Dread. It didn't even exist for a full month but their trigger finger got itchy. It gives Cubic Ninja/Freakyforms your Creations Alive persecution vibes. So I keep my consoles offline when a major game comes out in case an exclusive glitch or bug is found.
*before their trigger
Go to settings and set it not to auto update.
Doesn't matter. It will still attempt to. Set it to not auto update and one day you'll be playing and accidentally hit yes on the default "YES UPDATE MY GAME."

After that, everytime you connect online it will try to update. The Wii U was the same only worse since it didn't pause while you were playing. It would auto-download the game in the background and if it reached 100% you were screwed as there was no way to prevent it from updating (it wouldn't let you play). See?

Cart will force an update to be playable.

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