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Where are the gyarus games?
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You’re so full of racism and hate, that’s really sad
she's probably fucking some random nigger right now
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I had an idea for an h-game where a girl like pic related gets gyarufied by her bimbo gyaru friend.
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For me, Fire Emblem Awakening is always a game that can calm my nerves and make me forget about the world, while also bringing me into another that I love, with characters that I've written in fanfics time and time again.

Honorable mentions are Fire Emblem Fates (Citra with HD patch, might be a bit hard to get working though), Black Souls II, Seed of the Dead: Sweet Home (it's jank, but I love it), STALKER: SOC, Persona 5 Royal (besides that one boss fight halfway through the game), Deep Rock Galactic, and EraMegaten if you happen to be familiar with SMT/Persona games, though the provided tutorial is perfectly suitable to get you up to speed.

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>spoke to one of the devs
>they have all the unencryped steam username and passwords for people who didn't downgrade it manually
>he just told me this casually
>alluded to it in the discord but removed it very quickly after one guy reacted to it

wow crazy the redditors were absolutely wrong.
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This is london not india
are you retarded? bitdh lasagana motherbitch
Okay sarr
Never trust someone named cornelius.
It's almost like having Fallout in China pretty much.

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If you had to choose one of these girls for marriage and reproduction for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
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None of the above
I prefer her mother.
Might be dropping a fat AA bitch soon if this thread is still alive
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Lana is SISA and wholesome and none of you can take her from me

>is best girl
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Used goods
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I'm sorry, but she was never an option.
>We're never getting project Libitina, just a gay generic dating sim
God fucking dammit Dan.

short, pink haired tsunderes automatically mog all other girls. its a rule

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why do you guys make the same threads over and over again?
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it's full of retarded zoomers and normalfags so what did you expect?
some of them seem to be bots.
They're desperate for attention so they keep making threads that get replies.
That one anon who makes daily TotK suck threads.
It's been over a year since release and he's still at it.
some? lmao

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Friday Night Dwarf Fortress (ft. FRIENDS!)
Gator woman sexo
There are no Dwarf Fortress threads on either of those boards. Why did you lie to me, Anon?

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Can Overwatch be saved?
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Nope. They can't make the MMO trinity work in a shooter and they turned QP into comp for cowards who don't wanna face the reality that they're way worse at the game than they think.
She barely avoided breaking her neck on that table, props.
>ywn have cabinet handles strong enough to hold a 90lbs teenage girl
why even live?
thats a sturdy cabinet door. bet if it was that shitty laminate wood foam shit it would have fallen apart.
Only if the girls keep sucking off shota.

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I fear the we might never see another genuine and soulful fantasy game ever again
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>TES will never have soul again
It will never have soule again, which is even worse

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was ass creed unity any good?
boring open-ended slop like any other game in the franchise. the draw distance, baked lighting, msaa and lods make it the ugliest AC to date

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>Oh shit! I really do need to dig out the ol' 360 and download some things
supposedly there's a lot of games on sale right now but I'm looking at the marketplace on my console and don't see any of them for some reason
>That's probably why I feel tired all the time
I legit only played it once to join the Miura memorial back in 2021, and never touched it again since
>so wanted to experience them and form my own opinion.
fair enough i guess
>First time?
nope, just finished vanilla 1 and i'm playing through the expansions, already played both of these games in the past so I already have the knowledge for both of them for the most part
>The game runs better now after the dlc update and the AI is in a pretty good place
Alright good to know

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>heard a lot of people comparing it to bleach, are those accurate?
Gege has said that his two big influences are Bleach and Hunter X Hunter, and I see both influences pretty clearly.
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no one cares you absolute insufferable faggot, do a fucking flip
Tears of the kingdom still. I got some fire fruit and I'm going to teleport back to the Rita village.
Deadpool and wolverine
Dino chicken nuggies

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I just tried the demo
Kami, I wish such a beautiful game wasn't a fucking tower defense
yeah I wish was gacha slop or souls slop
how dare they use any other genre
Is that a boy, or a girl?

Killer is dead.

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How hard is it to play a Hatsune Miku rhythm games on a Friday?
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looks like abmayo
looks like your mom
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Miku's hair...

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he's not fair
>boss doing some gay ass anime combo
>hold up shield
>stab stab stab stab stab stab
seemed pretty fair to me
>fast roll
>buckler for parries
makes it much more manageable
>doing some weird fth/dex/arc build
>stats spread all over the place jack of all trades basically
>get hyped up about how hard this fight is
>get in
>buncha golden summon thingys
>oh ok some help is nice i guess like others say help this hard fight out alot
>ouch those purple arrow thingies hurt but im still ok w/e
>summons start getting him into melee
>just sit back and snipe the nigga

I felt so cheated, surely it was supposed to be tougher than that?! are those story summons really that OP? fucking sucks man...

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Zoomers will NEVER understand the feeling of playing your favorite game on a CRT
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Millennial cuck going through a midlife crisis thread? HRTs are shit.
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>CRT filters are banana

Xrd Thread
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im in but i gotta afk for 5 minutes


Thanks for hosting the room, you guys are really good opponents. I gotta eat, but if the room is still up, I'll join again.
Why is xrd hated again? Was the game super setplay heavy or something? Or something something YRC?
I forgot to say ggs to dizzy/slayer/bedman and to the baiken dude. He played really well guy after I told him I wanna sleep
ggs, even though I was losing a lot

Do you find low-poly 3D women wildly attractive like people in the 90s did?
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Here are two better girls.
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How about I post the Non-Named milf Suzan?
EverQuest put ideas in my head.
>an elven slave
That's redundant

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lets talk about honey b lovely
I want to be Honey's drone and watch her give rimjobs to Black men.
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Sorry sweetpea, we're all busy fapping to cop anuses rn bees are soOOooOo last week.
Forced meme

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero? More like Shantae: Half-Genie QUEER-O!!!
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sweet, fuck off.
Shantae belly dancing with her dong out. You can practice drawing motion with that
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You fucking retard. They're not going to reprint it until all of the copies are sold out. Have fun paying that price if you want it bad enough.
>They're not going to reprint it until all of the copies are sold out.
They're not going to reprint it, period. HGH only got a reprint because Marvelous had back stock in a warehouse or something. I'm just holding out hope it happens because of how early it was in the series and how virtually no one could buy it at the time.

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