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You know what time it is.
>Waste an hour playing the game
>Get filtered by the last 7 levels anyways
I hate the game man.
Co-op boss time?
gonna fuck boss rush like we fucked blue right bros
We should do elite coop today, there's like 6:30 hours left
I can't right now though
Well shit, just tell me when you can do it.
Haha yeah... of course...
I can now
Elite Phayze - LTHUHM
Probably would be possible if you got a sky shredder instead of a spectre. Spectre sucks past round 80.
Can't even put ben behind the timer because it's on your side, fuggg
I feel like I'm missing something because I think we're very short on money, we couldn't have made the opolis yet
I'm not really sure what you're saying but if we sell the figure now we could probably afford one.
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I like how Bloons Card Storm is dying due to the shitty progression, but the same 10 or so people continue to double down that progression isn't a problem for it. As much as I love BTD6, I'll be happy to see BCS die due to the dev's inability to fix their game and the fanboys cult mentality toward their bad decisions.
when will we have it, also I hate how Striker ain't in this game
>Game starts you off with 45 cards when decks require 40 to create
>Tutorial gives you Gwen and some other resources, but Obyn costs 1k Monkey Money and Amelia costs 2k Monkey Money
>Getting them this way does NOT craft any of their unique cards
>Amelia's adventure is locked behind an actual paywall and is the only real PvE content besides the tutorial and the prologue
>Getting Deck Slots costs 250 Monkey Money
>Geraldo's shop is gatcha with no duplicate protection
>Tokens in this same shop are placed at random with the first option being a legitimate scam against the player
>You don't get rewards for playing games so the only rewards are from leveling up yourself, your heroes, getting feats, or doing daily/weekly tasks
>No ranked or rewards therein
>Cards cost way too much to craft with a lot of expensive cards not even being worth their price
It's just so bad. How do the devs look at this and think it's fine? Most gatcha games aren't even that bad about fucking their own playerbase.
Get your own opolis now?
I'm good. We should limit our spending this game, try to keep it under 2.9 mil for top 50
That's what, 30k for extra income? Definitely worth it but okay.
We're not going to use the sliders anyways if we're going for that.
I'll be real I just don't want to hover my mouse over the opolis for who-knows-how-many rounds until I can afford a wall street
Since we probably want the ninja paragon, want to try 105 ninja for T2? Or straight to MAD
I got the druid for 63 just in case.
103 ninja, sure.
Are we getting a dartgon too? We could try PMFC + a bunch of 032 darts
That barely worked in normal, although it was T3 I guess we can do that and help for dartgon sure
*105 ninja, fuck
Or we could spam 103 ninjas too, that'd work great for our paragon tiers lmao
Get a central now, we need the money
Should we sell the druid?
Uhh do you think we can hold with this?
Also I gave you money to have for geraldo just in case, but I'm not planning on farming more really
I was thinking try to beat with just the dart and this, to see if we can make the ninjagon on T5 for more degrees
Yeah that's what I was thinking too
Should I place Geraldo's totems just in case?
I personally don't care about the score so get as many totems as you want.
3k monkey money gone just like that...
If this doesn't work we can get a boat a boomerang or something
If this doesn't work, trust me and let's retry without the embrittlements
I think we're going to lose because of them
Why's that?
Ninjagon gets extra damage to camos
Embrittlement removes camo from phayze, debuffing the ninjagon
I think the energizer should go too for the same reason
Could have gone better
Maybe if the ninja was 60 it would have been possible
Boy that took a lot of monkey money, but we got there, gg.
To think we could have probably avoided that if we just got a degree 60 ninja.
Also, I finished that request you made a few threads back. I spent a lot of time thinking and I finally figured a way to draw porn of two "bomb blitzes" together.
https://files.catbox.moe/op1djo.png for the no paint version
Hope you like it
wew lad
very nice
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dread is first, low effort 120s just drop a dartgon once he passes 90
>low effort 120s
I hope we can get those on the fifth island
We're losing dart as soon as island 2 drops 100% lol
I've got a map with
>All paragons at least level 70
>All maxed beast handlers
>Middle path glue
>Cripple Moab + Elite Sniper
>Brittle and Super Brittle
>Both Call to Arms and Homeland
>A support temple
Already up to round 345, god help my computer right now.
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If you're fast you can sell dartgon + everything else you got and get ninja paragon.
I usually get a spirit of forest + T4 merchant boat to generate a bit more cash so that's probably what allows it.
I almost had enough to afford a subgon in one of my runs, ended up spending too much getting a degree 50 dartgon sadly.
Oh and forgot super mines, middle path spactory and every mermonke
>losing boat and ninja on Phayze
Fuck off
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Oh you can get ninja? I did sub thinking I wouldn't get enough for ninja, nice to know.
oh I just swapped to a sub on the couple I went over 120 for.
not that it matters I'm sure dread will be dead by the time I check back in after dinner
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Tried sub now but I got less turns. At least you can have both at same time?
I probably got less turns because I tried laser gunner instead of just going MAD right off the bat though.
Either way yeah, he'll be dead too quick for it to matter.
>missed Elite Phayze
fuck it KEEPS happening
The start to this phayze is so bad, I felt like I did horribly but still barely reached 100 by getting a dartgon. Still very improvable.
Sorry man, there were only a few hours left so I hosted it kind of early.
There's still 3 hours left of the event.
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What the hell is this?
>first boss is dreadbloon
>relic is BBS instead of alch touch
>second boss is phayze
>removes the good early camo towers
But at least we get royal treatment, isn't that great?
A nice little skip is what it's going to be, and here I was getting motivated with how easy that dreadbloon looked.
Forget it.
To be fair it seems their speed is dependant on the track length so they're way slower on maps like that.
Still will be ass most likely.
Watch they remove wizard and super next lmao
Yeah 3-5 0 2 Wizard ain't shit for this boss. But Spactory also looks like a complete bitch to aim on Logs
I would join you or host a lobby but I get consistently fucked over with my phone crashing on T4/5 during co-op bosses
if it's phayze it will also make all the bloons come on the same track after round 10 hits
I tried using 3 032 spike factories until I said fuck it, made one of them a 042 and then started getting a 002 super. Spike factory targetting in this map is ass, you probably actually need to use all 4 targetting options.
I think the play is to get a 002 super as early as you can without standing around doing nothing, so you still need to do some shit before going for it.
Wow this island is fucking cancer, I'll wait until one of you wise guys makes a good guide.
Will say that I've had some decent success with plasma accelerator for the midgame
this is the dumbest ass island I've ever seen I only got a 75 first try
some of the worst tower bans I've ever seen and shitty relics
I can try making a recording if you guys want, this should be a 100 boss
Any good strategies for island 2? My team is barely clearing 50. I would like to at least start blast tonight since everybody seems to want to avoid playing whenever it's the current island.
Annoying, but still better than ouch. 2 active lanes is far less cancer than 4.
managed a paragon near the end to give a decent boost but boy is it a struggle. I can't figure out what the optimal start is
I'd like that if you don't mind
Finally an image for me.
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Comin' through
Island 2 Phayze 97 kills

I'm sure you guys can improve on this, it was my second attempt, I feel like my first did better in the midgame but whatever it got a 97 too.
Thank you for the guide, nice tunes
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>straight in with the spactory micro
I dunno if I'm playing like shit or if there's some sort of boss speed desync between normal and fast forward but I'm getting kill way slower, by the time I reach 75 kills Phayze's almost out of the screen
heh tits
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Which towers do you think should get nerfed or buffed next update?
middle path druid
top path glue
I don't know what to say, if you don't have anything to upgrade/control then speedup is fine but otherwise you're going to lose on damage for having it faster.
>Glaive lord in A
Was there a recent change? I know he is good for races.
It's a CHIMPS tierlist, if you want to see their justifications you can do so here:
Warning: They're all retarded and shit
Just a quick glance and you're not kidding.
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>My team is barely clearing 50.
What team are you on? One of the ones from here or another team? Would you like to join team C? We always have space for more active players so if you’d like to join us for CT it could be mutually beneficial
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I really gotta stop procrastinating on these fucking bosses
I'm surprised I haven't seen more people complain about boss rush outside of here, it's by far the worst gamemode in the game.
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Nobody fucking plays it that’s why you don’t see any complaints
it's not like offensively bad or even in the way, it's just like a time waster between ct's for teams who actually care, it's hard to complain about it
finally, something worth hotglueing
When’s the next update, it feels like its been a while since the last one
remember when we had dreadbloon on this map? it was tier 5 too I think
it's free trophies
When do I get good?
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I ask myself hte same question.
I hate boss rush now because NK won’t give good relics
we do co op?
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Onamonapia this image.
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>did so well this CT got invited to a dojo with fag whose named monkeys lead to a discord
heh... later losers, im joinin the big leagues
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Sprll it correctly first
Why would you want to be on a team with discordfaggots when you could be with us faggots? :)
I want to be on the team that does co op now
Then post a code you dumbass
Actually getting top 25 on CT and no leeches.
top 25 on ct is where you don't even have competition and capture the same tiles over and over with no challenges, tell me why you want to do that
>tell me why you want to do that
I don't have to pull my hair out trying to get a tile in 4 tiers and micro like a faggot or do a race in 2 minutes 31s to beat some impossible time.
You're beyond brain damaged if you think actual competition is any fun in CT, overwhelming domination is the only time I ever have fun.
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>he has no fun playing competively in a multiplayer pvp game
>he wants to do literally nothing in a single player experience for a shiny little medal no one cares about
so pathetic, so pathetic, you probably even aren't on the team but if you are i'm sad you're on it, you sound like you'd be happier on the discord teams
we play bloons here, sir
>glow in the dark Adora
But she'll already glow under blacklight
My HERO the BAD... and SHITdora I guess.
t. that stupid magician looking fuck from flop storm
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>Hop back in v45 or whatever from v26
>doesn't feel like doing chimps, go to half cash ravine firsthand w/o monkey money
>notice balance changes for lots of cheap good options
I got absolutely obliterated and my first win was this map with really tight budget.
Obyn's early game gets really buffed so I guess he's better at this.
>wants free T25s
>thinks other players are leeches
Niggas rarted
i can't imagine why someone would want top medals. unlike every other game mode in CT the less you do and the less you see any other team, the better your team's rank, it's bizarre backwards competitive land
It's "blatantly being farmed by obnoxious medal obsessed autists" land and NK refuses to do anything about it. Look how long it took them to split it into casual/competitive mode so the sweats weren't regularly put in with the kids, resulting in matches neither side had any fun in.
it truly is baffling, you see another team and unlike basically any other pvp game the medals they have for playing means literally nothing, like literally fucking nothing, it has no bearing on skill nor effort, they might as well have been cheated in for little it matters for figuring out how they stand against other teams
Fuck off Hive Queen.
funny enough as it turns out, after spending enough time researching on /trash/ it turns out you were the obsessed dedicated autist and "hive queen" doesn't exist and possibly never has
coop NOW
>"hive queen" doesn't exist
/c/Hive Queen
well maybe on f-list itself, but on 4chan, in threads? no, this person is a non-entity and you're just an autist for even bringing it up
Should I know anything about this challenge? Its not something wacky and unexpected, is it?
All Camo
Faster bloons
Alternate Bloons Rounds
oh yes we are quite good at the bloon game
Erosion - Military Only
Haven’t seen a boss rush island 2 guide yet but…
Island 3: https://youtu.be/8lWtzLh1W_c
Island 5: https://youtu.be/iKfvKexcbtU
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Spactory spam will NEVER DIE
>Build 46 patch notes
>002 spike no longer gets increased production during boss kills
There's this for island 2 >>695165309
>what time it is
It's weird crossover time: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2024/11/18/3490600.png
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wait a second...
Love to see more artists doing bloons stuff, hope one day we get some Krekk0v bloons art
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alright, which one of all y'all is this
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twitter is alright
saw some tr*ns flags though.....
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Someone edit in a cock shadow
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they're some flavor of latinx
that makes sense
last one, it's mostly unfnny, I take back saying it was alright twitter is a shithole
I will kill myself
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>on Easy Monkey Meadow
>on Round 1
>in that spot
>has enough money for other towers
>appears to have just used a money drop
I need re-releases of ye olde plushies. Already bought dart 2.0.
He's a x2 cash CHAD.
Oink oink paypiggy
Am I the only one who fucking abhors game plushies/plushie merch in general?
They get dirty easy and it's just a lot less clean than something like a figure, a poster or even a keychain.
Imagine if they made a BAD figure and Adora keychain instead. I'd have bought that shit immediately.
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What can I say? I just got that CASH MONEY.
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>They get dirty easy
I have multiple plusies (non gaming) and they're all fine
only gaming thing I have is one of these from rocket league, but it also functions as a normal (soft) ball to play with so there's that

I see this useless bloat
I put my keys in my pockets or in the ''pocketwatch pocket'' and don't see the use for keychains unless you carry them in your bag (more bloat)
Does anyone want to join team C? I have 2 inactive players I want to kick and I would appreciate some ACTIVE CT PLAYERS helping :) post your friend code and I can send you an invite sometime soon.
Lint roller. Problem solved

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