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Still the greatest action game of all time. No amount of seething will change this fact. You MUST post your Master Ninja clear in order to post in this thread. Or you will get laughed out the door.

New thread because the spammer ruined the old one.
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Least autistic action game fan
idk man that punch at #4 looked pretty scary
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man, what the hell, this shit is too funny
this dude is really playing with a staff in the middle of the rain

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Thoughts on Street Fighter 6?
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Same game as 5 with slightly better graphics, which was the same game as SF x Tekken with slightly better graphics, which was the same game as SF4 with slightly better graphics.

Yet people fall for it every time. Those characters you bought the dlc for, guess what? Now we take them away and you get to buy the dlc for them all over again!
what would you consider the best fighting game of the last 5 years?
Write N Fight
what about as a single player game? I hear it's shit
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>friends love anime fighters
>they hate street fighters

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Western Fire Emblem Account is too afraid of showing female art. that reveals a bit of cleavage

The censorship is already happening in the twitter account, what did you leave for the game?
If you buy whatever game it is, then you're an idiot!
my beloved <3
Nino lost
Western society is fucking embarrassing.
We need a total collapse and restructure at this point.
Fire Emblem is a series that's a safe space for trans women. Can't be posting anything dysphoria inducing!
imagine a world where women were never given rights

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Lorina is better than Alice and I'm tired of pretending like she's not.
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She is not, but I can respect her level of obsession to make a deal with eldritch beings to follow (a fucked up mishmash version of ) her teacher years after he stopped visiting them in order to get the scraps of a shitty deal where she is one of dozens if not hundreds of girlfriends to Grimm. She is among likeminded people. Real Alice Liddell just got old and lived a normal life
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i'd love lorina to just become a recurring character with not purpose besides to be pitied and also act as a comfort as no matter what happens, she's always inexplicably still there somehow
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So what you're saying is that a girl who toys with you without ever putting out, then cucks you and becomes a hag is better than a girl who will give you her everything and suffer an eternal hell just to keep being with you even a little bit as an eternal loli? You have weird criteria.
For me its the Cheshire Cat

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What's the /v/erdict?
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Dumb but fun
That Sims game sounds really fun.
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Fucking cra--
>He t-bags a guy in the movie
Fucking kino
Dumb fun
Compared to modern shit you might say it's even good
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>areola slip

>On April 16, 2009, Ubisoft revealed that the game had sold 8 million copies
why did this shitty monotonous game become popular? I thought millennials were smarter than zoomers
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I'm still trying to make sense on how turning the game into a dogshit RPG managed to survive this long. Origins onward is nothing what the games used to be and I have no idea who the fuck it even appeals to anymore besides retards who buy the game and play it for an hour or two and never pick it up again.
are the new games really that bad? I never played any of them past black flag. I've heard Syndicate was mediocre, and Unity is supposed to be decent, but there's such mixed views on Origins / Odyssey and a lot of criticism for the change in gameplay.

I only ask because I'm playing through them right now and Odyssey / Origins and stuff like Rogue that I never played are on sale right now (though they always seem to be on sale).
The bigger the checklist the more the game is praised online
Origins and Odyssey are literally Witcher 3 but even sloppier. Rogue is like a Black Flag DLC.

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Literally BUILT for enslaving
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abduction & enslavement with this creepy-as-fuck dialogue is a really weird feature. fo2 slavery is pretty mean-spirited but this is just wtf
i guess they had the good sense to make the character female so it seems less predatory
same as how half the slavers are black lol
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its part of the game setting. The real process of abduction wouldnt look so milk toast.
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is this some kind of hotspot
staged mayhaps?
What am I looking at here?

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Is there any way to get that CRT level no lag when emulating?

Like a way to set a small offset or something to get no input delay on a modern tv? I really want that crt response
>Is there any way to get that CRT level no lag when emulating?
I use dolphin on a CRT with CRT Emudriver.
>on a modern tv
Not going to happen.

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>$100 for a dead game
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it's a worse no mercy full of wrestlers that nobody gives a fuck about
It's an obvious grift ok nostalgia and it's a buggy mess
Even less people actually like firepro. You're literally just pretending to like a shitty game because it's modular.

>Oooooh! I can make the entire New Japan 96 roster! All I have to do is play this shitty Gameboy game with stiff movement and terrible balance!
>even less
quick question, how many aew fight forever players on steam? now how many firepro players on steam? whats that!?!?!? TEN TIMES AS MANY PLAYERS ON FIREPRO THAN AEW!?!? GASP!

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Favorite post apocalyptic games?

On the real though, I love you faggots, you were like a second family to me, and my best friend.
Oh nooo Canada will be destroyed, what a tragedy.
oh no, a common phenomenon it's over bros

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what does it mean :3
i was just testing out the software emulation on my slim ps3 today and it's dogshit you might as well just hook up a ps2/ps1.
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It means LittleCHADPlanet 1&2 are playable again
I'm pretty sure the PS5 has more than enough power to emulate PS3

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Post your vidya husband.
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smelling /v/ermin fat retards and their armpits
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emulating gc games, mainly playing Crystal Chronicles

debating on whether to get hades 2, on one hand I like the men there but I don't want to play as a roastie
Rotor sex...
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forgot to post this if ryufag's in the thread
Kiryu's replacement might be the faggiest male protagonist design I have ever seen.

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do u like my heavy loadout?
ur heavy loadout SUCHS

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What is the point of jumping
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Iron Heart with Pressel is extra dumb
>Overheal and shields all day
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Why does your Charon have a random basic attack?
Now switch to expert and never go back to normal and experience true fun.
i changed her fixed attack and it showed up there

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How are you coping with getting older?
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It's a farm but we are the ones working it. It's not a prison.
>All that matter is death
Your soul is nothing so you assume all is nothing but nothing comes from all
not even religious, but stop with the reddit talk. Nobody likes the nihilism, arguing with mommy about God should get old by the time you hit 16
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every time my mom shows me pictures on facebook of these people I used to know getting married or having kids I notice they always look fat as fuck
so that makes me feel better

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Any tips for a new player? Also Elden Ring thread
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I want to, what's a good weapon for it?
godslayer greatsword
actually nevermind that scales best with dex what the FUCK fromsoft
>posts int scaling incant that specifically counters faith buffs

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Just wanted to say I hope you all have a great weekend. I don't have much money right now (spent what I had to get my mother a nice cake for mother's day) so I can't spend much on vidya, but if you have some inexpensive Steam games to recommend, feel free. I've been having a great time getting through Alice Madness Returns, and also trying to beat Castlevania Bloodlines without having to use the password continue screen. Thankfully Old Sanctuary is one of my favorite Castlevania songs so I get to hear that one play a lot in all these failed attempts...

Remember to cherish your mother if she's alive and you have a good relationship with her. If by some chance she likes video games, sit down and play something with her.

Keep your stick on the ice my friends.
You too, bro.
Check out Trepang2. It's a power fantasy simulator and spiritual successor to F.E.A.R. (by a totally different studio, it's not a sequel or anything)
Pretty fun though. I'm fucking wasted.

whats the best open world game?
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>n-no u!!!!
Don't forget to dilate, frogtranny
>no u
uh oh sis!
>I wanted to just do pirate shit and instead I had to follow some dude around in the rafters for 10 minutes without being seen. Painful.
not to mention suddenly having to walk around an office
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The one where you prematurely exit it

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I like this game. Do you like this game?
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Capcom, pls stop forcing us ro have a Rathalos until the postgame, even fucking pokemon yellow allowed us to box the fucking rat as soon we could.
holy shit, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect them to make a G expansion for a spin off
why didn't they bother to get it here?
did stories sell poorly?
damn, I guess I'm just going to end the story and leave the game there, thanks anon
The original stories only sold 400K worldwide and Capcom had insane expectations for it. They literally were expecting pokemon levels of success and they specifically expected to get the kids, so much that they literally called MHS "MH for kids" in the marketing, instead the ones interested in the hame were the usual MH audience and older pokemon fans.
The only thing I really hated was the annoying mascot character who acted as the mouthpiece for the silent protagonist.
Blame Yokai Watch for that.

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Not bad.
Now do the Hades 2 Aphrodite model, please.
is it a mod?
I'm White! DO NOT accuse me of not being White SIR. I am White you bloody bastard!
To appeal to trannies
Why do you faggots start obsessing over this artwork now, almost half a decade after it came out? Pure culture warrior brainrot.

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