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With a budget of 50m (usd), the game only needs to sell 2m copies in its lifetime to have a lucrative return
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Good for him. He’s such a lil cutie wootie!

Weeeeee! :D
>Concord Flops
>Suddenly this literal who game nobody ever talked about is the best thing since sliced bread.
Snoy cope is something else man.
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you can still find reports of stores being sold out on twitter.
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>That one person you had fun playing with long time ago and never saw again

Who was it for you /v/?
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>Be film director
>Cast little girl you find hot
>Have her bounce around like a manic pixie dream girl for the entire movie
Based or cringe?
Bridge to Terabithia was written because the author's son had a friend that died by being struck by lightning on a sunny day. Yeah, shit happens.
some russian femboy with nice feet
>the river is the embodiment of the lifestream

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>Dora 4
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Still 3/4
still not downloading it
If the room doesn't get a 4th person, then I'll go play Tenhou and call it a day.
Tenhou it is. Sad /v/ mahjong isn't alive. Thanks for contributing though.
That's because you don't post rooms often enough.
Threads appear once in a blue moon, and then nobody even post any rooms. So people stopped expecting to find a room to play when they see one.

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where would you live?
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I don't want to live in an empty world with 2 clothing stores that sell 10 of the same thing no matter where you go. Nor do I want to live in an empty world where I can only go into two buildings.

So none of the above pal.
liberty city
VI is vice city?
Yeah and they changed the state name from Florida to Leonida
Are you living under a rock, perchance?
liberty city is a dull concrete hellhole
lost santos is beachside perfection
we'll see how they portray vice city in 6, i think i already love some areas

Why does a fantasy medieval game where you can use magic to transform into all sorts of things need a "Top Surgery Scars" option?
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>scars from cutting your tits are now "culture" approved virtue signaling

I hope some general coups this shit soon..
The US isn't enough of a shithole to have a military dictatorship.
>World with magic and demons
>still can’t turn you into a man or even remove your tits without a brutal and barbaric surgery
Troons are coping in that video comments section. Make sure you check the replies. Some of these people are insane (including the troon who posted it) and deserve to be trolled until the statistic increases.

What's the easiest way to beat elden ring without cheating or modding? I'm shit at the game but like it
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>What's a bleed weapon? A bleed arts?
Weapon arts or any weapon that has "Blood loss buildup (#)" at the bottom under its stats.
>Where's that? Early game or late?
Very late game but you can get there early if you complete a quest.
Another dragon slain
Get a lance and the biggest shield you got (the one dropped by the knight in the very first camp should last you most of the game). Full points into hp, endurance and str. Don't forget to upgrade your shield.
I'm not I'm just that bad
Just go bleed and when that stops swap to strength then go back to bleed

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Fucking soul.
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That would have been a pretty sick colour scheme if not for the stupid pixel heart. PlayStation shouldn't be using pixel art considering they were first and foremost 3D platforms.
ps1 colors are bad Tbh ps2 would be better
Not worth $800.
Don't give a fuck about the consoles, but I have a NEED for that controller.
i dont get it

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What were they thinking?
they were thinking about a fun videogame then delivered
i hope this is the next game to get a remaster!
the successfully filtered out incels from their community. I'd like to see more games follow suit

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Sup 4chan let's fuck some students real good. Also Persona thread.
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No thanks, I have a date with the prose*cuter*
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>joker gets smoked by a crippled aigis and emotionally unstable sees
yeah, nah they would get shit on if they were all on even footing
god forbid aigis actually taking advantage of her wild card instead of just going with athena/ palladion like in arena
remember that unlike the cast of p4/5, sees can summon their persona in the 'real world' while the others have only done it in a sea of consciousness type space

What exactly makes people think aigis kept her wild card after episode aigis?
Metis literally returns inside of her and igor/elizabeth say its the end of her journey and she found her answer to life so I think thats a pretty damn clear indicator that she no longer has the wild card, specifically the part of her getting athena back.
elizabeth explicitly states that she still does in her arena route
still being able to summon palladion along with athena could be used as shaky proof, but since we have direct confirmation from an attendant we don't need anything else

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>Rockstar India had been assigned to work on the entire Vice Beach area of the map
why would you let them work on the most iconic part of the city man? Prepare for shit on sidewalks
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Funniest girl I ever met was an Indian. Very self depricating, and made fun of Indian guys a lot. Funny to me, but understandably kinda fucked up for the Indian incels
>I haven't had problems with the Chinese in IT circles.
They're more if you do wet lab research. I've done both, so I've dealt with both.
>The fact they get jobs while I can self-educate because capitalism wants W-2/lowest bidders is fucking insane.
The job market is beyond fucked.
>Indians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
That is exactly the problem
Ah yes the XCOM method of race relations
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On one hand, I'm glad they are stealing jobs from the west coast liberal cunts.
On the other hand, pajeets and go shit themselves.

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I just found this game and it looks like one of this fake video games you’d see in a kids cartoon or sitcom from the 2000s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk88zgaZZpM

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When will it be our turn to get remastered?
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What are some vita must play kinos?
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Killzone: Mercenary
There are a couple others that got ported to PS4 like gravity rush, freedom wars, and Toukiden.
Thread theme

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how bad must the new legends game be if nintendo and tpc are trying to kill palworld before dropping a gameplay trailer?
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The trailer focused on Lumiose.

No, retard.
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>a group of literal whos managed to mock the most profitable ip in the world
this will never stop being funny
>The trailer focused on Lumiose.
I'm aware. Nintendo later said on twatter that it was set in that city. But it being like Jubilife from the previous game makes more sense than not being able to leave the city at all.
That's what I'd assume but the trailer and description implied otherwise. Or if it was in the past it could have been a small town with a mix of each surrounding region that you build upon. But it's modern.

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Why is every indie game woke?
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like your mom?
Why do you care?
They aren't because they don't get DEI money. Those that are, are so because the Devs are troons.
Why does "wokeness" even matter to you? What, are you scared of gay people?
They aren because they do get DEI money masquerading as indie.

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I only play games with sexualized females
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hurr porn addicted gooner
Same, I can't self-insert as anyone else.
Based me too becuase it trigger my agp fetish!!!
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Still waiting for the day someone's able to turn this into a Windows/Linux PC so I can justify having bought one. What is the GPU/CPU equivalent to this console anyway?
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>It looks nice.
What the fuck lol. It's got to be the cheapest-looking, blandest, shittiest console ever designed
T thinks PS5 looks good
i know what you meant anon, i was agreeing with you on that front
never played d&d heroes though
i think there are a couple xbox models not affected by the capacitor but there might be some modding restrictions for those
The slim and pro PS5s have a kind of 360 look to them, but uglier and way too big. Not terrible. The fat model is disgusting
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>Back compat is trash

not really. there are a lot of good games on there. perfect dark, fight night round 3, red dead redemption, GTA IV, lost odyssey, blue dragon, crimson skies, ninja gaiden black, azura wrath. A lot of good shit.

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Do they really steal stuff from other chapters?
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Okay, this is just too silly.
It was gifted to them.
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is it though?
Justice for Ferrus

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Play Jill's game
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>jill is so ugly and bland people need to post ai garbage
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uhhh... steamies are starting to ask questions... they want to know why there is a GAY HOMOSEXUAL FAGGOT in their video game...
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I guess they could have spiced her up
god I wish I was her

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Why are koopa troopas always drawn like this in official art?

Aren't they supposed to be enemies?
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I guess Ninty just likes cute enemies for games like Mario and Kirby.
>they do all this instead of just moving on their own terms
Does the mushroom kingdom have a really strong anti-immigrant policy? You know aside from the odd diplomat I rarely see any non-toads around toad town.
No, have you ever played the spin offs like Paper Mario? There are koopas that aren't aligned with Bowser, same with goombas and other creatures.
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koopas are qt
They have a bite animation now

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