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>People still think that Ultimecia (Rinoa) is the real antagonist of the game and not the God Hyne

FF VIII still keeps blowing my mind

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also Im trans, forgot to mention
What an insufferable faggot you are
It's absolutely insane a game like FF8 and something like Mario Party are considered part of the same of medium
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Everyone knows Rinoa is Sakura.

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What did you think about it?
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>AI store pic
Oh boy.
>sidescroller but with shit gameplay
>not hentai
Why would I play this when Holy Knight Ricca already exists?
Because Ricca isn't on steam.
Its worth 20 bucks
I played the demo a long time ago and it was very rough but I liked it, how is the final release?

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>the DLC got delayed
WOW, who could see that happening?!!?

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Have you had ever a wrong opinion about video games?
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I played Human Revolution before OG Deus Ex. So when I played the original, I thought it was worse, it was clunky to control and looked too aged. Took me a while to give it a fair shot and appreciate its incredible depth and superior writing.
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>I thought VR would take off
Similarly, I thought 3D displays would take off. I really thought I'd eventually buy one. But by the time I finally needed a new monitor, the fad was over and they were not sold anymore.
Its not that difficult, its just that none of the companies involved want to do what they have to do.

>Lower prices
>Increase quality
>Make this happen by dramatically downsizing your workforce and trimming old studios
>Sell off non-productive IPs to new studios who might be able to do something with them
>Hire new generations of people with new ideas and allow them to excel
>Foster those new ideas by not being hook-nosed about it and allowing the people who make them to take credit and own their own ideas

Simple as.
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The way people talk about the crash of '83 can be misleading. It's easy to be dramatic and say the market for video games as a whole collapsed, but it's more accurate to say the market for *consoles* collapsed, while computer games kept chugging along.
He was right about the videogames of the time, hence the videogame crash.

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>What can I get you to drink, Anon?
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Can I get a fuckin uhhhhh
One part water
Two parts water
Ice cubes
Water on top
yo can I get some of that GOOD SHIT (ice cubes)
alright now add some ice
now more ice
keep going
10 lemons and 1 ice cube
jack and coke

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what the hell am I in for?

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They are cute together, have always been that way since they drew that picture with each other in it.
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damn, now I should have picked Wise instead
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But ZZZ has actual black representation though?
Anon, literally all Bangboo see their owners as their mommies & daddies. The flagship event established this.
This is different. Rina read into Eous' being and sensed a warm home and real parents.
Amillion doesn't have a daddy...

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fucking WHY
how do you go from the masterpiece that is KH2 combat to this garbage? Who thought this boss was well designed? Who approved anything about this?
also Kingdom Hearts thread
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Fuck off fag.
I had this happen only once ever. Restarted my PC, never happened again.
Never seen this.
maybe use a better computer amd retard
Great concept, looks like a more aggressive berserker which is fitting for Lexaeus. I like you kept with the FF job naming with calling it Warrior too
>vexen and zexion
Since the nobodies have abilities based off the leader, this thought come to mind

Vexen has a Puppetmaster type nobody that's really two enemies in one kind of like the shaman + living bones heartless
The puppetmaster keeps to the back and will shoot ice magic and periodically buff his puppet which can make it enter a frenzy state where it's attacks do more damage and are faster
The puppet could be a shadowed replica that's randomly based off one of the other nobody types or it could have a crazed monster/experiment look that has a more erratic look (maybe design based off a snake, not sure though) to be more unique and have a unique moveset

If not that, then Vexen could have a big defender-type nobody that focuses heavily on defense since Vexen is cowardly and doesn't like fighting directly, maybe call it Knight or Paladin

Zexion could have an Illusionist or Mime nobody and be a magic user for the nobodies. They could be living books and use the basic elemental magic (fire, ice, lightning) and they can also copy one of Sora's magics as a reference to how Zexion fights in ReCoM
Maybe go all in on the mime idea and have Zexion have an oddball Mime Nobody that can copy Sora's magic as a complete reference to ReCoM

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding this combat system correctly. I'm playing as Yuito, and there's a slight delay after almost every action before you can perform another action. This makes it nearly impossible to successfully dodge attacks, since there's almost never enough time between an enemy starting their attack, and me being able to dodge. Am I doing something wrong?
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Never had such issue, I don't remember too much endlag, but then I remember chaining special attacks in a fluid way to tank/dodge attacks or stagger enemies
Just popping in to say this game was super happy comfy fun time kino, so fuck you. The soundtrack is fucking great, and I just overall enjoyed the combat and the story. It certainly was a hidden gem when it first released as I didn't know what to expect, kind of was hoping for a sequel if possible.

It's so rare nowadays for me to find a soundtrack where I actually like most of the soundtrack. The OST that plays in the city is top-tier comfy.
This game is notorious for animations setting you up to be killed. It's why fighting human enemies is absolute Hell, and they had to add an item to keep you alive with 1HP.
I also had a lot of fun with it, but it definitely has its problems. It takes a bit too long for your moveset to really open up and the basic attacks kind of suck. I think it has some really cool visuals though and the music is good like you said. The story is really stupid but I thought it was still pretty entertaining despite that. I do hope we get a sequel eventually.
Funny, I'm playing as Yuto and so far the only reason I'm considering to replay as Kasane is to fill the gaps in the story since I'm not finding her to be that interesting. Also despite knowing they were going for a romantic story I just can't feel any chemistry between them. Tsugimi or Hanabi would have been a better choice.

>modern games are bad cuz le woke
>gacha is le bad cuz predatory monetary system
>survivalslop is bad cuz grindy and repetitive gameplay
>open world games are bad because they are boring and there is nothing to do
>idle games are bad because the gameplay is very shallow and the game basically plays itself
>game that combines the worst aspects of all these games is kino cuz le old
Why are you like this?
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Putting le in to an opinion isn't a le refutation.
Just play /v/scape and save yourself from giving Fagex your money.
>tranny server
Doesn't matter who runs the servers is the game is fundamentally complete shit.
Enlighten us.
Hard to argue against that, but at least you're only paying with your time.

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Nintendo is such an evil fucking company, fuck all of you nazi incels for supporting this type of shit
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Ur turn
That was a mine
You lose
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fibbity bippity
Just so you know, ever since the Kyoani arson, Japan takes very seriously those threats, one similar happened with SE like a year after the Kyoani one, and the guy also got convicted for the threats
>injured 3, then an heroed
makes me kek

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I just tried the demo
Kami, I wish such a beautiful game wasn't a fucking tower defense
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Faster bow, crystal damage, Soh damage up villager damage down, agility up, increased damage. Explosive bow shot clears out the boarders with ease and the rest is just spamming arrows.
Also I'm realizing that the damage up talismans all suck, the crystal damage up one dwarfs the effect of the other ones as long as you have over 900-ish crystals.
I find that I usually don’t have that many crystals on hand unless I’m either running nearly all woodcutters/archers or it’s one of the gimmick stages like Great Cherry Tree or Burial Grounds where you aren’t spending much and get back a ton. But that said, yeah it’s fucking ridiculous how much stronger it is on its own than every other attack up talisman when pumped like crazy. I was ripping through the back end of the boss rush because they throw so many crystals at you
I think Sorcerer is kinda broken, they are pretty much another one of your special moves that have a cooldown but they hit the entire map instead, and they also do a lot of damage to bosses and stuns them
It's insane that you can stack them.

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call of duty zombies and multiplayer peaked in this game
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I miss wager mode matches
except the dogshit matchmaking system that not only completely takes control from you but also leaves your machine completely open to hackers.
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>ghost pro
>second chance pro
>suppressed famas
>find a nice corner

Yep, it's gaming time.
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Black ops 7 is going to be interesting. There’s rumors of it being set after 5 years after ops II. The game is also set 7 years after the newest modern warfare, which means it may have some crossovers with the MW games. MWZ already had a black ops character interacting with full modern warfare characters
Die Rise and Buried arent bad, change my mind

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>trannygrooming talking points
when is 4channel going to counteraid discord trannies?
Still no release date?
I like mecha platformers but you started shilling this way too early. now when the game actually comes out everyone will ignore your threads
i still believe its this year
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I mean we'll probably have more gameplay and tomboys to post so...doutbful.

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What are some lesser known fightans you play?
let's have a thread about them, maybe host servers for anons to try out.
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tia actually, i'm pretty sure it's actually her since her design is 1/1
ah, ok. just looked her up, tho i guess Visco games doesnt have issues with her since its not the same name.
it might be a mistranslation
Bump for good thread. Keep it up.
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Those DS bleach games look surprisingly good actually

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Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
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I don't think anyone has ever died from a CRT
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Come on now.
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/vr/ says sony trinitrons are shit, how true is this? found a cheap one the other day
i have a set that my dad gave to me, but it's one of those ugly slimfit samsung tvs. looking to replace it since the image is distorted on both sides of the screen
Prove me wrong
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>I don't think anyone has ever died from a CRT

This game is filtering me hard. Can I even climb pipes?
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>This game is filtering me
lmao just wait til you get to the rotterdam levels
It's basically an old school puzzle game with some degree of player choice.
You literally go bankrupt and lose if you kill too many civilians
Anyone else got the "hitman was mute till the 2016 game" mandela effect?

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What's your final purchase going to be?
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Somehow I have 2 near launch period 360s that still work. Like I actually used em to play games earlier this year.
>Avatar store has Green Ranger outfit
Based and dragonzordpilled
I bought gears of war 1-3 + judgement and Lost odyssey
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Thanks anon
Some of the ones I want off that list aren't on Steam so I might get them before the deadline.
I still have mine. I did have one get red ring'd a good 10 years ago, but not since.

Your most beloved video game girl?
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thank you nepanon, goodnight
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I thought of a cute little scenario with waifu that I'm currently obsessed with
>out shopping for whatever
>see cute hair pin
>buy it and give it to waifu
>she acts a bit tsundere about it because it's more cutesy than her usual attire
>she wears it the next day anyway
Ah, she's so cute.
I prefer the rabbit.
But a goat is fine too.
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Something similar happens with Towa in Reverie. She's a bit sheepish about the flower accessory because of how pretty it makes her feel.

I literally don't understand why Toei/Namco/etc. has/have never made a fun 3D Arena game. Tenkaichi 3, Raging Blast, Xenoverse, etc. are all dogshit because they cater to button mashing individuals. It's literally so fucking easy:

>No splitscreen, both players are visible on the screen simultaneously like a regular fighting game
>Use the left stick for horizontal movement and R1/R2 for vertical movement like Tenkaichi
>Blocking is tied to the left stick like a normal fucking fighter, also allows for a potential mixup game
>Light/Medium/Heavy/Special button layout, supers are performed via pressing Special and a direction or another button
>Mash autocombos like FighterZ but you can also do regular combos like a normal person
>Wiggle out of combos like Smash Bros and spend max meter to do a burst like Guilty Gear
>Make this the generic mold for every character and then add like 100 different fighters ranging from untouched to moderately changed

Now you have the perfect DBZ versus game.
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lolg thread takeover
and how does Tenkaichi 4 play? I've never played a Tenkaichi game. I only ever played Infinite World
Play Gundam vs fucking casual.
if you’re so smart why dont you do it yourself?
Tenkaichi 3 is kino, however.

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