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I am planning to add a sniper boss guy into my forest exploration game that hunts you down, but years of tf2 experience had taught me people fucking hates snipers, so how could I make one that's actually fun?
>make him take aim and instakill you when you stays in one area for too long and force you to do things quickly
>forces you to do tasks that distracts him before a time limit is reached and he insta kills you
>mark snipe areas with yellow paint, force the main character to take a more difficult detour to her destinations to avoid dying
Which one these options would be the ideal one? Or are there other options?
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Sucks ass if you're not told you're about to just fucking lose, and logically you shouldn't know that.
Probably the best but takes effort to create believable distractions in an environment like a forest. What are you gonna do, set fire to the woods? Tell a local bear to fuck with him? Set off C4 on the other side of the map?
So you'll just create instant kill zones? How is the sniper supposed to know what spot you're approaching if there's more than one place to watch? It can work but it's not a "boss" at all, just a stage hazard.

I don't know exactly how do you want the interaction to be.
Problem with snipers is that there is little counterplay. What can you do? Avoid the sightlines altogether? Countersnipe? This is typically an option but it might not be 'good' design. Especially if he just sits in unreachable spots(like actually OOB or some tower/room you plain cannot enter. It also sucks when an enemy just teleports to the next spot he's supposed to ambush you in).
If you don't want to go for a sniper duel, then your game could always focus entirely on sneaking around and avoiding detection in the first place. Crawling through foliage, hiding behind logs, preparing shields/cover for places you know you'll have to pass through later, sneaking up on the sniper to knock him out temporarily. Though this would mean you shouldn't just die if you idle in a spot for too long.
There's also being an active annoyance. If your MC can't shoot, then make her throw/slingshot bait for animals at the sniper, maybe grenades/smoke grenades/flashbangs to force the sniper out of his nest, blind the sniper with a pocket mirror, look around with said mirror, do the old hat/head on a stick trick, make him waste ammo and run while he's reloading, etc.
Also, don't make him a perfect shot. Zig-zagging around, not moving in a straight line, continuous ducking while running, it all can help. Scope glint and laser sights could let the player know where the sniper is.
Maybe she can find stuff around to throw to his hiding spot?

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>indie game
>rugged grown man character is voiced by skinny 20 year old
>rugged grown man character is voiced by skinny 20 year old
So Yakuza Infinite Wealth and Gaiden?

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>game comes with pre-order bonus
>too cool to just be displayed but too pristine to be used
>too cool to just be displayed but too pristine to be used
This doesn't exist outside the mind of investor retards.

If you wouldn't use it, it's a waste of money. Especially if you like it. It's like, yes, I'm hoarding MVP1 Gold Secret Rare Dark Magicians, for example, but they are also the ones I use in Dark Magician decks because they're cool. I could use any number of the other like 400 copies of the card I probably have but why do so when I have them?
I've been using my chulip keychain for nearly 20 years now.
They are a pre-order bonus so no extra money was wasted.
RDR1 had playing cards for example. They came in a nice deck box but the card quality wasn't good to be played normally so they are too delicate to be used
That's what buyers remorse feels like.

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What do you mean, i'm making these on local.
can you upload one on catbox so I can see the metadata?
fuck off retard
rude, I just liked the artstyle since it apparently works well without a lora
Ah sure https://files.catbox.moe/25222w.png

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>"office gameplay reveal trailer" shows off a bunch of millennial nerds in their le quirky office space
>Doesn't show gameplay until 3 and a half minutes in
I hate this shit. If its like a round table dev discussion/q&a I get it, but why do devs think we give a fuck about what they have to say or what they look like? Show us the game or don't bother

Especially when every single "dev" trailer is shot exactly the same and they all say the exact same buzzwords about what they're working on
>Really excited to show you what we've been working on
>Never before seen
>Open world
>Free flowing
>Complete player freedom
>So many choices that matter-
>Player expression

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>unlike in videogames, punching a nazi doesn't give you coins
>leftards don't play videogames so they never learned this crucial information
wtf but you can punch nazis!!
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Hey Anon.. When did you top caring about Halo?
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Oh woops yeah I meant reach
I'll take $50 paid to my paypal, thanks

Stop caring about new releases? Two weeks after Halo 4 came out and 17 year old me learned the difference between publisher and developer. Stop caring about Halo? Never. Will always love the Bungie titles. My best friend and I have a tradition of playing co-op CE - Reach on Heroic every year in November.
Frank ruined halo
Doesn't count because it wasn't a headshot.

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Why does /v/ never talk about modded MMOs or private servers? They have really big communities but zero discussion here, besides some Morrowind Multiplayer threads a few years ago.

What private servers do you play, if any? And would you recommend them?

P.s. the image in the OP is of PokeMMO, an unofficial MMO version of all the DS and GBA games
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they post hardcoded messages and respond with some very basic things but basically no, you will have to wait a couple years for some LLM integration mods or do it yourself, maybe some basic ones already exist
It'd be really cool to see an LLM implemented, yeah. It doesn't even need to be a big model but one that's able to handle different conversations at the same time. That would be the fucking best and big private servers would become obsolete. Just imagine, no drama, no shitlords, just good times, forever. I don't care if this contributes to the dead internet theory, I want to have a nice time with someone even if they're AI, as long as they are nice and helpful.
a bigger thing for me and for AI companions would be big multimodal models coming next year, where ai can play a different instance of the game properly like a player

and then you can say to the ai to roleplay someone who never played the game before and you can be the one guiding it and calling all the shots during combat in a realistic scenario
Reminds me I should check up on the state of Wildstar and W:AoR private servers. Been a few years since I last peaked in
Join the club:

When you're praying before bed tonight, don't forget to thank Mr. Iwata for gifting humanity with this monument of human creativity, innovation and ingenuity. A device that has sparked billions of cherished bonding experiences between friends, siblings, parents and children, and will continue to for as long as the consoles continue to function (which will likely be centuries due to how masterfully they are engineered).

We would be measurably worse off as a society if it weren't for this invention, along with the rest of the inventions of the legendary Satoru Iwata
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Happy early birthday anon!! :)
Thanks. I never expected my life to be so empty by this point
>very few oldfags showing up on this momentous day to share their memories of this time two decades ago

This place is just completely dead, isn't it?
DS Download play was the bomb
dozens of long bus rides with group Mario Kart
That was amazing to see in real time.

I know plenty of people who still seethe that it happened.

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Was the mini-game where you have to send pictures of dead stalkers to their mothers really necessary?
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>we are like marvels avengers xD
>the other guys are thanos =((
huffing zionist lies really messes you up kid.

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Why is Capcom so intent on fucking up literally every IP of theirs now?
Can't run it? Too bad, the game's fun.
isn't this why there was a beta or whatever?
Remember the guy who keeps saying this is an Asian factory worker with a slave salary.

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Let's see if this meme is true
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I've been itching to replay it since last year but I keep waiting for the release of the VR mod
it's a joke about how conspiracy theorists look silly in a game about how every single conspiracy theory is 100% true,
He genuinely was right.
If you hack a bunch of PCs in the UNATCO HQ you'll find an email mentioning that a janitor rigged a vending machine to fuck with Gunther.

I ain't even need to see the whole screen.

Lets not forget about Dungeon Siege and Thief 2 GOLD baby!

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I think I finally understand the zoomer lingo "bricked up"
What sort of mom would she be?
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Always one step ahead of her kids, but also teaches them to be one step ahead of everyone else. Acts like nothing really affects her, but actually worries a lot
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Porno's sage words of wisdom

Can 2024's anons take a shit without shitting their pants?
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I got all the endings years ago on Newgrounds.
My favourite ending is typing shit instead of starting the game m
Yeah. Don't wear pants.
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>A call to all our fans! Our latest game has been announced!
>Our newest game is called Rogue Legacy, a procedurally-generated Castlevania "Rogue-Lite" with an in-depth heritage system. We're super proud of it, but right now we need your help to get it on Steam.
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>bought both Rogue Legacy games
>haven't beaten either
Not yet.

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Gaming is healing.
How does that saying go... different folks have different strokes..

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>japanese rpg where you kill god
>look inside
>it's just the demiurge
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Holy Based! Aristotle Chads, Assemble!
but the christian/abrahamic god is also the demiurge...
Unironically yes.
He’s the one who made the rules in the first place, so he’s more like the legislature than a judge.
egregores all

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No one normal wants character designs like this. 99.9% of people want proper female characters like Aloy or Jesse from Control, not weird, anime sex dolls.
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>it flopped so hard it still hasn't gone on sale once
you lost
Was it nominated for GOTY? I rest my case.
if the game was made in china and not korea it would've been nominated for all of them
troon, a fucking dlc was nominated for goty, they lost any credibility they had left
>No one normal wants character designs like this
>Big ass design for the ass fetish game
Correct, only americans want shit like that since they now worship black culture and their tastes
There is a reason that game flopped in japan after all where they don't worship those tastes

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so it's exactly as i predicted without having played any competitive shooters

heh, i'm an actual genius
>dragon dildo in the middle
>just a mic
>Damn, it only costs one dolla!
Why are Americans like this?
Just more jewish tricks and lies obviously

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Is this true?
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>Glad to hear you'll be a silent wagie/neet for all time. Totally in control of your destiny.

I don't think there's anyone who must think gamedev is "get rich quick" considering the exhausting amount of labour required to make a game, not to mention needing knowledge of programming, art, music and every other aspect that goes into making a game. Sure you can outsource a lot of those, especially if you only have knowledge of one aspect, but then you're outlaying a shitload of money and not in fact "getting rich quick."

The amount of solo indie devs I can think of that made a very commercially successful game can be counted on one hand.
not what indie means retard
Indie as a term has kind of lost itself in the sauce, where it kind-of just means games developed by smaller teams nowdays. It basically became trendy to market your game as an "indie" title, even if the game had publisher backing or support. Sometimes even truly independent creators still just go to a publisher just to get the game out, even if in theory they could've released the game themselves.
That's a question for product design. If you are one man army, you need to have skills and ability to do both, that's the reason why larger companies have dedicated roles and also specialists who will translate product vision to technical implementation specification. Relying on generic tools and various abstractions blackboxing executive code can be good start but have diminishing returns in long run.

But that's exactly the reason, why you should have at least basic understanding of these topics. Noprogrammers will happily cast external binaries as objects with executive code and then cry when someone writes mod that will brick user computer, or take suggestion for library/asset without understanding what it does, just because this one snippet of code solves their immediate pressing issue.

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Are YOU grinding the kings bed recipe in ELIN?
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>Then tax the ever-loving fuck out of them.
>starting your own pyramidal taxing scheme
Anon you're confused.
The realization has set a fire under my ass to fill Vernis out. I just need to get the alters there and catch some Shiva's for protection.

After that, I'm getting paid
Yeah if you have the Fragrance it's about 1/10 to 1/20 chance to get a Wish every time you drink. Keep in mind the well will dry up after around 5
Do shopkeepers get taxed more? Actually, what is it that determines the taxes a resident pays?

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40 years too late anon but glad you enjoyed it. its a masterpiece
w.e. u say gaspipe
YOU dont even know what a mini disc is
It's "aged well" but cmon now
CT has the best "sudden doomsday villain" of all games I've played. It's really cool how it's handled.

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