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EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
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King Crab
Little girls are the best.
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How so?
Dropped because I didn't get the gameplay and not enough NTR
You already know.
>Isn't even dedicated enough to do more than 2 posts.
Dohna Dohna is one of the rare porn games where I have asked people to ERP it with me since most of the porn inside it does nothing for me.
Porno should be exactly my type. On paper she's pretty great
>loli slut
>teasing and snide personality
But honestly she doesn't really work for me. I think if she was a bit more femdommy it might have worked better. Japan agreed since she ended up middle of the pack in the popularity poll.
why would anyone post more than once?
Among the two I prefer Antenna.
Kirakira is best girl though. I would have liked Kikuchiyo more but the fact she enjoys BDSM is a real turn off.
I ended up really liking Antenna and Alyce. Porno barely mattered to me, the most I felt towards her was pity about her situation and past.
yeah but who was your favorite employee
Employees are not really characters but I suppose I would choose the police officer lady.

Exactly same thing for me with Porno, I didn't start caring about her until you get to the bits where more of her past is revealed. Funny enough most of it is actually conditional and will only show it in scenes which you can easily miss depending on how you are playing the game.

When Antenna turned into a Minecraft/Roblox character I lold and my boner shrunk. She is at least second best girl though.
Actually having thought better of it I would choose the moody chick you get in the art museum dungeon.
She is very cute.
Aside from that most of the employees didn't make me think of SEXO immediately.
It ranged from 'I do not care' to 'I feel bad for them'.
sucks your dick and calls you a lolicon
That's the best part.
>there isn't enough slot in your roster to keep all the unique employees

Just kidding. I dropped it because i accidentally leveled porno's bond level too high and locked myself in her route.
Porno is older than she looks, she's likely an eternal loli type.
Dropped the game because whenever porno was on the screen I would cum all over my keyboard and it's just not economically sustainable.
made for BWC
Proof. I've literally never seen anything to suggest this in game.
I loved the Medico scene tho, nice mellow nerdy girl that actually a perv is my kink and that Alice bathtub scene
I was almost getting into Medico until the very first H-scene in the bathroom. That turned me off immediately. Just any sort of rough/bdsm stuff does that to me.
For me it was the reverse that I enjoyed, the outward tease that was Kirakira actually dropping all of her spaghetti once Kuma reciprocated.
How does that work
Have you ever done ERP before?
I mean you just both choose a character and sketch out a scenario (vaguely) and both of you act like the characters within the scene thats all.
With Dohna Dohna the excuse to get into the porn can be flimsy since it is already porn anyway.
I usually do it on Discord.
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How do I go about playing this game?
just use cheat trainer
>ruining Alicesoft games by cheating
you nigger
who the hell names their daughter 'porno'?
the grind took too long plus I pirated them, if it's on steam I will be playing them as intended
She is a genetically engineered test-tube onahole who exists to be the ideal sex machine
she acts exactly like a hypersexualized child
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>be the ideal sex machine
>look like a little girl
that makes no sense
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Why would you make a living onahole and not make them easily manhandleable?
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Best girl (sorry Antenna)
When are they going to remake this but have all the girls be traps?
Kanono hands down.
My magic 8ball says yes
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Citation desperately needed. When was this even hinted at being the case?
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Does that mean I get reverse trap loli Joker? Honestly, I'd almost consider making that trade. But I'd want to keep Porno.
why do japs like to make genuinely neat stories or games and then just shove in a bunch of the most disgusting displeasing fucked up rape scenes litered throughout the game?
The most fitting name, she's a complete slut and I love her
I would trade all of that to have Kuma just be fully voice acted honestly.
However having my choice of who is and isn't a trap (reverse or not) on each individual character would be enough to sway me away from that.
>When are they going to remake this
You guys don't know about Go Hell Go?
why is her name this
sexo robot
She's Russian
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I despise the really rough and cruel scenes, but I still managed to enjoy the game a lot. Most of the talent scenes were boring at best, and at worst I wound up skimming them and basically skipping most of it. The bad ends are so completely avoidable that for me they might as well just not exist. As far as I'm concerned that shit's just set dressing, not the main draw of the game. It's there to set the tone contrasted with the wacky misadventures of your main cast.

I guess if you're the type that feels obliged to pay attention to every single thing and can't stand to miss anything, they could ruin the experience for you. Which is too bad because most of the game is fun and cute in spite of the fucked up nature of it.
>no porn
>indecipherable moonrunes
What am I suppose to do with this?
Are there even traps here?
>good gameplay
>interesting enough story
>fun characters
>fill it to the brim with NTR for both the main story and NPC side stories
What the fuck is Alicesoft's problem?!
Japs love NTR. It's their culture. Respect their culture, consume NTR.
It's a game a about prostitution, what did you expect nigger?
Only one of the main characters is a prostitute yet they all get raped even the shota.
(you) the protagonist are a pimp who fucks every girl he meets so they can become prostitutes.
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She was never given an actual name, since she was just a tool for sex. She picked that name for herself when she joined up with Nayuta because she's a perverted rascal
>the pimps and human traffickers get raped
Boo hoo nigga
>get first unique prostitute
>makes the most money
>keep her around, max her stats
>she gets pregnant
>still makes the most money
Antenna was way better. Even the pink-haired slut was better.
Sorry but we're the good guys. :)
She deserved to be raped by kuma
Good guys who get fucked (in the ass) with anal
I can fix her.
Who was Lu Bu, I got no reward for beating him the first time
theres no neat story in this which is why it flopped and is forgotten kusoge despite the art
Just some freak who wants to fight
> She's Russian
Explain a lot
You should not have pursued him.
She should've been a main party member over the sword girl
>fill it to the brim with NTR

There's like, three avoidable NTR scenes in the whole game that I can remember (the girl with the rich shota friend, the chick with the father-in-law, and maybe one other) and it's not even your character that's getting NTR'd. Unless you consider every single girl you kidnap and sell for money """NTR""" on general principle but that's fucking retarded.
Should've been female
Should've been a choice who you saved/ got to join the party
Oh you just either completely suck ass at the game or can't help yourself but actually go out of your way to get yourself NTR'd, either way there's no helping you. But have you tried just not letting that happen?
Her personality wouldn't fit with Nayuta at all. Even remotely. Which is why Tsuina got exactly what she deserved
>fill it to the brim with NTR
There's only three instances of actual NTR.
Housewife that gets fucked by her father
shota watches his cheerleader girlfriend that he paid for get fucked by other shotas
Alyce's bad ending where learns to love her new onii-chans' big brown cocks
nta but she is a literal vat grown super whore created by the not!kgb her age is unknown but she's probably had that body her entire life, they certainly wouldn't wait 10+ years to capitalize on their investment and every scene even the ones set in the past have her in the same body.
she is mentally a child because emotions were not required so being a real human bean is new to her, but she could also just be young on top of that too.
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A girl with white hair isnt automatically russian
this game has weird tonal whiplash that i cant look past
I remember being excited for this game, then becoming immediately disinterested the moment I found out ntr was in it. Stupid fucking cucks. I hate all of you!! Still has a good art style though.
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>where I have asked people to ERP it
>I-it doesn't count its avoidable NTR!
Kek, you're worse than scatfags at least they know they're fucked in the head.
>those rollerblades
Where do her toes go?
I see thanks
In my mouth
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You're making a few leaps in logic. We do know she was bio-engineered BUT we don't know if Reach are the ones that made her, or if she was given to them by someone else. We never got to witness her past or anything like that, we only know that she was taken in by Nayuta when they drove Reach out of Asougi City. Your point about her not being used to living a normal life stands though, because I vaguely recall that during her personal quest, the former "talent" that belonged to Reach mentioned her personality is different than it used to be.

Aside from that she doesn't have an official confirmed age so it's true you can fill in the blanks however you want. But if she's an eternal loli and older than she looks, the game didn't even try to spell it out directly. It's hardly even hinted at.
Do you think any judge would actually convict me for raping porno ? Like she is clearly asking for it at all times.
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You could just ask her for sex
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This game had no right having the music it did
Or the artstyle for that matter. Entire reason I played it
What's Alicesoft up to these days
I did not care for pornographic Chino.
Honestly I loved everything about it aside from how shallow it is. I kind of want a mod or expansion of the game to make it more difficult and gameplay focused.

Actually I kind of just want Darkest Dungeon but with this style and the hustling minigame, and the mods definitely aren't there yet.
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Oh is he Kuma in this scenario? In that case I take back what I said about asphyxiation. Well, at least not to death
We both know it doesn't hit the same like that.
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>gets raped off screen
yeah no thanks
I can't believe you wasted your one and only post on saying that...
I'd be up or that. I honestly liked the dungeon portion of the gameplay well enough, but the prostitution part could have done a lot more.
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Insane tonal whiplash is a common feature in h-games with an actual story
I agree, but it'd take a lot more work on the art side to flesh it out, I'd think. Brothel King comes to mind.
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This whole thread is just me by the way
I don't get this game, what's good about some literal prostitutes? Aren't they like a bunch of used up whores?
they know how to make me feel good
They aren't prostitutes when you start them off, so it has that corruption aspect going for it.
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Kidnap with your bros
Fuck some hoes
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>what's good about some literal prostitutes?
They can provide a steady, untraceable amount of income, at a reasonably high volume for the amount of effort involved.
>Aren't they like a bunch of used up whores?
Once they become "used up" we recycle them and move on to fresh talent. This is the basics of how the clans fund their operation. But the goal isn't just sex trafficking, it's using those proceeds to undermine Asougi.
As far as I know, the only prostitute in your team is Porno, and you rescued her from that life before the events of the game.

You can't even really have relationships with any of your actual prostitutes. The most you'll get is a couple of scenes with the unique ones and it mostly doesn't involve you, just them getting broken from what I've seen.

Even silly stuff like the kidnapping tutorial has a banger of a track.
Speaking of recycling talent, is it true that you actually hand them off to Mistress for "reassignment" and they're basically never reintegrated into normal society?
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>imoco's portfolio nowadays is all nigger gang rape
It's all so tiresome
Never, Alicesoft doesn't do homo stuff. Except for that one time they made a fujo game.
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>You can't even really have relationships with any of your actual prostitutes. The most you'll get is a couple of scenes with the unique ones and it mostly doesn't involve you, just them getting broken from what I've seen.
Yep, this is right. You can make Kuma fuck the talent during training, even take their virginity, but he doesn't have any H-scenes with them. He keeps it professional, even referring to himself as a torturer. His only H-scenes are with female members of Nayuta (and maybe one with Mistress at the hospital?) Aside from that, you're just slangin pussy for cash.

This is my favorite generic talent. But I prefer the Kuma fangirl variant of her outfit.
Literally just exists so that the game can have a reoccurring boss fight.
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In certain cases, yes. Particularly those with significant mental damage. But some are simply released out onto the street. And a few have their freedom bought by high paying clients. This isn't always an option, however. It may not always be obvious, but Nayuta does screen its clients for its own protection and also the welfare of its talent in some special cases.
>decide that my favorite girl is mistress
>she's the one non-talent girl with an unavoidable on screen ntr scene
thanks I hate it
Tonal whiplash is pretty common in stories overall.
I like to call it "contrast", it takes a lot for me to experience whiplash. I like extremes
I'm not very far in my own playthrough, but are you saying that there are no recurring bosses besides Lu Bu? I was assuming some like Shion or the big robot would be regular dungeon bosses or something.
I could never get into this game. It always feels like you are behind and with basically everything being random, I could not figure out if that was actually true or if there was anything I can do about it. It's consistent with setting and theme, I guess, but I don't need all this baggage when I am trying to flirt with neon colored sluts.
this gameplay sucks
i just want to skip to the porno scenes
and maybe antenna too.
Everyone in this game sounds fucking awful. Help Tell me the "heroes" get what's coming to them after they beat the more prominent villains?
In some chapters a heroine is kidnapped and if you don't rescue her in time she gets raped and/or a bad end.

If it helps you, even though you beat the story's "main villain", ultimately the corporation can't be beaten and the heroes end up escaping the city and trying to live normal lives as a group of friends. That's the "normal" ending.
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Torataro has shit taste
Well, unless you count Asougi grunts, then yeah pretty much.
People complain about NTR shit but as far as i can tell Alicesoft always put that in their games.
I played Mamatoto a while back and it was basically that, either save the day or let the MC get cucked by the king with the girls you favor the most.
no he was kind of based
Aside from Lu Bu I think you fight Shion twice, Shinazu thrice, and that one big-ass Asougi mech they had guarding that are where you find Joker like four times maybe. There's also Tsuina's goons who you fight a bunch of times, and uhh... is there anyone else I'm forgetting?
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>that are where
that area* where

He's fortunate I didn't let him get cucked by a shota, like he deserves.
Does he become a bro? I started the game the other day and he was just kinda there, if he doesn't do something cool soon im getting him cucked myself.
>and that one big-ass Asougi mech they had guarding that are where you find Joker like four times maybe.
Shit, I thought you only fought two different mechs.
porno and medico were great
Alice however was my cute daughterfu
also I wanted to fuck Shion and Mistress the most for the entire goddamn game
antenna was the least appealing to me, especially after that fucking minecraft shit
>Does he become a bro?
Not really. He teams up with Kuma when he's on his when to save someone, but that's about it. He's pretty much just comedic relief.
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This thing. You fight it several times that I recall
Actually, yeah, you're right. My memory was just fuzzy.
Dohna dohna's Mc is so lame
He's so emotionless so far I can't relate or feel invested
>the cunnig hares hanging out with Wise.jpg
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I understand that, but I found he actually really grew on me over time. I enjoy his dry sense of humor.
>Open porn game
They had to nerf Antenna's polygon count because she was too SEXO
I think I finally understand the zoomer lingo "bricked up"
What sort of mom would she be?
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Always one step ahead of her kids, but also teaches them to be one step ahead of everyone else. Acts like nothing really affects her, but actually worries a lot
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Porno's sage words of wisdom

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