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A clown thread died for this
>retail pre-orders
what is this? 2006?
I mean, literally the only thing they've been saying about the game is that it's for a modern audience and you punch nazis.
Your gamepass bro?
When does it come out? And goypass is not an excuse if stalker can hit 100k+ on steam
>new indiana jones movie comes out
>completely bombs
These corpos are fucking braindead.
came free with my gpu lol
wouldnt have bought it otherwise
I'm pretty sure the game was in development before the last movie was even conceived. Game development takes much longer than film production. Do you think they share production or something?
1)Indiana Jones is not relevant to modern audiences
2)To the audience who likes Indiana Jones they want to SEE indiana jones when they play not his POV
but... the modern audience loves h*ckin' nazi punching!
how could this be...?
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Why would anyone preorder a game? Ever?
This last quarter of the year has been flop after flop. Lmao
Im an xbot and I have no interest in this game. I hope ps5 bros get it.
but you can punch le nazis??? what went wrong?
All released trailers for it:

Honestly looks better than the last 2 films. If this bombs, its going to be a major financial blow for Betheda since they must have payed billions to use the Indy IP. This could well be the final nail in their coffin.
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everyones playing stalker 2 mate dont worry about it
B-but I thought you could punch Nazis??? Why aren't people buying our based game xisters??
No idea, never understood it. If a game I want sells out, I just wait a week or two and play it anyway. Typically have never had that problem ever. It's probably better to wait anyway to listen to feedback from people cause it might be a shit game.
Oh this was a Bethesda production? I hope it bombs even harder now
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Indy has been dogshit for so long I went back to find some of the pulp magazines that inspired him. Hours of fun. The author was a real African explorer.
It must suck being a zoomer and the only media you grew up with was 4chan memes and leafyishere videos. Imagine boiling down one of the most iconic film franchises ever to "punching Nazis" just because that idea upsets you due to severe /pol/ brainrot. Very sad.
I like the music.
You're probably right. But they really should of cancelled it or pivoted to something else that might have actually made them money. This is just going to be another game that doesn't hit "sales expectations."
To be fair I'm not sure how bit an indicator retail pre orders are anymore what with digital downloads
Not sure what the point is here.
it cant just be woke backlash, AAA singleplayer games are selling way worse than last two generations

>but insert game here sold just fine

yeah there are exceptions but something like indiana jones would have easily cleared 2m sold back in the 360 days for example
Veilguard sales drop is also way too large to just be because of it being woke, it has been woke since inquisition if not da2
Cope boomer lol
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>Series that was killed by the fourth movie and buried by the fifth has low audience retention
I've been shopping around for GPUs and they are bundling this game with a lot of them
Go woke go broke
What makes Indiana Jones unique enough to stand out among any one of 100000000 video games where you explore ancient cities or temples ruins or whatever?
The previews sound dissapointing. It's mostly just a mediocre stealth game. It'll be 20 bucks in a month.
>game is only launching on just Xbox and Steam next month, PS5 comes out next year
>Xbox has a 91% digital adoption rate, plus two console variants which are digital-only
>Steam is naturally digital-only
>Neither platform give our pre-purchase numbers for digital games
>it's also a day-1 gamepass release

Yeah no fucking shit the 'pre order' numbers are bad, because no one's buying it physical.
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I felt like pre-2016 Indy just fought whichever bad guy fits the setting

>Indy 1: Nazis
>Indy 2: Thuggees
>Indy 3: Nazis
>Indy 4: Commies

Now it's jut NAZIS NAZIS NAZIS. For fuck's sake I want to see him punch pirates or warlords too. Or heck, why not dinosaurs? Indy vs Dinosaurs would make billions
>Imagine boiling down one of the most iconic film franchises ever to "punching Nazis"

That's what fat pink-haired GenXers are doing though.
>have severe politicuck brainrot
>accuse everyone else of having politicuck brainrot
And this is why this trash game is going to bomb lmao, well deserved
>But they really should of cancelled it or pivoted to something else that might have actually made them money
Bethesda probably spent a massive chunk of their revenue acquiring the rights from Disney. It's basically an Amazon Rings of Power situation. If you spend a shit ton of money on something, you have to see it through, even if it's heading for failure.
2MM back in the 360 days was only hit by cawadoody and FIFA. The playerbase for AAA single player games was like a quarter of the size it is today.
the point flew so far over your head it entered lower orbit
You're the one getting mad about virtual Nazis getting punched for some reason
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is archeology less popular than gcj?
The franchise takes place mostly in the 1930’s. Of course nazis and fascist Italy make sense. And even when it was in the 1950’s they made commies the bad guys.
It's not woke backlash. Zoomers would rather play live service shooters than single-player games, and they form the biggest part of the video game market now. That's just the harsh reality of things. Zoomers growing old was a mistake. It's the main reason why I've always supported the elites plan of global depopulation.
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holy shit is that young old Harrison Ford?
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not really, it was your "people" who did it, i am just making fun of you
You get to punch trump supporters
Judging by the trailers, he fights all 3 Axis forces in this game: Nazi Germans, Italians fascists and Imperial Japanese. It's set during the 30s so I'm not sure who else you think he should be fighting.
>Get Troy Baker doing his Troy Baker voice
>not a harrison ford sound alike.
>also facescan Troy Baker for indys face.

Deserved to fail
The time to release a Indiana Jones game was nine years ago. When Disney hype was peak and nostalgia was 100% reliable.
It mostly works because the real life nazis wasted so many resources hunting for legendary treasures, relics, etc, because they were essentially a bunch of theater kids. So it's believable for Indiana to be running into them all the time.
This. They brought back Indiana Jones because it was a popular franchise where nazis died a lot. Made their penises all tingly.
no one under the age of 40 gives a shit about Indiana jones. I dont know why they keep trying to resurrect this dead ip.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a first person Indiana Jones game?
Better yet, who thought it was a good idea to make an Indiana Jones game in 2025 to begin with?
It was made to denigrate the character and spit on the people* (straight white males) who like the character. Sales and profits are irrelevant.
You're the one marketing your games as trump supporter punching simulators.

We will not forget your wolfenstein 2 trailers.
I love the first three movies and even the tv series, but Indiana Jones has negative cultural value nowadays since its last two movies were awful and literally nobody saw the last one.
>Retail pre-orders
>For a game that's day 1 on gayme pass
I hate those guys
>billions must die... because my preferred video game genre is losing popularity
It's pretty much something I cannot understand. Microsoft puts a game day 1 on gamepass but then they still go and bitch about sales. It's a paradox.
normally I would agree but we've seen game producers axing things lately even after all the costs were sunk. hyenas and concord both got dumpstered after they were complete and recouped literally 0%
>Made their penises all tingly.
*Their dilated axe wounds
They dug their own hole with people expecting it. At least Sony took the more sane solution of waiting six months minimum before putting a new release on their higher tier plan.
Hollywood and Video Game Devs are afraid to portray communism in any bad light.

It is why the Dead Rising remake took out the “commies” lines.
I don't get the Indiana Jones punching Nazis meme, Indy didn't give a fuck it was the Nazis he only wanted to get the Arc
It's different when you borrow the rights.
In that scenario, you're basically a hostage of the rights holder and Disney is ruthless, especially when it comes to stuff like this.
>the great circle
A Kikel?
In this case, they just use nazi to avoid explicitly saying white men. It's the best way to justify your enemies being white and male.
That's the thing I noticed about the original films. The Nazis were the bad guys but Indy didn't waste his time disparaging them every 5 minutes, he was focused on the task at hand. The latest Indiana Jones film literally opened with him calling them blue eyed retards or something.
Zoomers don’t know who Indiana Jones is.

And most millennials don’t have nostalgia for him.

And Gen X don’t play modern video games.
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Did you somehow miss the Insomniac leaks that showed that most games are still anywhere from 40%-90% physical and that overall 65% of their sales of first-party titles were physical? People who think we're in a digital present are delusional, especially when it means parents can't buy gifts for their children that they actually feel like they got their money's worth out of. Gift cards always come off as a lazy man's gift.
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>indiana jones is a boomer icon
>someone wants to make him a game
>should we make a small comfy indie game?
>the demand for indiana jones games isn't super high
>no, we must make a AAA game
>spend at least $100m making it
>hmm okay and make it high octane action like wolfenstein?
>no, he has to use the whip and fists
and someone greenlit this, thinking it would ever make back the money
It's Todd Howard's dream game, it's why he's directing it despite it not being a bethesda game. He probably has enough sway to keep it alive.
What percentage of people who talk about punching nazis online have ever punched a nazi?
I'm guessing somewhere between 0.1% and 0%.

Obviously there ARE people that actually get in fights with neo-nazi larper cunts, but I strongly suspect those are not the same people posting about "punching nazis" on reddit
>spend at least $100m making it
isnt that an indie title these days?
*executive producer not director my bad and apparently he came up with the story of the game.
Starfield was Todd's "dream game" and we've already seen what happened with that. Todd can eat my asshole.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
>Punching Nazis/whites is no longer acceptable.
Oh yeah I'm sure it will be mediocre (prob better than starfield though just by virtue of being a linear singleplayer game), but just explaining why its a thing at all when no one cares about Indiana Jones.
there's nothing wrong with preordering certain games. the real question is why would you buy or play a western game? ever?
>Over 86% worse

Call me a brainlet, but this seems like a unclear, obtuse way to communicate their point. I'm understanding it that Indiana Jones has 14% of veilguard's preorder amount?
this is an indie title though
>market your game as a trump supporter punching simulator
>trump wins
>game underperforms

Fast forward 8 years

>market your game as a trump supporter punching simulator
>trump wins
>game underperforms

Why didnt they learn?
this game has had practically zero advertising to the point that i thought it already released and flopped massively. i dont know a single person under 30 who likes or even knows indiana jones. hes a relic at this point, not unlike the ones he looks for on his adventures. this shit was dead from birth.
They're striking while the iron is encased in a glacier.
Indiana Jones is a boomer franchise. Not sure why we care about it now.
It's a double-edged sword for them. A day 1 release doing really good on game pass is bad for raw sales figures, but at the same time a game doing really good sales figures means it'll underperform on game pass because everybody already bought the game. There is no in-between but Microcock at least sees the return on first-party games either way.
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I#m not surprised, that nobody wants to punch the good guys.
your meds, sir
>one day, suddenly, they will learn... and make products for their enemy aka straight white males again!
in a couple of weeks for sure, anon
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It could have been a success had they played their cards right, it's not like an action/adventure game where you fight Nazis hasn't been tried before
Pic very related and the best game in the franchise btw
Drake is the Zoomer version of Indy anyways.
i can imagine if you're a 50-60 years old indiana jones fan the game footage is mind blowing
but for young people it just looks weird, stiff and boring
Honestly, I don't even know if an Indy game would have worked in the seventh gen. I'd probably just think it's exactly riding off the coattails of Uncharted. Licensed shovelware slop.
This is a game entirely made for investors, who are all 50-60 years old.
Funny because that’s what the game developers thought while making this.
>meanwhile the developers
I lost interest when they took out the guns.
I mean this game just looks like a more realistic version of Dishonored so it could work.
Nobody fucking cares about Harrison Ford anymore
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You should do what you say, loser
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>comfy ps3 grafix uncharted action game
>soulless photorealism made for the modern audience movie game
>Honestly looks better than the last 2 films.
That's a fucking low bar
It's on Game Pass
FOMO culture
>xbox and steam
>40-90% physical
you could have just not bothered posting anything then i wouldn't have to reply calling you a retard.
The entire point is that this is talking about physical copies and physical isn't remotely dead as an option. Not even close. So it's still notable for Xbox at least.
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How did he take this picture while holding his phone in the picture at the same time?
ok retard>>695181130
Aaaiiiieee my pronouns. Where are they??
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do zoomers even care about indiana jones? i feel like it's one of those boomer franchises that deadass has 0 appeal today. like the goonies or gremlins
This isn't woke backlash, this is indiana jones backlash
The last two movies killed the franchise dead, people say Star Wars was killed by trash movies? They have no idea the pain that Indie has been dragged through. 4 was bad enough, 5 wouldnt' even be a good grindhouse movie.
>*silently remove pronouns from twitter bio*
a new age
>Zoomers would rather play live service shooters than single-player games
meanwhile, baldur's gate 3
Maybe a few do. But not many.
What's wrong? Don't gamers love killing nazis?
no one cares about this slop, it's going to bomb hard.
The moment I saw that faggy millennial say modern audiences I lost all interest.
>it's for a modern audience and you punch nazis.
I feel like they saw sonys exclusives & thought copying that would be a recipe for success.
>>market your game as a trump supporter punching simulator

When did they do this with the Indy game? Unless you're conflating Trump supporters with Nazis?
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5 genuinely felt like an Uwe Boll film. I don't mean that even as a hit against Uwe Boll because there is some audience who is excited when a new one of his movies come out.

Nobody was excited for dilator of destiny to come out. Harrison Ford looked tired. Not even from the standpoint that he's old, he genuinely didn't look like he wanted to be there. You can find pictures of him today, and he's smiling, laughing, looking like he's on top of the world when he's rubbing shoulders with his hollywood friends. In Dilator, he just looked like he wanted to collect his check and go home. If you were in that movie you would probably feel the same way.
Baldur's Gate 3's playerbase are millennials
I would've been down for a indy game if it wasn't garbage & if its story wasn't utterly anathema to the original trilogy with modern audience bullshit but it do.
I can guarantee you most of them have beaten it thoughbeit
>there's nothing wrong with preordering certain games
Yes there is, you impatient consumer faggot.
Also I'm literally the first person in this thread to say the words "Dial of Destiny" and I'm guessing it's because that movie is so bad no one remembered the name of it.
Indiana Jones is boomer cringe stop making boomer cringe like this shid and Star Wars already noone cares
Star Wars is WAY HEALTHIER than Indiana jones and it's all thanks to that Extended Universe thing people hated.
Shadows of the Empire made an entire generation of Star Wars fans. Indiana Jones has literally nothing but the first three movies that get played on old people cable channels.
>Gift cards always come off as a lazy man's gift.
I wish this weren't the case.
I can't imagine a situation where I'd rather have an item than that item's worth in money, so I can choose for myself if I want it or not.

The exception is handmade stuff, of course. But if you're buying me $30 socks from a store, just give me $30.
Is this going to be a movie game or is it an attempt at adding the typical Bethesda RPG cycle to Indiana Jones?
>Pronouns are a red flag of mental illness
>Companies are JUST figuring it out
why are lame boomers so obsessed with Harrison ford? They never stop thinking about Indiana jones and han solo, the more I think about it the more he reminds me of sonic.
Ah that great blockbuster video game franchise of.... Indiana Jones?
Clint Eastwood but for the next generation
Fake news
people who played the previews already said the puzzles are piss easy, so expect a moviegame with braindead bethesda AI and glitches to boot
except in the 5th movie set in the 70s during the height of the Cold War, they found a way to have NAZIS again. it's all so tiresome
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>A literal movie game
no shit
Recent events proved thry were the good guys all along tho.
It was Russian mercenaries.
well yeah, the Nazis were never defeated.
Uwe Boll movies are risky and edgy.
Remember that scene where he literally shot children in Postal?
Now that takes guts.
So no, it's woke trash with a bossy f-ugly woman.
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>shartfield flopped
>indiana jewns will flop
Hopefully TES6 drops the woke shit and we get a good game
>scripted to the teeth, boring and shit with an unfunny protagonist, who deserves to get punched in the face
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Indy 4 is kino
Cate Blanchett a cute

There I said it
the nazi movement was really popular at 1930's
so 0
0 would be a good answer here
Indiana Jones Punches the Chinese Emperor in the Fucking Face
actually Russian archeologists, and then the American joins and goes - once again - on a mass murdering spree.
>unfunny protagonist, who deserves to get punched in the face
This is some serious projection. I’m sorry you were bullied in high school.
They shouldn't have done that gameplay deep dive, it made the game look terrible. The footage they had was just absurdly stiff and dull, why would anyone want to play the game?
>mass murdering psychopath is funny
His meds won't work if you don't take yours
Blud no one knows what this fucking website is looking ahh banner
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How would you make an Indy game, /v/? Actual question.
damn you're slow
Not to mention them making this instead of Wolfenstein 3. As much as I love Indiana Jones, it just won't work and Disney tarnished the IP hard. And now the Wolfenstein series is (probably) dead and they might as well be next on the chopping block if this game doesn't do well.
Make it about Atlantis lore
And make it so there are multiple paths that you can choose.
and there should be a sexy side kick.
I saw that, one of the world's least subtle botfarms. That one post got to 84k updoots with only 2k comments.
>Oh no, woke-stein is over
let competent devs make the perfect Wolfenstein 3D version and re-release it on modern consoles, like grab the content of the 3DO version, combine it with the graphics of the Jaguar version. Heck, make graphics and sounds selectable.
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>don't even look at anything related to it
>would still gamble my savings it's filled with loxism and feminist chicanery
The corpos are run by boomers who still think the Indiana franchise is as popular as it was in the 90's and wasn't killed off after Crystal Skull was released.
I dont fucking know, maybe commies or french entete, or we don't speak about those?
haha, Chia LeBoeff and other flying monkeys
We have been stuck in this 80s nostalgia hell. I love Beetlejuice, but we never needed a sequel. I want them to stop this fucking nonsense.
Man, they destroyed wolfenstein years ago.
Indiana jones is lame Jewish boomer slop. No one wants to play a reddit quip video game about muh “evil” nazis when everyone has been redpilled on Israel and is over woke slop writing
Microsoft will not let Bethesda die until theyve made another Fallout and Elder Scrolls.
everything after RTCW was fucking trash.
I mean I get it but still having the series being left unfinished to make a game that is based off of a franchise that hasn't been relevant for over a decade is pretty stupid. Youngblood actually killed the series holy shit
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You would have to handcraft dozens of maps. Caves, temples, castles, burial mounds, mountaintops, nazi fortresses etc. In each one are tons of different loot items, lots of lore notes and logs, traps, enemies, weapons and so on. It would basically play like the newer hitman games I guess. You go in, have a primary objective, get the X, and you can do it however you want, loud, quiet, pacifist, whatever.

Then you can either sell your artifact or put it in your own museum or something, set up displays, collects sets of items. And then have a museum defense mode against burglars!
>the pregnanet woman shooting guns wasn't the problem
The best film in the series doesn't even have Nazis in it...
When they were making Infernal Machine, the attitude was that Nazis had been overdone, and so they did Russians instead, which was welcomed.

Where do people get the idea IJ is a "Nazi punching" franchise? It's not Wolfenstein. IJ is about legendary treasures, strange locations, and adventuring.
“Indiana Jones is a Jewish revenge fantasy” - Steven Spielberg
Oh yeah TNC was divisive but Youngblood is those problems but 10x worse. Why the fuck is there level scaling in Wolfenstein and why is it a looter shooter.
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I got this game for free with my gpu and I still probably won't play it
5E tards are all in their 30s
>movie game is not a problem
>woke movie game is not a problem
>hurr BJ in a wheelchair, so funni
Yeah, except it was Lucas' baby, really.
TES6 could be a chud simulator and it would still suck ass because BETHESDA SUCKS AND CAN'T MAKE GOOD GAMES. THEY HAVE NEVER ONCE MADE A GOOD GAME.
Yes those are TNC's problems apart but like I said Youngblood takes those problems and makes them worst.
In this day in age, the only time you should preorder a game is if you know there's going to be some scarcity on a physical copy, and that only tends to happen with remasters (you should already know if its a game you like, in that case) and indies (you should also already be familiar with the game and know if its worth it to you)

There's Z E R O reason otherwise

>but i want to play on launch!
Downloads take like 10 minutes if you don't live in some shithole flyover state. Go take a shit and it'll be ready when you're done.
Who the fuck wants to play an Indiana Jones game???? The younger Zoomers probably don’t even know who Indiana jones is
How about the Rothschilds who were engineering Russia, Western Europe and America to unite under the same financial powers to crush opposition to central banking and establish a NWO
The game seemed fine from what little I've come across, but every single journo website kept repeating the "punching nazis" thing. Is there any issue with the game itself aside from either hivemind/paid journalists?
It will be shit not because woke shit but just because they'll have fully removed every last trace of the sandbox elements that made previous TES games fun to play and mod.
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Nazi punching is over. The new generation do not hate Nazis. Nazis are human beings, and people want games that treat them as human beings. It's time to end Naziphobia.
This is fucking fallout they can't even hide it
I mean Robocop got a game in this day and age.
>shilling kike shit to zoomers instead of boomers
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The reason being that nazis were the good guys and kikes should've been gassed.
Just play Brutal Wolfenstein
In Temple of Doom, he does to India and fights a cult. It's the best one. Have you literally not seen Indiana Jones movies?

IJ could be fighting Aleister Crowley in London or something. He could be fighting Voodoo practitioners in the deep south. He could be fighting abominable snowmen in the arctic.
Why do people have no imagination?
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>indiana jones 5: the humiliation ritual
>have to watch retirement home old man do "action"
>with a new strong "female" lead
>they travel back in time, indy gets injured
>he tells the lady to leave him here in the past so he can die with a smile on his face
>lady says nope, knocks him out and somehow drags him back to the present
great metaphor for modern disney, really
I only just knew this game existed today.
He's in Fortnite, atleast they will know him by name
Called it, nobody was gonna touch that after The Dial of Dysentery, Phoebe Waller and old man indy's cuck festival.
Boomers still think we live in a 95% white functional society and not a divided shithole three bad days away from race war.
From the river to the sea
"Palestine" will be fucked
fun fact: the original ending of indie 5 was going to have young indie die effectively erasing himself from the timeline so THE STUNNYING BRARVE WOYMEANS could be the new Indiana Jones

but the test audiences hated it so much they had to completely edit the movie into a incomparable mess
>the original ending of indie 5 was going to have young indie die effectively erasing himself from the timeline so THE STUNNYING BRARVE WOYMEANS could be the new Indiana Jones
Their hatred for goyim is infinite
If you know you are gonna buy it anyway, and the preorder is either
>releases early
>gets you stuff
and it's your job, there's absolutely NO reason NOT to buy it
that doesn't surprise me one fucking bit

that's always the storyline with these jew remakes. stunning and brave minority humiliates and replaces a white male. 100% of the fucking time over 10,000 iterations.

they talk about "Subverting expectations" but they're extremely predictable, all they actually do is subvert MORALITY
>That's always the storyline with these Jew remakes. Stunning and brave minority humiliates and replaces a white male.
You do know that Harrison Ford is a demi-chosen, right?
This but communism. Commies are America's best friend now.
Dial of Destiny is infinitely better than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. What the fuck are you talking about?
I think George lucas had the right idea with wanting to have Indy fight dracula it honestly would have had more dignity than whatever the fuck Crystal skull and dildo of Destiney was trying to do
But enough about Uncharted four
Lucas literally just gets what IJ is (it's about a man having pulpy adventures), and everyone seethes and shits their pants, whenever he suggests they not just remake Raiders for the tenth time.
Aliens pretty much were a good idea too. The movie was just mediocre. And a lot of that was because Ford was too old, even then, and couldn't do the action like he used to.
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>game is scripted
You mean like Fate of Atlantis?
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Despite the fact he fights nazis a lot, the original Indiana Jones trilogy is pretty RW coded. I see some parallels to that leftist circlejerk LOTR amazon show. Much like that show, this will probably crash and burn since they're overtly dropping leftist political messaging.
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OT Indiana Jones is manly man colonial adventures with some Nazis.
But manly man colonial adventures aren't politically correct anymore, so it pretty much just has to be about the Nazis forever now.

>bro, remember these Germans from like 80 years ago? You get to punch them, again!
I don't care. This fixation is weird.
Both Hyenas and Concord were dropped because they were live service games. Keeping them running also incurs extra losses.
Single player games don't have that problem. They just need to sell. Releasing them even if they are going to flop is the right choice.
I should have added that it is the right choice when they are this far into development and release*
Reputational damage is a real phenomenon. Developers who don't take that into account are going to end up like square enix or [list of EA acquisitions].
I forgot to take the stock market into consideration. Reputational damage is indeed something to be considered. Just look at Ubisoft. Thanks for pointing it out.
Another Nazi killer flopped
Just like Wolfenstein
baby goo goo ga ga zoomers don't know anything made before Five Nights at Freddy 3
what are some games where you can kill commies?
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Red Alert games
difference was the robocop didnt have a movie that killed it like Crystal Skull did Indie
Can the movie kill the game even though it's not related?
Fans of games and fans of movies want different things from the Indiana Jones IP.
>A clown thread died for this
Tragic, I'll make another one.
boomers still think half the shit they're constantly recycling from the 80s and 90s is still popular and will continue to print money for the rest of time, I'm so fucking goddamn tired of remakes and remasters and sequels at this point
Who the actual fuck cares about Indiana Jones in current year? Didn't they release a new movie like 4 months ago and it FLOPPED. Nobody fucking cares about this shit.
Are we still worried about this having a bossgirl?
If the game hates it white audience then the white audience will not be buying it
>they must have payed billions to use the Indy IP.
Imagine believing this.
Can Troy Baker fucking go away already? He has been phoning it in for a decade at this point.
Todd Howard is driving Bethesda into the ground making his pet project games that he daydreamed about as a kid. First Starfield and now this. Nobody in 2024 gives a shit about Indiana Jones.
holy seethe, troon
Perfect Indiana Jones saga has already been made (Uncharted) and there’s almost no reason to try and make another one.
People are spending less on non-essentials because of economic pressure.
The "good guys" started a war that killed the most europeans out of every war in history and completely decimated the continent leading to the american hegemony that ruined the world today.
The same american hegemony that gives the jews carte blanche to do whatever they want down there and invoke the same persecution 80 years later.
Churchil and the anglos are "good guys" now?
It bombs because a super majority knows the Nazis were the good guys. The matrix has been shattered.
The war was inevitable because the nazis kicked out the banking cartel. ZOGs wouldn't have left them alone.
>gamepass game thats coming only on the gamepass machine doesnt sell much physical.
>that same gamepass machine has 2 versions with no disc drive
Xbox game pre orders mean nothing and this is what microsoft wants
About Indiana Jones anyone else think that the reason this property went to hell is because of Harrison Ford who is the leading actor and shit incarnate? Could have remained a gem of its era but Harrison Ford decided to make those hideous fourth and fifth movies where he's an old fart who is out of his prime and continues to become older and weaker. And it doesn't help that Harrison Ford in real life is a shitty man. maybe he's not as obnoxious as The Rock, but he is shit. And he is NOT a good actor. Harrison Ford has no charisma.

And remember ruining Indiana Jones could never be ruined without his likeness and blessing. All Harrison Ford wanted was money and he was willing to destroy his most famous role for it even though he is Jewish so he could have said no and no one would be able to hurt him at Hollywood since again he is a Rich Jew.

Basically Harrison Ford is the shit incarnate that ensured this property remains poisoned and he did it all for the money. And you know what even if you like the old movies how he behaved has retroactively ruined them. All I see is a phony EVEN by actor standards. May Harrison Ford die soon and hope it's a painful death.
Don't worry North America is going to suffer like it deserves for embracing and funding international Jewish Rule. When it's all said and done stupid white people from the United States will see why Jews are hated historically in Europe. Hope that this time all of Judaism and its branches are fully killed into extinction. No more kicking out, extermination for Zionism, Jews, etc is the correct decision for global human sanity.
It might still be popular, if they hadn't been ruining it for the past ten years.
I watched these films recently
I can see how they would be good 50 years ago, but today they are just boring and too samey

it's unlike star wars, where you have lots of different things, people, planets etc. so you can make lots of interesting stories and scenarios

This is just a random guy with a whip. A male tomb raider.
They should have let Bruce Campbell or Brendan Fraiser play Indy in the mid to late 90's, and just gotten it over with.
Meh Indiana Jones is a dead brand because it's heavily themed on the era its set in. The thing I wish would fucking die is Star Wars. Even after Disney Feminism Up that franchise I still see it as dangerously evergreen. Sure Star Wars is not as evergreen as autism shit like say Sonic the Hedgehog or Batman but still it's annoying how even after Disney's desecration of the franchise that it still continues to get new media be it games, movies, series, etc.

So tired of that shitty franchise that was never good. And it doesn't help that Mark Hamil has gone public CRAZY with his politics so I really hate seeing Luke from the classic Star Wars trilogy. All I see is a political mouth piece sack of shit simply that he has less wrinkles.
>they must have payed billions to use the Indy IP
I agree, they really should have treated the role of Indy as James Bond meaning rotating actors in their prime. But whatever too late by now. But for what it's worth that only works for so long as well because even James Bond as a franchise is dying out.
Indiana Jones always seemed to me like one of those franchises that had a fake fanbase like I've never met anyone who likes that shit, but the media always portrayed it like it has that huge following on the same level as something like Star Wars or Harry Potter. He's just some gay archeologist with a fedora and a whip and anyone with a gun could easily take him out.
>Game based on IP from a movie released in 1981 not doing well in 2024
Well, smack my ass and call me tranime_enjoyer.com
they not selling "worse" though
they're selling more numbers than back in the day because the market is significantly bigger
problem is game dev is bloated to hell and costs 1000% more so they lose money not selling 5m+ copies
Are you retarded?
I'm laughing
Gaming is dying, and i'm laughing
Sometimes it works look at how many media there is for Fairy Tales and Mythology even something as terrible as God of War Ragnarok sold excellent. There you go.
Even the creators of Indiana Jones openly said that they had problems selling Indiana Jones merchandise such as action figures. You are correct that there was no fanbase because the fans buy the merchandise and get into the lore for a property. Look at older examples like Lord of the Rings that HAS a fandom. Indiana Jones? Made its money but no one gives a shit about it. A modern example of that is Cameron's Avatar in that it makes money but no one gives a fuck about it and no one wants to buy the action figures or the video games.
>stay for the empathy
why are redditors like this?
Even if Crystal Skull and whatever abomination Disney put out had never existed, what is the point of Indiana Jones games today when the Uncharted series delivered everything IJ fans would want?
>why nazi aren't buying our game about punching gamers?
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Sometimes old shit has long term cross generation appeal. Look at how for example Dragon Ball is still refusing to die outliving its creator. And if you want an older example Doraemon.
New generations still enjoy the original 3 movies once they just take the time to watch them. They'r the type of films like Mad Max 2 and Lord of the Rings that people universally like.
There's also Tomb Raider which also did the same thing in gaming before Uncharted. But basically we don't need anymore Indiana Jones knock offs. In gaming properties that originate from a different industry are servants of gaming originals. This is also why Epic Mickey Mouse failed TWICE while Mario remains king.
It's like being a "James Bond fan". Some people are, but for most people he's just action movie man, and it's something they'll watch as long as it's on TV, and it's one of the good ones.
They're making another theme park attraction too, lmao
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>indiana jones boomer franchise
Indiana Jones was of its time. Unlike Star Wars, the IP never became cross generational. It might have been if Crystal Skull was on the same level as the original trilogy but it wasn't.
>the year of our lord 202X
>your epic gaymen idea is to make a fucking Indiana Jones game
What the fuck is wrong with this industry
Ah yes, that's why Black Myth Wukong did so poorly... or wait no it was insanely successful. Woops. Guess people want to play first person games.
Hey, this was their second idea, they first thought of making a flash Gordon game
flash gordon woudlve been kino
Boomer jews calling the shots in the industry literally cannot let go of the 80s even when most zoomers have literally never seen an indiana jones movie, dont really know what star trek is, think star wars is shit because they've only been alive for shit movies and controversies, have no idea why they keep releasing awful ghostbusters movies etc.

What is this obsession with constantly rebooting the 80s
Zoomers and millennials do not give a flying fuck about Indiana jones. Who is this for? I'm getting flashbacks to the lotr golem game
Not if it was made by the same dev
>Flash takes a back seat to his girlfriend
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Drake predates zoomers by a very fair amount anon
Nathan Drake is millennial indie
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Some places give you upto 40% off
If its any other reason you are a drooling retard and should go play in traffic. Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way kiddo.
>"office gameplay reveal trailer" shows off a bunch of millennial nerds in their le quirky office space
>Doesn't show gameplay until 3 and a half minutes in
I hate this shit. If its like a round table dev discussion/q&a I get it, but why do devs think we give a fuck about what they have to say or what they look like? Show us the game or don't bother

Especially when every single "dev" trailer is shot exactly the same and they all say the exact same buzzwords about what they're working on
>Really excited to show you what we've been working on
>Never before seen
>Open world
>Free flowing
>Complete player freedom
>So many choices that matter-
>Player expression
>Faithfully recreated-

Its all so tiresome
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>unlike in videogames, punching a nazi doesn't give you coins
>leftards don't play videogames so they never learned this crucial information
wtf but you can punch nazis!!
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yes, this game is racist against Ukrainians.
We need to boycot it.
Viva Ukraini.
Mercenaries and bandits hired by [evil rich guy #5632] because he wants the artifact for his personal collection and flex on his friends at the country club?
What snippets of gameplay they show are shallow and this is double concerning because they have yet to release a video that is like 10 minutes of straight gameplay footages
Whenever I see previews of these games built off boomer ips 90% of the preview is jerking off about how iconic the IP is and not the actual gameplay and it really is a turn off
A indy rogue like or metroidvania of him exploring a tomb would have been a better idea
Indiana Jones absolutely could have worked as an Resident Evil 4 clone.
>Indiana Jones
>quests for a circle or something?
Not only is he a literal who now, but a circle? Is this some AAA edutainment game?
why would i want to punch the good guys?

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