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smt/persona fans be like
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boku no pico
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>not being interrupted by a random enemy encounter every 2 or 3 steps
HA! This ain't no Fatlus game!
They're a niche genre, but there's still plenty of fans. That's (probably) how companies like Experience Inc are still able to function.

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>no Miquella ending
Did From drop the ball hard?
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Miquella has the equivalent of buyer's remorse for Radahn. He sacrificed pretty much everything, and everyone to achieve what he did. Tarnished becoming his elden lord is simply not an option at this point for him. Little bitch is obsessed with his bro.
The part where he's still a God and stronger than any spirit. Miquella's entire story reeks of plot contrivance. Doesn't feel organic at all.
like >>683835082 said, you want your Miquella ending, there it is.
>miqy doing the smashing
no thanks bro
kill yourself tranny, traps have been around longer than your retarded drug cult trend

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ITT: Games that have been erased from the collective consciousness
Good riddance. Shit game. More jap plagarism. Sick of it, especially when the result is so worthless.

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I fear the we might never see another genuine and soulful fantasy game ever again

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Damn brat...
It's pretty iffy:
There's a lotta he said she said: apparently he developed feelings for Lawly years later, but who gives a fuck when they're both of consenting age at that point. Hopefully, no other instances exist, but I also remember thinking "well at least he isn't a pedo" when the Emily shit started. I just don't think we should go back to being oblivious about it.

He called her "pedo crush" come on. I work with autists worse an older than Emile; that's why I excuse the Emily shit. He fucked up there, but as long as it's the only time and he actually learns from it, that's all he can really do and he really needs to cause that's his target audience. Don't even care about the pedo jokes as shit was different back then, but even when he addresses it in those cringe "my response" docs that twitter loves, he doesn't take accountability and instead makes a big deal about how long ago it was or how he was powerless to the will of a child.

For the record; Lawly is a horrible human being and I lost all respect for Werster. He more than anyone should know the importance of second chances for things you regret years ago: https://youtu.be/XcBbE3t6cLA
>tune into jon's stream one day
>there's 3 randos on the mic for some reason
>no gameplay on screen
>discussing education for some reason
>one of the randos, audibly a faggot, yells LET'S LEARN ABOUT GENDER :D after his constant attempts to talk about faggotry get ignored
I think there's a reason audiences aren't allowed to jump on stage whenever they want.
>or how he was powerless to the will of a child.
He was simply ahead of the times.
>but be incredibly careful.
Why? I'm not a minor

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*filters millions*
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this guy is unBEARaBULL
dead money>old world blues>honest hearts>lonesome road.
get out
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Dead money is always at #1 because it correctly condenses the content of the game imo.
I would rather have a few hours of high quality condensed content over 10 hours of mediocrity (the general feel of the vanilla open world, sue me)
To me, the dead money map design is how bethesda should generally design their dungeons and shit.
>My wife's boyfriend
>Not OUR boyfriend
That is not a polycule. He's just a cuck.

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what do we think
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>t. Jian Shang Di
Oh no?
I'm going to wear your moron face as a party mask.

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You did pick Apsaras didn't you?
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why did they give her bigger boobs?
australian censorship
Is this the Chinese version?
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Oh wow they did. Maybe to make her appear older?
How do you get jewels for that one side quest? I randomly already have some diamonds but I have no clue how to get them.

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What are the essential Chudcore video games?
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>Me fucking your mother.

he said CHUDcore, not CHADcore, anon.
Gothic 1 and 2
strategy games, military sims and vns
mount and blade warband

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Also, the most beautiful too

No, im not in love or anything
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It's funny, I expected to like Shadowheart based on EA, but when I actually played the full game I ended up with Lae'zel. She really is the most interesting and best girl, Karlach is close but they botched her in Act 3.
shadow heart is made for ___
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And several trillion gallons of whipped cream
white men
Tummy kisses

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150 rotation
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300 rot

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Pure fucking sovl. Capcom did it again
coming from /v/, I guess this means I need to wait for a sale
I actually have better taste than /v/, but whatever man it’s your life I don’t really care. There’s a demo for the game anyways
No fanservice don't care
Fair enough. You should have sex with a real woman though, highly recommend
whats up with this retarded romanization?

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I mean, the localization in this case absolutely matches the culture of the country of the target language
I’ve absorbed enough basic and common phrases or dialogues through osmosis that o know when something is even meeting the bare minimum standards and when some retard has the gall to completely change the script. Their bosses really need to slap the hard lesson of reality that they are not the equals of the original devs and script writers. And by that I mean shitcan them and blacklist them from the industry
Kikes love butchering japanese media, what else is new.
looks like a gay manga.
Same here. Having even the smallest grasp on Japanese makes you notice so much shit.
That same game had a part where they translated "ご飯" as "food" instead of translating it as "rice" which ended up making it so that the sentance didn't make sense at all

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Excuse me!
Have YOU sacrificed today?
All doas welcome
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I don't fap to Marie
why not
I want Eyes on Me Kasumi
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get a girlfriend

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Will we ever get a good Mad Max game?
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No one says the on foot segments are good, it's only worth playing for the car combat
>say game is shit
>someone brings up souls games
every fucking time. you retards are so fucking brainbroken. you aren't even defending shit, this "whataboutism" is the most pathetic i've ever seen.
I mean, he's right tho
souls are not part of the conversation, i don't care about talking about souls. bamham combat is shit and ruined tons of games that would otherwise have been good.
Yes, and?

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the most Jewish gacha I've ever played
more than FGO and priconne even
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Either you have the worst luck in the world or you've neglected FP and the wishlist to a concerning degree.
omg, her reload time is atrocious
I just hate how long this shit takes to load.
it's a bunch of fucking jpegs what the FUCK are they loading?
never gave them a cent
two accounts with a top sss girls
The wall's annoying, but it's literally a one time thing that's just a time gate. People who play strategically don't even hit it. If you actually need 11 dupes by the time you hit 160 you're not only doing something insane, but you also somehow avoided getting any welfares.

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Did you get the summer skins?
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that shits irrelevant when it looks like a wet rat; the way only some strands stick is weird too
Long ponytail looks bad, you can switch it to short
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>flopped in japan btw
You won't fool me, I saw you seething about her #1 spot in Famitsu threads.
Bro has to lie in every thread

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>one of the hottest enemies you fight against, along with Emily, Hellene, and most monster girls
>appears only twice in the whole 20-hour early access campaign
Choco pls
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>mentioning another game out of nowhere
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Jas is so pure hearted.
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This teaser has single-handedly justified the delays. Pure raw kino.
That smile....
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The smile of someone who rests at ease knowing she has committed multiple warcrimes.

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What are some games aside Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 and Ghost of Tsushima where I can be comfy riding on my horse traveling from place to place and looking at pretty scenery?
Death stranding

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if you think she looks liek kitana then i dont know what to tell you
>Homelander's Animality
>Jax, an American man who has been all about America his whole existence, who drapes the American flag around his shoulders when he wins in MK9 relocates to Africa in his MK11 ending
This was fucking hilarious and it was probably racist
does this mean /mkg/ is gonna come back
lol, lmao

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