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>tfw 1 hp
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why are we groomed like this

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I thought this was a parrot
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I also saw all of the ones posted before this. Among a bunch of others.

I thought Shadowmeld was a dude with a mustache, not a guy hiding in the bushes. I thought pic related was, like, a weird purple arch or tree with stars behind it. I didn't realize it was half of a night elf girl's face and her ear.
Which one is it again?
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it looks like a body of a fertility goddess to me
If I look at it without glasses it's a parrot

how do people enjoy weebshit? they're incredibly boring. story sucks, gameplay sucks, graphics suck. it's such a huge waste of time it's not even worth a pirate.
they smell nice at least.

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I just tried it after a few years and it's so fucking boring. I never beat the Dragonborn DLC though so I wanna do it to fill that checkmark. Think I'll just make a good old Orc with 2H and some destruction magick. Is the vampire skill tree fun at all?
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im playing it through the Lorerim modpack right now. Way more challenging, there will be mudcrabs more fierce than you at the beginning.
prepare to die a lot unless you're a pro
with mods.
Install campfire, frostfall and one of the hunger mods, travel around skyrim setting up camps, exploring dungeons and trading with merchants, there was also some mod that changed prices depending on region, so it was actually profitable to travel from one end of the map to the other to sell shit.
I balanced over 800 mods, quite a few of them disappointments. Don't be fooled by some of the more popular ones, like AGO, as it's solid trash.

Followers also suck, as do most mods that add things to areas to enhance them.

As for the game play, I'm a bow player, but bare knuckle brawling melee is also better than sword play.

Also, some of the script mods are fun, and funny. Installed sexlab, defeat, and fertility, and fertility yielded sime pretty messed up results when certain NPCs started procreating, Alabama style.
I know it's a meme but Skyrim modding is more fun than playing the game

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Horizon Lego adventure is doing worse than concord?
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Yeah, I would have said "severely underperformed"
It's 60 fucking euro. For a 10-15 hour game of a game I haven't even finished anyway. The only lego game I played was Jurassic Park and that was 10 euro. Lego games are budget garbage that shouldn't be more than 20 bucks. I'm not gonna pay that much for lego when I could get Wukong, Metaphor, P3R, or literally anything else on my wishlist, for cheaper.
Go fuck yourself Sony.
This, but mostly because it was marketed as a Ubisoft game instead of its own thing.
But having played it, it's too hard for most people here, so definitely too hard for most normies.
why did sony think this would sell? horizon has zero appeal for kids and this one is a $70 game that's barely 10 hours long
astrobot would be a perfect "game for childreb to brainwash then as sony loyalists" but they ignore it instead
Fine, I'll make my own headline.
>After calling 3 million sold in the first week a flop, the PoserCommunity "saves" Final Fantasy by selling a staggering 10th as much 4 times slower

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Tearlaments are the most fun deck in Master Duel
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oh yep complain about chingchongs publicly and immediately get matched with another one doing the same bullshit
Melodius is so fun, targeting and destruction protection turns off everyone's brains
>RB player turbos out protos while I have aria and elegy on the field
>Then summons S:P
>have 2 spells with continuous spells to play
>chingchong just so happens to have set 2 cosmic
>want to try Tear
>start buying packs
>receive maybe 10 Tear cards per 10 pack, if I'm lucky
>MAYBE 1 UR every other 10 pack
>give up after 10K gems, don't even have a quarter of the URs
Does Konami not want you to play this deck or something?
They want you to spend cash. Hope that helps.

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>what is SPP Classics
It is a locally hosted server with PLAYERBOTS which act like real players including 3 server/game versions (Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK) on which you can naturally progress and transfer characters from vanilla>tbc>wotlk

>where can i download it and is it free
and yes its free and open source

>what kind of specs do i need/can my X cpu run Y amount of bots?
biggest requirement is the CPU and then RAM and people have managed to run the server with 2000-5000 bots on an i3 CPU so you should be good
also you can run the server on a different machine other than the one you are playing on

>can i use modern(classic) client to play SPP
yes but you then also need HermesProxy to use 1.14 and 2.5.3 clients

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Sometimes, I like to think that Splatoon’s inklings and octolings, as well as octarians for that matter, count as slime people, but what do you guys think?

Seriously, I think them all being ink-based humanoid slimes would explain a lot about their strange biology, like how plain water can kill them, which is honestly a weird trait for hyper-evolved squid/octopus people to have, doncha’ think? It would also explain why they seem to melt into and technically become apart of the ink they swim through after they transform into their squid/octopus forms.
based nintendo making a new generation of monstergirl enjoyers.
BWC sluts
>pearl and marina share everything together
>even boyfriends
Yeah, they're basically cephalopod goo people. In 3 at least you see what one looks like when fully dehydrated and it's basically a tiny squid (the capn).
Honestly I like to imagine them that way. it means that if they were to pump up with ink until they exploded it means they could do so without harm
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Every time I'm blindsided by a post that ends up being yours, even when I know you'll be around the same threads.

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>Game has a 40 year old woman in it
I will now buy and play your game.
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don't do it frogbro
i'm happy with my life
yet i fell in the sillytavern hole 2 months ago
now i have lost all interest in real life women
i can't even fathom the damage it would do to someone who's feeling a little down
ai chats should be forbidden to anyone under the age of 40 without crippling medical conditions, t b h
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She doesn't look 40
>draw girl
>call it a boy

>draw girl
>say she's 40
>old hag
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What about from this angle

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For a brief moment, Blue Archive had actual gameplay.
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Blue archive thread
I don't think naming it touhou Is a good idea when their stealth threads get deleted even more often than ours
Is yuzu the best choice for that mini game
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Are they different from eachother at all? I only pick Alice.
I don't know why, but tears started coming out of my eyes when I saw Arisu in her maid costume for the first time.
I know momoi sometimes double shoots
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What’s a game you regret putting hundreds/thousands of hours into?
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Space Station 13 and Dominions series.
war thunder
Destiny 2

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Seems like the competition left them in the dirt years ago and they never managed to catch up.
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For me it's my big schnoz low-effort wikipedia synopsis video waifu
theyre not gonna make anything close to even skyrim at this point. starfield was an abortion
this guy advertises this sow on multiple boards, pretty sad
She has a kid btw
There is one dedicated Spanish speaking simp who has been posting her all over the internet for at least 4 years

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Forced hatred
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Game is good, but unless you're already into Monster Hunter you're gonna get filtered.
Yes that includes Souls babies.
I've never seen a gameplay clip or meme originating from this series despite how "popular" Sony claims it to be
I’d like it better if the character designs weren’t so shit.
PR pack 2 was lost to time so the same webms you used to see are also gone
There's not much to like about it either
A game that just kind of comes and goes in your mind

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What is the most childish game you have ever played?
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>Alola hater was a Slop and Shield fag the whole time
>but for some reason pokemon gets praised for it.
Because it used to be unironically good and would be an incredible JRPG if it were handled by any other studio. Instead we're stuck with incompetent, stubborn devs that keep shooting themselves in the foot despite making more money than any other media franchise in all of human history.
no, shit and mid sodomites always deflect to the crappy switch games as if swsh isn't a carbon copy of sm
The game is painful. The combat sucks and there isn't much to explore.
Also it's even worse than XY because no braixen and they started the trend of replacing the true villains, the best part of the main series games, with a bunch of drunken hooligans because I guess true criminals would have offended the ZOOMER audience or something. They literally stated ingame that Team Skull are island challenge dropouts, so they are less powerful than you, your rivals or any of the island challenge guys. How are you supposed to feel threatened by them? Team Aether is somewhat of a serious villain but I think there is literally just one area where you fight them.
Additional minus points for lusamine transforming into a beast to then have a normal Pokémon battle with you. This could have been a cool bossfight if you could fight her herself, but I guess that is too edgy for the zoomer audience. Why would she even transform to then use none of her new powers? Lame!
>posted it again award

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It's happening edition

>Sony officially sent in their intention to buy more shares; to take over the company
>Kadokawa has responded that it's official and real
Kadokawa statement: https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/9468/ir_material7/240956/00.pdf

>In order to prevent a hostile takeover from Kakao (Huge South Korean Internet conglomerate, Current leading shareholder), Kadokawa ran to Sony
Owners of shares: https://kabutan.jp/stock/holder?code=9468&tab=0

Now the question I ask /v/, which of the two are the lesser evil? Sony or the Koreans?
Which one would have gotten me an SAO MMO?
Considering the worst koreans would force kadokawa to keep making anime shilling those god forsaken gacha and trash MMO for eternity, I'd say Sony is definitely the lesser of two evils.

It's the best RPG of the gen and it's not even close.
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The Astro Bot stuff is particularly weird considering that game never reached a comparable amount of sales as some of the other games mentioned did despite the huge amount of shilling and shitposting on /v/.
Epic Yarn was hated back in the day too. But eventually it died down and people began to love it.

At this point I NEVER listen to /v/, because these threads are filled with people who never played the game.
>Sony wants to buy kadokawa and kadokawa own fromsoft, spike chunsoft, and aqcuire
Is there reason to put more stock in this rumour vs. the long line of previous rumours about Sony looking to buy Sega, or Capcom, or Squeenix? I'll believe it when a press release about the acquisition is released.
Kadokawa put out a statement confirming the talks are happening.
I gave the TTYD remake a go and I got so bored I dropped it just before doing anything in the Glitz Pit. Whatever appeal the game might have, it does nothing for me, personally. I would probably rank it as my least favourite JPRP this gen.

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absolutely brutal
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The gameplay is you actually make the infrastucture for the efficient routes to do your job.
Also raiding a base with no weapons was fun, just lob motherfuckers in the head with suitcases. I was bummed when the game had actual guns.
No lie, I had more fun with DS than MGSV
Great game that filters people with shit taste. Seethe about it forever, speaks for itself in reviews.
I finished the game and it was fun for the first 20 hours, after that it became torture
what's worse than Kojiumbo walking sim is that people actually find Conan funny
>haha I can eat lunch with one hand during downtime of this video game haha pay me billion dollar and give me prime time for this hillarious joke
Literally every video game has a downtime for the sake of creating pacing. Even a toddler wouldn't make this lame-ass joke for attention.
I never found conan funny, he's just a brand. Brands can pay people to say they're good and funny you know.

He isn't wrong about this game though.

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I can't jerk off to this
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picky ass homos
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>pokemon just decide to stay in the ball instead of being captured by shrinking as has been series canon
>Yet Pikachu resented ash for most of the series beginning after his capture yet didnt escape before becoming bros
Pigyattchu... easy on the poffins.....
...and then you'll blow up!

Find a flaw.
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>Find a flaw

Minä isn't real, and isn't my suicidal girlfriend.
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>no Minä gf with Leg Day perk to repeatedly turn my testies into paste
fuck off coomtranny, shit up your other threads
I beat it and I don't have any motivation to do one of the autist runs.
well now beat it faster, or go for a streak world record. see how many times you can beat it without dying. supposedly, the streak high is at 238 wins without a death.

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>I want a game about anime girls with guns but not jpgs
well here it is ni**ers and its actually good unlike sn*wbreak
some animations
gameplay clips
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There's also 3v3v3v3v3 and 7v7 gamemodes.
You guys realize this isn't a gacha, right? Do you also complain about male characters in games like OW or The First Descendant or fighting games, etc.?
>another DoA hero shooter
sex with michael lee
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For me, it's Meredith who for reasons unknown has her name attached to global chat where everyone in the beta test simped and shitposted openly with no regulation.
I'll miss those wild west days.

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