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Horizon Lego adventure is doing worse than concord?
Who the fuck cares about Horizon?
Nobody even knew it was coming out lol.
Sony bros do
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>lego games
>steam numbers

yeah no fucking shit retard, this is the kind of game that sells because parents buy their kids these games on console
Sony bro mad and seething
the game is a success on PS5. Maybe not as much as mother fucking Stellard Blade, but still.
I have a feeling you two are the same
>Lego game
>of fucking Horizon
>70dollar usd
Genuinely what were they thinking?
They will refuse to make everything but this ugly bitch game.
Piratechads still winning
Playstation staying afloat because these dudes suck them off with brand loyalty
horizon is a shit franchise anyway and parenst dont gonna spend $70+ on a shitty crossover, lego's crossovers only works with well know names, sony should bet all the money on astrobot and stop pushing this try hard franchise
it's all groomers and trans (like yourself)
The primary audience for Sony games is on Playstation, not Steam.
Playstation owners alone can no longer satisfy Sony's needs.
lol. horizon's target audience are leftists aka people that don't have kids
I like how the snoytards are trying super hard at damage control
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>Game that's already artificially popular aimed towards childless millennials being turned into a LEGO game for kids when we live in an era where children play nothing but Fortnite and Roblox being sold for 70 bucks and somehow it didn't sell well?
Chuds btfo
>spent more time talking about microtransactions and weird time wasting side shit in the hub than the actual game
wow who coulda seen this coming
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Sony need go back to basics, refocus on console and shun PC in favour of mobile.
Kadokawa fits nicely into that strategy and mobile stands in for Sony lacking a handheld, also if they did want a handheld they can use ARM (and have good battery life).
No one is buying their shitty kid a 70$ slop they aren't even asking for
Who asked for this?!
What a forced franchise, snoy acting like this shit deserved a LEGO game just like Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc...

Sony golden age was mid PS1 up to early PS2 and I am tired of pretending it's not.
Horizon doesn't feel like a real series, it's so fucking forced it's unreal
this is like Disney trying to force a big super franchise in the mid 10s that could do what Pirates of the Carribean did for them (Tomorrowland, Lone Ranger, making a John Carter of Mars movie, Sorcerer's Apprentice, etc.) then not getting the hint when it doesn't work the fifth time
>no one is buying their shitty kid a $70 slop they aren't even asking for
Yeah, I agree with the not even asking for this slop horizon game.
John Carter was good but raped by fucked up marketing
There is a universe where it made a billion
>lego game
if it aint 'arry po'er, pre disney star wars, or lotr it aint kino.
The one dude at sony california that keeps shoveling money into this dumpster fire because it's his pet project or something.
Wait, it's $70!?
WHY!? I thought it was like $40 AA-title or something but I guess Sony can't help but make seventy dorrar geemus
It's free if you're brave enough
*filters tripfaggot*
Hes living in a delusion like some of these snoys commenting
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>Lego Star Wars
>Lego Batman
>Lego Harry Potter
>Lego Lord of the Rings
>Lego Jurassic Park
>Lego... Horizon Zero Dawn

It's almost too ridiculous to be real.
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The Lego set prices go even further beyond.
Unsurprising. Making Horizon Lego game made no sense. Even a Friends Lego or Sex in New York Lego would make more sense.
That's beyond pitiful
Horizon feels like the a completely forced series.
horizon, isn't that the girlboss game with that ugly fat girl?

why does sony keep throwing money at it
That money would go further trying to build a real-life AT-AT
>lego practically has a monopoly
>prices are going up, quality is going down
really activates my almonds
Kind of surprised nintendo hasn't struck a deal with them to get zelda Lego or something, makes a lot more sense for both parties than fucking Horizon does for Sony. Whole thing just seems like a waste of fucking money.
It's even funnier when you look at the profiles of the top 10 reviews or so
>nooticing intensifies
Because Horizon's creator is the boss of Sony's AAA studios.
Horizon is the single most fake astroturfed franchise EVER MADE.

It has ZERO fans
Nintendo is really weird about Zelda. They should be producing all kinds of spinoffs if the mainline is now doing open world. 2D and 3D Zelda doesn't have a lot of competition, aside from some skin-deep indie games.
They made Hyrule Warriors, they have no shame if they're licensing slop.
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I didn't play Hyrule Warriors 2, but the first was really good. Actually justifies the Musou formula because it was so well put together. The only criticism I have is that Koei Tecmo's OC's are a really poor fit (but I'll give Cia a pass because sexo)
Musou at least has game roots
woah but john osny told me horizon was a huge franchise everyone loved.
My brother in Christ, I own a PS5 and also just got a Pro. I do not care for this slop nor ever will.
>Not buying games
*Pretends to be shocked*
black eye
black guy
>artificially popular
Not even that, Horizon is just not popular at all.
Retard take
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industry plant franchise
shrimple as
It’s because they know they can fleece autists for more than they ever made selling to children
There's one friend in our group who likes the Nikocado bitch unironically and we all make fun of him.
Nikola Pajtic needs to get his stupid Balkan ass back to English class before he writes any more articles that use “less” instead of “fewer”.
anon knows the truth.
I used to until the second game came out
It has less than 1k reviews on the psstore, kek
100% bet there was a Lego Concord in the pipeline that got canned too lol
ironically the only platform i can see this doing well is on the switch
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>Killzone died for this
Get fucked you dutch faggot
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That's a pretty safe bet, the multimedia push was on its way. Hope it leaks for a few more laughs at their expense.
Nintendo's probably afraid of getting one-upped by a third-party competitor in regards to Zelda. That franchise has reached a new low as far as gameplay goes, despite the sales. They tend to get extremely pissy when a second or third-party developer makes a better game than them, if their history with Rare's anything to go by
Hyrule Warriors was an exception because the gameplay and formula was so radically different from traditional Zelda titles.

A Lego Mario or Pokemon game would print money though.
>Lego Dustborn
>Lego Hyenas
>Lego Concord
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>Zero Calories
That shit always makes me kek but still I don't wanna play this pozzed series staring a girl boss, lesbian with a potatoe face. You do well by bullying your friend.
Supposedly the actual Lego toy sets of the franchise sold pretty well, but that was because of the robot dinosaurs, not the ugly main character.
Those kids are getting CoD, lego is for manchildren, have you see how fucking expensive lego are these days? Oh yeah goy shell out 40$ for two characters and a mini van
Now imagine... Lego Minecraft.
Killzone was pure slop as well.
Pathetic that goddamn cadence of hyrule is the only good zelda game released since ALBW
horizon has no fans
all the sales come from console bundles
Lego is trash
Horizon Online fucking when? That shit will be the perfect game to see wether this franchise is forced or not
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>Guerilla Games working on Horizon online
Of all the games to go all in on, this one is baffling.
>70dollar usd
It will outlive Concord
Cope some more faggots
why did they stop making killzone to focus on this trash that no one plays? aren't they also making a horizon mmo and some other horizon GaaS spinoff? what a waste of a company
"extremely underperformed" is not linguistically correct, Obaid Ur Rehman saar
>the best game Sony had going on was helldivers 2
>killed it trying to force PSN on the players
You can always count on Sony to make the worst possible decisions
If they actually get their hands on fromsoft I expect all future souls games tol be ps5 exclusive
Yeah, I would have said "severely underperformed"
It's 60 fucking euro. For a 10-15 hour game of a game I haven't even finished anyway. The only lego game I played was Jurassic Park and that was 10 euro. Lego games are budget garbage that shouldn't be more than 20 bucks. I'm not gonna pay that much for lego when I could get Wukong, Metaphor, P3R, or literally anything else on my wishlist, for cheaper.
Go fuck yourself Sony.
This, but mostly because it was marketed as a Ubisoft game instead of its own thing.
But having played it, it's too hard for most people here, so definitely too hard for most normies.
why did sony think this would sell? horizon has zero appeal for kids and this one is a $70 game that's barely 10 hours long
astrobot would be a perfect "game for childreb to brainwash then as sony loyalists" but they ignore it instead
Fine, I'll make my own headline.
>After calling 3 million sold in the first week a flop, the PoserCommunity "saves" Final Fantasy by selling a staggering 10th as much 4 times slower
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LEGO Dead Space
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The only people who even know what Horizon is are /v/ shitposters and that Guerilla Games fag who pushes it.
Lego games rely on popular IPs to sell their games.
See the problem? Concord at least had the benefit of having personality (It was shit and constantly mocked, but it still evoked feelings). Horizon is the soulless third person game of soulless third person games and is so bland that even the MC got called 'Placeholder' on her expensive ass statue (Which also already got taken out lmao).
Im sure it’s doing better but that doesn’t matter bc it still flopped

Who was this game for?
That bar is so low it’s underground
If Horizon had a male protagonist beating robot dinos with a huge metal slab it could actually sell.
A woman with a bow is the most uninteresting combo available.
the problem isnt that she's a woman, it's that she's hideous
and all the other characters in the game are hideous too
and of course they made her a lesbian, like every other modern western female mc, because a straight woman reinforces the patriarchy or something
>This square blocks garbage costs 20$
fuck lego.
IMO it should have just had a character creator with no voiced MC at all, because the deluge of boring exposition cutscenes are ass and the story fucking blows.
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It's still odd to me that The Pokemon Company continues to stick with Mattel and Mega Bloks, rather than crossing over to Lego.
Surely that massive Venn Diagram intersection of autists who like Lego and Pokemon would be worth it.
>Mega Bloks are the same as Lego.
Not to the autists.
most forced IP to ever exist, pretty sure some sony exec simps non stop for this IP
>look it lived for a whole 2 hours
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the switch version will sell more than the ps5 and steam versions combined
Ah, so this is what you're crying all over the board about.

>Shit like cat quest III which released in August are in the top selling games in Japan
>Legorizon isn't
can't wait for famitsu thread to see horizon doing better on switch than ps5
Had she been on the level of old lara croft it would have been waaay better
Not that we'll ever know. Digitally it's not even in the top 50 for the US/JP/AU/EU/UK eShop.

They didn't even mention it in the new releases newslet either despite AI anime dating sims being there.
>mega blocks
Why does Sony desperately want Horizon to be big thing again?
The best I can see it's done digitally is the US eShop at position 170. I have to highly doubt it will even chart on Famitsu when I got tired of looking for the digital copy after 4 loads (meaning I was down to 500 games loaded and wasn't even seeing the two lego games that have sold better than it recently) on the JP eShop.

BotW rarely charts in the top 30 now and even it was in the top 300 digital sales.
Will they make one with Jack Black?
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The nanoblock ones aren't too bad.

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