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Sometimes, I like to think that Splatoon’s inklings and octolings, as well as octarians for that matter, count as slime people, but what do you guys think?

Seriously, I think them all being ink-based humanoid slimes would explain a lot about their strange biology, like how plain water can kill them, which is honestly a weird trait for hyper-evolved squid/octopus people to have, doncha’ think? It would also explain why they seem to melt into and technically become apart of the ink they swim through after they transform into their squid/octopus forms.
based nintendo making a new generation of monstergirl enjoyers.
BWC sluts
>pearl and marina share everything together
>even boyfriends
Yeah, they're basically cephalopod goo people. In 3 at least you see what one looks like when fully dehydrated and it's basically a tiny squid (the capn).
Honestly I like to imagine them that way. it means that if they were to pump up with ink until they exploded it means they could do so without harm
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Every time I'm blindsided by a post that ends up being yours, even when I know you'll be around the same threads.
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I'm sorry anon. I can't help it, these ceph women are too plappable and explodable
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Aw, anon just needs another degenerate to discuss/roleplay his ideas with
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I don't actually do ERP, it's too much trouble. Let's just post sexy squids and octos.
I will take the source on that pic though please
There's no inflation for you I'm afraid, it was a one and done by Knoing
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I assume that squid and octo women are always kind of wet for that reason, since they're basically solidified goo (or like a solid non Newtonian fluid). Or at least moist. Like, they should have skin like a seal or a dolphin, kind of slippery/rubbery.
Dang. Well, thanks anyway anon.
Also them being pseudo goo girls is a neat way to headcanon fanart. It's not offmodel if they can change their shape.
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It would explain them splatting in water as well, as it's effectively them being unable to retain their structure in another fluid medium. Same with enemy ink.
But it would mean that they could probably deal with small quantities of water, or slow immersion with enough practice/warning.
I want to softly bite Marina's fat tits and thighs until she explodes
aren't they Lesbians?
Anon they aren't real, I don't think that matters
Yeah Peal's addicted to Marina's Big Chocto Cock and every public event they attend has to have "Pearlina Time" added to the schedule because they can't stop fucking right before a show
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I mean them being goo girls also supports the futa stuff, since it would make sense for them to be able to grow dicks when needed.
Anon you just want to see Pearl get cum inflated by Marina's giant brown gock until she ruptures
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I'm not really into futa but there's a jtveemo pic of Marina and Pearl both futa-ized and stuffed into Agent 8 who is sandwiched between them, and I will admit the scenario of them both hornily unloading into 8 until she goes SPLAT is pretty hot
Splatoon propaganda conspiracy iceberg:
>Surface: Nintendo is making you be attracted to children
>Underwater: Nintendo is making you be attracted to sea creatures
>Deep sea: Nintendo is making you be attracted to slimegirls
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Also you're missing the obvious thing which is it's hotter if the roles are reverse and Marina is the one being pumped up by Pearl like a blow up doll on a fire hydrant
so what? even if they were that just means they're even more in need of BWC correction
Don't forget Nintendo making you be sexually attracted to black women
Sorry I'll only accept this if it involves the smaller dicked Pearl fucking Marina's urethra and bloating her balls to breaking point

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