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Find a flaw.
>sprolololo, what if we locked 90% of the game's content behind these hyper-autistic 60-hour runs where the save can break at any time, or you get polymorph one-shotted
>oh fug, gread idea :DDD
That you only go down, not any other direction. And yes I know you can go in other directions but it's just repeated content. At game start you should be able to choose any direction, and each way is viable with unique paths/content.
i can't find a flaw
works on my machine
early floors are boring as fuck and you need to spend some time there to get various things for a good run
No time limit, unlockables, levels can get repetitive
You can't play without wiki
lmao only if you are a tard.
It needs better, faster and more varied starts true gem of a game otherwise
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>Find a flaw

Minä isn't real, and isn't my suicidal girlfriend.
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>no Minä gf with Leg Day perk to repeatedly turn my testies into paste
fuck off coomtranny, shit up your other threads
I beat it and I don't have any motivation to do one of the autist runs.
well now beat it faster, or go for a streak world record. see how many times you can beat it without dying. supposedly, the streak high is at 238 wins without a death.
Physics don't always work right. Liquids or items that hit a ceiling can appear on the other side. Water doesn't even put out fire.
Some quests are needlessly tedious, like End of Everything, or require a very specific spell, like the fish quest, or very specific items, like the sun quest.
Some perks only exist as newb trap gotchas, never to be taken again.
Some things are inconsistent, like how the All See Eye spell doesn't work everywhere, but the perk does.
Most of the bosses you have to go out of your way to find.
The difficulty is front loaded, the High Alchemist is really the only boss stopping you from farming perks in other worlds.
The game isn't truly 100% able in one run. Player ghosts only appear after a number of deaths. I really hate games that do this.
>Some things are inconsistent, like how the All See Eye spell doesn't work everywhere
The spell literally tells you that it doesn't work everywhere.
Hiisi could be here.
game has no respect for your time
what game does "respect your time"?
The game needs to shower me with gold stars and level ups or I feel like I'm wasting my time
Sounds more like Sometimes Seeing Eye.
sprölölölööö :DDDDF
One man's pain is another gay wizards fabulous quest
I've never used a wiki but /v/ spoiled me about a few locations
kinda wish it wasnt so easy to solve
like you stop fighting things in an interactive way really fast in most runs, the problem-solving part of wand building just stops mattering a little too quickly because things like chainsaws, multicasts and add manas scale up your dps potential way too much
and obviously the main boss isnt any kind of challenge at that point
I have never been this deep before.
Fuck, it's a Finnish game? Uninstalling it right now. Fuck Finnish game developers.
Anybody ever do these fully blind doing nothing but taking notes?
>new sun
>4 essences to moon
>twin chests
>sky temples
>neutralizing altar
>new sun
Literally how the fuck is anyone meant to figure this out without a guide
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Game is buggy as fuck. Otherwise it's aa masterpiece.
Yes anon, Noita means witch in finnish.
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>ratio of useless spells to useful spells is too high, spell bloat is fine but a lack of variety in truly good spells hurts replayability more than anything
>(matter of preference) most progress beyond the "final" boss tedious and unintuitive without a wiki, would take thousands of hours to 100% blind
If not for the first two I would have 100% the game already (with liberal use of the wiki), but I've still played the shit out of the game, like it and go back to play it more often than most games.
I did. My logic was
>book on this triangle platform says the guy lacks the ability to see
>all seeing eye perk/spell don't work
>shifting did nothing
>huh there's more of these platforms
>still can't do anything yet
>ok this laser eyeball revealed those platforms on the pyramid
>pyramid top has the eyeball shape icon
>ok so there's a dumb rainbow shroom hologram, what next?
>that rainbow trail above the island does nothing
>holding the eyeball out does nothing
>shifting does nothing
>must be something I'm missing now
>fuck this swiss cheese zone under the desert, it's fucking nothing
>wait this rock looks like a shroom
>there's fungus here, so what if it wants me to eat it all
>ok I ate it all and still nothing, so tripping out by itself is usele- HOLY SHIT
>okay so what if I need to have the eyeball out at the same time I shift? That's doable
>I gotta write this down
>(eventually get all book lores in notepad)
>it has to be in this order based on the words used
>where is this "seed of great promise"?
>I'll find it somewhere maybe
>that wizard's den wasn't that bad after Lukki Lair
>how do I hurt the blue spark clouds there's so many here
>wait that weird totem looks just like the laser eyeball, what if I...
>ok eyeball does nothing to them, they probably spawn these annoying ghosts
>but the eyeball does nothing to the skulls, they block projectiles
>but I need the eyeball out to manifest them
>I see, I need the eyeball near to hit them
>this zone has nothing- orb room here?
>stick to the walls
>forgotten cave? Boss?
>its just a boss version of the blue spark skullfaces huh
>that was easy
>why does it have the Doctor Manhattan hydrogen symbol on it?
>ok so pyramid top?
>ok it worked, next step...
>why is magical explosion not working? It's what the book says
>why isn't lava working? Same as the book
>is it not enough explosions? Do I need a different spell?
>ok nothing I do is working, fuck this thing
>time to nuke orbit and throw as many nukes as I can at the same time
>where am I going to get 100 enemies to this? (I made it right next to the border in the desert)
>that one mage had summon eggs on a wand in Wizard's Den, and I have the greek letters already
>I have no idea if this is working
>throw the 4 essences in huh
>whats that bit about "corruptive"?
>spirits isn't a main essence, does it get drunk if I do that?
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Too hard for my retard brain but I still like it anyway.
He told you
>no troon shit
Minä is (you), literally.
i rather enjoy exploring. Fuck you.
with a digging wand you can go anywhere
your the type of guy that plays minecraft and doesn't know what to do.
creatively bankrupt.
is it worth it taking more than one digging wand?
>I wanna do it straight and not fuck this up this run
>where the fuck are essence of water and fire?
>(searching biomes for them)
>what are these dots on spatial awareness?
>oh no this sucks
>nice wicker man reference
>of course it'd be with that stupid troll deer
>wait essence eater ditches all of it at once? Sweet
>ok what now
>wait what if I go in- OH FUCK
>thanks Saving Grace
>now what do I do with this?
>wait what if I crash it into the moon?
>how am I going to move this?
>wait that mini moon I saw that one run was "Kuu"
>that music note rock was "Kuulokivi"
>is it that simple- NO FUCK
>how am I going to push this all the way up without running into it?
>guess it's useless now
And eventually I got 11 orb kill that run, then decided to suicide with it. I assume now I have to do all this up there to make it easier, but I can't pick it up if I make it too big. How does that work?
I have never played minecraft, I cannot relate
give it a shot mane.
Too hard and boring in the beginning and it's "secets" are too obscure.
I was pushing my sun with black holes for 30-60 minutes and fell into it anyway, should've known to make it at the destination, haven't touched the game since.
i suck at it

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