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Tearlaments are the most fun deck in Master Duel
Actually this is the most fun card in the game.
Sex With Purrely!!!
Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex!
>500 damage
Sitting in M1.
I played against a infernoid player who went into three masquerenas for a co-linked flood, apollousa and knightmare gryphon. gryphon also set anti-spell >_>
as braindead as it is no way they're all in m1, there has to be bad pilots left in m5-m2
tired of losing coin flips and having to sit through long ass ritual beast combos
Nobody is playing ritual beast
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I am, but only because I opened this.
I wish that were true.
I wish
and when it's not RB, it's another moonrune name with his trusty tearrorist 60 cards pile
Lightsworn makes me cum
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Coach Primite
what a dogshit fucking event
Purrely Sexual Intercourse Memory
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You're goddamn right.
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>have to wait for all arc v dragons to get their evolved forms before they release new zarc retrain that is trained to fuck their mouth
its not fair i cant live up to 100 years
>extra zero
>labtroon even with no welcomes
kill yourself
Wait until you see Vanquish Soul and Horus Tearlament.
I ran into Lab in the event and it was the saddest shit I saw.
NTRd his Lady with Snatch Steal after wiping out their shitty traps and killed him with it.
Windwitch support when? She's the only Ruri whose deck hasn't been good at any point.
>extra zerp event
>somehow faggots fine ways to make the event miseralbe with floodgates
Genuinely what the fuck did you expect, Summoned Skull turbo? Decks that don't use the ED have been pure cancer for over a decade at this point.
ive played older formats where floodgates were completely unplayable so don't care fix your fucking game
Windwitch Invoked was a thing back in 2017 nigga
oh yep chingchong just so happened to have 2 turn silence in hand
That deck played like 2 Windwitch cards. That's the same as saying your 60 card Tear pile with 1 blue eyes in it is a BE deck.
oh yep complain about chingchongs publicly and immediately get matched with another one doing the same bullshit
Melodius is so fun, targeting and destruction protection turns off everyone's brains
>RB player turbos out protos while I have aria and elegy on the field
>Then summons S:P
>have 2 spells with continuous spells to play
>chingchong just so happens to have set 2 cosmic
>want to try Tear
>start buying packs
>receive maybe 10 Tear cards per 10 pack, if I'm lucky
>MAYBE 1 UR every other 10 pack
>give up after 10K gems, don't even have a quarter of the URs
Does Konami not want you to play this deck or something?
They want you to spend cash. Hope that helps.
I played Labrynth with all the bans and no extra deck and still went 11-0 in the xyz link event
Didn't ask, gold shitter
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ive been trying to learn ancient gear using youtube videos. the only problem is, all their urgent schedule combos use gizmek taniguku. but on HIS website, all the ancient gear decklists use 3x urgent schedule with 0 tankiguku. what is the combo line for urgent schedule iin ancient gear if you aren't using gizmek taniguku?
is Floo a easy deck to get from their secret pack?
Well played Lab anon.
How do people even go on streaks in the first place? How do they go more than three games in a row without bricking or a weak going second hand? Do these people just win every coin flip and never brick? Ever?

The secret is drawing Maxx C isn't it?
Floo is cheap as shit from memory. It just Advent and your dignity.
If you brick on a modern deck it probably means you have a hand full of handtraps.
Skill and deck difference.
Maybe i am blind but how come in malice lists i see none playing shifter/fissure
yes i know it also stops a bunch of their own plays but i would expect that it does more harm to the opponent than them
It doesn't. None of the current ocg meta give that much of a fuck about shifter.
Remember when you could get away with 7-9 handtraps? Now it feels like you need at least 15, and drawing 2 handtraps is STILL not enough unless you draw a floodgate handtrap.

Fuwalos can't come soon enough
is something wrong with me if I'd rather pull for Floo shit instead of Tenpai shit?
So don't use too many hand traps, run 1 card combos instead. If maxx C was banned ash wouldn't even be played, that's how useless 1 interaction is now.
Chimera is good, tuner is good, Kaiju spell is a great boardwipe, diviner is one of the best normal summons for ritual decks and others depends what youre playing
If it weren't for Maxx C, then the game would be dead in Japan, the only place that matters, and we'd all be playing Rush Duel right instead because Konami would have gone all in on the reboot.

The only solution now is to integrate Maxx C's effect in the a new Master Rule and ban the roach along with its new friends. It's not a necessary evil at this point. It's necessary period.
Modern Floo runs 10 non-generic URs. 3 Advent, 3 Cowrie, 3 Feather Storm, 1 Apex.
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Please help newfag out. Is this a decent mathmech deck? And given abysmal state of my dust, what should I craft in extra deck and what can I leave out for the time being?
Maybe you shouldn't play decks you can't afford
Have you dusted a royal UR?
I was thinking about it..
yea one of the Vaylantz field spells
3 Circular
1 Alembertian
1 Decoder
1 Desavewurm
1 Darkfluid
1 Transcode
1 Splash Mage

That's the bare minimum you need to function. Once you have those you should get

1 Accesscode
1 Almiraj
1 Mereologic
1 Linguriboh
1 Crystal Heart
I got a royal Sunavalon Melias, I think Rikka plays it, but I don't have any rikka stuff
Should I just dust it for something I can actually use?
Yama and Shavara...
Has anyone ever figured out what all the effects mean during pack opening?
Unless you commit to the plant pile you're probably not gonna ever use him
why would you do that
The rainbow means you'll get a UR.
has to be the dumbest shit I've read in a while
If you know you'll never play plant.dek then you might as well. There's also a new duel pass in 3 days which will get you another 100 SR/UR dust.
outside of rainbow, you're getting a boost on your chances of urs/srs/royals/glossy
holy shit zero IQ post
utopia animation on opening is just a higher chance of a foil/sr/ur, no guarantees
the only guarantee is when you can see rainbow(UR) on the cardbacks before flipping them over in the reveal
I'm like level 25 in the current pass, is it worth getting it for the paid stuff at that level? what level would it be worth getting?
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I legit don't feel like playing a single game or deck in master 3 right now.
>play tenpai
>endless fucking mirrors that are literally hand comparison scoop
>play a full coombo deck to counter tenpai
>lose the coin toss and they pick going first, and since this is a combo deck to counter tenpai, barely enough space for handtraps
>play a mid deck that doesn't go hard on combo and can run handtraps
>tenpai just blow everything on board and sangen summoning kills all my handtraps
Like, I have the deck built, but god fucking damn it if I don't want to see 4 fucking limits on that pile of shit braindead deck. It's making me consider not even bothering with m1 this season
It's okay, anons. I had zero expectations in your ability to comprehend Maxx C's, and now Fuwalos's, positive effects on the metagame.
wait are these two like the same characters from different parallel universes or something
It refunds the entire price once you get the last gem reward. You should really try to grind out as much as you can over the next 3 days.
Play floodgates.
I have runick, but I don't know how to build runick stun and don't have morganite.
Then get fucked lmao.
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Fair enough
>I don't know how to build Runick Stun
>>>he can't figure out how to build a basic bitchbabby stun deck
You just outed yourself as a carried netdecker.

Hilarious how a fraud deck like Tenpai is filtering out so many other frauds. It's like pre-Bystial era Numeron all over again.
Is sky strikers a good deck for newfaggots? I pulled quite a bit of sky striker URs.
I don't play stun decks nigga. Do YOU know how to play decks you never touched out of the gate?
we should be getting a banlist announcement soon right
Its normally around the same time they announce the new pack so like 10~ days from now.
Stun is not exactly rocket science. Thats the entire point of decks like stun (and Tenpai). The other person does all the actual playing of the game.

Just add every good Runick, 1-2 of the shit ones then start putting in stupid purple continuous cards. """Modern""" stun tends to run a bunch of blow out shit like golems these days too.
MDM also has a guide that went out of its way to be as stupidly in-depth as possible as a joke.
>and Tenpai
Come on anon. Everyone knows that's the hardest deck in the game to pilot properly.
I kneel
Alright. Gonna give it a shot.
Feels like it will play exactly like when I tried playing pseudo ftk combo decks but here's hoping.
I doubt stun is even very good right now, Tenpai can kinda crack em with droplet storm, but they do mostly run hand traps.
>The deck that made 60% of the playerbase abandon the game
>Most fun
I autoscoop if I see a Tear, Kash or Lab card.
>go twice in a row against tenpai
>brick with handtraps both times
>they both had sangen summoning anyway
Got to love these rigged autolose games
Play Branded Runick instead. Way more fun. Stun and Negate Turbos are for cowards.
>ive been trying to learn ancient gear using youtube videos.

dont do this. make your own ancient gear deck (dont netdeck it) using all the cards you find interesting or seem useful. run it PURE if you can. go into solos mode and go first. make the best board you can from your starting hand and see how much you can combooo then reset and try again. do this over and over. after about 10 attempts of this you SHOULD understand the basics of how the deck wants to play. Next go into ladder and play (who gives a fuck about rating). playing 20 or more so games should teach you more intimately what the decks strengths and weaknesses are. what you can end on if you are forced to go first, what are your priority resolves and how well the deck in general fares into the meta.

watching youtube videos doesnt teach you the archtype. it teaches you "the combo". its like learning math vs learning for the SAT.

once you learn how your deck actually works inside and out then you learn what other cards can offer for your deck and WHY or WHEN to run them and even sometimes other tech cards and interactions other netdecking tubers might have overlooked.
>yes goy spend your dust learning a deck
master duel is the worst place to learn a deck this way
Even a caveman can build stun, netdeck-tard.
yugioh started with egyptians not cavemen retard
Tell that to the dinosaurs.
Tell that to the paleozoics
Tell that to Dark Hole Dragon
Is Melodious the best way to play Vaylantz?
Why isn't this nigger hard once per turn?
he is hard once per turn his erection just never comes down
>won ten coinflips in a row
I'm starting to worry
It may as well be since no one runs more than 1 driver.
>Gamma gets negated
>it activates later and hits the next choke anyway
Gamma shits in Ash and Belle.

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