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Seems like the competition left them in the dirt years ago and they never managed to catch up.
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Very cringe

Please stay on the topic or you will be reported to the authorities.
They don’t
They cant. Our civilization don't produce people capable of making anything approaching Morrowind anymore.
>not like other gurls
>Lobotomize Todd Howard
>Lock the lead writers in a room for a week with psychedelic drugs, have the rest of the team cycle into the room for a day each
>Reduce the game to 90s-early 2000s PC game graphics like Morrowind, since it would allow for the scope to remain realistic
>Don't release on consoles
>Block all contact from Microsoft
>Ignore China and America as much as possible
>Actually make it an RPG
>Actually try to iron out the Oblivion NPC behavior routines thing they were trying to do, instead of phoning it in with every new game
>Do everything in-house with a small team
There you go.
You give Todd Howard a gun and tell him to kill all youtuber simps.
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Some anon will unironically call her ugly
Please tell me her nudes got leaked online
who's she
Holy shit she could be the zoomer version of angela white
They are saggy and have those obesity lines (not talking about stretch marks)
Shes looking upwards above camera so no shit all her videos are like this
Post her onlyfans
>fire emilio
>fire pajeet code monkies
>let michael kirkbride go on a crack binge again
now theres hope
Release TES VI and make ESO expansion available to buy without a sub.
I hit the “do not recommend channel” button for women that put themselves in the thumbnail, or show themselves in the video when it’s not necessary. It’s literally always bad content because they only care about attention. I’ve tried in earnest to ignore it and give them a chance, but my initial bias is always proven true 100% of the time.
She's great at hiding how fat she's getting
yep. so many videos are just low effort content but with a woman in the corner of the screen, or for the first 5 seconds of the video. i'm into history and there's a very popular chick who does shorts where its just a video of her trying to look cute for 5 seconds, then 5 seconds showing something vaguely related to the highly regurgitated normie history thing she's showing. the most odd thing is just the sheer amount of people who apparently just take this as being acceptable.
Fat Slavic tits. Made for babushkamaxxing.
What competion? There is still no games like TES. The closest is probably Kingdom Coom, but it's not even a fantasy game.
Not enough.
>99 insight
i'm a 30 year old virgin, will most likely not have sex, and i'm nowhere near thirsty enough to watch this kind of faggot shit. sad state of affairs for a lot of guys out there.
It's mainly brown people. Giving the 3rd world internet access was cataclysmic
all of this, plus fire all the voice actors except for jeff baker
Based. Simps are pathetic.
yeah i tend to forget that a lot of them are actually poo eaters. at least that explains it.
Same. Just jack it if you need to and move on with your day.
She is so good at being a fan, it's hard to tell she's just faking her hatred for a remake.
Isn't this the turbo aspie who makes those autistic videos about the clothes and paintings in video games?
Is this from that one magical girls show?
Why do I keep seeing it everywhere.

i prefer this autism
Yes, good sleeping vids
What competition? Skyrim is still the quintessential open world fantasy rpg no matter how much it makes you mald. The question isn't if they can do better than the competition, it's if they can do better than their past selves
Cute fat fuckable autist
Cringe autist
For me it's my big schnoz low-effort wikipedia synopsis video waifu
theyre not gonna make anything close to even skyrim at this point. starfield was an abortion
this guy advertises this sow on multiple boards, pretty sad
She has a kid btw
There is one dedicated Spanish speaking simp who has been posting her all over the internet for at least 4 years
Good. Attractive people should reproduce
Jobless post.
jobless website newfag
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Damn boyfriend trying to hide his progress.
Latinx just cant help but lust after slavs
Hasn‘t been true in years loser.
Those are some very nice BBFs
she's made for it
titty impregnation
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I'm her strongest soldier
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>Russian ewhore living abroad
Lmao, every time.
not only women, leftist tubers also put their faces on the thumbnails
people click on shocked faces, red arrows and bold text (and the bold text lets you put in a second title incase the SEO actual title doesnt hook someone)
When did fagtube add these gay parasocial metrics?
I don't use an account and I don't consoom retarded zoomshit "content", but curious.
>leftist tubers
Breadfaggots are dishonorary women in spirit.
>I hit the “do not recommend channel” button for women that put themselves in the thumbnail, or show themselves in the video when it’s not necessary
Based but we're on the losing side of the analytics on this one.

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