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Why are gamers like this?
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You made gamer a slur, so it's only fair.
fucking lmao
>both laugh
>echoing shout of FAGGOT reverberating over the sound of railguns firing
where did we go so wrong?
>All the anti-woke faggots on 4chan and X are all subhuman mudslimes

What a surprise
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>never made a mistake and called someone something bad
you aren't human.
I cannot enjoy multiplayer games when the developers take every step they can to limit communication. The multiplayer aspect loses its purpose.
Matchmaking is also an example of this. I just want lobbies that roll forward again

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Death to the rubber menace
Post co-op lobbies, talk shit about beast handler, you know the drill
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Gameplay come first. Once everyone's played out then we can get the monkey bitches
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>R10-80 in 2 and 1/2 minutes
how in the fucking absolute god damn
No reason we couldn't have both, people won't stop playing co-op just because sexy monkeys are being posted in thread, they might be more motivated, if anything.
You send everything pretty much all at once
Without looking I'm going to guess you can place farms

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Unreal Tournament...
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they had a great leaderboard system back then
3/2007 was amazing. Especially with -3LOD, beautiful. It could have been mind blowing if it had more than gunplay. Consoles wasted performance on resolution though. A shame because it's only pretty at low res, and high framerate. It signalled a new standard in graphics.
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>3/2007 was amazing
2007 was the year everything started to go to shit, that makes it the peak.

Why are XVI fanboys so pathetic?

The XVI 2nd DLC released on 18th April 2024
It's userscore when it went live a day later was 6.4
It was still 6.4 on April 21st
On April 21st people pointed out that the FF16 DLC have a lower user score than the Forspoken DLC which had a 6.9 user score as of April 21st 2024, and that FFXV PC and PS4 had a user score of 8.5 and 7.9 respectively

Suddenly only 2 days later 400+ new negative scores were added to XV PC and PS4 out of the blue only AFTER the XVI DLCs low score was made apparent, dropping the score to 7.4 and 7.5, at the same time on the same day XVIs DLC with a 6.4 had its user score suddennly boosted by positive reviews from multiple similarly named accounts all complaining about XV "killing FF" and saying some shit about "flopspoken" in their 1 sentence review for the XVI DLC they all gave 10/10s to inflate its score, boosting it to 7.7/7.9

The only explanation is that some butthurt XVI fanboy is review bombing XV because it had a higher score than XVI

At that same time after April 21st this same XVI fanboy also added 40 negative user scores to the Forspoken DLC nobody played literally only AFTER the 2nd XVI DLC released and had a lower user score than the Forspoken DLC did

Since last year and til literally just 3 days ago that Forspoken DLC had 16 negative scores and a user score of 6.9, suddenly only AFTER people pointed out FF16s 2nd dlc had a lower userscore than Forspoken dlc did 40 negative 0 scores suddenly get added to it dragging it to 4.4

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The point is that Twitter faggot in the screenshot is obviously you and I'm 95% sure you botted votes for forspoken and FF15 and against FF16 in the first place.

I havent even touched FF16 and dont really care about it but I dont have any doubts on my above statements.
you literally review bombed ffxv with 400+ negative scores just now

since last year and til only a few days ago xv had 1600~ scores and was 8.4, went to 8.5 in march with about 1640 scores, so like only 40 scores added in the last 4 months naturally

then literally 2 fucking days after the ff16 dlc released in april to a 6.4 score did 400 negative scores suddenly get added to ffxv out of fucking nowhere for 2060 scores just to drag its user score from 8.5 to 7.4, just became it was higher than ff16s dlc 6.4 userscore and ff16s userscore too

xvi faggots are so mindbroken by xv utterly mogging xvi you retards little review bombed it this fucking week because it lives rent free
Why does Barry like trannies so much?
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So this is the only recent negative review for the forspoken's dlc
Cant really call it review bombing

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Evil woman
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I remember this, but it's not like the agents of the hoh aren't doing shady stuff with her as Father. She also jumped Furina and left her with PTSD
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>but it's not like the agents of the hoh aren't doing shady stuff with her as Father
They covered that too
No, it's two entirely different things. Dottore was working with Crucabena on the children experiments and all of that, but once she assumed control, she kept rejecting his proposals, but she did end up accepting one, which was to investigate her flames to create a solution to get rid of the kids memories. The thing is, this event wasn't instantaneous and she's portrayed as someone who would kill if needed, so there's this implication that she could've killed some kids between her assuming and the flames being complete for use.
Again, it's a children game, they would never fucking say that for a playable character, but there's the implication, besides she kills a bunch of people, she killed all the kids who faced her, including Clervie, she even considered killing Furina. It just got me wondering if you would consider this "evil", I personally don't.
Weak man. I kinda wanted her to not be a total cunt so it made sense that we are fine with her, like the other harbinger faggots. But this sucks and retards will be ok with this since her design is good
>I personally don't.
Neither do the writers, clearly. The kids were because the previous Knave forced her to do it and her onscreen kills (the Sumeru guy, those two Treasure Hunters) were against ambiguously bad people.

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so all that amount of shilling for just this a midslop that will be forgotten in a week
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It's a thread filled with culture war addicts shadowboxing each other.
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Console warriors too, it's the worst of both worlds. A collection of retards that need to get off the internet asap.
>Invading /v/ like pissing in an ocean of piss jpeg.
dock at least 10-15 points because 'muh sexy female character' and you'll get the real score

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The impossible choice:
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why does he have fun with everyone but Tifa
it's like he knows he's performing fan service and there as a self insert for the player
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>that chocobo chick
That could be a few people.
The blonde girl, idk her name. She was also hot in OG
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all you people do is post cherry picked bullshit

>Outclasses every other character so much that everyone looks immediately like a retard.

How did best girl do it?
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She's ok. She's cute enough to romance and jerk it to every now and again. In battle tho she's a main stay just like Yukiko in 4
Is that Anon Okay? I hope this wasn't projection
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>How did best girl do it?

Mostly in the ass.
Makoto gets a good amount of hate. Lots of people really really love her while just as many hate her about as much as Akechi and Morgana
I hate you now.

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What's this hairstyle called and why is it used exclusively by characters who can drain your balls in under 1 minute?
It's the reddit hair or safe hairdo as I like to call it.
It's the Gohan hair or Chadhairn as i like to call it.
It's just a cowlick.
i'll lick them cows alright

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>hit a wall in progression when playing old game, don't know what to do next
>get frustrated enough to resort to an online guide, feel some shame
>remember that the company sold or otherwise endorsed strategy guides to players to profit off the game's obtuseness back in the day
>suddenly feel no shame
I will never feel shame for looking up a guide when I get stuck and thus depriving a scumfuck jew company from extra profits because they fucked up their progression design on purpose, and so shouldn't you.
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Considering both OP and you posted images of Japanese games, it would probably do to have some Japanese retro game context. At the time when this is a relevant complaint- the start of their official guidebook market- they were cheaply printed floppies of plaintext on the same lowest quality phonebook paper you see in manga magazines, and this continued to be the popular style at least into the life of the SFC. They absolutely were not like the turn of the millennium Prima guides you're thinking of, which came about when games stopped being treated as ephemera.
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Skill issue.
I miss the early internet, bros
Too long didn't read
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OP here, this man does not represent my viewpoints, personal or political. I respect your opposing perspectives, have a nice evening.

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Whag is a frog doing in a pub anyway? And is that a gopher?
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looks like a mobile game ad lol
Hey, where is the toast?
looks like mario odyssey on the nintend𐐬 switch

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Play Snowbreak containment zone
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Sadly a lot of people do. You can still find enjoyment out of a bad story if the characters in them are interesting enough.
Kids don't play gacha. The market is exclusively aimed at people with disposable income.
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You forgot women. Mihoyo betrayed their otaku roots to go full pandering to women. Genshin somewhat hasn't gotten that bad yet, but Honkai Star Rail is pretty much a woman's game now, Aventurine has a fucking heart cleavage on his chest lmao.
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>Honkai Star Rail
>A woman's game
Kids have disposable income though. They're called parents.

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Imagine if the classic games had good gameplay, wew.
I wonder, is it possible to make a Tomb Raider with modern graphics and classic level design? It seems like the inherent blockiness and surrealness of early 3D graphics lended themselves to the level design of early games which may not suit photorealistic graphics
4 had awesome gameplay. Possibly my fav TR game.

It would be possible but you would have to use some tricks to hide blockyness.

AoD is probably the closest thing to that.
many people who bought it not even played it
they bought it because it was the current thing
the box was put on the shelf and forgotten
it was the steam library of the time
This game doesn't teach you that trap doors are a thing. And I ran around for thirty minutes like an idiot because I never pressed the action button on top of a floor door. That aside I liked it. Best title screen out of the CORE games by far.

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>You’d think [pre-ESG female character] had a man’s jawline if they were made today!!
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>Why does catwoman look great?
she's a lesbian, that's why
Speak for yourself. Between 18-30, I always had a gf. The only "sex" you've likely ever had is with another man, and I'll be the first to tell you that it wasn't really sex. It was just you doing some disgusting abominable shit with another man.
we get it
you're an insecure incel who feels the need to project that onto others, and tear down anything that is beautiful
it's okay
go get therapy
Both old hag? Move on next one!
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The point is that her super weak jaw doesn't necessarily make her more attractive than someone with a stronger jaw.

She is not ugly at all.

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>Indie game with a female protagonist about depression
Name 13
back to /mu/ you go
we love you goat
Come back to /tv/ please we need you
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name 1 lmfao i've never even heard of this

>it's literally one game

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We axed 100 Anons: what makes you instantly drop a game?

Top 7 answers are on the board.
genital customization.
#1 Niggers
It's woke, Steve!
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Jewish propaganda steve.

Had a coworker ask if I've seen the new fallout show. I answered no with a smirk, knowing she was a dumb bitch fucking a nigger and telling her I don't watch things like that.

I know she's fucking a nigger because he comes in most days and kisses her. I work at a bank
Meet N Fuck Kingdom Steve

>One copy of Stellar Blade, please!!!!
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>What? You're telling me people don't all wear mustard stained shirts and cargo shorts?!?? What a bunch of tryhards
Fucking loser kek
Ah I see.
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>>right breast a cup and a half smaller than left breast
>Arm raised
>arm not raised

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comfy weg thread. all are welcome.
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>homosexual names male mc after a child prostitute from taxi driver
what did he mean by this?
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no, it's Demon Boy.

Pros: great models, there is a sexy succubus character

Cons: it has gotten an update in a year despite the dev teasing every few months, there is optional NTR that puts some people off
For once that worked out well for me. I have no interest in boning the mom in Shoretown. I just wanted to bone the teacher. Dev added thots for easy lays because people kept complaining the game is blueballing but still no mom and teacher. Finally he delivered on the teacher which apparently I'm the only one who wanted to see happen. Everyone is still bitching and moaning that absolutely nothing has happened with the mom yet but I'm smiling and don't need to pay attention to this game at all anymore because I got what I want already.
I find it strange the name "Iris" used in the game. It's such a specific name. It's also the name of a female character in the movie Taxi Driver who is a child prostitute. I'm inclined to think this is on purpose and not accident.

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We all love games, but what game has your favorite girl ever? One that crushes all other girls?
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shitren lost
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that food is now property of team magma
hope no one else wanted it
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To me, she is the prettiest woman ever.

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Ai music is getting good and it won't be long before studios start using it, but will the people who buy games actually give a shit?

This track was generated with AI
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The dream of AI is that it will do this for all jobs meaning we will no longer have time to work and will finally have time to study the JQ as a collective
>Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows on February 4, 2000.
You are over 18, aren't you anon
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yes sir but I have no idea what you're saying to me
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>He thinks UBI is going to make things better
>He thinks he will never have to work
>The dream

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