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gotcha bitch!

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>ranks very high in every popularity poll

why do japs love her so much?
>why do japs love her so much?
Portable 3rd
because it's one of the few leviathans that don't suck complete fucking diarrhea dog shit
Despite the shitposting and political shit flinging, Japan and anime fans have always loved traps well before it was anything more than fetish.

would you?
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i would put my penis inside of that ass, yes
I was around for it and he's right. Lyse was shit on but not nearly to this level.
I just wanted Aztec Heavensward..
Imagine how cool that'd been lol

if you'll excuse me i'm off to use the other thread that isn't full of mongoloids and rent-free wuk posters, it's slow but it's home
hes right, Lyse was hated (still is) but not on the level of Wuk.
Wuk hatred comes from many reasons thats outside of the game even, but Lyse was just hated because she was really retarded in the MSQ and stomblood was fucking boring most of the time.

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>People still think that Ultimecia (Rinoa) is the real antagonist of the game and not the God Hyne

FF VIII still keeps blowing my mind

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Its a 200 year old game, nobody cares.
me when people talk about the bible
no one cares about this awful slop schitzo game
take your fucking meds it isnt 1999 anymore
>The Final Fantasy VIII director, Sakaguchi, made a single comment when off-handedly asked about "R=U" saying, "nah."
>Shortly after, he rescinded his statement when asked again, claiming he wasn't certain of the details from the writing staff and, "maybe."
It's almost like the people who played the game could infer the game and discuss it with their friends.
i care
hyne last boss moon king
artemisia the witch

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Why did we abandon CRTs when they were clearly the superior technology?
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OLEDs pretty good
Comparing different brands of the same product isnt the same as comparing wildly different display technologies like CRTs and LCDs
/v/ is full of kids who mostly play games on their phone and dont have any room in their favela dwelling for any kind of tv which is why these threads make them seethe
wow i just realized my old consoles are basically dead since i cant plug them to any new TV
Yes, but there are legitimate benefits of CRTs, but not enough to still keep a tiny X-ray emitter around. There are genuine lunatics on 4chan. Amazing, I know. Said lunatics, in between going on mass shootings in grocery stores and posting on /pol/, believe that CRTs are universally superior to modern technology because Randy (who only anon can see) said so.

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Who are we maining?
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Soft reboot like SamSho 2019. Imagine doing a sequel to a 25 videogame
I agree the Ash saga sucked because Ash is a terrible character to have your story revolve around him. And no the nest saga is the best story in kof
*25 years old>>
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>And no the nest saga is the best story in kof
Clones are never a good story

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what do we think
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>Cold, blue stare gone

Anyway I wonder how the fact that you can switch between both artstyles mean for the actual custom characters.
Cause they both clearly have different animations and frames and perspectives.
forced animation
soulless design
0/10. slop demake.

Not enough people have made fun of this yet.
was pit people any good?
i completely forgot it existed
looks cool and it's a toggle and with workshop support

I played the fuck out of this on the 360 and can probably convince some people to pick this up again, thanks OP for the video game thread

What do you guys play on your modded Vita? Got mine a few months ago ans it's so cool!
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never heard of those games I'll check those out?
Where should I buy new batteries / charging cables for a PSP?
Check on amazon and buy from a non-chinese retailer.
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Criminal Girls 2 Jap version with Eng Patch for no censorship. I already had the cart so was just able to install the patch only and with a hacked vita it applies the patch the game in real time.
charging cables you can get off of aliexpress. the batteries you'll have to gamble on since most of them are just "refurbished" even the new ones are just old vita batteries with new stickers on them. I bought one off of amazon thats "3600" mAh. it works fine just a slight quark with larger batteries is that it doesn't show up 100%. so when I play enough to drain 30% and not use it for an hour or so the battery percent jumps up 10-15%. thats because the vita routinely checks for 2200mAh.

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It's friday night.
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It's Friday night, I have no date, A 2 Liter bottle of Shasta, and my all Rush mixtape. Lets rock.
Stop being Ratchet
Look. I'm a cleaner.
i'm learning japanese to understand all the weird japanese shit i still don't understand
and also to read raw manga whenever i want
So when are they going to announce their new game? It's been more than a year since they teased it. I hope they aren't waiting for Switch 2

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I like how the lore would have you assume that no male ever made it over sixty intelligence.

— Founding Rain of Stars, 2 slots, 50 Intelligence, 2 spell slots; discoverer: unknown (named Goliath’s Rain of Stars in the 1.0)

— Stars or Ruin, 1 slot, 43 Intelligence; discoverer: Primeval Sorcerer Lusat

— Comet Azur, 3 slots, 60 Intelligence; discoverer: Primeval Sorcerer Azur


— Rennala’s Full Moon, 2 slots, 70 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Queen Rennala

— Ranni’s Dark Moon, 2 slots, 68 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Princess Ranni (with by her mother)

— Rellana’s Twin Moons, 2 slots, 72 Intelligence; discoverer: Lunar Princess Rellana (with her sister)

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You got it the other way around, men make things that work and even 43int dude can understand, women make crap that require 68-72int and still get out performed by sub 40int spells.
It proves men are smarter since they know going past 60 gives you diminished returns.
Comet Azur is 3 slots so that means it’s better
Primeval spells are foundational. You’ll notice that the Karolos and Olivinus spells are smaller and smaller versions of the real deal. The Founding Rain of Stars is the foundation for all glintstone sorcery, as it is what brought glintstone down to the Lands.
>discoverer: unknown (named Goliath’s Rain of Stars in the 1.0)
God damn it From.

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>beats 99% of /v/
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>spend 2k+ hours in Elden Ring alone just because your primary content is beating "the turbo hard video game" under multiple gimmicks
>people think it's crazy because you're a woman
>now you can play any souls game with decent proficiency and you come back to the Elden Ring dlc
>do the exact same content with the exact same gimmicks
>holy shieeeet she beat da hardest dlc ever???
>get publicity despite being 3k hours playing the same single player RPG, and you're not even a speedrunner or pvper
I hate souls games so much.
Literally better at vidya than anyone here.
over for men
>if you practice a lot you can become good at something
This is bad because she's a woman for some reason.

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chasing tranny shoes*
I doubt it, rules for thee but not for me is pretty much their day job
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The controversy against Chuggaconroy was overblown. I'm glad the canceling has fizzled out.

But it doesn't change the fact that he's an e-celeb and worse, a tranny feet chaser. So I will forever hate and make fun of him.
>He flew too close to the son with a minor
15 vs 19 with an autismo where people talked like that all the time back in 2009 is not "flying too close to the sun" unless you're underage and weren't alive back when rape jokes weren't frowned on

For fucks sake, the mascot for this website was Pedobear and everyone found it funny you god damn children
WW had figurines to collect?
weird i played that game back in the day and don't recall anything like that, well it was 20 some years ago, don't have any specific memory of the game other then the boat and fishing up chests

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New Ass Creed just dropped
Is this the Olympics? Don't they just run the torch? I don't remember gay performance art being a part of it until they start the opening ceremony
You'll never guess what this was a part of
Holy cringe.
me when I'm walking to the kitchen and I think I'm home alone.

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New trailer for this Kemono Friends game dropped and she lookin well fed. Are we entering the golden age of gaming?

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My balls would fucking explode.
pearl be looking like pearl the whale goddamn!
Same. And I don't know why.
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anime is soft, pillowy, perfect proportions, usually exaggerated hips, bubble butt, perfect shaped boobs, no cellulite, no smell, and the face is still either thin or it retains a childlike look
that man is living the life
i saw a woman while i was out today who was perfectly chubby and who must have been five foot eleven if not taller and it nearly broke me

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This line is so goddamn pretentious man. Acting like it's been a long arduous journey when really it's been like 2-3 hours just walking to places and hitting switches. The mc hasn't got a character and if they're going for a fourth wall type of deal - again - it's not even been a day story wise.
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i wouldn't even care about the whole plagiarism thing if people didnt praise him as this music genius and trying to deny when he clearly did at at least a few times
its like
>hey did you know marble zone is actually music to watch girls by by andy williams
>oh wow, yeah thats insane how they got away with that
>hey did you know toby used this one part in kirby for like a bunch of parts of undertale
im starting to think someone set up a bot to scan for the links in >>683846251 to type out an automated reply saying how it dosent sound any similar
>undertale belongs solely to temmie
even if temmie has creative control why would she say no to the one who paid her to make them?
anyway the point of undertale and deltarune being seperate is that deltarune isn't a sequal, whatever state you finished undertale in is the state of that world in perpetuity, you dont get a jail out of free card or unhappy unfair sad times depending on route and severity of deltarune.
yes, it's falcom paying homage to adol. Kind of a wierd flex but Ys did take the top 3 highest selling nip PC games in the past.
>opens his statements by saying its plagarism
>gets surprised when people BTFO him
meanwhile everyone jokes fondly about turnabout sisters to the point that toby included the joke in an actual remix. Kys schizo.
That confirms it, you are a retqrd who knows nothing

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bing.com /create
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slop, you say?
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Aoin does a really pretty painterly style. At least in NAI it was really nice for armor textures.
>Also I assume that's NovelAI too?
Nah that one is stable diffusion. It's a mix primarily weighted off this lora
I peed white :D
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>claptrap struggles to get rid of the 4th dimension apples

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>ruins powerstancing in your path
Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games nerf every build into the ground until there's like 2-3 left by the end.
You'd think the point of balance patches would be to increase build variety, but apparently not.
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>used summons

now go back and actually beat the game
I wonder how stats would be like if ER didn't have spirit summons,
I bet the boss kill rate would be much lower.
If ER didn’t have spirit summons the bosses would be slower/do less damage/have less HP so
Spirit Summons shouldn't get upgrades. It makes no sense to Mimic Tear tank 20x more damage than you.
you can nerf bosses by 30% in exchange for no spirit summons and I'd wager it makes no difference.
Shitters will be bad regardless of boss stats

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Stardew best wife. Also post farms and more waifus
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Clint seriously what the fuck is your problem. Gifting me the furnace blueprint wasn't hard, and you barely knew me at the time. Literally just do that kind of thing more and you'll stop being a bitter forever alone egocentric.
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There were some mods that updated overworld sprites.
are you autistic by any chance?
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He sits with Willy.
The game is nearly 10 years old, everyone just looks it up on the wiki
>n-n-no I don't
lol, you do
>n-n-no really

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Food Terrorism Archive
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And that's a good thing
Ako's tits are just too big in her portrait art. At least her chibi gives her hips to match, but her portrait gives her the the hips of an underdeveloped boy
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It's always your fault
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Buruaka chibi artists are one of the few major eastern devs that understand the importance of hips and ass
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She's going for that Japanese goblin look.

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Why would a man care about anti aging methods? like unless you are a fag or have some defect where you look like Gollum at a young age its whatever
its better to work out if anything so you don't overall feel like shit as you get older
Based beyond measure, outlander.
you are the end boss of /v/ faggots
It's just the typical weebspic delusions. Tranime and their hate for the west has melted their little brain.
you can inject baby foreskin underneath your cheeks to keep your face smooth and youthful

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