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>ruins powerstancing in your path
Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games nerf every build into the ground until there's like 2-3 left by the end.
You'd think the point of balance patches would be to increase build variety, but apparently not.
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>used summons

now go back and actually beat the game
I wonder how stats would be like if ER didn't have spirit summons,
I bet the boss kill rate would be much lower.
If ER didn’t have spirit summons the bosses would be slower/do less damage/have less HP so
Spirit Summons shouldn't get upgrades. It makes no sense to Mimic Tear tank 20x more damage than you.
you can nerf bosses by 30% in exchange for no spirit summons and I'd wager it makes no difference.
Shitters will be bad regardless of boss stats

What game comes to mind?
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>find le funne may may on X
>I bet all the epic memers on four chan will LOL if I post this
>but it isn't bideo james amd b is a red board
>I KNOW I'll put bideo james text! that totally makes my post on-topic, right?
I hope you and your faggot ilk get in traumatic accidents and each lose your respective dick and testicles
Looks like a pitbull mix
Someone kill it
lol this nigga seething at a dog
so why exactly do you niggers feel the need to leave X? if you're going to continue shitting up the board can I at least get an explanation?

I've gotten a Steam Deck recently and I've just been playing Steam games. I know it can handle emulation and I've been itching to play some ToTK. But I can't stomach the Switch's shit perfomance and the weapon degradation another time.
So I want to know if the deck can handle ToTk emu at a stable framerate. Pref 60.
I assume there's a mod to stop weapon degradation too? Any other recommended mods?

Deck emu / Totk thread I guess.

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Video: https://gofile.io/d/YCleva

Sabbac (gambling mini-game) footage: https://x.com/doodleltg_imgs/status/1816192585804964069?s=46

Image of side mission/contract with rewards and reputation: https://imgur.com/a/SQGYDk0

Short video of aerial combat mission: https://x.com/404leak/status/1816409274785923212?s=46
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I guarantee you that a male did most of the motion capture, so its not that far off from that.
why does it keep happening
Force Unleashed 3
Warriors! Come out to playyyyyyyy!
Lmfao! Fuck you anon I couldn't breathe.

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Previous Thread >>683567843

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Please sell me some of your talent.
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I started taking drawing seriously this year, and I think there's some progress
Got it. How lewd or not lewd?
What, no i dont go to such shithole as /jp/.

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ITT: Games that have been erased from the collective consciousness
Good riddance. Shit game. More jap plagarism. Sick of it, especially when the result is so worthless.
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Have it. Gonna play it at some point
I remember it crashing a lot
Why does no one talks about it?

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Overwatch 2 is free and on Steam. You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.
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you must understand, they're a small indie company
Welcome to FPS past 2015, it's all tiny-team-size objective based matches where knowing what to do or expect is even more important than doing mechanically well. It's one of the main things that make it an ASSFAGGOTS FPS, which was already one of the more degenerate genres.

Blizzard especially has always been fairly retarded when it came to player expectation, they make games/game modes with all the veneer of being casual but if you play casually you ruin everyone's time including yours, and they never make an effort to teach players how to actually play their shitty game.
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dis nigga spittin
For me, it's Symmetra
dirt is rocks

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What was his endgame?
Be a good father
He was literally just trying to raise a good son, unlike my parents.
he wanted the love of the people
>get drunk
>destroy the universe
>force your son to undo your fuckups
That's one hell of a son raising
My father did the same shit and I'm not even a prince, the only difference is that it was my mom instead of the universe.

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In retrospect, it really wasn't that bad of a line.

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Post your idle animation
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why are you here?
that is the catch she is not entraining if she was she wouldn't have to act like a whore to appeal to lonely people and exploit them out of their money.
tell that to japan
the author is a progressive idiot and the fanbase reflects the author
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Friday Night Dwarf Fortress (ft. FRIENDS!)
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There are no Dwarf Fortress threads on either of those boards. Why did you lie to me, Anon?
They moved to /vst/. Don't waste your (you)s on the fag.

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Why are skibidi toilet watching gen alphoomers obsessed with Devil May Cry?
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>boomers are the biggest audience for ace attorney
AAbros... n-no...
This. There was a period in time where porn animations were constantly interrupted by BURY THE LIIIIGHT and zoomers thought that was peak humor.
From using sexual terms as dysphemisms to making memes about cutting off porn animations with loud sounds, it's honestly pretty disturbing to see how adamant online zoomers are about self-censoring anything that's remotely sexual in nature.
Must suck growing up and never getting to know an internet that wasn't almost completely sterilized.
"porn but it gets interrupted by funny metal gear/devil may cry/tf2 character and earrape" was one of the top shittiest zoomer meme trends.
And you couldn't call it out because they'd just think you're mad you got cockblocked and want the source. No nigger it's because it's not funny.
it's literally identical to what millennials were doing 20 years ago but with video game music that we also made a meme

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Did you get the summer skins?
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Long ponytail looks bad, you can switch it to short
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>flopped in japan btw
You won't fool me, I saw you seething about her #1 spot in Famitsu threads.
Bro has to lie in every thread
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>Finally get a tummy skin after they censored the costumes that had it
Better late than never? Nah.

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She's hot
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How big are her tits wtf? They look fucking massive
It’s shopped.
Not particularly. She's not ugly either. She's just kinda average-looking. The hair brings her down though.

I want to say it started with Liara in ME1, though you could argue Tali too. Thing is that you don't need to be particularly attractive for that to work. Plain women go a long way by acting cutesy, often moreso than traditionally hot women.
>end of Inquisition
>Solas wants to destroy the world to redeem elves
>we must stop them but he knows us too well
>so we get people he doesn't know
>enter a faggot tranny squad worse than the faggot tranny squad of Inquisition
>nah let's just be cringe avengers and defeat Solas in a sidequest
It will be babysitting the cringe team just like Mass Effect 2 was
not playing dei slop go shill elsewhere

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Modern men no longer desire big breasts
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Now that I'm 34, I think what happened was that massive tits were exciting and somewhat rare, so they were really exciting. But I've been so inundated with them over the years that they almost just seem boring.
Shape matters more now, not so much size. Giant tits just aren't that appealing to me anymore. Such is life.
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>Modern men no longer desire big breasts
I never did.
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Fuck yeah
Gaming desperately needs more non-loli flat characters
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Big fat bellies*
Link isn't a twink, he is a bishounen

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Welcome to the Planet of the A- ... Bloons thread!

I'm relatively new but this is the most fun I've had with tower defense since, unironically, td flash games on Newgrounds as a kid.
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I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
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Love this little shit like you wouldn't believe.

The popping sounds when the bloons go through his fire are just so satisfying
ah, you aren't like us 650+ hour maniacs i see
>I paid 2,75 bucks...

Feeling ripped off
It hasn't even been a year since I bought the game and I've got almost 1300 hours, there's a shitton of stuff to do still. Try black bordering some maps or try out some of the events, it's like infinite content

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post an image from a game out of context
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beat it this summer. hilarious game, and quite awesome. dreamcast lived and died to stay pure and untampered by the post-9/11 satanic jew timeline.
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nah but i'd probably post a picture of digital killer from import tuner challenge

god blue stinger was fucking weird, sonic, robotnik and rouge va cast hamming it up

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150 rotation
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300 rot
280 lalatina
280 kairi

Its on sale for a $1 @steam right now
not until Fitgirl repacks it
What is... Is that... WTF
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The new update looks fun, reminds me of Drawn to Life
I'm not sure about the cutesy new characters but I guess that's just what Dan's style is now

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Do the miyazaki bootlickers actually like these? Yet another complete waste of time hp bar where you can only see the legs of the enemy and it has broken hit box grab that one shots you wasting even more of your time
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>X did something wrong, therefore Y dindu nuffin'
It was an issue in the past games, and it remains an issue in the following entries, inbred-kun
That's cope anon.
Every videogame does it. You don't see people bitching daily about Devil May Cry's enemy diversity.
Maybe, but we're talking about Elden Ring so I don't see how that's relevant.
The game should have more boss variety.
I like them as scenery and it's cool to see them far off in the vistas, but unless I want that guardian's specific tear I won't bother killing it. It is quite the chore to kill one.

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