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>crtl f
>zero search results

It's a flop isn't it?
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I was gonna preorder then I heard it got pozzed by localization troons.
Sad, I was waiting for years to have Suikoden successor.
yeah I am not a fan, especially with what they did with that Star Ocean 2nd R.
They're just straight up removing and replacing something I enjoyed about the original.
Like how about we replace the OST with mumble rap to be down with the happenin zoomer style?!
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he looks like this now desu
>terrible game balance
I turned off voices and it greatly enhanced the experience for me, felt more suikoden-like that way.
The voice acting is cringe as hell.

I do feel like though that you should just play Suikoden 2 instead of this "inspired" game.
They took the likeness of Suikoden but removed the soul.

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when's the last time you had fun with a video game? you aren't a jaded doomer, are you?
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Only when i'm druk
i only play games I have fun with
better than watching anime slop honestly
Like 2 days ago. I was playing super monkey ball for the first time and it was pretty cool :)
How old was this nee-san in the anime? 21?
>158 cm
>43 kg

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Its happening
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I still don't understand why people are waiting for a Steam release. Tim essentially gave you carte blanche to get a DRM-free pirated copy that functions 100%. He didn't even try to DRM that bitch, it was available hours after release. There's no fucking reason to get it on Steam.
Muh chieves
With the current BlackRock-ANTIFA powered Disney, i definitely would buy that for a dollar, i would actually watch it since it would be quite the roller-coaster ride a la Mr. Bone's wild ride.
It WILL require mentally ill communist trannies to pull it off, especially if it's gonna be live-action and i honestly believe they will be able to pull it off.
Considering the old cartoon pilot that got leaked a while back, it has a good chance of actually being a fun little TV show.
This. Things were pretty simple at 2, when you get blacked, your body spits out a heartless and a nobody, that's about as complicated as it got

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>Aiming at someone with a 95% chance
>They get killed
I love that this game filters retards that don't understand that something like an 89% chance to hit means that there is an 11% chance to miss. It isn't bullshit to get unlucky on your rolls and then lose because you don't position properly or use your tools as you should. I like that this game has many tight turn limits so that you don't just cheese the game with overwatch tactics.
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That's actually why I love Into the Breach. You always hit and your effects always work. The only RNG part of the game is there is a slim chance that when you fuck up and take damage - the game might consider throwing you a bone and resisting the damage based on a percentage chance, but failing that roll isn't frustrating because if you got hit - it's pretty much your fault.
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That's not players who do not understand it.
Percentages are tampered, regardless of difficulty, regardless of being in favour of the player or not, so it's developers fault for doing that in the first place.
Xcom 2 punishes you for being intelligently aggressive and bashes you for adopting any kind of playstyle that isn't camping full cover because you can't trust the percentages displayed.
Doesn't matter though, xcom clones are far better than xcom already
OP is laughing at the type of person that doesn't use grenades or understand the cover system and instead goes rambo, gets really unlucky and doesn't understand a >70% chance does not mean it is guaranteed and then complains about missing rather than accounting for the fact that you can still miss.
The only issue with being aggressive in XCOM especially on higher difficulties is accidently moving to a spot where you agro another pod of aliens. Otherwise I think XCOM 2 especially punishes you for being the opposite of aggressive since most missions has a turn limit.
Dice rolls are just a really shitty mechanic in single player games. They were used because there weren't more fun mechanics to use to simulate combat, but now they exist so continuing to use them is as stupid as if a big movie came out only on VHS. If a game like Red Dead Redemption came out and instead of shooting gameplay it just had dice rolls they'd be shovelware instead of GOTY candidates.

Now on the other hand, dice roll mechanics can be very fun in multi-player settings, maybe even more than some sweaty tryhard shit or super complex grand strategy or technical fighting games. If your buddy kicks your ass despite your better playing it's just funny that he got better rolls.
There's no way you believe this. Tactics is so mediocre.

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When Japanese games bend the knees
meanwhile, Korean games:
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honestly if this wasn't a gacha I'd play it. I dig this kind of TBT where the gimmick is playing with enemy movement like Into the Breach.
Does that blue archive shit have any korean character or korea cultures stuff yet? Or its still everything about Japan?
Wanna know something interesting about south korea? I don't know anything about their culture pre-industrialization. even non-weebs know what samurai and ninjas and katanas and shit are, chinks have wuxia and cultivation. when you think "south korea" you think boy bands, plastic surgery, and postmodern dystopia, etc.
Maybe korea should learn from japan and have some pride in their country instead of just being a corporate kike appendage.
men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting

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Do you prefer Elder Scrolls or Fallout? Which areas do you think one excels in over the other?
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it's not bad per say, just forgettable. parthurnax is cool but that's the only decent character, and I can recall only a handful of quests.
Fo3 > Oblivion > Fo1 > FoNV > Fo2 > Skyrim > Arena > Morrowind > Daggerfall
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hah, so true
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an alternative
Nobody believes you're a genuine libshit, tendie.
Anon it's been ten years at least now
So you do admit that they would rather push their own ideology rather than make games that sell.
Leftists don't have principles, retard.

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>Planet with so much extreme fog that you literally can't see the ground before your feet
>Bots shoot you with pinpoint accuracy as if it's a clear sunny day and you're wearing a comically large target on your forehead
>Shooting dropships down does nothing to the enemies it carries
>Dropships can literally spam the hardest enemies nonstop
the bots have thermal vision and impact resistant metal bodies. also you have sinned and deserve punishment, hence they spawn nonstop.
That's not how thermal vision works
The devs literally just forgot to program in fog and other visibility obstruction from affecting enemies
In my last game there was a dude spamming smoke. It was fun but also awful

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Previous Thread >>674120801

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>gartic phone or skribbl.io
I don't have a tablet and drawing with a mouse is really uncomfortable.
>Everyday, try to draw something that interests you. Even if it comes out shit, that's valuable EXP.
That's the frame of mind I'm trying to adopt. It's not going well.
I don't mind putting in time and effort in general, but I'd rather put it into something that's fun. And drawing IS fun when it goes well, but neither sucking at it nor grinding out "studies" is fun at all.
you can get a cheap drawing tablet for ~$20, might be worth the investment if you want to learn. Traditional is fine too but if you don't want to go out it may be harder to find motivation. It only took me about 10 drawings before I started looking forward to what I could produce
She's lovely. Thank you.
>That's the frame of mind I'm trying to adopt. It's not going well
For some (including myself), the mental parts of art can be harder to overcome than the physical. But, respectfully, we have to learn to get over ourselves. Nobody thinks sucking is fun, but did you quit playing video games after dying to some random enemy for the first time? If you draw something ugly, so what? We all fall before we learn to walk. Sleep on it and try a new angle the next day
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Just do it. Get the standard paper sized screenless Wacom and go digital. With digital you can draw and modify faster and the more you draw, the better you get. Study your fav artists and apply your studies to things you want to draw. I've been drawing for 3 years and I keep getting commed to draw things I would draw anyways. Currently working on my 70th comm batch

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The last line of defense for mankind.
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>Log in for the first time since Helm first came out
>Laplace greeting me on the title screen
>Event suddenly starts with Anis and Neon fighting because they're bored, then they notice (me) and say I had gone missing and worried them
>Rapi gets upset and storms off
This is manipulative
>on chapter 11
>last time i remember seeing marian was teleporting away after defeating her in that one chapter
>apparently became a baby
>apparently hung out with pilgrim hobos
>apparently now has fancy new clothes and calls herself marian again

the casual disjointedness of the story is slightly aggravating
is it true you can access the paywalled skins with mods
where do i find the mod for that
It's not disjointed, you're literally a year+ fucking behind in the main story where Marian's situation occurs. The alternative would be doing what some gacha games do and lock events behind main story progress, like FGO, but then you fucking newfags would whine you're being excluded
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I hate gachas as games and I will NEVER ever spend a grosz in any of them.
However if you treat tham as free, collectible "card game" and a time waster with pretty girls on top it's fine. Especially Nikke which has a really good story, minigames and events.
Still I'm all for shitting on any gacha for whatever reason.

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I'm honestly not sure how. Do I need to link my existing konami ID or something?
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>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
I'd like to try using these links and playing, but unfortunately the image you posted made my cock explode and I'm being hospitalized
no VPN necessary?

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this is male healer from disgaea 6
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I will fuck all of them or get fucked by them.
Dios mio...
I haven't actually played 6 but I'd probably enjoy it because it's Disgaea
I like 4 even despite the endless amounts of RNG fucking bullshit it throws at you in postgame. There is so much annoying shit in that game but I adore it anyway. I did finish 1's postgame, even did Etna Mode Prinny Baal and that was without abusing enemy capture. I don't know why I did that to myself but I did enjoy it somewhat, it's rather straightforward in Complete (I don't mean the mobile version but I played that to Baal too)
>POV: Lucoa found the futa pornmag
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D1 is peak soul.

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No Metaphor thread?
Metaphor thread then
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Will this game have the SMT demons? Looks interesting regardless.
who gives a fuck stop being a faggot
Monsters shown so far aren't SMT demons and they keep saying this isn't persona or SMT even if there are some obvious similarities so most likely not.
looks based
Yeah, that turned out to be the Switch?

Epic bought a mall in 2021 for $95 million. It was supposed to be completed in 2024, but now it's just rotting with zero development.
okay thanks for this useless info. maybe it will be asked about in pub trivia
Timmy just offloading some cash into real estate
Wasn't it demolished and then sold off to some other company in the end?
It's very much Tim Sweeney to do a bunch of shit that initially makes him look good and then not follow up on anything.

If Undertale Yellow is so good, where's Undertale Yellow 2?
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why does he care? not like humans and monsters can cross breed. unless he's concern about dying even faster since his kid had a kid.
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i love my silly wife
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I love her
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I HATE the Roba
Imagine how good it would feel to choke her and watch the life fade from her eyes.

I present to you the 2B KILLERRRRRRRRRR
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>Japan invented parrying
Why are weebs so retarded?
Unironically troons have higher test levels than your average Korean
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Why are you so obsessed with brown and american, my little koreaboo?
So when did korea invented parrying?
>gook invented anything
Why are koreaboo so retarded?

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Best video game soundtrack ever?
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Modders are known for manipulating game files, not their tastes in music. You're better off asking Razor1911 and his ilk, they choose sick audio for their installers. https://youtu.be/9DbeWkPZ57M?si=NTbzr5GJ_siQVp1_
Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. The only song is Run Through the Jungle by ccr






Unreal or Deus Ex.
oh also this shit when Smasher comes in


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The Sims Bustin' Out for Gameboy Advance changed my life.
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The Urbz for the PS2 shaped my taste in women.
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>when you realized that driving sequences were just glorified loading screens
No, plenty of women played and loved these too. It was simply Griptonite games making other more lucrative titles, EA weren't paying them well for these and so the producers started pursuing licensed cash grabs, Gripto got kiked hard with the main employees being let go and it being turned into some sort of shitty outsourcing farm (they have studios in India now)
Good ol Bustin Out
I preferred the ps2 version. I like these Sims games that actually have objectives and storylines. Maybe I should give Sims Medieval a try.

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Haruna archive
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>If it actually resulted in enough new players (that pay) to justify the production cost, it's a success
It barely made a dent in BA's monthly revenue, so I doubt that happened. Looking at charts practically nothing changed on the anime's release; no sudden spike in app ranking or anything
Yeah, I figured. The anime really isn't good, interesting or funny enough to make people go "Wow, this Blue Archive thing seems really cool! I want to see what wasn't covered in the anime."
It's just extremely paint-by-numbers.
>for Gacha anime that is obviously made as an advertisement
It's definitely an advertisement but it seems to have done its job poorly. Probably the most common complaint I've seen from newcomers is that they have no idea what the hell is going on, and that the anime seems to have been made with fans of the game in mind. Which is bafflingly counterproductive if the goal was to get a bunch of new players to check out your game
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>you're racist for not playing this game
>also, we don't play this game. chud.

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If Twitter bots could play games this one would beat the PUBG record
is this the designated brown third worlder thread? any tips for getting an american visa, hombres?
Looks like Mega Man ZX. Not seeing the problem here.
>loves nigger games
>thinks he's white
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shut it timmy we own you

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