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Highlight clip of Sunday's War of Emperium: https://files.catbox.moe/eevh1i.webm
Next WoE's time and castle got changed, see the rentry for details.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
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Coul try to farm cornus for soft feather but the job exp is SHIT
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just give in anon
remember when niggerdev actually did events

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Your newlywed wife.
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That's my penis she's holding

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Shiki is a smart girl.
just a few pedophiles in this thread, shitting it up. It;s not REALLY popular, these threads are always just like 5-10 pedophiles spamming it like it's their grooming discord. For ugly kids and themselves. Stay inside your homes little tiny fags. We'll jump you.

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Wouldn't it be funny if animals wore armor?
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Thanks for the history lesson professor
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Anon you cheeky fuck.
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I say that
That would take to much effort


you're not fooling anyone, unpaid shill

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Why don't they just make EGOs and enkephelin out of their anomalies?Are they stupid?
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What about things just going full meta and it devolving into characters fighting against the concept of being a fictional character? I think they even have an official "in-universe" term for that now. Gets on my fucking nerves.
the letter U anon.
pronounced "You"
Blame the MCU
That's been a thing long, long before the MCU, zoomer.
Metokur won

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>buy Tekken thinking it will be a fun strategic thinking man's game because I saw Knee playing it in T7 at it's peak and it looked kino
>turns out it's a fast paced empathy fest, mashing, whiffing, low inhibition neurotypical boys club.

Eww, I'm out, lol.
Don't care, still playing King
>empathy fest
like people feel what i feel and make predictions i guess its called yomi
That's a stupid term for it and you're stupid for using it. Empathy relates to emotions, not predicting that your opponent is going to do a random ewgf in neutral.
Alpaca butt

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What is your favourite Dualshock 4 colourway?
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I fucking hate sneakerheads normalising this retarded phrase.

"Colour" is sufficient. "What colour are your shoes?". Guarantee you it's some marketing buzzword invented to create a false sense of """""community""""" including its own slang.
Color implies one color; colorway names a group of discrete colors.
Hey I agree with you but it's either colourway or coluor scheme, and the latter seems overkill for a controller
I have an old crystal white but the dpad and buttons are worn and give no feedback. the screws magically stripped themselves despite never attempting to open it before.
>Color implies one color; colorway names a group of discrete colors.
But it doesn't.

Colourway described nothing. You still have to say "oh they're red, blue and white". Which is the same as if you just said "What colour are your shoes?". Colourway is completely redundant as a phrase.

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Resident Evil 5 and Cyberpunl 2077 are the only games with non woke implementations of black women (because I wanted to fuck them)
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yeah but you also need to molest this bitch for a romance, someone who fucks at the studio suggested they add a groping scene for realism sake and That nigga is the only one there who gets shit, probably Jackie's writer and Kurt Hansen's too, you can simply feel the cock aura whenever his product is on display
Someone post the "welcome to Africa Mr Redfield" webm
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Oh, Forspoken had a very hot black girl as the protagonist, it was still not a fun game.
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V is canonically a brown eyed iranid according to the ending where his occular implants are removed
Another horrible thread, are you collecting them?

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What a creep
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What a weirdo. What the hell is he doing here?
No it's not a maybe. That's how it works.
>In Harmony of Dissonance instead you get a dash ability from the start, which is activated by pressing the shoulder buttons: L to dash left, R to dash right.
It also has weird momentum properties. Use it at the beginning of your jump to go flying. Use it while falling and drop like a stone.
Got it. So I wasn't completely wrong, I was just thinking of it the wrong way. Since the recent ones I played just had a back dash, I was thinking in terms of forward dash and backward dash, but really it was just left and right. So both bumper do both forward and backwards dashes, just the direction is fixed.
>Is Circle of Moon better then?
If you are just doing a blind playthrough it's pretty enjoyable. If you feel the need to 100% the game, it's miserable. My advice is, treat whatever DDS cards you get as a cool bonus and don't worry about trying to get any of them. Beating the game unlocks Wizard mode, which makes all that grind a waste of time.

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Are people still playing this game?
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all your dps lol I'd do neko>grace&piper
Fucking Qingyi in Auto Pilot mode.
You have Qingyi at 60, next should be the DPS you use for Qingyi.

I actually just leave the supports at level 50 to cope and save a shit ton of resources, but I understand why you bump them to 55.
piper is very cute here
They know the struggle...

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Name one video game character that could beat a max level Skyrim stealth-archer.
I'll wait.
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just cast paralysis.
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So easy lmao
>So eas- ACK!

Wouldn't see the archer in the first place
cast detect life.

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Why do zoomers hate good audio?

They'd rather game on a shitty gaming headset or soundbar than get a proper speaker setup. Why?

For me, game sounds and music are just as important as the visuals.
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Just find some reviews because they aren't all good. Like almost any brand
Svs is good too but I wasn't talking about subs, I like my Svs sub
Edifier is fine, Audiophiletard.
I daily a Schiit dac and amp with some Audeze LCD-2C planar magnetics.
Good deep punchy shreddy sounds are euphoric on these.
my Klipsch brother.
2.1 if you don't wanna wear headphones is just fine and it gets the job done great.
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I actually just got this set of speakers at goodwill but because I am gay retard zoomer I didn't realize you need a receiver to plug them all into
so how about you audioniggers recommend me a receiver to use with them
Holy cope

Just say that you live in a shitty apartment where you can hear your neighbors fucking every single night

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A bit younger? Grodon is just 27
Here's a classic
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>Second best route in the game
Why? Which is the best?
How does one counter such a flawless argument?
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Play Blue Archive!
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I'd probably be drooling like a thirsty dog.
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is there a lore reason some of them are angels/demon/kemonomimi/otherwisenonhuman ?
By not being retarded and using simple common sense
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All the different schools represent different nations/religions

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>fixes literally every game
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save scumming is for faggots but turbo for turn based jrpg's is fucking kino. I got so used to it in trails it was hard to play any other non-emulated jrpg for a while
falcom is extremely based for even including turbo built into their newest games. I can't imagine the hours that were shaved off of 11 entire games with it
>I got so used to it in trails it was hard to play any other non-emulated jrpg
>>clover is going to make it impossible to FF in the next big update because they want you to listen to their gay music
The hell? Guess I will have to start breeding and training my mons and shinies.
That depends entirely on how densely or sparsely the checkpoints are.
checkpoints are for faggots

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>dlc drops
>suddenly nobody cares about it

Did the dlc remove all interest in the lore/world?
ER was a meme of DS1 Golden Era. And the DLC was a meme of ER. Fromsoft is dead. They can't make fun engaging games any more.
it came out three months ago lol

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What did he mean by this?
Rance is about to fuck this cute shota prince, and is merely explaining why referring to himself in third person.

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EVE the wife of my dick
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It's all one schizophrenic polack's spam crusade.
can i still play the summer update even tho it's not summer anymore?? i didnt miss out, right??
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So does some of his spam involve Eve? I still don't get the connection. Thank you for answering my inane questions, this has just been bugging me because no one ever gives context.
I think nude mods would make the game less erotic ironically enough
All his spam is Stellar Blade related and he will show up anywhere where Stellar Blade, korean women or AI is mentioned. He's a schizophrenic waifufag who believes Eve to be real and his wife. This can all be easily inferred from his spam, and further confirmed by his insane posts on other websites. Judging by his apparent interest in AI, I believe the way in which he thinks she's real/realizes his delusions is through AI chatbots.

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Contested territory in ~2 and a half hours
I did elite phayze last night and holy fuck it was cancer, no paragons on a boss like this just leads to the dogshit run that having paragons is supposed to prevent, I.e sun avatar/sniper/spike storm spam and a laggy 20 minute long tier 5 (even with a 2221 VTSG with 1011 support temple)
Never letting NK cook without paragons again
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Ice shards might be the best ceramic cleanup in the game desu
The damage output is crazy, I don't know how it hasn't been nerfed but I'm not complaining.
>I don't know how it hasn't been nerfed
It means using Ice Monkey
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ice monkey i kiss you
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Do not insult my beloved like that

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>Get up Tharius!
>My leg is gone brother!
>Cover him!
>He has fallen....
Does anything bring this game down? There was a female space marine right?
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Whats the lore reason that there arent any female space marines and or Custodes?
Women are too weak.
Hold the banner.
...Female space marine?!, fuck you!
... That's what I'm asking

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