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there has never been a good indiana jones game so no
hello zoom zoom
I can't wait to not do anything. I love being an economic terrorist
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i love how jews finally managed to convince retards that doing nothing is fighting, how do you even do that?
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Jews? No, we learn the art of doing nothing from the grandmaster himself
I'm not particularly eager to see one of my childhood heroes getting pissed on and disrespected yet again to shill for some writer's pet SJW approved side character. Again.
I think there was a half way decent one on the XBOX. I played the demo of it even. First time I ever heard the term 'ivory' too, for some reason kid me thought he was saying brivory when he was talking about the mooks in the demo level were Ivory hunters/poachers.
>I'll have uhh... a ugly old female character with a side cut
>How Original...
>and she going to be a journalist!
>Daring today, aren't we?
Let me guess, the quest of her own is gonna be to expose what the nazis are doing? Maybe peppered with some jabs at Indy and proving that she is just as if not more capable than him? I sure hope all the gaming journalists this was made for buy it. Ah wait, there aren't enough of them and they get it for free, don't they? Oof, that sucks.
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>mission 1: own the chud
Guess I will do nothing again and win
Placing bets on Indy dying or disappearing in first 15 minutes and you play as the obnoxious Italian cunt for the rest of the game.
>release no games
>leech as a middleman
Truly inspirational and not the essence of jewry.
How many play as gina sequences do you think there are?
Fate of Atlantis
Infernal Machine
Emperors Tomb
Lego games
Fate of Atlantis is pure souls and still compares favorably to pixel shart indie games.
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>Bethesda """""Puzzles"""""
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>Are you excited for the new AAA-
>trying to sell new Indiana Jones after dogshit last movie killed any interest in franchise
Might grab it on sale for my ps5 lol
>Gina Lombardi and the Temple of 'Za
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>Are you excited
No. I don't like punching good guys.
Depends whether of not it has denuvo.
I always forget that there was a new Indiana Jones movie.
>i love how jews finally managed to convince retards that doing nothing is fighting, how do you even do that?
Well, what should we do then? Charge Bethesda for releasing this slop? Or maybe send a pack of feral niggers to Micrsoft HQ?

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we already have 4 indiana jones games and this is not going to be better than them so who cares
/v/ is full of these retards that always talk about doing "something" and never elaborate on what to do lol
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>middleman that charges me nothing and makes my life easier
Why is this bad exactly?
There was some hope that this would be good, or even playable. Given the range of the wolfenstien games, I'm expecting something at the low end of that.
>harrison ford's face
>some other guy's voice
If you put money on it, you'd 100% lose.
>worried laughter
>your favorite old thing is back!
>its actually about our original character who is better than them!
fuck yeah
Anon... do better *leaves*
jesus christ wtf did you do that game?
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I wonder what sort of narrative this friendly looking chap has cooked up for Gina this game ? Something that will subvert your expectations no doubt.
>doesn't know shit
Bethesda isn't developing the game, you retarded retard.
>there has never been a good bethesda game so no
incel absolutely malding at the sight of a woman lmao
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No, I don't really care about America Jones.
Is there a word for the complete opposite of excited? That's what I am. I'm actually pretty sick of Indiana Jones after the shit movies retroactively destroyed the franchise. The old films have lost their spark because you know where it all leads in the end.
>t. game dev
We shall do nothing and we shall win
Why couldn't he just be paired up with Marion, who was already a strong woman who don't take shit from no man:

Jesus, that old-ass adventure game interface

Oh yes of course every single possible way to interact with people and objects needs to be its own button
Shit is my favorite IP of all time and the answer to your question is no.
Is there a reason why all the animations are so horrifically bad? I don't ever see anyone commenting on how this visually looks at best like a PS4 title with the stiff animations of a PS2 game.
Can someone explain the mutt obsession with nazis to me? They're the ones who suffered the least from nazis, basically nothing, but they're most vocal about how much they hate nazis.
I learned from my Chinese brothers, they call it, "laying flat". The CCP hates them, so my logical conclusion is that it works.
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Their ruling class is jewish.
Fate of Atlantis has a chick just like this and you all love it, you guys just love to bitch
So they are basically making a game out of the latest movie they made when he was getting girlbossed around for 90 minutes?

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