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>is the greatest indie game of all time
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They hated him because he told them the truth
How long until I can use mods again? I wouldn't revert back to not using Repentance + since it buffed so much shit.
>can't keep a thread alive
it's joever, just head to /vm/ I guess
Wait until the weekend before declaring it over, some people have jobs.
Had a comfy run to Delirium and we beat it
Did you also defeat delirium?
>make a blunder
>everyone stops doing anything for a few seconds straight
im buck broken by azazels stealing all my sacred hearts and godheads and then dying to the final boss while i have to carry with jesus juice and mom's heels
>end up being the last alive but with zero damage because I always end up taking the boring hp upgrades from bosses while others sprint for tears upgrades
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Online is interesting but I've found myself playing more Offline with the balance changes on my second file.
Which fucking sucks because the patch broke the Greed Donation Machine and now I have to wait on Nicalis to properly play the Lost and the Keeper. Thought about maxing it before the patch but decided not to for some reason.
I could downgrade, do it, then update again but I'm pretty sure that's how you get save file errors where marks disappear.
Fuck Tyrone.
Roguelites not letting you unlock other things during challenge runs is some stupid ass shit that affects so many games
>play a meme gimmicky challenge run that makes the game piss easy
>get all the unlocks
Never make a game in your life.
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>Abyss on Onions Milk creates this adorable mini-locust
Has anyone compiled a list of the new Abyss synergies? So far the only thing I've found for myself is locusts having tear effects and bomb items giving an exploding yellow locust.
>0 hours on record
>Not rollback

Worthless. Lags like shit since I live in Japan.
>takes every good item
>runs through every room without letting anyone do anything
>dies on the Womb guaranteed
I'm gonna kill these kids
Deserved, you retards didn't gatekeep sirenfags hard enough so they scared away everyone.
>the patch broke the Greed Donation Machine
How exactly is it broken? Didn't play greed yet.
>put coin in
>number doesn't go up
How did they even break that considering they barely changed anything greed related? No actually... did they even change anything greed related at all?
That's how all DLC reviews appear
your fault for living in japan lmao
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>breaks mods and adds boss armor to even more bosses
Th-Thanks Edmund
I tried playing him and noticed zero difference even when abyssing every item I saw (except hp, dmg, and blue map). Although tech x did give me an electric fly but it only hit every thirty seconds.
Terrible "buff," all the changes make it less enticing to pick up the item or play as t appolyon.
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>Do an online run
>Go Beth
>Get Book of revelations
>Almost infinite wisps
>Each with a Lil Harbinger when destroyed
>Fight Mother
Easy win
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Might have something to do with how it works online. I have no idea how the Greed Donation Machine is handled online, it might not actually be broken there but I haven't finished a run. If it's like the other unlocks it would take the value from the player with the lowest donated coins. Maybe during that process it somehow gets a value locked in place and doesn't know how to reset it.
It is really dumb though that you can't currently make progress in the mode people dislike and that got the whole Beta cancelled because they didn't want to play it.
Honestly, I've just been theorycrafting how to break it with the debug console and as soon as it's patched I'm maxing that thing out with the debug console.
>do a run with randos
>get chaos, R key, spin down dice, and just about every broken item you can think of until the lag on the game isn't the connection but the game struggling to handle all of the tears + effects
>defeat mega satan and delirium
>doing our R key second run
>game desyncs
>i finish The Beast on my own
>get the online cheevos anyway
10/10 experience
I will note that for whatever reason, my completion marks aren't turning purple or blue.
Nevermind, I was being an idiot and looking in the wrong section.
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>start eden run
>mom's key and sharp key
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Do passwords work now? Does anyone want to do a run?
i would if the servers weren't so shitty
Yeah, I'd kinda like to be able to see them in the single player menu and not have to make a room to see them. I assume there will be a mod at some point.
I'm also sad you can't see what marks other players have anymore. It was fun to see what characters people actually played and succeeded with.
I like nuclear thronr
My The Lost partner kept dying from friendly fire today. We weren't sure what was causing it specifically, as we had a lot of powerups going. It might have been from Bird's Eye flames.
>dood poop lmao
I will (if connection is good)
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>(if connection is good)
We'll see if it decided to be laggy shit today
It's giving me the the buzzer nothing found sound
Yeah, that happens to me whenever I try to join through password. Can you host to see if it works like that?
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>carries an entire run
How can one trinket be so based?
> < > v
> v D <
I mean dying is what Lost players do.
Actually had a pretty fun experience entering a room with a Lost and going Tainted Lost. Was fun just stunting on them until they hit the party with an epic fetus that burned the Holy Card I had just managed to find after playing without it for 10 minutes. The Tainted Bethany holding the run together was notably pissed and disconnected. The vibe was so scuffed after that I left too.
meant for
as password
>lol poop fart butt
grow the fuck up kiddies
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Nope, buzzer. Does this work for you with other people? The password system I mean, it hasn't worked for me since release

no this is my first time trying this
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I'm gonna make a completely public one: Hard mode, 4 players, minmaxxing, host character is Bethany. Hope no one starts it before you read this
>Someone disconnected as soon as the run restarted
>Now stuck on black screen
Fucking bravo nigcalis
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bethany sex
>lilith gets 9 volt + car battery in greed mode
>everyone else is now a bystander while she clears the game solo
been playing with my cousin whom i introduced the flash game to a decade ago, probably the most fun i've had with isaac in a long long while.
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>yum heart heals everyone in multiplayer, not just the user
that's cute
>People are melting down over not being able to use mods while online because they relied on External Item Descriptions so much they never bothered to learn anything about the game
Hahaha it's so rich
They will never take platinumgod away from me.
i have 900 hours and 100% marks but i like having it on because sometimes i forget what the reverse tarot cards do
I hate it in balatro and i hate it in isaac
Did they change Delirium a bit? It seems like his bullet patterns dont shit up the screen as much as they used to
what else did they add? I saw that now lasers have some path preview for shitters
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>lobbies used to fill up instantly
>now struggle to get more than one person to join
I barely got to enjoy online and it's already dead...
Can you still use debug mode to give yourself achievements or no
The lag is really killing people's enjoyment. Maybe they should've done a few more betas before doing such a big release but instead they had to have their temper tantrum and shut those down cause people datamined
People got their fill, also constant desyncs and input lag don't help so I bet people are just waiting until it's fully released.
only on co-op
Does the boss item pool get depleted by the time you reach womb 1?
not unless you're 4 isaacs or something, there's a shitton of boss items
I always manually looked up everything. But I also dedicated zero of my brain memory to recalling what any combination does and instead wait for a teammate to tell me what to do. Simple.
I counted 61 items in the boss pool, and assuming there are four players, you'll go through about 24 items by womb 2. Note that neither Depths 2 or Womb 2 has the regular boss pool drops.
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Now that I'm back to 100% I think I'll quit until they give me a reason to care.
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This is genuinely the fastest Delirium find I've ever seen in my life, it has to be a record or something
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Sex with Bethany
>playing with someone who decided to pick up monstro's lung and ipecac
>having good run, find r key
>use it after doing mother route
>find tmtrainer right after that, fuck it we ball
>use held d100 d-infinity to turn my entire inventory into glitched items
there was a lot of farting to be had
>Already dead
The steak has been marinating for over a year for THIS?!
is the slowdown during online caused by latency or someone having a weak PC
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Went back and finished this to celebrate, time to get those purple marks
kill yourself tranny lover
could be both
No idea. I played a fluid run with my friend 2 days ago and when we played today it was laggy as fuck
Today my party had a problem with the servers itself, it would seem, as everyone's bars were flashing at the same time
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I've never seen a game more marred by expansions than BOI. The original and wrath of lamb were great... rebirth was top tier, then it all went downhill from there
>Rebirth was top tier
The ugly whore in the webm pairs well with that shit opinion
How do you unlock items quickly if you lost your save?

Does debug mode not let you do it directly anymore?
there is a button that unlocks everything based on your Steam achievements
was this made on 1s or 2s anon
If alt + f2 doesn't work, do this instead:
>turn off steam cloud in the games properties
>delete rep+ labeled files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\429470483\250900\remote
>delete rep+ labeled files in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance+\save_backups
>start the game and it should load your repentence data
on 2s, but I cheated with the heart because it looked clunky on 2s
did they give a new save screen for clearing everything on online hard mode?
You guys really like poop, huh
the brimstone warning completely changes the angel fight, you no longer have to even bother paying attention to which animation it's doing
on the other hand I'm pretty sure krampus still doesn't have warning lights
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I just want my soundtrack mods damnit
I'm gonna draw Deli, any requests?
can you draw her being a more fun fight
The warnings only work in big rooms I think. Angels won't telegraph in the angel rooms, but they do in the mega stan fight.
deli working at a deli.
>gnawed leaf + 7 Seals into Mega Satan
Leave game unpaused and get up to go make myself dinner
Couldn't have this experience on online mode.
wagie bad deli working at a deli
Thanks for the trackers
you can though
>stand in front of the mouth
>let the wagies take care of it for you
>even if they die you're invincible so they can eventually kill it with their 0.88 damage shots
i think i was in a party with kids today because they started talking about some youtuber named mattman
I also live in Japan. Wanna play sometime?
Also get Japanese friends who play Western games as well. I play Grim Dawn with my 兄弟every once in a while.
one of many Issac Youtubers
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Eden is cute, CUTE!
>Blue Post-Its override Red Post-Its
this is pissing me off way more than it should
>But why are you even playing normal???
Because one of my friends is a pissy crybaby who refuses to play Hard because it is for "le tryhards"
what even is the difference between hardmode and normal? isnt it just worse drop rates?
it only overrides it in the multiplayer menu
they're still red in the regular character select
It's "harder rooms" (AKA less rooms that have zero enemies) and enemy bullets are faster. That's literally it.
slower bullets and less drops I believe
blue fires and skulls also drop soul/black hearts less often on hard mode
Also less chance for room rewards and red health rewards as the room rewards are less common.
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My games always end up with everyone else disconnecting due to dying or other stupid reasons.
I might as well just play single player at this point.
How do you play online? There's no option for it in the menu.
>start online game
>they disconnect
>you can now play the game normally and get the completion marks
It's that easy.
If you play tainted isaac I'll never disconnect
go to boi rebirth steam page, there's a new repentance+ dlc
add it and make sure it's activated
You need the free DLC
oops lol
I don't care about completion autism. I just wanna play and struggle through the game with other people.
? do you have special needs?
I find the game easy and have yet to die in multiplayer. But other people seem to have trouble surviving.
After all these years, now playing Maggy actually feels like playing a cleric.
>But other people seem to have trouble surviving.
ok just checking, i do not understand how these people exist.
You don't need to reply to low effort bait. Multiplayer makes the game more difficult because everything is stretched thin by sharing. Not to mention it would seem most players struggle to play as well with other players than they do solo.
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>Multiplayer with 3-4 people
>Room with enemies that explode into bullets on death
the game has 2 things that are made more difficult by more people
>unpredictable enemy aggro makes dodging harder
>extra visual clutter makes it harder to tell where you specifically are relative to the hostiles
having fewer items doesn't make the game overall harder when you have multiple times the firepower. people are just used to feeling overpowered on their own instead of having to coordinate their damage and knockback, divvy up items to maximize who can take advantage of them the most, and without staple mods like EID a lot of people are rushing a bit since double-checking the wiki or even communicating with in-game chat is fucking painful to do.
>bomb flies or floating green exploding brains float up to us
>they shoot it exploding it right in our face
every time
Only the trinkets need descriptions to understand how they work.
Almost every item shows their functionalty by playing the game. I can remember how almost every item work just by looking at the icon.
Even with shit like the fly familiars having similar icons, you can still at least remember that the item gives you a following familiar
without looking it up, what does reversed judgement do?
They removed some trinkets that modified pick-up chances via room clears as that doesn't apply to Greed Mode along with other things that have no effect in the mode like Goat Head.. Only took them several years to realize it.
Spawn a donation machine
spawns a restock machine, basically an auto win. maybe try one of the ones that isn't extremely fucking good, people remember those less.
>Verification not required.
you are wrong
>May you redeem those found wanting
the text to describe what it does isn't helpful either.
I mixed the names of the two machines... Unforgivable...
they utterly fucked the modding api with this update
don't expect any complicated mods to be ported at all until they fix it
considering how vastly differently they operate, that's a pretty big deal.
even the game is anal about machine type in all circumstances except for wheel of fortune counting the fortune teller as a slot machine.
I wonder why devil beggars can be spawned by both judgement and temperance cards
>except for wheel of fortune counting the fortune teller as a slot machine.
It's a FORTUNE telling machine anon
>that's a pretty big deal
lol, lmao
Wheen of fortune is for blowing up next to a secret room and that's it
it's just a shitty implentation, it's similar to how the nintendo games with bad online feel.
unless they change the way they do networking (which i doubt since it's been like this since the alpha) you can expect it to be mediocre at best even when everyone has really good internet and lives close.
>someone else besides me is shilling Sacrilege
based, what's your favorite song?
It is out of alpha :)
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Desolate is my favorite. Between other modded soundtracks, it does the "all the different floor motifs in one song" the best. Hits me right in the nostalgia bone too hearing the older ones in there.
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you can play all the DLC up to Repentance+ for fre because they made Rep+ a free download. steakmund and tyrone won't be happy
Desolate is one of my favorites, too. I don't think it's a straight melody (except the title motif at the end), but more of an original composition with some borrowed stingers/instruments from other songs. I also like the inspiration from "It Ends" from SMB.
I like how it's more slow-paced, more like a march, to fit with how the floor is pretty boring. Like you said, the title motif at the end is a swift kick in the nostalgia balls, it's rich.
I hope more people learn of the soundtrack's existence, it's my favorite, the game really needed something like it. No offense to Ridiculon, but Danny B's OST was special. Not that Sacrilege is exactly perfect in its instrumentation but it nails the compositions splendidly.
Someone needs to tell this anon
classic Nicalis incompetence. should've expected a massive fuckup, as is typical with all of their releases
I don't know why anyone is still playing after greed mode honestly
>pay to make the game worse
are mods working or nah?
I don't want to lose my save
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that's how it should be
DLC of DLC of DLC of DLC is just ridiculous
it should just be free updates like every other game
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I thought the way to get it was a dumb system but I should've also realized it was incompetent.

>Please note you need own the other DLC for it to function correctly.
>No, please don't try it out. Just trust us.
>No, wait stop.
it does bug out the animations and audio so it not functioning correctly isn't exactly wrong
they could probably keep it like this since it being such a mess without the proper DLCs works to its advantage considering what's already in the game
>it does bug out the animations and audio so it not functioning correctly isn't exactly wrong
Wait, so how broken are we talking? That Steam guide seems to suggest it runs perfectly. Is it just cosmetic or does it impact mechanics too?
Not that it really matters people on here have said there's no protection against pirating the DLCs and just dropping it into your launch folder. Even get achievements for it.
it fucks up sprite sheets and a lot of the times audio just plain doesn't play
certain enemies like rag man and his spiders just don't have graphics at all and are invisible except for the shadow
Man, I was about to say "Why rag man, he's a base game boss." Looked it up and realized I completely forgot that he isn't.
Sounds like an extra hard mode. What if Delirium was silent, invisible and he could still telefrag you?
Rollback doesn't magically fix your yodobashi wifi, it just distributes the suffering equally to everyone.
at least player characters still have graphics (Lilith is a floating head)
quite a few items (ones from afterbirth) are invisible
when he says "Repentance for free" he really means Repentance and nothing more
>get a decent run started
>steam goes down
fuck you gabemund
My favorite character is the Lost. Thanks and have fun!
Worst thing that happened to me today was the online game crashing when going to Cathedral.
Like all indie darlings, it's a ripoff of multiple 30-40 year old games which were superior.
Namely Robotron, and Smash TV etc.
Woke up, had coffee, smoking blunt. Then I'm gonna play some online Isaac
finally had a bad run thanks to a dumbfuck tainted cain
and not because he was a minmaxing faggot like i thought would happen, he was an extremely impatient retard who would just destroy everything if it took more than 0.01 seconds for someone to pick it up
kick option was implemented to curbstomp absolute retards like him
you wont have any luck if the other two people want to continue getting cucked though
>tainted isaac player gets haelomacria + brim
g fucking g
>make Normal mode online multiplayer with Casual tag
>one of the randos spergs about people not playing min/max optimized
kick that loser
Had 2 online runs playing as t.keeper. Was fun stuff, made it to the blue baby and lamb and beat them
People finally stopped quitting the second they saw me as t.keeper, it's so fun.
>trying to 10 streak with eden
>get to 8 easily throughout the day
>ADHD meds wear off
>winrate drops to like 20%
adhd isnt real just are just a junkie
Not even top 10.
Get a better taste
>trying to 10 streak with eden
>get to 8 wins easily throughout the day
>meth wears off
>winrate drops to like 15%
>one guy just takes all the good items
You hesitated.
>playing the coin cuck
>hp item comes up after a boss and the entire lobby stares at me waiting for me to take my turn and grab it
keeper bros….
You already have at least 5 tears and damage up items, how about you take the flies and hp items for once, huh? Fucking nigger.
>he doesn't comprehend the value of a glass cannon build
Be a good boy and act as a meat shield for the true MVP.
Bro you don't let yourself get peer pressured do you? I just sit there shooting tears in random directions and demonstrating how little I care about their expectations.
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>when your super secret room senses are 100% accurate on the first bomb
I sometimes forget that the forgotten can turn into the soul. Today my teammates looked at me funny without saying a word. Didn't remember until a floor later.
Not my problem lmao
I only care about myself having fun,
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>use bomb on crazy spot no one even cared to check during online play
>super secret room
>instant 3 emotes from the other players
Found the Azazel player
>apollyon player voids item before anyone has a chance to pick it up
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I just played with two Bethanys and they kept giving me the damage up items like the good little sluts they are. It was a god-tier run.
they did most of the heavy lifting
They turned you into their cute little pet
i thought it was just a joke but azazel players are actually retarded? One match i played with him, he jept getting hurt almost in every room and sprinting everywhere like crazy, at least he would die before reaching treasure rooms lol
>literally easy mode the character
>surprised that is only used by shit players
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>playling lilith in greed mode
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im new to tboi. give me a qrd on siren tranny thing plz
Just move them to the new mod folder.
If they don't work then you were probably cheating anyway.
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notyoursagittarius was the artist for a fan mod that got made official, she went back and improved a bunch of shitty sprites to look closer to their flash originals
she also has a fairly out-of-place looking OC named the Siren that ended up being a boss in the aforementioned mod, and ended up getting her oc in the full game as a result
guys who are obsessed with trannies suppose she must be a tranny and sperg out whenever they see the siren as a result
Impossibility. All shitren art is ugly because it has shitren in it.
>tranny that makes people attack each other
It's hard to go back to no t.keeper, because got so accustomed to having plenty of money
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>she must be a tranny
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>fairly out-of-place looking OC
It continues to be incredibly bizarre to me people go this direction to attack the design when she's literally just long-hair Eve with Spirit of the Night, instead of laughing at how Sonichu levels of unimaginative the design is.
>nicalis bad
>nicalis is all monkeys
>except when they enable my shitposting
don't be obnoxious, that siren split genuinely looks good
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people assumed sag was a woman based on having long hair, tyrone corrects them, still don't see how this results in nys = tranny
>trying to reason with shitposters
hello newfriend welcome to 4chan
so sag was just a gook guy all this time? Lol
look up leathericecream's isaac smut for a laugh btw
i will never forgive edmund for not making antibirth's ost play in tainted runs
you vill enjoy ridiculon and you vill be happy
mudeth got shafted by his friends, I dunno what he's been doing ever since he made some extra tracks around repentance's release
I sure appreciate them, though
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>antibirth is 7 years old
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>repentance came out 3 and a half years ago
Tyrone is a dumb nigger, but he's pretty autistic about getting personal information about everyobe ge works with.
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i'm pretty sure there's a mod out there that does this but
>mudeth never got around to making soundtracks for repentance content i.e. ascent
Just use the Wrath of the Lamb + Antibirth OST mod.
>have spindown dice
>coop teammates don't even consider spinning items down
coop is not fun when everyone else is playing like the world is about to end in 5 minutes
Online feels so strange.
One game everyone is communicating, sharing items, using dices to choose who get the good ones and arrows to choose what items to buy on the stores, etc.
..And the next will have the most obnoxious niggers ever, bombing you for no reason, running through the doors without even letting you reach the pickups, and stealing every single item the second they spawn.
Has anyone else managed to do the "use Forget me now while still keeping your old active item" trick in the online? I managed to do it earlier and I felt so fucking cool, one of the others even said "wow". Then we got to Delirium and everyone but me jobbed in the beginning and then I jobbed right before it died. I'm so sorry
eventually we will find the rare case of having silent min/maxers who mutually agree to things without using words at all.

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