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Games where a female character endures brutal heartbreak?
why are nips so obsessed with cuckshit
Can someone give me the rundown on Precure?
Need more games with crazy evil bitches kidnapping me

oh nooooooo haha
Can you imagine anything more horrifying than being kidnapped by an evil villainess that wants to have a nonstop week long sex marathon forcing you to cum in her again and again while fucking in every conceivable position known to man as well as some inconceivable positions that don't even have names? God, just thinking about it gives me chills
Now imagine if she was ugly as fuck.
Monobrow, halitosis, fat but not cute-fst but slobpig fat. Maybe cross eyed.
its for little girls
but /a/ watches it
Yeah, but the most horrifying thing is that she'll refuse any protection and force you to eventually impregnate her. Potentially multiple times. Ghastly to even conceptualize it.
Trails in the Sky SC
I'd still probably be fine with it as long as she was clean.
a woman cannot be cucked, not really anyway
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>"We want you to make doujins from this scene. Please, if you could do so, it would be very much appreciated."
is that the average woman who men who were raped had to endure? still cant be too bad, just close your eyes
the thought of a villainess being evil just so she can get a boyfriend is funny to me
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yo she got dog pussy
DBZ for girls.
Oh no, if she can't bother grooming herself, you know she stinks. Not even the good kind of stink, but the rotting corpse kind. Fat people can't even wipe their own asses right.
Hot chicks don't need to resort to rape.
Shut up nerd!
the sex remain unhaved
she got friend zoned hard
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Persona 3 the Answer
That makes no sense
its basically impossible for a woman to be tricked into raising a baby that isnt hers given that she is the one which will birth it, meanwhile the man doesnt know if she had sex with anyone else who actually impregnated her, the man will basically have to swap the baby with a similar looking baby basically, which isnt something that a random man can do, brainlet
but a woman can be cheated on, hence the word cuckquean
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Stop liking evil women
Animated Kamen Rider for girls(but really it's for guys still)
ancient tradition, pls understand
Start with HeartCatch.
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>Crawls back against a wall
>Flinches and closes his eyes for a solid second
>Trembles harder than a 90-year-old asperger
>Eyes big as saucers
>Can only mutter "huh?" while shitting himself
>"I can see your strong, unwavering will"
I hate modern anime so fucking much
So did she rape him afterwards, or just had a tea party or some shit? I need to know.
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Muv-Luv Extra
Sounds kino.
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we're not talking about babies retard
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Can you imagine anything more horrifying than being kidnapped by Bazz that wants to have a nonstop week long sex marathon forcing you to cum in her again and again while fucking in every conceivable position known to man as well as some inconceivable positions that don't even have names? God, just thinking about it gives me chills
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Let me guess. A minute later she will unleash some hidden power which will allow her to fly up and catch up to the villain.
he's a little kid
He's a normal kid and just saw her beat the shit out of a magical girl, what do you expect
50 bharv, NOW
we are, getting cucked means raising a child thats not yours
your wife fucking someone without babies involved is just basic cheating

low iq retard
It's their history I think. The west has been cucking them for centuries.
>what do you expect
To not be called strong and unwavering. Kids can be courageous and stubborn too, you know? This one is not.
you're right, and you can do it to both of them
Kouki i kneel
Precure ntr thread
That webm is pretty boring
oh heavens there's """""worse"""""? Inform me.
there's 21 seasons so far
Each season runs for a year with around 50 episodes.
Aside from 2 direct sequels all seasons have characters and are effectively independend.
A season will start out with 2 to 5 girls (rarely 6) getting the ability to transform into their magical girl alter ego with superhuman strengh, agility, etc, also lazer beams. Their alter ego also has the title of Cure. So their full name would be something like Cure Custard. or Cure Milky.
Some seasons are more melee combat focused, others more "magic BEEEMU".
If the season only started out with 2 or 4 girls, then around ep. 20 - 30 you will get either 2 additional to go up to 4, or one additional to go up to 5.
Each girl will also be associated with a distinct color. With a Pink and blue cure being almost always present. and yellow, red, orange or violet being other typical colors. No green because Toei hates green and green cures.

Around ep 25-30 will also be the mid-season finale. A bigger showdown with the evil antagonists trying to cover the world in darkness.
The antagonists usually consist of a handful of bad-guys who can float, teleport and summon monsters/turn things into monsters.
With a typical precure episode consisting of an AB plot where one half is slice-of'-life/drama and the other is fighting against the monster the antagonist summoned.
After that you'll typically have another character arc for each team member, maybe a redemption arc for one of the villians. And then the big showdown.

Each team of cures will also be accompanied by one or more magical faries/animals. Some of which are cool.
There's also over 30 movies, half of which are cross-over movies where 3 to 20 teams of cures fight some big bad together. Like an enchanted camera.
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Any h-games/doujins with this premise? This is 100% my shit. I love the idea of a heroine getting cucked by a villainess.

Have 0 context of what this is btw.
Untranslated? That's too bad.
Xenoblade 1
what happens next?
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Based, evil women are superior and they should take whatever they want from the good girls.
Starting out with Heartcatch will give you a skewed perception of the whole series so watch a different one first
It is.
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Battle Shonen for girls
Why are you so obsessed with cuckshit? A decade ago nobody would look at that video and think "hmm cuckshit".
I'm convinced you brainrotted freaks would watch the original King Kong and think it was a thinly veiled cuck fetish film.
>good girls getting cucked by the villainess
so fucking hot
Alright fine, I'll get back to watching Precure.
It's the easiest way to get (you)s.
Holy cringe.
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You just know he had a boner the whole time.
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Meet Nanao.
Her sole purpose in the game is to suffer emotionally. Over and over.
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>Can you imagine anything more horrifying than being kidnapped by an evil villainess that wants to have a nonstop week long sex marathon forcing you to cum in her again and again while fucking in every conceivable position known to man as well as some inconceivable positions that don't even have names? God, just thinking about it gives me chills

There's literally a lilith VN like this, the evil villainess steals the magical girl's childhood friend(you) and cuckolds her, there's not a single ending where the magical girl doesn't lose

Yes, it's the hottest thing ever.
What the top pic from?
Translation never ever. At least I still have Prison Academis to go through...
what a lazy gaslighting attempt
Makes sense, there are only little girls on /a/
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Can she beat precure?
thank you anon for the detailed explanation.
which season is your favourite?
Yeah but she would rather molest them
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One of the extremely few pieces of media in the mecha fantasy genre that's actually decent.
It's a shame because its a kino genre
>Still trying to force this
Newfags can't meme
>all seasons have characters and are effectively independend
Is this like Jojo were it's still kinda important to watch them in order?
If not, which one is the best for someone who isn't into this kinda of shit but willing to give it *one* chance?
Man, I remember I used to watch that with my sister when it was on TV. It got cancelled really suddenly one day and my brother told me later it was because apparently there was some reveal coming that a character was a bastard child and the localizers couldn't figure out a way to make it child friendly so they just cancelled the show. I remember pretty much nothing else about the show though.
This anon is very based
Also Galleria is even more brutal

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