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>Run around feudal Japan as a 6’4” Tyrone slaughtering manlet incels to a hip hop asian fusion soundtrack
Actually sounds like fun, I don’t know why everyone is so upset
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Yasuke could easily have worked as a side character and Lockley's bullshit wouldn't be exposed, but Ubisoft had too much chutzpah and a desire to shit on Japan for that.
>He's a Muslim in the game
Why? He's not even from the Islamic parts of Africa?
He was also brought along on a Jesuit mission, there's no reason to think he was Muslim nor was he probably from an Islamic part of Africa.
Yeah that's what i've been saying, why is he the main character. He's not stealthy and not an assassin. And he is a real historical figure.
AC games always have a fictional protagonist and helpful historical figure NPCs, like Da Vinci and Ben Franklin. I'd be okay if Yasuke was working with the assassins giving them inside info on the daimyo or whatever they're after in this one. Also they could've at least made him an assassin, they made him a towering hulk who slashes people publically with his huge ass katana, like how is that an assassin? For fuck sake how does he blend with the crowd when he's the only black person in Japan in the time period? Or does he plan on parkouring around the peasant houses in full armor and being like 6'3"? Surely that's stealthy.

It's so incredibly forced, it's revolting.
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Just a reminder that christcucks brought the first nigger to japan

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Favorite vidya moms?
Where's the vidya?
This thing's storyline is disjointed as fuck. Where are you supposed to put this in the sister incest original plot?
Pretty sure this comes after. Then there's a sequel where he fucks them both.

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Only two months remain, starting today.

September 25th 2024 is when Bandai Namco games enters court for a hearing in my "Elden Ring" lawsuit that claims we have only played HALF of FROM SOFTWARE's games and a whole new game is hidden inside, and that it's too hard to access for even its most dedicated fans.

In less than two months, you will be forced to realize game devs cater to crazy people because they have courage that you don't, to explore the unknown world. You will be forced to realize hackers have been lying to you telling you content is cut, when its actually just undiscovered.

Look up the docket number for updates on the case.

Docket # 2425SC000677
Trial date: 09/25/2024 at 9:00 AM

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Your gimmick is boring. Try harder.
>You've only played half of your favorite japanese videogame.
pretty sure I've played 100% of Final Fantasy 5.
This thread makes me feel better about myself thanks
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>the moron from 2 weeks ago is back at it
You have to be a very elaborate troll, nobody is so profoundly retarded.

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Stardew best wife. Also post farms and more waifus
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>give emily a coffee
>she tells me what her sister likes
>he doesn't even know the basics
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saloon looks too small here
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Do you find low-poly 3D women wildly attractive like people in the 90s did?
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Shit waifu. Allow me to post the superior retro hottie.
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Man, I don’t care. Joanna with her actually modeled boobs is way hotter than Lara with her Cybertruck boobs.
First one is hot, the second one just tells me you’re a massive homo.
Anyone got the low poly milf?

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Discuss the banlist
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Damn brats. All of them!
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>Of fucking course I go second against a 60 card dragonlink nigger whose deck is 90% pure gas.
>Of fucking course I draw a 3 card hand with 2 nib 2 primera 1 ash, and 0 maxx C which besides droll, shifter or a brick is the only way to stop a nigger deck like this.
>Of fucking course they're running 3 dragon ravine and already have it in hand so my ash is completely wasted on it.
>Of fucking course the very next duel is another 60 card nigger running SE horus yubel metaslop pile of every good meta card out at the moment and my hand is 0 handtraps.
Yup, I got put on loser's queue. Time to log out of the game. Cya nigs later.
infernity launcher was limited?
Thank you, I made a few changes and I'm done with the 13 duels I was missing in les than half an hour. Relay Soul is such a good card, especially when paired with Cloudians.
Don't care about MD troons free ronintoadin NOW

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Will we ever see another good Halo game???
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>they have yet to do a battlefield style game
end yourself.
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lol no
under 343's supervision the series will never be good.
Bonnie Ross, Frank O'Connor, and Kiki Wolfkill have already done irreparable damage to the series. Management will probably not be the problem anymore going forward, the problem is 343's cancerous studio work-culture, every single fucking person in that company is a liability to future Halo games, 99% of them were hired by the terrible management who hated Halo and it is without a doubt that 99% of them hate the idea of Halo not innovating and reforming to be more like Bungie era stuff. Microsoft would have to drop a fucking nuke and hit the reset button on everything to get a maybe a decent game out.
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>either go full reboot or keep making spin offs/prequels, the story is retarded and beyond salvation at this point
>Keep a slightly modified version of Infinite's movement (maybe replace sprint and slide with evade and remove climbing)
>Return to CE's Alien and 80s anime inspired aesthetics instead of retreading Reach
>and for the love of god use other characters instead of Chief
>use other characters instead of Chief
I want to play as Private First Class Chips Dubbo
Definitely not. Once Bungie left and we saw Halo 4 it was pretty obvious the series was finished. At this point it can't recover after 12 years worth of abject shit. The Xbox brand is doomed to shut down in the near future anyway.
>CE's 80s anime inspired aesthetics
You have full blown media illiteracy as well as meme-induced cultural brainrot.

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Talk DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, MGR, God Hand and ARPGs like Nioh
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Everyone is this thread is a poser until they post gameplay.
Can I post trophies instead
Why do retarded actionfags think pressing more buttons per minute means better gameplay? Do they also think more APM = better RTS?
>post gameplay
>posts gameplay
>wow anon nicely done, you're pretty good at this game
never happens

>this game sucks
>lmao that looks like shit btfo ahahaha

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I am a great magician. Your console is red!
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is this plapworld?
Only good thread on /v/
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This is an advertisement thread for a discord clique that just wants your money, they guy only streams these videos to get donation money and the entire stream is just a normalfag discord clique. The Discord is filled with trannies, furries, ponyfags, faggots and other kind of normalfags.
The streams are low quality, he's just re-streaming them from pajeet pirate streams instead of downloading the movies
Don't give this grifter any clicks.


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qhat has been the most difficult decision you have ever made in a game?
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yeah the ice chick has a 3x bigger rack.
fire looks like a dyke.
haha a dong of ice and fire
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Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune.
>ice actually looks like a woman
>fire looks like a dyke with a man's body
Gee, sure is a hard choice yeah

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Zoomer kino
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>the 360 will be retro next year
crazy how the time flies
I had the 360, but I probably should've stuck with Playstation in retrospect. Having to pay $60 each year to be able to play online is a niggerlicious business model, and the tumor-of-an-idea has spread to Playstation. Not sure what the PS3's options for socialization were like, but I've heard that they were lackluster compared to the 360. Either way, I'm glad I got to experience this shit before everyone hopped on Discord, and every studio became gay. Funny how Zoomers are nostalgic for all this shit, but can't put their finger on why everything has gone to shit; or if they can, they're either too demoralized or too lazy to do anything about it and just stick with buying their battlepass from faggotshooter #25.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but south park is the only reason why I bought a Wii.
What's the current definition of zoomer?

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it's fairy friday again
post dem fairy vidya characters
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Where the fuck did this fetish come from lmao?
It’s mostly /v/ where I see people fawning over this underrated Fairy, however she will never be a Tinker Bell lol
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I want to hug anon
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Wanda from Mario & Wario

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>ruins powerstancing in your path
Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games nerf every build into the ground until there's like 2-3 left by the end.
You'd think the point of balance patches would be to increase build variety, but apparently not.
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He's done collabs with dist2 since like 2015 or so , and Ellajaz, Ouroboros and HappyHob. I learned of dist2 through Lobosjr in 2016 when dist2 was routing ASS to ASS in DkS3. He's one of the OGs and in his late 30's now so maybe younger zoomzooms and gen A missed out on him.
Malenia break some in game mechanics to get the upper hand, at first it catch you by surprise but you can get used to. Radahn on the other hand directly attack your frame rate to make avoiding his attacks impossible.
Embrace pirated offline, white man.
Powerstancing colossals never felt that that strong to me, it requires way too much stats to be usable compared to a basic charged R2 build. Hell you can get a CR2 build mostly complete in Limgrave without killing any boss and you don't need to level a whole bunch for it.
>charged attack tear (and you get the stamina one as a bonus, perfect for this)
>charged attack talisman
>large club and greataxe are both free pickups in limgrave
>knight armor from roundtable for that 51 poise

I guess I just memory hole'd him. I vaguely remember some PVP stuff that was maybe him
eh, you get 1.5x str bonus + 10% more stance damage + Guard Counters + two-handing tali. I'd say it's pretty fair. PS weapons also consume a lot more stamina than one hand or two hand weapons which is very risky for learning bosses. Damage isn't everything.

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>Game expects you to create your own "fun"
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They dont. Women just need to be shown torture porn until they realize what consequences are.
Or this
shut the fuck up mohammad. asians will never consider you one of them. stinky streetshitting fucks
Even looking at someone can be perceived as sexual assault, this is something obviously sexual, nobody stalks for hours in a door if they don't want to rape you
They're the fucking nega-Canadians, just about every aspect of Indian culture runs counter to Canadian culture. (Or at least what used to be Canadian culture, we're far more America-lite than we used to be.)
gonna get me a roster of pajeeta women to slobber on my white cock

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Does anyone still play this game?
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If you love cute boys and homo pandering then yes
Yes, just dont burn yourself playing 8 hours daily or trying to reach endgame fast, is a chill game, enjoy the music too

The chasm was cool af
Nah, keep playing american and japanese spyware instead
I stayed the fuck away from it back in 2020(?) due to concerns about muh kernel access and all that jazz, sort of just forgot about it until earlier this year where I came to realize I had never really heard of any debacles related to my fears from back then
Decided to give it a try just to see what it was about and got caught by surprise by how much the open world exploration felt like what I'd expect from a 'real' game since I was under the impression it just was a .png collector like what little I knew of other gachas

It's a cool game for when you just want to unwind but if you think you might get turned off by open world exploration and/or a story without a skip button then you probably won't enjoy it for long
>has a big cast
>most characters only show up once in a year or so if at all
Ngl, this is one of the biggest reasons why I might end up dropping this game. Instead we get random ass NPCs spilling their life stories in every other event or quest all the time. HSR does a way better job at including old characters into the world and events. It's truly a shame, you have this beautiful open world, but they don't do shit with it. It's so horribly static.

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18442 vidya Nintendo

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what's up with all the coomer groomers on /v/...and uh what DC games are you enjoying on the ultimate summer console.

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From YMK?
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ZZZ, Ape Escape 3 blind, maybe try Pikmin rom hacks
YouTube junk at random
Maybe The Wandering of Girls' Pair No. 7 later.
Wendy's but they fucked my order up
Water, maybe apple cider later
Oppai loli probably

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Ahh well sucks to be me then, this planet is fucking ass
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Elden Ring, Starsector and some PS2 emus like Wipeout Fusion
Two and a Half Men for background sound
Stone Temple Pilots - Core
Started Hyperion the other day, no idea what I expected but I'm really enjoying it. Pretty damn horny book too.
Spaghetti and italian sausage
Sierra Nevada - Pale Ale

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I mean - you can fly to a different planet almost instantly!

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play their game
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I will when it's released, not gonna play a WIP every time there's an update.
the second time was actually not as fun
just waiting for it to be finished now
I did, it was fun
started a new save for this update and it's okay but not as fun. Doesn't help that I already know the meta and redoing all the grinding doesn't feel worth it
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Why would I play their game when all I care about is the porn

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the most Jewish gacha I've ever played
more than FGO and priconne even
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Works on my machine
the issue is needing four copies of five different nikkes in order to progress
i'm at 600 recruit/advanced draws and i still need 11 dupes in order to break the wall
shit like fgo doesn't care what you draw, you can always be progressing
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Either you have the worst luck in the world or you've neglected FP and the wishlist to a concerning degree.
omg, her reload time is atrocious
I just hate how long this shit takes to load.
it's a bunch of fucking jpegs what the FUCK are they loading?

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