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What went so right?

>“Atlus is one of our most successful acquisition deals to date” Sega Sammy reports strong sales of Metaphor: ReFantazio

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Kys larry. Stop seething every single fucking day
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>fantasy game
>has toilets
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Square was dethroned from the JRPG throne when P5 came out. Nobody cares about FF anymore besides XIV, Kingdom Hearts is dead after 3, NieR hasn’t had a new game in an eternity, and as far as I know DQXI sold quite well but DQXII seems to be in dev hell. Not even FFVII, Square’s most reliable non-MMO money maker underperforms.

Meanwhile, Altus dominates the turn based market while FromSoft dominates the Action RPG market.
Shut the fuck up.

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So they're going for the urban audience aren't they?
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How are the snacks again
Chinks are desperate for their Get Jinxed/POP/STARS moment.
Good but sour
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Then start talking about the game.
How did you like the TV event? Seemed like they really half assed it to me.
>all those mechanics
>none of them matter because you easily get infinite stats every time
>exploring the level is pointless because progress resets all the fucking time
You just know Caesar fucked her good after that lust provoking dance

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This game came out in 2004 and almost every game made since has failed to even come close to it.
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>Aged like milk.
This isn't an insult.
Cheese is not aged milk in the same way wine is not aged grape juice
>be me
>new GTA releases
>i've been a very good boy so mommy buys it for me and lets me take a day off school
>load it up
>wtf it's a bunch of niggers doing nigger shit
>fastforward several hours
True, the game runs out of steam towards the end of San Fierro
>like 8 missions left
>padded out by the shitty gangwar

All manners of men welcome.
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That's all that artist made of Male Haydee. There's like one other public piece available and a couple things I had comm'd
man.....mind sharing your other pieces?
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please anon, I'm starving...
I want gremille to sit on my face
>be gay
>but doesn't support queershit since it's mostly either lesbos or trannies and hate masculinity
this is me

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>50K CCU
already lost 50% of its player base in less than 24 hours
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It appears, the A-life system is present in the game, but scripted events make it bugged, and the direct spawning system is trying to overcompensate that, which effect is that A-life can't initiate because of the existence of too many entities around the player, and being blocked by scripted events.
Stupid underage newnigger
Don't worry, there will be 15kk players on GamePass.
Did MS even sell 15kk of Xboxes?
>go pick mutated bear asses for sidorovich in gamma lmao
funnily enough you've just described 100% of side quests and main quests in stalker 2 lol.

Again my whole point is that the devs or whoever is in charge at GSC deliberately ignored the existence of the stalker modding community, which is the core community of these games. It had nothing to do with the nationality because everyone plays anomaly and gamma.

Instead of being like Valve or i dunno, Todd, and embracing all the mods and progress made by these people. They went like
>naaah why would we allow GAMERS to dictate us how to make vidya games?? we know better.
And they made a game that nobody actually wanted because they simply wanted to prove a point that they still own rights to the IP even though IP belongs to the community at this point. Not them.

We did it /v/ - Video Games!
>using Steam troon numbers

um, GSC devs, sweety…you got boughted and owned for Microsoft for 3 months exclusively, you might wanna…um, y’know…use Gamepass player numbers as your metric since thats where most everyone will be playing it

ungrateful bastards, I hope Phil does the needful
can they thank the journos next for metascore?
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not your personal army, newfag
>not your personal army
yes you are
oh no no BRICS Ziggers what do we do now?

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>”guns are le heckin based, muh first amendment, im gonna take my five year old son to a shooting range, USA! USA!”
>*video game has guns in it*
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Childhood is valuing freedom of speech. Adulthood is realizing that censorship has merits. It's just a matter of application.
Someone post the picture with the burger politician and the caption saying that enjoying GTA "says a lot about my person"
I need a laugh
Jack Thompson is a hypocrite female protagfaggot. Bet he voted for Hillary and Kamala.
>reddit comic
It's literally OC faggot

Do you prefer Poison's SF4 or SF5 design? And what are you expecting to see from her in SF6?
SF4 was better. I expect SF6 Poison to be completely roided out like Marisa, have the squarest jaw of any character on the roster, and be packing a humongous bulge (that is in no way feminine or cute) in order to appeal to western audiences.

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Which game you voting for?
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There's really nothing that comes closes to the flop that Concord was. I can't see any of the others that flopped as hard as that. $400 million dollars down the drain. Servers closed in 2 weeks after launch.
It's unironically the largest video game flop of all time. I only wish it would make a dent in Sonys faggotry
Why did Millennials betrays us like this?
It's the first generation to grow up with Vidya Gaymes yet somehow they destroyed it....
400mil budget, 700 players, closed after two weeks. obvious winner
70k players on steam, that's enough to not be considered a flop
zero marketing, nobody would've not even cared if it wasn't so hilariously woke. dev probably didn't even lose money with all the government funds
need to wait for the steam numbers, reckon it will be around 20-30k, not a total flop
>suicide squad
it didn't suicide on launch like concord
don't know about the rest
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>Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates. If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
>buying season passes
>buying any kind of DLCs at all
Kill yourself steam goyslopper.
Also you will own nothing.
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Never once have i bought any dlc at all ever.

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>Won $360 at the casino
>Halfway to a PS5 Pro
>Can get a 10% discount because I work at the store
>Still going to cost $680 after taxes

Why the fuck does it have to be so much fucking money?! $700 for a fucking console, fuck. I don't know how fatass weebs afford anything, just walk into stores and drop $700-$800 on shit casually, probably put it on a credit card and make minimum payments for 6-12 months, kek.
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>Make a typo
>Anons think you're ESL

You clearly knew what I meant, and you/that anon are wrong. The quote is "A fool and his money are easily parted."
there's literally no reason to buy a pro. there's literally no exclusives coming to ps5
So you got some money you can either
>Add some of your own to buy a console where you can play nothing
>Or add some to buy a steam deck where you can play everything that matters there
>Or have yourself a king's dinner
>Or buy a hooker and play with her vagina
Buying a ps5 is literally the worst choice you can make
just find a stolen one that someone is selling on Facebook for an additional discount. or at least buy a used one from ebay. why buy at full price
>so poor that he thinks $800 is a sum that requires an installment plan
>still goes to a casino
Man I really hope this is bait because if not I just feel bad for you.

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Photo mode thread.
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Does photo mode work on cutscenes?
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How did they manage to create such an unappealing character? They literally had 1 job.

There's no saving her weird face with any DLC, the original hairstyle doesn't help either, then there's the bog standard above average boob size with no interesting shape whatsoever (give me pears, give me torpedoes, inverted nipples, ANYTHING). I've seen gacha designs with more soul than this, and they have none so that's saying something.

I don't get how even the most generic doll face in First Descendant is more appealing than the 1 character they had to create for this game.
You gay, man
Robots are fake people, Koreans are fake people, so they end up with a fake of a fake.
Go jerk off you fucking loser. It's a game, not porn.

What am I in for?
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you get used to it.
Indigenous lifeforms
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we must dissent
>i would play it but uuooohh the clunkiness, I can't stand the clunkiness.

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>tfw 1 hp
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>Arisu thread
>no Arisu or even U149 is being posted
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bad game
bro sayed monster
>they took a screenshot from a shitty 2021 trailer and used it as generic death screen
>it doesn't even change depending on what killed you
>2 years delay for this

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Sometimes, I like to think that Splatoon’s inklings and octolings, as well as octarians for that matter, count as slime people, but what do you guys think?

Seriously, I think them all being ink-based humanoid slimes would explain a lot about their strange biology, like how plain water can kill them, which is honestly a weird trait for hyper-evolved squid/octopus people to have, doncha’ think? It would also explain why they seem to melt into and technically become apart of the ink they swim through after they transform into their squid/octopus forms.
based nintendo making a new generation of monstergirl enjoyers.
BWC sluts
>pearl and marina share everything together
>even boyfriends
Yeah, they're basically cephalopod goo people. In 3 at least you see what one looks like when fully dehydrated and it's basically a tiny squid (the capn).
Honestly I like to imagine them that way. it means that if they were to pump up with ink until they exploded it means they could do so without harm

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This one graciously seeks a Mass Effect thread.
This one asks inquisitively if the venerable denizens of /v/ agree that the beautiful Liara is the canon and best romance of the trilogy.
This one concedes that the desirable Tali is also an acceptable choice, but this one must reprimand all players who mistakenly chose the path of human romance in this series.
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>ME2's story and character writing is notably a step down to the previous game*
I get it anon
Basically more of a grenade launcher and better at it than the M79 Falcon, I think you can still hold the charged venom shots while you use your vanguard charge so you can precharge it, then vanguard charge and release a cluster grenade into their face to delete them
charge charge
I've never played Engineer but I've seen people spam 4 drones and now I want to. But I also want to not die immediately and it's a class with no health and no barrier
>2 "lost a lot of charm"
Is that how you word it when you want to make it seem like less of a big deal?

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so this is it huh?
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And liking slop isn't an identity. Not a single one of those games are good.
lol ok tryhard
>do I fit in yet guuse
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behead all who insult xiv

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What is the most childish game you have ever played?
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>too scared to say xer favorite
Alolagods own you tranny
>bbc on the mind
yep its an alolatranny alright
pick any of them; they're all better than slopLOLa
This is how the minds of pedos work.
There isn't anything good about Sun and Moon, but legitimately, at least it has all the pokemon.
That's the lowest possible bar for a Pokemon game, but somehow they got even worse.
>Alola hater was a Slop and Shield fag the whole time

>is the greatest indie game of all time
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I sometimes forget that the forgotten can turn into the soul. Today my teammates looked at me funny without saying a word. Didn't remember until a floor later.
Not my problem lmao
I only care about myself having fun,
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>use bomb on crazy spot no one even cared to check during online play
>super secret room
>instant 3 emotes from the other players
Found the Azazel player
>apollyon player voids item before anyone has a chance to pick it up

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