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>50K CCU
already lost 50% of its player base in less than 24 hours
Imagine playing full price MSRP +tip for slax shit.
nigga you really this retarded
50K from one particular country arrested
lmfao so?

doomers doomsaying shitting on anything good will always be funny
what exactly is good? the bugs, the ragdolls or the retarded AI? FAK OFF.
>no a-life in the game
Literally how is it not in those game when it was a core feature in the old ones?
My favorite part are the npcs who spawn instantly inside enemies you just killed.
Bruh, this game is ASS.
I can remember Shadow of Chernobyl, CS and even fucking nerfed ass CoP having NPC and object permanence, whatever the fuck didn't die on first encounter with something stronger would instead stay until you or someone else took it out, either offline or in-actual combat if you are in-range of the action.
In this shit you reload a save and whatever was there, isn't anymore. Didn't even save to memory.
This game is ASS.

Some retards on the /vg/ thread are toying with the files and they found out that it is pulling a Ubisoft and spawning things based on the player's rank and distance from a possible spawn point.
That's not the spawning the system.
That's A-Life.
A-Life 2.0 is just a broken spawning system.
Offline simulation, the thing that made A-Life cool, is gone.
There seems to be no smarts either, just spawning zones.
Non-vital NPCs apparently don't register either to savefiles. This means that if you find some random bandits, just hide and reload save and they will dissapear from your game. Combat avoided. Repeat.
NPCs don't really have destinations. They will wander off until they hit despawn conditions and they are as good as dead. Never existed.
The max distance before despawn is apparently 300 meters but that's it.
Game's more similar to Skyrim in-terms of how NPCs spawn and work than to fucking Call of Prypiat which after a while turned into a dead zone.
Don't get tricked and buy this thing bros, it's not worth it. You can blame me saying mods fried my brain or something but this is definitely an undercooked mess that cannot be fixed, some hardcoded really foundational stuff has been set as it is, and I don't think it's getting changed anytime soon because this game has to run in previous gen consoles too.

Look at this shit. It's made for quick encounters, not to simulate itself out of player range at-fucking-all.
the entire thing is fun, fresh environment, graphics, quests, and story

>inb4 define fun and fun is subjective

I've seen no evidence that it's removed and evidence it does still exist with some saves having mutants/stalkers intervening on firefights
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>things are only worth doing if thousands of other people did it
How does this show that a-life 2 isn't active except for parroting something you saw in another thread? Because the distance for spawning is far?

>In this shit you reload a save and whatever was there, isn't anymore. Didn't even save to memory.
This was a problem in the original STALKER games too why is this a revelation
Grim as fuck, might as well just play some gamma instead
They removed a-life from the steam store page lol
>This was a problem in the original STALKER games too why is this a revelation
So....why wasn't it fixed in the sequel after they've been working on it all this time?
And? So they've overhauled their entire engine because they edited their store page?
>playercount is dropping during nighttime in the US
it's going to pick up later again and /v/eddit troons will 41% as they should
Shit, how am I gonna find people for matchmaking at my rank now?!
Cope and seethe the game is good
Not bad for a game that appears to be unplayable on gamepads.
>developer based in Kiev in the middle of a war with unknown funding

Oh I got no idea, you tell me
Slav shit is always worth it on discount
Im talking 5-10$ here tho. You get gemmies like this bad boy.

Anons believe it was nerfed because the game has to run in XBOX Series S and they were contractually obliged because of the whole XBOX Gamepass thing they signed up to get extra funding.
It's an eceleb Twitchcore game, these don't last, there's already a new FOTD in the queue.
they're in prague though, like all patriotic ukrainians
nobody but twitch zoomies ever liked stalker
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LAMO even Christ you dumb fucks really don't have any window to the real world beyond reddit/twitter/tiktok
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>Anons believe it was nerfed because the game has to run in XBOX Series S and they were contractually obliged because of the whole XBOX Gamepass thing they signed up to get extra funding.
Words can not describe the rage I feel knowing this is actually likely
hahahaha ok the war is fake you're so enlightened above reddit/X/tiktok anon dont you feel smart? :^)
The "other site" posts are already complaining about the spawning. The gig is up, the illusion has been shattered.
you are correct I totally forgot seeing anything about that - I know at least one of the STALKER devs died fighting in Ukraine
Why bother feeding the obvious russian bot? He gets paid by post count.
>What A-life? We never said anything about A-life, you are stupid zigger who make things up!
Based Ukrainians strike again.
>A-Life 2.0 is just a broken spawning system.
The devs removed any mentions of a-life. Stalker 2 is random spawn open world slop. The soul of Stalker? Gone.

>Don't get tricked and buy this thing bros, it's not worth it.
It looks like Stalker, but it isn't.
you are correct ty the vatniks are out in force

literal speculation because of an edit on the steam
Why mod support is still there despite game doesn't have mod support?
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we waited 15 years for this and it couldn't surpass a HL2 update
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Gobble up more government propaganda, im sure they have your best interest in mind and totally dont view you as a fiscal statistic.
ok smoothbrain give us the red pill please we are deprived without your all-knowing telegram lore lmfao
what speculation? mentions of a-life have been removed. a-life isn't in the game, it was in stalker 1. what more do you need.

enjoy your random spawn crap.
was the remove of A-life as a feature on the store page done after or before release?
is that even allowed to advertise features in a game then immediately removed the promised features on the store page after release
>mentions of a-life have been removed

Respectfully I still don't see how mention of it being removed from Steam means the game does not have it because of a large spawn value. I just see /v/irgins doomsaying that something is shit because its cool to be contrarian
you've never played stalker if you think npc's spawning 50m from you is 'a-life'
What's the point of plaing stalker 2 if there's literally zero progression?
>b-but there is progression
it's scripted, you get new weapons when you move on to new locations where you get by finishing story missions
it's a clusterfuck for anyone who didn't play the original game, you get instakilled in the beginning because you get attacked by an invisible moster AT NIGHT and you have no fucking clue what are you doing who are those varta guys, nobody explains anything, you just run errands for people to return some metal dildo of unknown purpose that got stolen from you.
it was removed from the game, NPC's spawn randomly and attack you, it gets old very fast.
you just run errands for people
>shooting/combat/stealth/gameplay loop
so it's basically far cry 5 outposts but worse, why would i play that?
this is a video games board not /tv/

At least fallout 4 had skills and real progression, this is like far cry with cut features. And i hate far cry. Not to mention it runs like ass.
so it's a shit game i got it.
is there a better way to close the loot window instead of esc or i ?
What does stalker 2 do better than the old games besides shitty voice acting and facial animation?
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Will people finally realize Unreal Engine is trash ?
>midweek launch
>nighttime in US
>office hours in EU
>still 50K players
Shortly before. When asked, someone from the company said it was still an in game feature, they just reworded the description. That seems to be a lie
Turn out that 90% gamers are poor hahahahahahahahha
the only thing they added is open world, animated food/drink from tarkov, and better gunplay. that's it.
its all the trannies who only bought the game to own da chuds
>Respectfully I still don't see how mention of it being removed from Steam means the game does not have it because of a large spawn value.
Because it's similar to Ubisoft games like >>695195249 said.
>Respectfully I still don't see how mention of it being removed from Steam means the game does not have it because of a large spawn value.
it doesn't have a-life. some players even tested it already. it's completely random. even reloading removes all enemies you saw when saving.

doesn't matter what you say. this game does not have a persistent world.
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If you don't buy this game you are unpatriotic and rusnyan
Salo ukranda or something

Pic not related, I'm here for the drama anyway
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The user score is going up. Its over 80% now. Gamers are winning.
>this game does not have a persistent world.
so it's a themepark?
>default spawn distance min 6000
>"things spawn at 50m away"

what did you mean by this?

could you link this test? I've still seen no evidence a-life isn't present except for an edit to the Steam page and contrarian screaming because /v/ hates anything that isn't their headcanon of how something should be exactly. Ty
A theme park in the context of game design is like Breath of the Wild, insofar as it utilizes theme park design like tall objects to guide the player to the next attraction. That's what that buzzword actually means.
metacritic is a 76 (with a huge ukraine bonus). player ratings aren't out yet. they will have a lot of brigading.

it's basically like live service open world slop. idk why stalker fans defend this. it's not stalker anymore, just something painted in stalker colors.
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>every review is screeching about bugs and performance
>my midrange clunker runs it fine on a mix of medium and high
>all the bugs are the stalker classic like people walking on air and being stuck in scenery, haven't found anything that would cause me to reload due to a quest breaking etc
it's like I'm playing a different game than journos
or maybe that day one patch fixed a ton of shit
Everyone who complain or shit on this game are vatnik, zigger, and putin cocksuckers
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Shouldn't you be preparing for your next meat wave, Ivan?
>>all the bugs are the stalker classic like people walking on air and being stuck in scenery
what i don't understand is why people think it's normal. Either way there are glaring game design issues that are far worse than the bugs.
>my midrange clunker runs it fine on a mix of medium and high
the performance basically has a minimum value. if your rig is good enough,you can play it with 50-60 fps. it's just that having an awesome computer doesn't let you run the game at awesome fps. you still only get ~60.
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>player ratings aren't out yet. they will have a lot of brigading.
Stalker "fans" are unironically defending the state of the game with shit like
>They're not bugs they're ANOMALIES
>what if far cry had anomalies and was set in the average post-soviet rural area

zamn, this make OP 2.2 and analmeme look like masterpieces
>the bugs arent bugs but a classic wholesome stalker feature
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saw this on /vg/ I will admit I'm wrong if so for sure and if this is real it's embarrassing. I haven't experience something so jarring 3hrs in
>/sg/ is browsing reddit instead of playing stalker
not surprising
There are people who still defend cyberpunk unironically.
I've played cyberpunk this year, after all the patches and i still hated the game because it's so mid it's nauseating.
Maybe the DLC is good but after finishing what appears to be a 6 hour tutorial i had no patience to keep going and deleted it from my computer. I read somewhere online that chapter 1 which is the tutorial is actually the best part of the game lmao.
Thank god i pirated it,
metacritic, opencritic. not steam.

the ukrainians scammed you. this is not stalker. it's a stalker map with a very bad mod.
kek they lurk the thing they sought to hate
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> Sadly, I must inform you that the game was simply unplayable due to the fact of ragdolls being quite too silly.
>They're not bugs they're ANOMALIES
i'd be mad, but then again i did not pay for this game.
the copium is strong with those people. wonder how they really feel about this game. the soul has been completely ripped out.
>head shotting a enemy makes them all do the same dying animation
They couldn't have made multiple or just have them ragdoll like in the OGs? After a fight all of them just lying in the same pose like they is immersion breaking
ok cool it's a scam not stalker at all and has no redeeming values. fresh take. hating things that arent perfect if you would have made it is cool and redpilled
big if if true
>metacritic, opencritic. not steam.
No one said anything about metacritic until you brought it up. Any whiny third worlder can downvote something on those, as many times as they want no less, you have to at least temporarily liquidate $60 to do that on steam.
They were never fans of stalker, it was always vatniks obsessed with modding the game into GTA and fallout that had weird personal grifts for shilling particular modpacks.
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Got stalker 2 for 40usd and no tax. Even with a medium to high range pc it still chugs like ass. Talking like a 4080 with an i9 and 32gb of ram
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Incelker 2 lost.
Don't be a disingenuous retard, obviously it'd be better if there were no bugs but a bloodsucker stuck in a tree is far less of an issue than a missing quest npc that needs you to redo the last 30 minutes
it seems way better than actually buggy shit like fallout 3, in any case
turn on hardware acceleration and frame gen, im sitting at 90fps outside of cutscenes and I have a worse card than you
i don't care what you think. i'm not the stalker fanboy having to deal with this huge disappointment. i don't need to buy more copium. enjoy stalker without a soul.
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>trust not your lying eyes
>trust game journos instead
>>default spawn distance min 6000
Bold of you to think that 6000 is metres and not some in-unit measurement. A good way to be sure would find some reference to the height of the player's POV camera. If it's like 1.8 units then it would be metres but I'm imagining the camera height will be like 800 or something and you'll have a better understanding of what's being calculated here.
Not even open-world. Devs mentioned that the current state of the game doesn't count as free-play. It's all linear with open bits as the old games were, but even more clunky and unfeasible for long playthroughs.
The all time peak of SoC is 2,000 players. 113,000 is a substantial success.
>They were never fans of stalker
Because unmodded stalker is a shit game lol. There is no "fanbase" outside of modding community, and if there is i'm scared to think what sort of actual subhumans they are.
Can I ask for refund on steam claiming that the A-life feature is not present in the game and has been replaced by a generic spawn system? I am seriously pissed at the fact I have fallen for the Ukrainian scammers.
in-engine* unit of measurement
>Talking like a 4080 with an i9 and 32gb of ram
it works without an issue on my 4070 + 5800x3d and 16gb ram tho
nice headcanon

great troll and/or weird comparison to show why it's doing better than BG3 for its release

ok cool

bold of you to not tell the class what exactly 6000 units is - find the reference plz that would be very interesting
>Because unmodded stalker is a shit game lol
4chan sure didn't think so when soc came out
Maybe, they advertised it but then silently removed it before release. I think you could genuinely claim it was a scummy move
Gamepass release tho for Stalker 2 not for BG3
ziggers thinking people only care about their jankass freeroam mod is hilarious
>Can I ask for refund on steam claiming that the A-life feature is not present in the game
yes. it was in the game description at some point.

>There is no "fanbase" outside of modding community
the game has a very loud and annoying minority.
>find the reference plz
I'm not finding shit because I don't care about this game. No A-life no buy, shrimple as that
>shit on your target audience because they are ziggers and you don't need their dirty money
>it flops
alright good talk thanks for your input I guess just leave a big speculation dump on floor. actually curious to what you could find because it's an interesting point you made
there are already first mods out, are you by a chance retarded?
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Yeah because most people who played the OG SoC did so before it was sold on Steam
You wouldn't want to buy Stalker 2 as a Russian anyway. Putin will send you to the slammer for supporting terrorism.
The mods are the only thing that's being discussed in all the /vg/ or /v/ threads, forums, steam forums, and subreddits.
Youtube is chuck full of "let's play stalker anomaly/gamma" videos.
>muh OG community
does not fucking exist. Nobody plays stalker games without mods unless he's a newfag of some sort.
Most people agree that the original games are a good platform but not a good game. You could say the same thing about Stalker 2 except, it's not even a good platform.

So when the devs try to appeal to that "fanbase" they appeal to the group of people that doesn't exist or it's like 10 or so people in total. One them is you.
oh, there's a mod to make sponge enemies less spongy.
>people today are mostly discussing recent mods built on top of original games, not the original game from 17 years ago
no shit?
Learn AHK. Takes 5 minutes. Here's one for 1080p SDR.

; Shift + Right click to close inventory. Only triggers if specific pixel color visible on screen (Coupon).
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Stalker2-Win64-Shipping.exe

CoordMode, Pixel, Window
PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 1344, 845, 1488, 889, 0xBE831A, 0, Fast RGB
If ErrorLevel
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
Sendinput {esc down}
Sleep, 50
Sendinput {esc up}
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>caring about PC player numbers in current year

they probably busy playing Wallpaper Simulator

this is beautiful and controls wonderfully on console, you can tell it was designed with Series S/X as its priority, the only numbers that matter are Gamepass copies sold
I'm sorry that I'm at work. Would be playing if I could
Does this game have blowouts?
I'm calling 200k peak at the weekend
I agree. Even just using CoC alone can be enough to entertain you for YEARS non-stop.
If they didn't cut out russian language and fought with ziggers in shitter from Czech, nobody cared about it in Russia.
Ignoring the fact that both Anomaly mod and Escape From Tarkov exist in 2024 is a grave mistake.
The devs being retarded leftists, decided specifically to fuck with their own community and fuck with the current state of things in the survival open world fps genre.
>hurr let's just ignore the 15 years of progress and make something we would've made in 2010

Back when CoP came out i didn't even finish it, i only cleared Zaton location, because you know what else came out in 2009?

Modern Warfare 2 that had actual functioning guns and fun gameplay.
>got filtered by stalker
>went to play cawadooty instead
why the fuck are you even here? go pick mutated bear asses for sidorovich in gamma lmao
>The devs being retarded leftists
100% this. just surrender you fucking hohols.
this is just literally factually wrong you dipshit cock slurping nigger, why do you even have the need to write contrarian bullshit without knowing a god damn thing?
цe ĐºiĐ½eц
I'm surprised no one is talking about the mod policing that is going on with STALKER 2 moving forward. ModDB will not be hosting STALKER 2 mods and mods are to be hosted on Nexus where GSC will police the mods being uploaded and will remove anything that infringes on their IP.
>seething at gamma out of no where
Gamma is unironically better than Stalker 2
In Clear Sky devs were strongly recommending do not save cause it breaks the game.
You can't expect saving to work, and manual saying is basically playing in god mode anyway.
People are asleep dumb fuck
what is interesting in the point he made? You are a fucking retarded nigger, there is not much to it other than that.
It appears, the A-life system is present in the game, but scripted events make it bugged, and the direct spawning system is trying to overcompensate that, which effect is that A-life can't initiate because of the existence of too many entities around the player, and being blocked by scripted events.
Stupid underage newnigger
Don't worry, there will be 15kk players on GamePass.
Did MS even sell 15kk of Xboxes?
>go pick mutated bear asses for sidorovich in gamma lmao
funnily enough you've just described 100% of side quests and main quests in stalker 2 lol.

Again my whole point is that the devs or whoever is in charge at GSC deliberately ignored the existence of the stalker modding community, which is the core community of these games. It had nothing to do with the nationality because everyone plays anomaly and gamma.

Instead of being like Valve or i dunno, Todd, and embracing all the mods and progress made by these people. They went like
>naaah why would we allow GAMERS to dictate us how to make vidya games?? we know better.
And they made a game that nobody actually wanted because they simply wanted to prove a point that they still own rights to the IP even though IP belongs to the community at this point. Not them.
Bought the first game as teen in 2007 and modded all games to hell and back.

Bought the ultimate edition now.
Ryzen 5800x
RX 6800xt
32gb ddr4 3200mhz
m.2 SSD
Windows 10

Important settings like textures, shadows, model detail, Draw distance and lighting are set to epic with useless shit to set to medium.
100 FPS at 1440p with TSR Quality + Frame Gen and 120fps with FSR quality + Frame Gen.
70 FPS native.

I'm curious how the performance is in settlements.

Just finished the prologue.
No bugs, no glitches.
Nice cutscenes and gameplay true to the old vanilla games.
The AI is indeed worse but not braindead, two bandits engaged me while the third one ran around the house trying to flank me.
I was scared shitless based on the stuff I read here but I went for it because it's my favorite franchise.

My guess is that a large part of the negative sentiment here is due to the war but is undeniable that performance is hit or miss depending on hardware combinations.
What could it be? Windows 11? Too little RAM? Too little VRAM?

You can safely buy the game anons it's good, unless you're a newfags who thinks stalker is Anomaly or Gamma.
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Based. /thread
seriously though Anomaly is better than this. I just finished SoC and CoP, both, vanilla (only FoV mod) in the past week in the leadup to Stalker 2.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I might as well just play SoC Vanilla... again... because STALKER 2 is shit made by retards with learning disabilities.
>Again my whole point is that the devs or whoever is in charge at GSC deliberately ignored the existence of the stalker modding community, which is the core community of these games
I remember the exact same screeching from brutal doom's "core doom community" when doom 2016 came out. Turns out nobody outside the brutal doom community really cared about them and the game did well, much to the surprised of said "core community".
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>popularity = quality
maybe you're just retarded and have no standards. I liked Doom 2016 and I play brutal doom. That's fine. But STALKER 2 is fucking terrible and the Original Trilogy Vanilla and/or Anomaly and/or GAMMA are all far better games and experiences.

Why the fuck would i play STALKER 2 when I can just play Shadow of Chernobyl Vanilla... again? Because I tell you that I just did htat. I just finished SoC vanilla with only FoV mod in the days leading up to STALKER 2 launch.


WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED THE OG TRILOGY, FRAUD? I played them on launch and again recently with no mods! They're better than STALKER 2 lol
It's on pc
>they still own rights to the IP
There is no IP, Stalker is Stalker (movie) + Roadside picnic (book)
there's already 14 mods on nexus
>I know at least one of the STALKER devs died fighting in Ukraine
One of the devs from the original games, he was never involved in STALKER 2.
>looks beautiful
This could easily be confused for fallout 4.
Those are tweaks you can do without modding tools but to make something like Anomaly/Gamma you NEED modding tools and there is none so far.
You should give CS a try, it's worth playing with the restoration project.
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Niet, tovaritch
that's unironically my first thought when I saw videos of the game. Why should I play this when I have already played Fallout 4 and all of the other FPS slop on the market? It literally looks like an Eastern European modpack for FO4.
likely a lot of refunds from people experiencing bugginess/shit performance
this game is soul and kino
Do game devs seriously skip on QA? Why the fuck customers have to be served sloppines for every big game release.
a guy that worked on clear sky got killed
Technically those are mods too, because they modify the original game. But I agree with you, though they stated there will be mod support post launch, but then again look what they gave us as a finished product.
Euro bros are at work, stupid
Grygorovych, my son
You can spend Microsoft shekels by hiring high quality developers and ensure good QA done
You can pocket Microsoft shekels, buy yourself few yachts, enjoy your life while bunch of interns working on game for "experience"
>Why the fuck customers have to be served sloppines for every big game release.
Customers deserve what they tolerate.
Is there any actual survival games with in depth mechanics like Anomaly or Gamma.

I love how everything requires a battery to run , even your PDA.
Take your gun to get fixed? Yeah leave it here come back in 24h Stalker, we don't fix equipment at a click of your mouse button.

These mods BTF out of the entire genre!
If only such things happened IRL, it would actually be worth living.
it's what happen when you punch an ethiopan
>died and fell into a yeet anomaly
nothing out of the ordinary here
Nigger you know people sleep right?
Why does it matter how many people are playing it? If a game is good, it's still good even if you're the only person on the entire planet playing, you fucking retarded Amerimuttoid zooomer faggot.
>ini hacks and texture replacements are mods, you guys!!
If they don't release any modding SDK, that's the only thing you'll ever see on there
Your PC is on the mid upper range and it can only get 70fps at 1440p. People are upset because most can only run it barely at 60fps regardless of resolution and without framegen towns and traversal is aids going from 60 to 40fps.

It has nothing to so with specs either its just terrible optimization. Even a 4090 with 7800X3D at 1080p drops to 40 fps on high preset
So less than Space Marine 2?
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seriously there's no way to turn off head bob? ffs
>the zone claims another
Sounds utterly horrible artificial busywork.
Yeah it would if you constantly needed to change it, every once in a while it doesnt hurt, and the light quality degrades as the power juice does. Or like filling up your magazine before inserting it into gun. I love this kind of realism. Makes it stand out from arcadey casual shooters. Something games lack these days.
why the fuck did MUH CCU shitflinging start happening for single player games? this wasn't a thing until 2024 because no one matter
sounds like glorified tech demo
It peaks on american/canada time zone.
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Grygorovych where is the A-Life?
The thing is general audience doesn't care. They would like any ubislop as long as it works fast on their potato computer.
It is random to the point where its not fucking funny. I have 3060m, 5800hs. The game barely runs,1080p lowest settings, performance dlss doesn't even hit 20fps most of the time, crashes every ten minutes. My friend has 3060ti(desktop). Has higher fps(around 50-60 with dlss) and medium graphics but crashes every few minutes. Then there is another friend with 3060(desktop) but with no SSD, who had 0 crashes since he started the game and it runs in perfect 70fps native. Then there is xbox which is supposed to be worse than every single pc mentioned, but has stable 60fps and 0 crashes as well.
Bro, not everyone is a NEET. Some of us have societal obligations to uphold. This is not the own you think it is
a lot of overlay apps can fuck up with games, make sure you don't run cancer in background, even steam overlay cause FPS drop in games - make sure to disable it
microsoft paid so they made it console focused, just like witcher2. slavs are so easily bribed its not funny

Daily reminder, that Grygorovich is a coward and a hypocrite, lolike most Ukrainians. He (and his team) loves his shithole so much he left it long before the war and never plans to return, because the brave sir khokhol is afraid of the draft so brave sir khokhol bravely stays away. TKD.
>looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
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Hey OP some fags trying to farm you for updooks
Your response?
Playing on a 2060, My fps will randomly dip down to 8 and stay there until I close it.
That piece of shit never fails to fuck over everything with how fucking garbage it is.
Have you tried restarting the game instead of playing it on first install?
>Analmeme/Gamma for $180
Not to mention
Good luck trying to mod that.
Yeah, plays fine for about 10 minutes and the FPS just plummets. playing on a 10700k
Hmm, may I suggest updating your drivers, and decorrupting your system32 files?
>pirate nation
>defends sales numbers
the absolute state of twitter
qrd on UE5?
just wait until the weekend.

Game is great btw, it’s not perfect but those claiming it to be a massive dumpster fire are russian shills with bad rigs
encrypted assets

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